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BRAND NEW BLACK 4+6 AUTOMATIC QUAD WATCH WINDER 6 DISPLAY STORAGE BOX CASE submitted by Virvelkocko to TopSeller [link] [comments]




BRAND NEW BLACK 4+4 AUTOMATIC QUAD WATCH WINDER 4 DISPLAY STORAGE BOX CASE submitted by Virvelkocko to TopSeller [link] [comments]

Sixteen Years ago in 2005 Annie Borjesson was found deceased on Prestwick Beach, Scotland. Immediately ruled a suicide, subsequent evidence has pointed to something more sinister. Yet it has been ruled a matter of 'National Secrecy', potentially involving multiple Intelligence Agencies.

[LONG] Hello everyone, this is going to be a long write up. If you wish you can check up my other write ups on my account. Usually I construct a chronological timeline, however today we will be following a evidence by evidence approach. There is an accompanying documentary to this post which can be found here and at the bottom.
The Body and Initial Investigation
Sixteen years ago, in 2005 a man was walking the coast of Scotland. On this cold December day he found a young woman, deceased on Prestwich beach. He called the police who quickly cordoned off the area. The crime scene consisted of a woman, face down on the beach with a travel bag containing most importantly her passport but also her wallet and some clothing.
The passport identified this woman as Annie Borjesson a 30 old swede who had been working in Scotland from 2004 till her death. Working in the[hospitality industry in the city of Edinburgh. Annie was described as a highly intelligent, musical and fun individual by her family and friends. She had plans to return to Sweden on the day she died, and was found only a few miles from the airport she planned to fly from. Yet somehow she ended up on the beach.
The Scottish Police removed the body from the scene and closed the investigation very quickly, within a day declaring it to be a suicide. Before even the autopsy would be performed. Further investigation by the Scottish police could not locate any Suicide note, and although these aren’t always present when suicides occur; it is indicative of what is to come. After an official statement was made identifying the cause of death as suicide by drowning, The Scottish Police did not open an inquest into the death, so no further investigation was ever officially conducted. The Police were certainly rushing to have this case closed and off their hands. This is where the rabbit hole begins.
The Undertakers and A Second Autopsy
An undertaker in Vargarda Sweden received the body, after inspection they noted discrepancies which were not accounted for by the authorities. The deceased was missing hair, the missing hair – to the undertakers could not have naturally been removed but rather had to of been removed by an external force, this hair had to of been pulled off the deceased scalp. Furthermore these undertakers too recognized bruising on her body, with particularly large bruises on her arm approximately the size of a palm as well as bruising behind her right ear. Furthermore these undertakers recognized what they called black and blue ‘thumb impressions’ on her neck and scrapes on her knees.
Now these are not the ramblings or complaints of a foreign undertaker not understanding the systems for dealing with autopsies and the dead in the UK. As before these complaints were made they were also put forward by another party; the deceased’s body passed through a different undertaker, who had a formal understanding of investigative systems and pathologists within the UK.
-The UK Undertaker-
This undertaker was located in London and prepared the deceased for transportation. After examining the body they wrote letters of recommendation to Scottish authorities and sent copies to the deceased insurance company and the family of Annie Borjesson. These letters contained the same analysis of the deceased’s body which was not accounted for by the authorities;
‘During the restoration of Annie in particular I found her hair was falling out due to washing and combing. I can verify that she did have significant bruising to her body which for reasons I cannot explain I believe were not included in the autopsy report. I find this to be quite unusual considering the circumstances of her death and I recommend a contact with the hospital coroner with this respect’
You might think that these bruises could have been caused by the sea, or by decomposition. However both undertakers noted that these types of bruises are inconsistent with ones which would have occurred due to damage from the sea or seabed and are not the right type of bruises to occur after death. (I have been told that technically bruising can't occur after death, but similar discolouration can occur)
No one disagrees that she passed away due to drowning, they do however disagree as to whether she came to harm before the drowning and if she did, was the drowning really caused by suicidal tendencies or an external force drowning her. Sky News in 2019 working with a Pathologist within the UK recognized these inconsistencies and on their own accord contacted the Crown Office to see photos from the Autopsy. What they received back brings up so many more questions than answers; the Crown Office wrote back:
It is not in the public interest for these photos to be released’
We’re beginning to see a clear line of action occurring, is it possible people with the power to do so are trying to cover up the truth behind her death ?
Leaks are not always something which should be held to a high regard, it’s really dependent on the news network and its credibility. Here we are going to put our trust in Sky News’ as they attest to the following statement; there was DNA found on the deceased’s hands from an unknown woman. This information was never given to the family or general public, it does not prove definitively foul play as this DNA could have been picked up for an incomprehensibly large amount of benign reasons but further lends credence to at the very least the investigation was incredibly secretive
-A Second Autopsy-
A second Autopsy was requested by the family and later performed in Gothenburg, the findings of which largely agree with the initial Scottish Autopsy, that Annie died from drowning. But this autopsy disagreed as to where she drowned, this autopsy found evidence that Annie drowned in fresh water. Not in Saltwater, not in the sea. They had found a material which can only be found in Fresh Water in her lungs and no evidence of the saltwater counterpart. Yet when pressed the Swedish authorities refused to investigate any further, once again this trend of secretiveness is being presented. Here you might wonder if she drowned in a fresh water river or lake, and was carried to sea by the currents I will address this later.
The Last Sighting and Geography of The Beach
A figure was witnessed on the beach at before sun down, light was fading but it was by no means gone. Roughly around the same time at 4:00pm police say they have CCTV of Annie in the area, approximately half a mile away – although it is to be noted only screenshots have ever been shown to the family after a lengthy battle. Now this witness, Andrew was walking with a partner, and did state he could not confidently say the figure was even a woman moreover The person with whom he was walking with was never interviewed by police at all. Showing investigator both failed in their duties to properly investigate all leads and clues, and also improperly used this sighting and claimed the figure was definitely Annie despite the quoted witness being unsure and unable to even discern whether the figure was male or female.
-Geography of The Beach-
Now here we’re going to get a little specific see the deceased body was deposited at the south side of the beach. Now the beach raises slightly as you travel south and ends up quite a bit higher than the rest of the beach. This has lead locals who are aware of the beach and its movements, to question how the body ended up at this position if the beach does not naturally deposit such large things in this area. However marine experts and archivists have worked with reporters and have found that Prestwich Beach did experience a larger than normal swell the day she was found indicating it was possible the deceased body could have been deposited where it laid.
Earlier we saw that after a second autopsy there was strong evidence that she died by fresh water drowning. You might wonder if she drowned in a lake, and was carried to sea I can confirm there are no lakes in the vicinity, however there are two rivers. One to the north and one to the south, the Northern river is approximately 2km [1.2 miles] from the crime scene and the southern river is approximately 3.5 km [2.1 miles] from the crime scene. The Northern River is quite a bit a smaller than the southern and thus is not as strong of a candidate, however it is currently unexplored and unknown whether it is possible even the southern river could carry and then deposit such a large load at that location. I suspect the southern river is too far to deposit the body, however I am no such expert and cannot provide anymore analysis than this.
CCTV and Technology
It was found the time stamps between her being present in the airport and then being sighted in the Train station were non congruent, in effect she could not have travelled the distance between the train station in Prestwick and the airport in a quick enough manner for these ‘Timestamps’ to be correct. This inconsistency is baffling and I urge you to consider the amount of causes and possibilities for this to occur, such as editing of the timestamps, or the two CCTV systems being set to different times.
Furthermore Annie’s actions within the airport too are baffling to say the least. Annie entered the airport, and when reaching the concourse walked the full length of the building. Before exiting to the carpark through automatic doors. 3 minutes after leaving for the car park Annie walks back in to the airport; her mother described her as looking very angry in this moment, Annie then hesitates briefly and leaves the airport from the same direction she just came from. Rather shockingly the Police have no CCTV of Annie in the car park, so we do not know what happened; if she intended to meet someone or met someone and had a bad interaction we will never know.
Upon leaving the airport there was only 1 other sighting of Annie on CCTV in Prestwick town on station road but this sighting is disputed as the figure is very blurry. Resembling more of a tall young man carrying a bag. Despite these discrepancies Scottish Authorities once again used inconclusive evidence to build a timeline, using this sighting to map out her supposed journey from the airport to the beach.
-The Deleted Call History and Emails-
You might be thinking that technologically there may be some leads which could be gained, however archives of Annie’s phone calls in her final days and her complete Email history (both emails received and emails sent) have been mysteriously erased. We don’t know erased and we don’t if there could have been evidence in these emails.
The Boyfriend ?
Annie had gotten involved with a person who claimed to be an ex Rugby Player for the Scottish National team which she met at a nightclub in Edinburgh, the depth of this relationship is unknown but it is believed they were to an extent dating for a brief time until they cut ties because he was not who he said he was. He was an imposter, and she would not hear from him for a long time. That is until just weeks before her death he reappeared in her life, showing up at her swimming pool of all places. The last encounter Annie would have with this man would be at a Rugby Club social, this encounter unsettled Annie so much she told her friends of it, and how frightening it was. Annie also called her brother and father multiple times. The last call Annie made to them she expressed she had a feeling she was being watched and followed, in fact this call was not made from her home landline but rather a phone booth in the street as Annie expressed fear that her phone lines were being listened to and monitored.
When pressed by her parents and friends about her anxieties Annie expressed it ‘was something she would have to deal with herself’. The true identity of this man has never been found, whether or not he was the cause for such fear and it was justified is to this day unknown.
The Case For Suicide
Because we are amateur "investigators" here I will present briefly the case for suicide. I understand some will like and support this, and others will quickly brush it off. I urge you to consider it as a very strong possibility.
Annie had become withdrawn and was definitely showing some signs of depression, furthermore some of her friends in Scotland and Sweden have said she expressed depressive feelings in the days leading up to her death. Some of the complaints proposed by the undertakers can be explained away such as her missing hair, as depressed people often cut their hair or pull it out, also it may have came out due to improper storage of the deceased body after death. Finally the scrapes on her knees are very consistent with what happens to dead people who wash up on shore, as it is knees and knuckles which are most commonly damaged in this way.
The Rendition Programs
Here we will begin to delve into what seems like very obscure theories, but those who have followed me and my account for some time will know how I feel about such theories; I do not in any way support unfounded grandiose claims in fact I created a video advocating against such theories on my channel. However I am presenting this to you as it does bare some merit to be investigated. This is not my personal belief but it is included. Don't let this one absurd theory undermine the other issues in the investigation.
In 2005 the war on terror was reaching its peak, a coalition of Allies had been formed to combat terrorism and Prestwick airport was allegedly being used in the covert operation ‘Rendition’. This operation was conducted by the US and UK intelligence agencies; The CIA and Mi6. It moved captured terrorists from location to location for multiple reasons such as interrogation and potentially torture. This operation has been highly contentious and its existence has been denied by both the US and the UK to this day.
Is it possible that Annie got caught up in this? See some have suspected that the previously mentioned man who was using a false identity could have somehow been involved in this operation. Some question whether Annie had uncovered the truth about this man, which lead to her demise and her death subsequently being covered up ?
-I’d also like to interject very quickly that this man could have had no connection to any Agency and could still of had a motive. If he was just a liar and Annie found out; maybe he did murder her for just that. But some have said it’s awfully coincidental that her last day was spent at and near the functions of a potential covert operation, that she met a mysterious man who was using a stolen identity and finally that proper investigations of her death have been decline and shut down by two Governments.-
And that's the write up ! As always advice is welcome and encouraged. A set of references are below, I have used much more and some are region locked so apologies if you cannot access them. Thank you for reading and I look forward to your feedback.
Sky News Family Requesting Photos
Sky News Death Filed As Secret
Daily Mail Death Filed as Top Secret
Story Cast Podcast
Scotland Herald
Kenneth Roy (writing for the Scottish Review) This guy was a really well respected journalist and was considered the primary investigator for journalists on the case.
The National Scot
The Scottish Daily Mail
The Scottish Mail on Sunday
submitted by RingedMysteries to UnresolvedMysteries [link] [comments]

[NM] Seiko Prospex SPB153 Green Captain Willard Re-Issue BNIB - 100 spots at $10/ea with no spot limit.

Item Name: Seiko Prospex SPB153 Green Captain Willard Re-Issue BNIB
Price: $1000
# of Spots: 100
Price Justification: $1010 - 02/03/2021
Price Justification: $1090 - 02/01/2021
Price Justification: $1050 - 01/26/2021
Price Justification: $1200 - 01/25/2021
Call spots? Y
Spot limit per person? 0
Location/Country: USA
Will ship international? USA
Escrow: Y for /rebes88
Description: Up for raffle is a reincarnation of the Seiko 6015, known as “Captain Willard” for the role in the movie Apocalypse Now. This features an olive-drab green sunburst dial and bezel. Inside is Seiko's caliber 6R35 with an impressive 70-hour power reserve. And what's more is that the case is actually smaller and thinner than the original 6105. It's now 42.7mm across. The crystal is now slightly domed and features anti-reflective coating on the inside. A screw-down crown and stainless steel case contribute to 200 meters of water resistance. Watch is brand new and comes complete with full box and papers, full AD warranty.

PayPal Info: [REDACTED]

Tip BoyAndHisBlob
Number of vacant slots: 0
Number of unpaid users: 0
Number of unpaid slots: 0
This slot list is created and updated by The EDC Raffle Tool by BoyAndHisBlob.
1 toosolid88 PAID
2 CliffTheBRD PAID
3 kenyonlord PAID
4 LumeJunky PAID
5 bananahero0 PAID
6 bananahero0 PAID
7 Winters1303 PAID
8 toosolid88 PAID
9 CliffTheBRD PAID
10 tottenhamnole PAID
11 tottenhamnole PAID
12 jt61555 PAID
13 joehizzle PAID
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15 toosolid88 PAID
16 toosolid88 PAID
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18 tottenhamnole PAID
19 nighthawkcoupe PAID
20 CliffTheBRD PAID
21 toosolid88 PAID
22 seabassseabreeze PAID
23 BigMoufPosy PAID
24 Dunnstacks PAID
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26 CliffTheBRD PAID
27 LumeJunky PAID
28 rprikhodko PAID
29 Winters1303 PAID
30 numa1baller06 PAID
31 CliffTheBRD PAID
32 CliffTheBRD PAID
33 ParkAndBeacon PAID
34 Uncle_Paul_Hargis PAID
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40 creamcolouredurkel PAID
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42 CliffTheBRD PAID
43 bingobangobenzo PAID
44 turk11042 PAID
45 derekb519 PAID
46 toosolid88 PAID
47 Dunnstacks PAID
48 aznduk PAID
49 bingobangobenzo PAID
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51 kenyonlord PAID
52 calmbomb PAID
53 CliffTheBRD PAID
54 ParkAndBeacon PAID
55 Dunnstacks PAID
56 OrangeJuliusNo PAID
57 rprikhodko PAID
58 LumeJunky PAID
59 Uncle_Paul_Hargis PAID
60 CliffTheBRD PAID
61 Winters1303 PAID
62 CliffTheBRD PAID
63 CliffTheBRD PAID
64 bananahero0 PAID
65 WatchMule PAID
66 Uncle_Paul_Hargis PAID
67 CliffTheBRD PAID
68 Jarekclary PAID
69 PowerlineTyler PAID
70 calmbomb PAID
71 seabassseabreeze PAID
72 toosolid88 PAID
73 CliffTheBRD PAID
74 CliffTheBRD PAID
75 lagavulin08 PAID
76 AstronautLawyer PAID
77 Vidiot27 PAID
78 Virtblue PAID
79 derekb519 PAID
80 ParkAndBeacon PAID
81 ParkAndBeacon PAID
82 Jarekclary PAID
83 CliffTheBRD PAID
84 CliffTheBRD PAID
85 toosolid88 PAID
86 Jarekclary PAID
87 CliffTheBRD PAID
88 Storage_Ottoman PAID
89 AstronautLawyer PAID
90 prevuznack PAID
91 toosolid88 PAID
92 Dunnstacks PAID
93 Dunnstacks PAID
94 OrangeJuliusNo PAID
95 CliffTheBRD PAID
96 CliffTheBRD PAID
97 aznduk PAID
98 CliffTheBRD PAID
99 prevuznack PAID
100 toosolid88 PAID

submitted by phillygoat to WatchURaffle [link] [comments]

[NM] Seiko Prospex SPB183 55th Anniversary Limited Blue Dial Captain Willard - 100 spots at $11/ea with no spot limit.

Item Name: Seiko Prospex SPB183 55th Anniversary Limited Blue Dial Captain Willard
Price: $1100
# of Spots: 100
Price Justification: $1,272 - 02/02/2021
Price Justification: $1,600 - 01/29/2021
Price Justification: $1,330 - 01/20/2021
Price Justification: $1,495 - 01/17/2021
Price Justification: $1,175 - 12/31/2020
Price Justification: $1,200 - 12/04/2020
Price Justification: $1,100 - 01/02/2021
Call spots? Y
Spot limit per person? 0
Location/Country: USA
Will ship international? USA/CA
Escrow: Y for u/rebes88
Description: Up for raffle is the recently released 55th anniversary blue Seiko SPB183 captain Willard. Limited edition of 5,500 pieces. Powered by Seiko Calibre 6R35 automatic movement. Stainless steel case with bracelet. Blue dial with large luminous hands and markers. 200 meters water resistant. Watch is brand new and comes complete with full box and papers, blue rubber strap, and full AD warranty.

PayPal Info: [REDACTED]

Tip BoyAndHisBlob
Number of vacant slots: 0
Number of unpaid users: 0
Number of unpaid slots: 0
This slot list is created and updated by The EDC Raffle Tool by BoyAndHisBlob.
2 CliffTheBRD PAID
4 Gboogie3 PAID
5 thanosofdeath PAID
6 RichJetsYeah PAID
7 Storage_Ottoman PAID
9 prevuznack PAID
10 thanosofdeath PAID
11 CliffTheBRD PAID
13 thanosofdeath PAID
14 jmpath PAID
15 pliux0 PAID
16 johnny-utahs-knee PAID
17 pliux0 PAID
18 thanosofdeath PAID
19 Gboogie3 PAID
20 Dunnstacks PAID
22 username2571 PAID
23 bujwazay PAID
24 Captain_Reseda PAID
25 RichJetsYeah PAID
26 OrangeJuliusNo PAID
29 RichJetsYeah PAID
30 Dunnstacks PAID
31 derekb519 PAID
33 ParkAndBeacon PAID
34 AstronautLawyer PAID
35 prevuznack PAID
36 olabot PAID
37 johnny-utahs-knee PAID
38 thanosofdeath PAID
39 TheOneChoGod PAID
40 thanosofdeath PAID
42 OrangeJuliusNo PAID
44 turk11042 PAID
45 thanosofdeath PAID
46 RichJetsYeah PAID
47 username2571 PAID
48 Vidiot27 PAID
49 RichJetsYeah PAID
50 Dunnstacks PAID
51 olabot PAID
52 tottenhamnole PAID
53 username2571 PAID
54 Dunnstacks PAID
55 -40- PAID
56 atl_85 PAID
57 prevuznack PAID
58 RichJetsYeah PAID
59 jmpath PAID
61 theturtlegame PAID
62 username2571 PAID
64 bujwazay PAID
66 username2571 PAID
67 lagavulin08 PAID
69 tottenhamnole PAID
70 bujwazay PAID
71 Hillmanian PAID
72 OrangeJuliusNo PAID
73 johnny-utahs-knee PAID
74 tottenhamnole PAID
76 assafalon PAID
77 johnny-utahs-knee PAID
78 RichJetsYeah PAID
79 pliux0 PAID
81 thanosofdeath PAID
82 theturtlegame PAID
83 Gboogie3 PAID
84 RichJetsYeah PAID
85 thanosofdeath PAID
86 RichJetsYeah PAID
87 numa1baller06 PAID
88 thanosofdeath PAID
89 bujwazay PAID
90 AstronautLawyer PAID
91 johnny-utahs-knee PAID
92 derekb519 PAID
93 tottenhamnole PAID
94 RichJetsYeah PAID
96 olabot PAID
97 bujwazay PAID
98 olabot PAID
99 RichJetsYeah PAID
100 olabot PAID

submitted by phillygoat to WatchURaffle [link] [comments]

[NM] BNIB Zodiac Super Sea Wolf 68 Saturation COSC - 100 spots at $9/ea with X spot limit.

Item Name: BNIB Zodiac Super Sea Wolf 68 Saturation COSC
Price: 900
# of Spots: 100
Price Justification: BNIB @ Zodiac $1595
Price Justification: September 23, 2020 - $850
Price Justification: Nov 22, 2020 - Different Colorway - $950
Price Justification: June 20, 2020 - $1050
Call spots? Yessir
Spot limit per person? nope
Location/Country: USA
Will ship international? USA
Timestamp/pics: FULL ALBUM HERE
Escrow: Yessir, u/phillygoat for u/eudaimonean
Description: I am raffling my Zodiac Super Sea Wolf with a stainless steel band (Ref. ZO9509). It is brand new in its original box and has the COSC certification paperwork. Featuring a stainless-steel case, an updated stainless steel three-link bracelet, uni-directional mineral crystal topring and C3 SuperLuminova hands and indexes, ZODIAC's Sea Wolf conveys the brand's commitment to definitive style with timeless heritage. The STP 3-13 automatic movement and sapphire crystal with anti-reflective coating stay true to the quality and style of ZODIAC.

PayPal Info: [REDACTED]

Tip BoyAndHisBlob
Number of vacant slots: 0
Number of unpaid users: 0
Number of unpaid slots: 0
This slot list is created and updated by The EDC Raffle Tool by BoyAndHisBlob.
1 Ltsmith PAID
2 kenyonlord PAID
3 ParkAndBeacon PAID
4 raf1919 PAID
5 kenyonlord PAID
6 CliffTheBRD PAID
7 Abedzzz PAID
8 sacnorad PAID
9 raf1919 PAID
10 SonnnyC PAID
11 CliffTheBRD PAID
12 TexasKevin PAID
13 Hey-Watch PAID
14 slmouradian PAID
15 kenyonlord PAID
16 innexum PAID
17 CliffTheBRD PAID
18 amnonymous PAID
19 nighthawkcoupe PAID
20 assafalon PAID
21 amnonymous PAID
22 CliffTheBRD PAID
23 philsqwad PAID
24 derekb519 PAID
25 xiutehcuhtli PAID
26 OrangeJuliusNo PAID
27 LumeJunky PAID
28 lagavulin08 PAID
29 derekb519 PAID
30 jjohansen99 PAID
31 raf1919 PAID
32 CliffTheBRD PAID
33 kenyonlord PAID
34 AstronautLawyer PAID
35 allsunsblazing13 PAID
36 Abedzzz PAID
37 eddieboz PAID
38 AstronautLawyer PAID
39 kenyonlord PAID
40 xiutehcuhtli PAID
41 xiutehcuhtli PAID
42 CliffTheBRD PAID
43 dangerdog1776 PAID
44 Firedragon966 PAID
45 MisterReuben PAID
46 jjohansen99 PAID
47 philsqwad PAID
48 noerr14 PAID
49 sacnorad PAID
50 sakahoshi777 PAID
51 OrangeJuliusNo PAID
53 assafalon PAID
54 regalatte7 PAID
55 CliffTheBRD PAID
56 sakahoshi777 PAID
57 OrangeJuliusNo PAID
58 allsunsblazing13 PAID
59 xiutehcuhtli PAID
60 philsqwad PAID
61 numa1baller06 PAID
62 CliffTheBRD PAID
63 kenyonlord PAID
64 philsqwad PAID
65 sakahoshi777 PAID
66 Storage_Ottoman PAID
67 gfy4dsny PAID
68 tulo2218 PAID
69 jt61555 PAID
70 reddittrashacct PAID
71 CliffTheBRD PAID
72 CliffTheBRD PAID
73 CliffTheBRD PAID
74 raf1919 PAID
75 Gboogie3 PAID
76 noerr14 PAID
77 eddieboz PAID
78 angiemarie_711 PAID
79 gfy4dsny PAID
80 derekb519 PAID
81 kenyonlord PAID
82 innexum PAID
83 Hey-Watch PAID
84 kenyonlord PAID
85 kenyonlord PAID
86 sacnorad PAID
87 CliffTheBRD PAID
88 CliffTheBRD PAID
89 innexum PAID
90 raf1919 PAID
91 eddieboz PAID
92 Gboogie3 PAID
93 Ltsmith PAID
94 regalatte7 PAID
95 Ltsmith PAID
96 kenyonlord PAID
97 CliffTheBRD PAID
98 MisterReuben PAID
99 AstronautLawyer PAID
100 jjohansen99 PAID

submitted by phillygoat to WatchURaffle [link] [comments]

Some Random Little Ideas for the Game

A bulleted list of ideas I have, mainly pertaining to little things like atmosphere and quality of life, but some also directly effecting mechanics.
If I think of more over the next day or so I'll keep updating but eventually the post will get outdated and its not worth it anymore xd.
submitted by Zathsu to RotMG [link] [comments]

[NM] BNIB Seiko 5 Sports SRPD67 - 50 spots at $5/ea with no spot limit.

Item Name: BNIB Seiko 5 Sports SRPD67
Price: $250
# of Spots: 50
Previous Raffle $400 on Dec 10, 2019 - Charity
Price Justification: $240 on April 16th
Price Justification: $220 on March 4th, 2019 - gently used
Price Justification: $350 BNIB @ Seiko
Call spots? Yessir
Spot limit per person? nope
Location/Country: USA
Will ship international? USA
Timestamp/pics: FULL ALBUM HERE
Escrow: Yessir, u/phillygoat for u/kenyonlord
Description: Seiko 5 Sports, never worn and with box and manuals. Very cool Seiko 5 with Milanese stainless steel bracelet. 42.5mm wears I think a bit smaller due to the rounder lugs than some of my others. Nice 41 hour power reserve with the 4R36 automatic movement. Taken out for photos, but has lived sadly in the box—so give it a good home and show it some love.

PayPal Info: [REDACTED]

Tip BoyAndHisBlob
Number of vacant slots: 0
Number of unpaid users: 0
Number of unpaid slots: 0
This slot list is created and updated by The EDC Raffle Tool by BoyAndHisBlob.
1 _r_e_m_i_x_ PAID
2 LumeJunky PAID
3 darkrom PAID
4 darkrom PAID
5 Jeffahry PAID
6 steveknicks PAID
7 _r_e_m_i_x_ PAID
8 steveknicks PAID
9 madagascarprincess PAID
10 steveknicks PAID
11 madagascarprincess PAID
12 jortega3115 PAID
13 Crombopulous_Michael PAID
14 steveknicks PAID
15 ng5921 PAID
16 Crombopulous_Michael PAID
17 ng5921 PAID
18 ng5921 PAID
19 jmpath PAID
20 _r_e_m_i_x_ PAID
21 steveknicks PAID
22 Storage_Ottoman PAID
23 Gboogie3 PAID
24 _r_e_m_i_x_ PAID
25 ng5921 PAID
26 _r_e_m_i_x_ PAID
27 steveknicks PAID
28 _r_e_m_i_x_ PAID
29 jmpath PAID
30 madagascarprincess PAID
31 _r_e_m_i_x_ PAID
32 LumeJunky PAID
33 gfy4dsny PAID
34 gfy4dsny PAID
35 jortega3115 PAID
36 darkrom PAID
37 ng5921 PAID
38 LumeJunky PAID
39 steveknicks PAID
40 darkrom PAID
41 jortega3115 PAID
42 _r_e_m_i_x_ PAID
43 ng5921 PAID
44 ng5921 PAID
45 jmpath PAID
46 _r_e_m_i_x_ PAID
47 _r_e_m_i_x_ PAID
48 LumeJunky PAID
49 madagascarprincess PAID
50 darkrom PAID

submitted by phillygoat to WatchURaffle [link] [comments]

Things I wish I'd Known When I Started Playing MTaP

Since we have a lot of new players, I thought I'd start a list of beginner's tips. I'm looking to list things that aren't well-explained in the game, or those "Duh" moments when you find out something mid-game that would have helped you in the beginning.
Since this is mainly for new players, PLEASE NO SPOILERS!! If you're not sure if it's a spoiler or not, check the wiki. If there's a big red spoiler alert at the top of the page, it's a spoiler. If you're not sure, or you really think it's important but it's later-game, please err on the side of caution and hide it using spoiler tags. (to mark text as spoiler - surround the text with >! and !< with no spaces between the text and the characters)
Here's my top ten things I wished I had known:
And bonus "tip" for those (like me) who aren't great at minigames - when fishing, you don't have to keep pulling the fish. To catch the bigger fish, watch the red circle and when it almost fills the white circle, stop applying tension and just follow the fish until the red circle gets smaller. Then apply tension again; rinse and repeat until you land the fish.
What do you wish you had known when you started? Please share!
submitted by blackjackwidow to mytimeatportia [link] [comments]

[Main] Omega Space Bundle BNIB - SpeedMaster Moonwatch Hesalite (FULL PAPERS & WARR.) + WOLF Winder Single with Storage (460606) - 100 spots at $48.50/ea with Xno spot limit.

Item Name: Omega Space Bundle BNIB - SpeedMaster Moonwatch Hesalite (FULL PAPERS & WARR.) + WOLF Winder Single with Storage (460606)
Price: 4850
# of Spots: 100
Mod Approval:
Price Justification: Watch - November 23rd for $4500
Price Justification: Watch - Nov 22nd for $4350
Price Justification: Watch $4750 (current)
Price Justification: Winder $595 at retailer
Price Justification: Winder $499 at Ebay
Price Justification: Winder $420 at WUR on November 28th
Call spots? Yessir
Spot limit per person? nope
Location/Country: USA
Will ship international? USA
Timestamp/pics: Album ; timestamps
Escrow: Yessir, u/phillygoat for u/terp2010
Description: This set will have you over the moon! Right in time for 2021, someone will get a great bundle destined to keep you in this hobby forever. First, a watch that needs no introduction: a classic Omega Speedmaster Moonwatch Hesalite FULL KIT (yes with the heavy and bulky box). This piece is unsized, unworn, still with stickers around the entire metal. Watch comes with all accessories (lupe, band, manuals) and a full 5 year warranty, which began on November 2020 from an AD. The kit is pristine with absolutely zero issues. Importantly, it is all but confirmed that Omega will be discontinuing this reference and prices are already creeping up for this reference. Second item in the bundle is a BNIB Wolf Winder with storage. Yes, the Moonwatch is NOT an automatic watch but the winder has the perfect storage for it while you put your other automatic piece in the winder. Winder features rotation options (can be set between 300 and 1200 TPD (turns per day)); bi-directional Settings: Clockwise, Counter Clockwise and Bi-directional; and full configuration is 1 winding module, 3 piece watch storage (cuff will accommodate up to 52mm case) Again, a great combo! This will be a very heavy box via shipped UPS to the lucky winner. GOOD LUCK!

PayPal Info: [REDACTED]

Tip BoyAndHisBlob
Number of vacant slots: 0
Number of unpaid users: 0
Number of unpaid slots: 0
This slot list is created and updated by The EDC Raffle Tool by BoyAndHisBlob.
1 nighthawkcoupe PAID
2 Chachi100303 PAID
3 flyingnome82 PAID
4 deadheadz1 PAID
5 cardsfan24 PAID
6 TheLibertyTree PAID
7 tottenhamnole PAID
8 Ganner25 PAID
9 Chachi100303 PAID
10 loukikymu PAID
11 jvooner PAID
12 amnonymous PAID
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18 phillygoat PAID
19 flyingnome82 PAID
20 jorlevis PAID
21 law30506 PAID
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23 oneOZone PAID
24 Memo6454 PAID
25 Ganner25 PAID
26 oneOZone PAID
27 CharlietheCorgi PAID
28 Crombopulous_Michael PAID
29 eharried PAID
30 Spicy_Rain PAID
31 Silverstein519 PAID
32 Chachi100303 PAID
33 TheLibertyTree PAID
34 Ludicrousy PAID
35 jsta19 PAID
36 User_Name_Abandoned PAID
37 SeveralBee PAID
38 scalesntails12 PAID
39 eharried PAID
40 Ludicrousy PAID
41 CharlietheCorgi PAID
42 Spicy_Rain PAID
43 phillygoat PAID
44 outside_english PAID
45 imbznp PAID
46 deadheadz1 PAID
47 deadheadz1 PAID
48 oneOZone PAID
49 redsmikeG PAID
50 eharried PAID
51 tottenhamnole PAID
52 eharried PAID
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56 Ludicrousy PAID
57 matchooooh PAID
58 Ludicrousy PAID
59 danny41977 PAID
60 sleepingisstupid PAID
61 Ganner25 PAID
62 SeveralBee PAID
63 tgalido PAID
64 CharlietheCorgi PAID
65 Ganner25 PAID
66 Ludicrousy PAID
67 Ludicrousy PAID
68 amnonymous PAID
69 salvioti PAID
70 sturg_j PAID
71 eye_of_the_liger_ PAID
72 69stanglover PAID
73 salvioti PAID
74 SeveralBee PAID
75 Ludicrousy PAID
76 RadnoZ PAID
77 SeveralBee PAID
78 eharried PAID
79 clam_boy PAID
80 TeufelArzt PAID
81 Crombopulous_Michael PAID
82 CharlietheCorgi PAID
83 SeveralBee PAID
84 alanpca PAID
85 Chachi100303 PAID
86 sacnorad PAID
87 Ganner25 PAID
88 The_King_Is_Asleep PAID
89 Ganner25 PAID
90 BtBaMrocks PAID
91 sturg_j PAID
92 Ludicrousy PAID
93 tottenhamnole PAID
94 jsk3 PAID
95 RadnoZ PAID
96 Gboogie3 PAID
97 oneOZone PAID
98 icj217 PAID
99 alanpca PAID
100 Darkmawster PAID

submitted by phillygoat to WatchURaffle [link] [comments]

[Gear] Fellow Ode + SSP Multipurpose Burrs | Detailed Personal Experience and Analysis

Note: coffee would not let me post there. He doesn't believe coffee should be a place to discuss coffee. Since this review does cross over into the grinder's application for espresso I figured I would comment here. Although this post clearly fits under their sidebar as stated:
[Gear] - For equipment related posts. Mods, purchasing, new products, storage containers, etc. - no photo only posts
Edit: removed username of moderator. While it still blows my mind that they don't want quality OC in the subreddit, they don't deserve to be harassed.


Hey all - I wanted to give my review of the Fellow Ode Brew Grinder with SSP Multipurpose Burrs, and share some of what I have learned while playing and analyzing it the past week. I've read and watched a lot of vastly varied reviews, some of which I think have been unfairly critical. I also feel its important to mention I think the first production of Ode Grinders may have had more manufacturing issues than what is being sold now; a lot of reviewers seemed to have significantly better experiences the later they purchased the grinder, compared to early backers or purchasers.
Lastly, and most importantly, I am reviewing this as a $500 grinder. The SSP burrs make this a very different grinder than the stock burrs. As they should, as it nearly doubles the total price.

Background/My Needs

So early January I entered the market looking for a new coffee grinder for brew coffee. I no longer have an espresso maker after my roommate and I parted about a year back, selling him my share of our Vario and LeLit. Since then I've been using a Comadante MK3 for primarily V60, but also Aeropress, French Press and Coldbrew and everywhere from dark to light roasts (I like my brewed coffee a lot different ways). While I love my Comadante, I wanted something faster and easier to use. I've previously had no real intention of purchasing another espresso machine; while I do enjoy espresso I generally prefer the ease of brew.
Included in my setup is the Micoro Electric Kettle, Timemore Black Mirror Scale and Hario V60 Decanter.
When looking at grinders, the big 3 contenders for me around my price point were the Fellow Ode + SSP Burrs, OE's Apex Hand Brew Grinder, or another Baratza Vario. Ultimately from my research I went with the Ode + Burrs.

Countertop Appeal:

Right out of the box, this is a sexy AF grinder. I want to leave my grinder on the counter, and most of them are eyesores. I really hated looking at my Vario every day. It is ugly, simple fact. For some people, this isn't a concern. However just like people take looks into consideration when purchasing kitchen countertops, a car, or other appliances, I want my stuff to be appealing to look at; especially if it is sitting on my counter 365 days a year.


Installing the SSP Multipurpose Burrs was breeze, following along with Fellow's burr replacement video. Some users did report that they could not get these burrs to fit, though that seemed to be mainly with early production models. I checked with Prima, and they said they had no problem returning/exchanging everything if I ran into any issues changing out the burrs. When re-calibrating, I set the Ode dial to start 1+3 clicks above burr chirp to get a bit more range, since I don't need the finest grind sizes anyway.
I spent some time with my SSP burrs and the dry erase marker over the weekend and as far as I can tell, there's no obvious uneven wear occurring when the burrs chirp. One potential difficulty with the marker method and the SSP unimodal burrs is that edges of the burr aren't perfectly flat. That is, the burrs only rub on the raised edges rather than uniformly across a smooth surface.
I started to get getting better brews with the dial set to 6,0-6,2 and a ~2:30 drawdown time. Any finer and I start to get that astringent taste/feeling. Visually the grind resembles a 24-click grind on my Comandante.
I ordered 5 lbs of unsaleable coffee planning to slowly break in the grinder while measuring particle size distributions every pound or so.

Ease of Use:

When it comes to operations, there are some quirks and a couple learning curves, but overall I've been pleased and found it to be a pretty smooth experience. Here's some of the most common quirks or issues that I have noticed, or read about online:  1.  At the beginning there were some minor retention problems that were mostly solved by using the RDT method, and waiting a couple seconds to let the static dissipate before using knocker on the side. Occasionally I would lose 0.1g, that would be knocked out the next time I used the grinder. However after getting 2-3lbs of coffee through the burrs to season them, I am left with absolutely 0 retention problems with the knocker and RDT. It definitely would be nice if the knocker took care if retention on its own, and I didn't need to rely on RTD as well, though its a very quick and easy step in the brewing process for me that I don't even really think about it.  2.  The lid to the ground coffee catcher is a bit finicky and some some users complain it doesn't always sit correctly, though I think its pretty overblown. It requires an extra 3 seconds to make sure that the lid is properly seated. Though if this is a concern, Fellow is not only is updating the lid this month on new units sold, but will also allow previous purchasers to order one at cost. Personally, I don't even know if I will do that, I find it such a non-issue.  3.  Inside the ground coffee catcher are two fins that help direct ground coffee for narrow pours, and some users complain coffee may get stuck on/behind these fins. Again, I find this to be a very non-issue as you can just pour the coffee from the other side, and tap it on the counter a couple times if anything is caught. However I find these fins to be a HUGE help when using a V60-01 or my Aeropress.  3.  There are user reports that they have had trouble with the auto-off feature. For me, the grinder will grind the beans (maybe ~4 seconds for a single dose) and then run an additional ~4 seconds before shutting off automatically. However some users have had issues with it running for 20+ seconds after the beans finished grinding unless the machine was turned off manually. This seems to be an issue more common in early production models, there are many users (like me) who've never once experienced this issue. Maybe it's more prevalent when using stock burrs as well.  4.  Some users have ran into issues with beans jamming up their burrs. Again, this is an issue that seems more prevalent in earlier models that I've never once experienced in 3lbs+ of beans through the grinder and can't really comment on.  5.  Lastly, there are some complaints about mess. This might be the most valid concern out of everything, the grinder does seem to really like throwing chaff around. However its a very minor issue with RDT and I normally drip more coffee everywhere than the grinder produces mess. I've never had a mess-free grinding experience personally.

Objective Brew Performance:

After getting comfortable with the machine and running through a couple pounds of beans for a good season, I did some Fellow Ode cuppings vs my Comandante. I tested primarily with lighter to medium roasts. The Comandante brews have more flavor but also more acidity; currently I'm enjoying the balance of clarity and flavor in the Ode+SSP brews the most. Its giving me a flavorful cup that's got acidity without being too sour, along with prominent and enjoyable flavors of fruit/nut/chocolate. If I throw a little cream (it tastes good, sue me) into a good South American coffee it's almost like I'm drinking a hot chocolate.
My eureka moment for this setup came when reading another user's SSP Burr experience (u/violin_geek123 on another forum) where they were grinding finer than me, and reporting better extractions. I'd been grinding at setting 6,2 and brewing with 94-96C water with total brewing times of 2:30-2:45. Anything finer was bitter. After his post, I switched to grinding at 4,1-5,0 and 88-90C water with 2:15-2:30 total brew times. Now, I'm brewing some of the best cups I've ever had. The flavors are clearly distinguishable with balanced sweetness and acidity. No bitterness in the cup either. While there is a little bit of muddiness in the filter clogging is not an issue, and it's not as bad as the Comandante in the 15-18 click range.

Analytical Grind Performance:

For this section, Ode grind sizes are assuming the grinder is calibrated as 1,0=1 click past chirp, which is different from my personal calibration.
Initially, I just wanted to analyze the impact the SSP Burrs vs the quality of grind of the Stock Ode. In addition, while seasoning my Ode, I graphed how the grind size distribution changes from 0lbs, to 2lbs, and finally 5lbs of coffee ground through my Ode. Lastly, I compared the grind here, here, and here to my relatively well-seasoned Comandante at 5lbs.
Measurements were done with Jonathan Gagne's app, pictures taken with a DSLR, and lens correction applied with Photoshop. Note that these densities are weighted by the grind size assuming mass proportional to volume, same as the grind size app. So it's not the number of particles of a particular size but rather the mass of the coffee found in grounds of that size. Used the same numbers/formulas as that app so these measurements aren't without their caveats. However I think the relative comparisons are still useful.
I try to avoid reading into the graphs too much, since it's not clear if observed differences are actual differences, or just a variation in how things are being measured. In addition to randomness of grinds, there are issues like humidity/static, camera angle, settling of grinds, all things I'm not really controlling for. It'd probably help if I were to do multiple replicates but that would take a lot of time. The biggest take-away from this would be how comparable, and possible even better, the Ode seems to perform @ 5,0 than the Comandante @ 15 clicks, which is a medium-fine to fine grind size. This is a huge difference from Ode's stock burrs. My take is that relative comparisons of grind distributions are meaningful but don't place too much stock in the absolute sizes. There are some approximations that go into calculating diameter, however, it's consistent with grind surface area in pixels. That's why I decided to include the Comandante grinds. I've heard that each click = 30 microns so I guess 15 clicks ~ 450 microns.
What I find a bit weird about this is that the Ode @ 7,2 brews similar to Comandante @ 24 but those grind sizes are clearly different. If the Comandante has far fewer fines I can see how you'd get similabetter extractions at smaller grind sizes without astringency but the data doesn't make it seem like the Comandante's doing significantly better in that regard. It also seems like the Ode is a bit more uniform at smaller grind sizes, but the Comandante's better as you go bigger. Qualitatively the grounds seem this way too.


While I initially hadn't really thought I was going to be able to produce the fine grind needed for espresso, it's become very apparent it is definitely possible though with two main caveats. The first being it is still a step grinder, and it's going to be more difficult to dial it in the the perfect grind size for espresso. I have no doubt that you'd be able to produce some great shots with a halfway decent espresso machine, though a dedicated espresso grinder is almost always going to perform better. The second caveat is that even though the burrs can produce an espresso grind, there's no real way of knowing how the motor will hold up. While I wouldn't want to use the Ode to grind espresso shots daily, I believe it'll work great for the occasional espresso.
u/violin_geek123 may be able to test it out if he is around.


Stock Ode: The stock Ode produces a larger proportion of bigger particles, not to mention 1,0 on the stock Ode is already pretty coarse relative to what you get out of other grinders. Presumably this led to quick draw-down times and mediocre cups. My brews always either tasted under-extracted (weak, subtle flavors missing, fruity/floral flavors in particular) or over-extracted (drying out the mouth). I didn't want to mess with the Stock Ode too much, just enough to get an understanding of the grinder's performance compared to the SSP burrs. Were the cups OK? Sure, but noticeably inferior to the Ode+SSP or Comandante brews. I don't think I'd be happy with just a stock Ode given how I prefer to make my coffee.
Versus Comandante: As mentioned above, the Comandante produces more fines than the Ode+SSP. While I enjoy the coffee (brewed similar to above, between 15-20 clicks) it has a slight woody bitterness to its flavor. It's not a bad cup though. It's just that the Ode+SSP brews are noticeably better in a side-by-side comparison.
Is it a $500 grinder? Absolutely. While I couldn't compare the Ode Fellow directly to OE's Apex or Baratza's Vario, I am confident that it holds up against the two. The Apex will definitely make a better brew grind than the Ode+SSP, Prima even compares the Apex's quality to the EK43! However, it's still a manual grinder with quirks and issues of its own that will never be able to produce shots fine enough for espresso, Moka pot, or even some Aeropress recipes. When comparing the Ode to my experiences with the Vario, I'd give the Ode+SSP a definite edge if your focus is brewed coffee. If you think you'll want to make more than a couple espresso shots a week, I'd probably recommend the Vario. However I have so far enjoyed my V60s more coming from the Ode than my old Vario, with the added benefit of it's countertop appeal.
submitted by iDylo to espresso [link] [comments]

Galactic Economics 5: Simple Problem

From the feedback from the past couple chapters, it seems like the writing on the plot development / on the ground perspective of the story needs a bit more, so the next couple chapters will be focused on that. The more technical parts of the story will return after.
Again, I'm a new writer trying to improve. As always, feedback about the story or my writing are all very welcome, and I read every one of them.
The Galactic Trader Guild is a mistranslation.
Guilds generally imply exclusivity. Non guild members would be barred from working in areas where the guild controls. In human medieval times, they would be given legal authority to make you stop, or maybe something bad might happen to your business over which the guild claims no responsibility for, wink.
The Galactic Trader Guild was more like an association of beings who have a gentlebeing's agreement not to be dicks to each other. This agreement was loosely followed. Anyone who had a spaceship is automatically considered by others to be part of this "guild".
Since this association was loose, there were no regular guild fees or union dues. Instead, the leaders of the association went around in armed spacecrafts and demanded goods from random hardworking traders they found across the galaxy. They were supposed to collect these to fund the operations of the Trader Guild. In practice, they just fed themselves with most of it.
Since there was little revenue, the Guild had few responsibilities. Most of the duties that they had were ceremonial.
Their most vital, non-ceremonial responsibilities were to welcome new worlds into the galactic community and to set standards and define protocols.
They also had a list of guidelines for traders: don't kill each other, don't hurt each other, don't cheat each other. These guidelines were somewhat followed. It was in their best interests to be civil. Spacecraft owners were rich, after all. Ships were incredibly expensive to build and the accumulation of generations of wealth; throwing them away for some nasty dispute just seemed wasteful to any sensible being.
The Guild's work and traditions were mostly maintained by leaders of a species of humanoids with green scaly heads and two eyes on top called the Ribbiths, who were the first to mount guns on their spacecraft and made sure nobody else did. Earthers call them frogheads. They met once every roughly 13 days, or 1 Ribb cycle, for the sacred duty of reminding the galaxy how utterly worthless they were as an organization.
In today's meeting, they expressed their utmost sympathy to the People of Gakrek, and wished them the best in fixing their problem. That is, that millions of Gaks were dying by the day to starvation.
A resolution was introduced by a member world, the representative from Gak, to force traders to ferry food from planets with food surplus to Gak. Vetoed.
A resolution was introduced by a member world, the representative from Earth, to call for levy of a "tax" from member worlds to relieve the Great Famine of Gak. Vetoed.
A resolution was introduced by a member world, the representative from Earth, to call for food aid donations from member worlds to relieve the Great Famine of Gak. Vetoed.
A resolution was introduced by a member world, the representative from Earth, to call fo-
"Seriously?" Bellowed the big froghead who took his pointless job a bit too seriously, "the Galactic Trader Guild has no authority to call for anything from member worlds! Would the representative from the planet Dirt please sit down!"
He pounded his gavel.
"This resolution is vetoed!"
"That was stupid," Sarah fumed, "another useless institution we have to fix."
Now that she had more virtual wealth and actual power than some if not most governments on Earth, Stearns had been making her read books on economics and government. One of the big themes is the importance of strong institutions.
They didn't have to be governmental or even have a strong enforcement arm, but there must be clear and fair rules to the way people do things.
Obviously, the rest of the galaxy didn't get the memo.
"If you ignore their bi-weekly group therapy session on Galactic-SPAN, they do have some important work," moderated Jen, "for example, they gave us the blueprints for how to build standard spaceports and all that."
"That is true, but I can't imagine the other alien worlds thinking much better of them than Sarah right now. When the time comes, we would probably advocate the creation of a stronger institution with far more teeth than they do, and fold their responsibilities into that new organization," says Stearns, drawing on examples from Earth's past.
"Ok, but for now, we've got a gazillion hungry Gaks to feed."
When the aliens had first landed, the first thing Earth's governments did was to buy their spaceships from them.
It wasn't exactly hard once they figured out the truth about the galaxy. These governments simply offered them a middle class lifestyle in a developed country, an unimaginable improvement on the destitution and poverty of the average galactic species. Most of them were skeptical, thinking they were being shown something along the lines of Potemkin villages.
A few did sell their ships, and got to see the truth for themselves.
NASA, in collaboration with other space agencies, had made several improvements to their new generation spacecraft based off of alien designs. Within a year, what they created was already mostly equivalent in performance specs to the average alien trader craft, but far more comfortable. It had luxuries like entertainment systems, digital controls, and reclining seats, things that were only found in high end government laboratories on other advanced planets.
Countries that previously didn't make investments into space were now building spaceports. Most major cities were building new spaceports dedicated to suborbital space travel. And humanity was spreading out into the stars.
Through a little bit of special interest lobbying and a large chest of money, Galactic Credit had managed to procure a small fleet of NASA's new galactic ranged spacecrafts. Most were still under construction, but one early prototype had made its way into GC's storage in Livermore Spaceport.
This was a sign at the security gates right outside Livermore Spaceport. It was mostly supposed to be humorous, but it took on a different meaning for some people today.
Sarah, Dr. Stearns, Benny Jr, a civilian expert by the name of Gideon, and a couple of space-rated Special Forces guardians strapped themselves to their seats in preparation for launch.
"These look quite different from what I remembered from watching live Space Shuttle launches back in the day," Stearns remarked.
"Hah, you're not that old, are you?" Benny Jr asked incredulously, "no way, you are. When did the Space Shuttles retire? The 2000s?" He put on his best "wow I'm talking to someone out of a history book" impression.
"Thanks for that," Stearns chuckled, "I hear space removes a few years from your life."
"No sir, the stress on your body actually adds years," it was one of the guardians, whose name tag said Jackson. He added casually, "and don't let anyone tell you otherwise."
"Aww don’t ruin our fantasies," Sarah chided mockingly, "you been to space a few times... Jackson?"
"3 tours of 2 months each, not counting Dagobah," he replied, grinning thinly, referencing the nickname of the famous Space Force training base on Ceres that looked absolutely nothing like the sci-fi swamp planet it was named for.
"Seen any action?" Benny Jr asked, eager to hear war stories.
"Only Afghanistan, Syria, and Somalia," Jackson replied, and then pointing at another guardian across from him, "Reese there was in charge of crowd control on our embassy on Olgix a couple months back at the start of the Gakrek Famine."
There was a relatively large Gak refugee community on Olgix due to its proximity, one where the Gak community blamed both the humans and the Olgs for the devastating famine on Gakrek.
An angry crowd had broken through the gates, and guardians narrowly avoided having to fire on the crowd when the Olgix police arrived, who proceeded to do exactly that with their rifles.
"Yeah that was ugly," Reese grunted, "the Olg police just went wild. We had to park an armored carrier in front of them to get them to stop shooting."
"What ended up happening?"
"To the Olgs or the Gaks? Every other week, one of them shoots up a school or bombs a police station on the other side of town. There's only so many ways you can make people you hate go splat or boom, and the aliens... turns out they're exactly like us."
The takeoff was gentle. 1.5 Gs of acceleration. No special training was needed. You could technically sit up if you wanted to, though it wasn't recommended.
Once in orbit, the pilot's voice came over the intercom "we are blinking in 3… 2… 1..."
Nothing happened from the perspective of the passengers, other than the external view monitors now showing an entirely different planet where Earth was a second ago.
Gakrek looks like a massive disaster zone even from space. It reminded Sarah of a satellite photo of an out of control Australian wildfire.
"What a shitshow," Benny Jr stared in wonder and disgust.
"Yeah, that's one of the less mentioned things that happens in a famine. Everything stops working and starts going up in flames," said the disaster management expert, Gideon, "nobody has time to fight fires or keep the dams working when they're starving."
"Look at that," he pointed at a patch of brown continent on the monitor, "that used to all be green fields worked by subsistence Gak farmers. And that," he said pointing at what looked like a large inland lake, "lowlands where levees built thousands of years ago were supposed to keep all that water out, those are supposed to be farmland too. This planet used to look like Earth."
"They wouldn't be like that if there were any harvestable food remaining. I think it's safe to say our models were right. They aren't rebuilding all those farms within one or two years. We'll have to see them for ourselves on the ground, but my takeaway right now is that the only chance they have is food from offworld."
There were no hungry mobs to greet them when they landed. They had landed in the diplomatic and VIP section of the spaceport, where guards had kept the hungry Gaks out. Sarah watched as the cargo of their spacecraft unloaded bags of high calorie density food bars.
No empty space in the cargo hold was left unoccupied.
"Gak adults can survive on less than 300 calories a day. Two of these bars will last them a week," Gideon remarked looking at the nut bars being unloaded and glancing at the mob of hungry Gaks being kept out by the guards, "if these are distributed evenly, this is enough for 2,500 Gaks to survive a year. But they won't be."
"Yup. If we're lucky, the security guards will take a couple bags out front, toss them into the crowd," Stearns sighed, "and the remaining ten tons or so will be disappeared into their own caches of food, which if we're even more lucky, they'll trade some on the side to the hungry crowds for more valuables and heirlooms."
"Why don't we distribute it ourselves?" Sarah asked.
"We wouldn't be able to guarantee your safety-" said Jackson, alarmed.
"Don't tell me you're afraid of the teddy bears," Sarah pointed, "they look like twigs. They can barely stand. Come help me operate the forklift."
They weren't rushed by the mob. The hungry Gaks were too tired to be rushing anyone, and many of them had seen what happened to the stampede the other day.
They lined up, were given a handful of food bars, and fed themselves.
The stench was awful. It was like the poor creatures were literally rotting away.
Luckily, there was enough for everyone at the port that day. At the end of the day, they left the surplus to the guards.
As they handed out the food bars, they occasionally glanced over at the empty landing pads a short distance away.
Not a single trader had come in that day.
"Gak has a short term problem and a long term problem," Sarah reported over FTL video comms to Livermore HQ. Gakrek has a 28 hour cycle, and today, night at the main spaceport was the middle of the day in California, "the short term problem is emergency aid and provisions. They need to get food now. This isn't an economic or academic problem. It's a simple logistics problem. We just need to send them food and our own people to set up distribution channels. As we expected, this isn't an expensive problem to solve, and their government has finally agreed to allow us to bring in our people and food."
"The longer term problem is that their agriculture is, in one word, screwed. They won't be able to build back up in time for the next two harvests. Until that happens, aid will need to constantly be provided. And even if that aid continues, they'll just get back to where they were before, until another bad harvest year comes along and we get the Great Famine two point oh. In the long term, we should be thinking about how to send them money rather than food forever."
"But we'll discuss how to solve the long term problem later. For now, just coordinate with industry and NGOs to get relief packages and volunteer aid workers sent to their closest spaceports. Join the Red Cross, see the galaxy, feed the aliens. Something like that."
"Our own spacelift capabilities are limited, but we can pay traders to deliver our people and the food to Gakrek. Set a price above cost and don't haggle. Call every spaceport, prioritize relief deliveries until the crisis is over. The guys trying to peddle space fridges can wait in orbit a few days longer."
"Let's show these aliens what humanitarianism looks like."
Hatches open. The air of Gakrek rushed into the hulls of the spaceship and the noses of their crews. The entire planet smelled like rotting, dead-
Men and women rushed out of their spacecraft, dragging pallets of food supplies. There were everything from boxes of MREs and nutrient bars to sacks of potatoes or rice.
One of the spacecraft had already finished unloading. Its crew of four sprinted over to the next rocket, helping their workers toss bags of rice out the front into the back of a waiting Toyota pickup that was sent in a previous delivery.
Ramps were withdrawn. Hatches were sealed. A line of a dozen rocket fumes appeared in the sky above them. It was the next shift coming in to land.
The trucks sped away from the rockets towards the marked safe distance red line, with the aid workers sitting in the back or hanging onto the side. On their way to the hastily setup briefing tent, they passed by 4 empty trucks driving full speed towards the launchpad, cheering them as they went.
Without pomp or ceremony, the outgoing spacecraft lifted off. They vectored away from the incoming ones, which immediately started their final stages of descent. The next crew landed on the concrete pads, no more than three minutes after the previous one had.
The space traffic control crew chief looked around. If any of her people were tiring, they didn't show it. She let out a sigh of relief, and then refilled her lungs:
Gordorker woke up to a loud rhythmic almost-buzzing noise outside.
It was a helicopter. He'd seen one at the spaceport before, years ago.
"Attention! Attention!"
He knew it could fly, but he hadn't seen it fly. And he certainly didn't know it could make voices come out of it.
"All heads of household: report to the nearest town center, school, or market as soon as possible for food distribution."
It was the voice of an old authoritative Gak, one who commands respect.
"Attention! Attention!"
Gak volunteers efficiently handed out information packets to each of the 50 or so human newcomers to the planet.
Gideon had been briefing for so long he could do the entire thing in his sleep. He wanted to just record the spiel, but he knew from experience that having people hear a real authority speak in person with confidence was important for morale, even if his voice was beginning to crack.
"Your area of responsibility is marked on your satellite map. Town centers, schools, local markets are marked. We've set up a temporary GPS constellation over the planet and we should have full coverage in our entire service area. If you get lost, call it in."
"We've appropriated a small number of indigenous motorized vehicles combined with the ones we brought in. Collect your vehicle at the makeshift parking lot marked on the map."
"I see some of you brought your own universal translators. Each crew needs one. There are spares on the table right outside."
"Read your local customs guide pamphlet on the way."
"Once you get to your destination, unload your cargo. We've estimated the remaining population of each village and town based on the satellite images we took last night. Ask the local officials how many people they are responsible for. They will exaggerate. They may lie to you. Give them the supplies they ask for anyway and move on. If you run out of supplies, call it in. We will send a new convoy after you."
"When you have completed your route, come back here and receive another map."
Goha was starving and alone.
She had been staying alive on tree bark for weeks. She remembered being a little Gak and her grandparents telling her the story of how they survived on grass, soil, and bark for survival one bad year. This year, the grass had withered because of the drought, and the soil became dust. That left the bark.
Some trees were also starting to die off too, but for the ones left, their bark contained a small amount of calories, just enough to keep her limbs going. She would scrape them off with a small dagger, cut them into small pieces, and cook them in water. After a while, they would be soft enough to almost not hurt her teeth when she chewed. She tried to ignore the grumbling in her stomach as it tried to digest the unappetizing chunks.
She had just finished her unsatisfying meal of cooked bark soup when she heard a sharp, distinct snap of a twig in the forest.
"Who's there," she asked feebly into the wind, pulling her dagger in front of her for protection. She didn't have many possessions, just a few makeshift tools she was using to cook with and a sheet of tarp, generously speaking, that she slept on at night to keep her back warm, but in the great hunger, people have been killed for less.
There was no reply. Just the dry howl of the wind.
She waited. Still nothing.
She pulled her tattered clothes closer to herself and settled down next to her campfire, alert, scared. There should be no animals left in the area; the last one she saw had starved to death months ago.
After a while though, she got tired. It was all just very tiring, and she hadn't had much to eat. Her eyelids drooped, and she fell asleep.
On his way to the town center, Gordorker finally had the courage to check on his neighbors.
He didn't need to step into their house to know what had happened to them. He could smell it from outside their property.
As is custom, he stripped the corpses of Gyuotin and Gyuovin, and burnt their rotting corpses in a makeshift pyre.
It was almost noon. Gordorker ate the last piece of carrot he had packed for the journey, and started heading towards the town center.
The broadcast had said there might be food at the town center but given what he'd seen at the markets, he was not sure how they could be right.
As a Gak farmer, it was healthy not to have high expectations.
When Goha came to, the sun was already up. She must have slept for a while. As she groggily woke from her sleep, she heard voices right next to her.
That woke her up in a hurry. She stood up, looking for her knife, and then immediately tripped and fell onto the ground. Looking down at her legs, there were rope bindings secured around her ankles.
"Ah, you've finally woken up," a voice said over her as she whimpered.
She looked up. There were two big male Gaks standing over her. One of them was inspecting her dagger, "looking for this?"
"Please… I don't have any food," she begged, hoping they'd at least let her keep the only thing that was keeping her alive.
"Now, now, that's just clearly not true," the one who had her knife said, with a scary glint in his eye.
She noticed that one of his eyelids was twitching. She tried to recall why that was important but her brain was not cooperating. It chose today of all days to go on strike without the nutrition it had needed.
They tied her up to a tree. She struggled, but not very much. She was so very tired of... everything.
Then they started a fire. She wondered why. It was not very cold, and they did not seem to have any food either. In her fatigue, Goha managed to stay conscious and moaned out, "what are you doing? Did you find some food?"
As they started boiling a pot of water, it barely registered to Goha that they were using one of her pots. Over her campfire. One of them said, "sure thing, darling. We've got some right here, just wait a little."
She looked around more and her nose twitched. The promise of food overrode all of her other priorities. What did they mean? They clearly had nothing on them other than what they had taken from her as she slept.
That was when it hit her.
She was the food.
Out of fight and struggle, she closed her eyes and waited to die.
The roads were bad.
They've been built to last, but they were first built thousands of years ago, at least.
The satellite map doesn't quite show how terrible the conditions of what can charitably be called mud paths were. Their Gak driver, Grob, was used to these paths, and he seemed to need full concentration to navigate them, so they left him mostly alone.
Gary and Louisa sat on the back of a local equivalent of an old pickup. If it had a functioning suspension system, it didn't show. Luckily the bags of filled rice they were both sitting on dulled the jolt of pain they felt every time it hit a bump or a fallen tree branch.
Gary brought his own translator, but it was unnecessary to communicate with Louisa, who could speak English with barely an accent.
Louisa was 19, from Munich, Germany. She was studying xenomorphology and wanted to become an alien doctor.
Gary was 21, from Seattle. This wasn't the first time he's been out of the US. He'd been to Canada. Twice.
Louisa loves the great outdoors too and wanted to see the Kheton mountains of Yis'meh one day.
Gary goes backpack camping near North Bend on weekends. He loves eating dried apricots around a campfire.
Louisa was single and-
"Wait a second. Stop the car!" Gary called out to the driver. Louisa was mortified for a second until she saw what he was pointing at.
There was a single trail of smoke in the distance. Following it, they saw a clearing through some trees and there were some figures moving around it.
"Do we have any distribution centers in this area?" Louisa asked.
"Not on my map," Gary replied, "nor are any of our teams coming this way. Let's go check it out."
Gary, Louisa, and Grob approached the clearing with a small bag of potatoes. There were two Gaks, and they were heating up a pot of water.
At least they've had some food to eat, thought Louisa, maybe these guys hunted themselves some local equivalent of a deer or something.
"Hey friends, is there a village nearby?" Gary asked, "we've got some food to give out."
At the sound of his words, they looked up at him pitifully but seemed dumbfounded. As the trio approached the campfire from the other side, they noticed that there was nothing in their pots. Puzzled, Gary started to form a question.
That was when they heard a whimper from across the hearing behind a tree. It was a high pitched female Gak voice, far away enough that even Grob's sensitive ears couldn't make out what she was saying, so he started to walk over and see what was going on.
On the other hand, Gary's translator got more than enough to pick words out of the noise and blurted out in loud, robotic monotone into his left ear, "help… me…"
Gary figured it out a second before Louisa did. The male Gak wielding the knife in front of him saw his expression change, alien as it was to him, and knew the jig was up. He clutched his dagger and approached Gary.
Gary did not have much on him. The Red Cross volunteers weren't sent out with guns, just radios and food. However, unlike the Gaks, he had been fed a healthy human diet of two thousand calories every day for the past 21 years.
Neither of the cannibal Gaks had eaten anything for weeks. There was a reason they waited until Goha was asleep to tie her up.
Louisa screamed. With that distraction, Gary swung the potato bag he had in his left hand, and slugged the menacing alien scum right in the head.
The alien saw the potato bag come for his head, attempted to raise his knife arm, and then he saw nothing and dropped unconscious to the ground.
The other cannibal did not resist. Grob watched the pair very carefully, brandishing Goha's captured dagger at them as Gary untied its owner from the tree and Louisa checked her vitals. Thankfully, she was still alive, drifting in and out of consciousness deliriously.
They cooked potato soup, and fed her back to life. They made sure not to go too fast, as they'd learn in their training to prevent re-feeding.
Gary called the incident in over the radio. The reply was professional and practiced, "there have been many reports of cannibalism all over the planet. Our job here is not to enforce the local laws. You can recognize many of them by a neurodegenerative twitch in their eyelids. Stay safe, and feed everyone you can within reason."
After a bit of discussion, they decided that meant the cannibals were to be fed too. The pair weren't sure why they were left alive, but they speechlessly took the two standard sized ration bags that Louisa offered them, and then slipped off into the woods as soon as Grob allowed them to leave. The humans didn't have the tools and time to keep them tied up anyway.
Goha wasn't nearly as strong and didn't seem to have anywhere else to go. They wrapped up her belongings in her tarp, and carried her with them onto the next stop on the back of the truck. Goha started to thank them, but couldn't seem to find the right words. Louisa nodded knowingly, kindly even, if not pitifully and patted her on the head. There was nothing that needed to be said.
The next stop turned out to be a school building with a couple dozen young Gaks, some even as old as them. After Louisa and Gary handed out the relief aid to the incredulous Gaks who had been wasting away at the schoolhouse, they took Goha in too. Maybe charity was contagious after all.
At this point, it was too dark to move on to their next map location, so the locals offered them a nice flat spot where the volunteers could put up their tents and start a fire. Two of them even offered to stand guard over them, in case there were any other rogue Gaks in the area.
Fifty plus light years away, a digital map on the conference room screen showed the coverage of aid distribution. Gakrek was divided into sectors:
Red meant no aid coverage.
Purple meant some aid has been distributed and efforts are ongoing.
Blue meant aid has been distributed completely.
There was a smattering but growing amount of blue. Most of the map was purple. There was almost no red left on the map, mostly concentrated in the heavily flooded and rural areas.
There was another map on the screen: Earth was divided into areas around each spaceport.
Red meant they were out of relief aid for delivery.
Purple meant they were expected to run out in short order and needed to ask for more donations.
Blue meant there was plenty left to send.
This map was all blue.
It stayed blue.
Louisa liked Gary, and she thought he might feel the same way she did too.
Feelings were running wild and raw after the "skirmish" with the cannibals. At first, she'd told herself, a famine relief mission was not the best place to look for these kinds of relationships.
And that was what she kept telling herself until Louisa found herself clutching his hand next to a crackling campfire, while they both gazed up into the unfamiliar constellations of an alien night sky.
Stearns getting Sarah to read about institutions early on in the chapter is a reference to the popular political economics book Why Nations Fail by Daron Acemoglu. It presents the theory that institutions, rather than geography, is the primary driver of economic destiny. This story takes no position on this contentious debate, but one thing is clear: the Galactic Trader Guild is undoubtedly a malignantly extractive institution.
submitted by rook-iv to HFY [link] [comments]

[NM] Shinola Ice Monster - 100 spots at $10/ea with no spot limit.

Item Name: Shinola Ice Monster
Price: 1000
# of Spots: 100
Previous Raffle $1400 ($1246 after discounts) on November 6th
Price Justification: $1675 New from Shinola
Price Justification: December 30 for $1100 used
Price Justification: Decembner 6th for $1395
Call spots? Yessir
Spot limit per person? nope
Location/Country: USA
Will ship international? USA / Canada
Timestamp/pics: FULL ALBUM HERE + Lume Gif
Escrow: No this is mine
Description: Raffling my Shinola Ice Monster in good used condition. Shinola gets a lot of crap, but this is a seriously cool watch, and reminds me a LOT of a Pelagos with its lumed bezel and titanium case and bracelet. It even has a tool free quick adjust. Wears great for its 43mm size (aIt actually wears very similar to a Pelly). This watch has a SW200 auto movement, a domed sapphire crystal with anti reflective coating, and lume that puts most watches to shame. It’s in good used condition (see photos), with a really cool metal box and papers. This is one really cool daily diver. Good luck!

PayPal Info: [REDACTED]

Tip BoyAndHisBlob
Number of vacant slots: 0
Number of unpaid users: 0
Number of unpaid slots: 0
This slot list is created and updated by The EDC Raffle Tool by BoyAndHisBlob.
1 Storage_Ottoman PAID
2 CliffTheBRD PAID
3 bigchet1978 PAID
4 bigchet1978 PAID
5 bigchet1978 PAID
7 Fonzebald14 PAID
8 EastBayVaper PAID
9 whiteandcrispy PAID
10 Fonzebald14 PAID
11 CliffTheBRD PAID
12 Nogotwatches PAID
13 Hey-Watch PAID
14 noerr14 PAID
15 EastBayVaper PAID
16 Ltsmith PAID
17 CliffTheBRD PAID
18 bigchet1978 PAID
19 PizzabroDogg PAID
20 CliffTheBRD PAID
21 CliffTheBRD PAID
22 CliffTheBRD PAID
23 Hey-Watch PAID
24 CliffTheBRD PAID
25 BoyAndHisBlob PAID
26 OrangeJuliusNo PAID
27 Hey-Watch PAID
28 OrangeJuliusNo PAID
29 gfy4dsny PAID
30 grizz311 PAID
31 jt61555 PAID
32 bigchet1978 PAID
33 Dunnstacks PAID
34 Faramir69 PAID
35 IamSunny PAID
36 CliffTheBRD PAID
37 CliffTheBRD PAID
38 bingobangobenzo PAID
39 bingobangobenzo PAID
41 Gboogie3 PAID
42 CliffTheBRD PAID
43 Hey-Watch PAID
44 bigchet1978 PAID
45 CliffTheBRD PAID
46 Dunnstacks PAID
47 CliffTheBRD PAID
48 bigchet1978 PAID
49 CliffTheBRD PAID
50 EastBayVaper PAID
52 bigchet1978 PAID
53 carl_the_monkey PAID
54 EastBayVaper PAID
55 bingobangobenzo PAID
56 bingobangobenzo PAID
57 CliffTheBRD PAID
58 Gboogie3 PAID
59 CliffTheBRD PAID
60 moebids PAID
61 bingobangobenzo PAID
62 jedrs4 PAID
63 CliffTheBRD PAID
64 IamSunny PAID
65 Dunnstacks PAID
66 CliffTheBRD PAID
67 CliffTheBRD PAID
68 bingobangobenzo PAID
69 TexasKevin PAID
70 moebids PAID
71 moebids PAID
73 bigchet1978 PAID
75 EastBayVaper PAID
76 CliffTheBRD PAID
77 PizzabroDogg PAID
78 bigchet1978 PAID
79 bigchet1978 PAID
80 moebids PAID
81 CliffTheBRD PAID
82 carl_the_monkey PAID
84 Hey-Watch PAID
85 mikechavez408 PAID
87 Nogotwatches PAID
88 CliffTheBRD PAID
89 jedrs4 PAID
91 bigchet1978 PAID
92 CollagenIsTheBest PAID
93 moebids PAID
94 OrangeJuliusNo PAID
95 CliffTheBRD PAID
96 CliffTheBRD PAID
97 CliffTheBRD PAID
98 EastBayVaper PAID
99 moebids PAID
100 Hey-Watch PAID

submitted by phillygoat to WatchURaffle [link] [comments]

[NM] LNIB, Unworn Seiko Gray Alpinist (Ref. SPB159) - 115 spots at $5.00/ea with NO spot limit.

Item Name: LNIB, Unworn Seiko Gray Alpinist (Ref. SPB159)
Price: $575.00
# of Spots: 115 @ $5.00/Spot
Previously Raffled: Previously raffled for $600.00 on 11/19/2020
Price Justification: Sold for $600.00 on 12/04/2020
Price Justification: Sold for $600.00 on 11/04/2020
Price Justification: Sold for $585.00 on 12/21/2020
Price Justification: Sold for $575.00 on 12/22/2020
Call spots? Y
Spot limit per person? No
Location/Country: USA
Will ship international? I will cover shipping costs within U.S. International buyers responsible for shipping costs above $35 and customs/import fees & taxes.
Timestamp/pics: Timestamp + Album
Escrow: Yes.....I am for Mikechavez408
Description: Up for raffle is my recently won Seiko Alpinist SPB159. This watch is unworn and still has tags attached. This model features a stunning graduated gray to black textured dial with luminescent cathedral hour and minute hands. Combination finish stainless steel case, in a classy 38mm size. Powered by Seiko’s upgraded modern caliber 6R35 3Hz automatic movement. Black leather strap with vintage style side stitch and a deployant buckle. Also features a sapphire crystal protecting the front and a screw in exhibition caseback. Complete in the box with box and papers & full warranty.

PayPal Info: [REDACTED]

Tip BoyAndHisBlob
Number of vacant slots: 0
Number of unpaid users: 0
Number of unpaid slots: 0
This slot list is created and updated by The EDC Raffle Tool by BoyAndHisBlob.
1 tempestatic PAID
2 LouBup PAID
3 wallabear PAID
4 wallabear PAID
5 wallabear PAID
6 wallabear PAID
7 wallabear PAID
8 wallabear PAID
9 imapittard PAID
10 kenyonlord PAID
11 Fistknuckle PAID
12 LouBup PAID
13 m1mccoy PAID
14 Doobles88 PAID
15 LouBup PAID
16 MaxPro95 PAID
17 scalesntails12 PAID
18 Bill_of_Carim PAID
19 MaxPro95 PAID
20 chaz8900 PAID
21 egglan PAID
22 Gboogie3 PAID
23 aceyprime PAID
24 Fistknuckle PAID
25 p____p PAID
26 idoescompooters PAID
27 streetreddit PAID
28 aceyprime PAID
29 chaz8900 PAID
30 Storage_Ottoman PAID
31 PowerlineTyler PAID
32 WhoIsEggroll PAID
33 imapittard PAID
34 OrangeJuliusNo PAID
35 m1mccoy PAID
36 p____p PAID
37 OrangeJuliusNo PAID
38 kenyonlord PAID
39 LouBup PAID
40 kenyonlord PAID
41 HellboundHellion PAID
42 HellboundHellion PAID
43 HellboundHellion PAID
44 HellboundHellion PAID
45 aceyprime PAID
46 HellboundHellion PAID
47 HellboundHellion PAID
48 HellboundHellion PAID
49 HellboundHellion PAID
50 HellboundHellion PAID
51 HellboundHellion PAID
52 Doubledeucejasper PAID
53 WhoIsEggroll PAID
54 TragicHaggis PAID
55 Bill_of_Carim PAID
56 Bill_of_Carim PAID
57 Doobles88 PAID
58 LouBup PAID
59 shitmyhand PAID
60 numa1baller06 PAID
61 p____p PAID
62 Ruch3166 PAID
63 Doobles88 PAID
64 Gboogie3 PAID
65 Doobles88 PAID
66 Bill_of_Carim PAID
67 tempestatic PAID
68 Hey-Watch PAID
69 GratefulPilot PAID
70 p____p PAID
71 Doobles88 PAID
72 kenyonlord PAID
73 kenyonlord PAID
74 numa1baller06 PAID
75 TragicHaggis PAID
76 tempestatic PAID
77 p____p PAID
78 kenyonlord PAID
79 Ruch3166 PAID
80 aceyprime PAID
81 Jeffahry PAID
82 forg0t PAID
83 Bill_of_Carim PAID
84 OrangeJuliusNo PAID
85 aledanniel PAID
86 kenyonlord PAID
87 kenyonlord PAID
88 imapittard PAID
89 scalesntails12 PAID
90 MaxPro95 PAID
91 dontbelievejustwatch PAID
92 LouBup PAID
93 Bill_of_Carim PAID
94 ParkAndBeacon PAID
95 Bill_of_Carim PAID
96 Doobles88 PAID
97 Redhawk910 PAID
98 dontbelievejustwatch PAID
99 kenyonlord PAID
100 Bill_of_Carim PAID
101 Bill_of_Carim PAID
102 OrangeJuliusNo PAID
103 Hey-Watch PAID
104 NotUrDrugDealer PAID
105 WhoIsEggroll PAID
106 MaxPro95 PAID
107 tempestatic PAID
108 forg0t PAID
109 Bill_of_Carim PAID
110 Ruch3166 PAID
111 amnonymous PAID
112 dannymurz PAID
113 OrangeJuliusNo PAID
114 tempestatic PAID
115 scalesntails12 PAID

submitted by AbsolutusVirtus to WatchURaffle [link] [comments]

Factorio Community Map - January-February 2021

What is this?
The idea behind the monthly community map is to share a map exchange string at the beginning of every month, and get as many people as we can to start a new world with it. Then at the end of the month (or even periodically if you'd prefer!) we share screenshots and saves of our factories so that we can see how different people approach the same spawn; how they set up their base, how they deal with aliens, and how they arrange their science, power, and everything else.
I hope it can highlight how many different ways there are to do things, inspire some new designs, and maybe seeing how veteran Factorio players tackle problems will help out new players facing the exact same problems. (Of course, there's also the fact that it'll just be plain cool to see all of the different possible factories - the good, the bad, and the ugly.)
Last Month's Results
December 2020 Results
The Community Map
The towering list of mods some wait all year long for has finally made it's annual return! Bob's and Angel's - what's there left to say? It's like playing a brand new game; if that brand new game was just like Factorio cranked up to 11. There are even a few newcomers this time around, on both the Bob's and Angel's side of things, so I'm excited to see how they play together (and crossing my fingers that I haven't unwittingly created a mix of mods that breaks the game in some way >_>).
If you're a veteran Bob's/Angel's player, the following wall of mods should be no surprise to you. If this is you're first map, well, buckle up. You're in for a ride. (A save file is provided below so that you can download it and simply sync your mods rather than downloading all of these individually.)
Required Mods:
Angel's Refining
Angel's Petrochemical Processing
Angel's Smelting
Angel's Infinite Ores
Angel's Bio Processing
Angel's Industries
Angel's Exploration
Angel's Addons - Storage Options
Bob's Functions Library mod
Bob's Logistics mod
Bob's Metals, Chemicals and Intermediates
Bob's Power
Bob's Adjustable Inserters
Bob's Warfare
Bob's Assembling machines
Bob's Mining
Bob's Tech
Bob's Electronics
Bob's Revamp mod
Bob's Modules
Bob's Ores
Bob's Enemies
Bob's Vehicle Equipment
Bob's Greenhouse mod
Bob's Character classes
Bob's Personal Equipment mod
Exchange string:
>>>eNqFUj1LA0EQnTWJHxFj0DQBiSnSnmC+KvFWG/EXWF+SvXBwXuAu KdTCFCkFa21MHcHeLmCjoCBY2UVsLCwExTbu3N3uHSExA2928ubN7sz kCBCYhShwa6uI1YRm1ZnpKLrhOC2bIXfd67lY8VOW1mzZmqnUNUekEI t+umGzTVGGZ4jPT+ALE/jiBL40gS+H+Wi1oZlhYqFqt2pMaRhmeKo4s 9jhkVLRHD4sleKUYemGZTSZMmYsxDhBfpqgME1QnCYoTROUw4IlKQgv AxFr2ow54m93QTT+IbQ7GRfDU8gOhwgeDfj3gQDSBuhzJeeExaqmoes A2R2A7q63PuKlNqgf9SvUp/b/oaDIo4Jr32oQnKRu9t6OmyoRsnkaBF 6yo/oMkBnpLi/QbmVKVA1UP/WqkqdHtE8+0TKW0DTXkGSCu+4Zd9k1O cu2KE9Rorv2K3p8F8GLOtphjpItvDiD7h5dDOSVvCPihfScErousulA wuvzEO6hFkz2IJ69C70/0kiOytWOmWOEydExC47jgzXpPiKyG77H5zn xi15REsEAVT+4xYgYUlzlnUlKUvyIQGBfKgwOoPIHf70aoA==<<< 
What your starting area should look like:
Save File:
No better way to bring in the new year than the conquering and subsequent utilization of an entire continent. Remember to spread out your builds, they're going to grow a lot. Good luck!
Exchange String Help
If anyone isn't sure how to use an exchange string, just go to new game like you're going to generate a new world, and at the bottom there's a button just above play labelled "Import map exchange string" - the icon looks like a little arrow going into a tray/bucket. Just copy the exchange string above and paste it into the box that comes up when you press that button. Press confirm, and that's it! You're good to go. Just generate the world and come back in a month to show us how your factory turned out!
If you run into any issues check to make sure that you copied the whole string, including the three greater than/lesser than signs at the beginning and end, and make sure that your Factorio is up to date with the most recent version installed. (As of the time of this post, the most recent version of Factorio is 1.1.6.)
Issues With Adding The Save File
If you're uncertain how to use the save file I provided above, here are step by step instructions:
1) First, of course, is to actually download the file. Make sure you know where this file is so you can move it later. (It will be in your browser's default download folder unless you've changed it.) 2) Locate where Factorio's save folder is on your computer. If you've installed Factorio at its default location ( C:\Program Files\Factorio ) then there will be a shortcut to your saves folder there called "saves". Double-click it to go to the saves folder. 3) Take the file you downloaded and move it into this folder.
That should be it! Now just launch Factorio and make sure you sync your mods to this save before playing. If you have any issues, feel free to ask in the comments below, or in the monthly map's channel on the official Factorio discord.
Want To Play With Others?
If you have an open public server, let me know in the comments below or send me a PM and I'll add your server here!
Galapagon returns with yet another multiplayer server! Show him some appreciation, and check out his comment below for the details.
Want To Watch Someone Else?
If you are a streamer or let's player who will be recording yourself building a new factory on a community map, I'd be happy to add a link to your channel here!
About Mods
Since mods can affect how a world spawns and ores are distributed, as well as add or change items and functionality, it's important to make sure that we're all playing the same game by the same rules. For example, if one person's playing vanilla and someone else is playing with Bob's mods, even if they use the same seed and map settings you still couldn't very well say they were playing the same game, and the way they'd play would differ enormously.
On the other hand, playing with mods that either don't add any new items or change terrain, or that simply don't change the base game in a significant way, aren't going to change the way you solve problems or the kinds of problems you'll face themselves. As such, these sorts of mods are perfectly fine, even if some people are playing with them and some people aren't.
Even Distribution is a wonderful example of a mod that, while very useful, does not inherently change the way the game is played. Then there are also mods like RadarPlus for RSO that do add new items, but still don't really change the way the game is played.
I've decided to put together a list of these optional mods that I think are ok to use on any map below. The list is by no means comprehensive; it simply serves as an example of the sorts of mods that should be fine.
Optional Mods
Note: I can't imagine any situation where this could be an issue, but if you're the author of one of the mods listed here (and can offer me some proof of this) and for whatever reason would like me to remove your mod from this post, I'd be happy to comply.
It's entirely possible some of these mods either don't work with the current version of Factorio, conflict with each other, or in some manner just don't work. I can't test them all, let alone every configuration of them, so you might wanna back up your world before adding one of these.
Actual Craft Time
Armor Plating
Atomic Artillery
Auto Deconstruct
Auto Infinite Research
Automatic Underground Pipe Connectors
Caramelldansen Lab
Closest First Updated
Color Coding
Construction Drones
Credo Time Lapse Mod 1.1
Dirt Path
Disco Science
Enhanced Map Colors
Even Distribution
Gah! DarnItWater!
Logistic Gun Turret
Long Reach
LTN - Logistics Train Network
Manual Inventory Sorting
Max Rate Calculator
Module Inserter
Nanobots: Early Bots
Natural Tree Expansion Reloaded
Nixie Tubes
Orphan Finder
OSHA - Bot Recaller
Picker Extended Version
RadarPlus For RSO
Reactor Interface
Recursive Blueprints
Rewire Tool
Sensible Station Names
Shield FX
Signal Signs
Slower Quickreplace
Spidertron Squad Control
Spidertron Waypoints
Squeak Through
Text Plates
The FAT Controller
There Is My Ghost
Train Supply Manager (TSM)
Underground Indicators
Unminable Robots
What is it really used for?
Previous Threads
-- 2020 --
January-February 2020 - Results
March 2020 - Results
April 2020 - Results
May 2020 - Results
June 2020 - Results
August 2020: A Look Back - Results / August 2020: 1.0 Launch! - Results
September 2020 - Results
October 2020 - Results
November 2020 - Results
December 2020 - Results
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