Surah Qamar [54] - Translation, Transliteration, and Tafsir

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Read Surah Al Qamar With Translation And Tafsir. Mp3 Is Also Available.

Read Surah Al Qamar With Translation And Tafsir. Mp3 Is Also Available.
Read Surah Al Qamar With Translation And Tafsir. Mp3 Is Also Available.
Surah Al Qamar
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Holy Quran Sura No 54(Sura Al Qamar) Quran Tilawat With Bangla Translation

Holy Quran Sura No 54(Sura Al Qamar) Quran Tilawat With Bangla Translation submitted by apon4alo to u/apon4alo [link] [comments]

Holy Quran Sura No 54(Sura Al Qamar) Quran Tilawat With Bangla Translation

Holy Quran Sura No 54(Sura Al Qamar) Quran Tilawat With Bangla Translation submitted by apon4alo to u/apon4alo [link] [comments]

Quran: 54. Surat Al-Qamar (The Moon): Arabic and English translation

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Sheikh Luhaidan reciting Surah Al-Qamar (54), translations included

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The Holy Qur'an

The Quran [القرآن‎] romanized: al-Qurʼān, lit. 'the recitation', also romanized Qur'an or Koran.
Quran has 144 chapters, 6236 verses that was revealed to Prophet Muhammad [saw] through Angel Jibril around 7th century. incrementally over a period of some 23 years, beginning in the month of Ramadan, when Prophet Muhammad [saw] was 40 He was in Cave of Hira in Makkah. when Angel Jibril appeared to Prophet Muhammad [saw] in form of a man. He recited Surah Al-Alaq first verse.
Read with the name of your Lord who created (everything) - Surah No. 96 verse No. 1 
and that was the first revelation of the Qur'an, it was began in 610 AD, over a period of 23 years. Meaning the first revelation of Qur'an last until the death of Prophet Muhammad [saw].
Although all surahs are revealed in Makkah and Medina only.
Surah - Chapter
Ayah/Ayat- Verse
Juz' - part, is one of thirty parts of varying lengths into which the Quran is divided.
Surah No. Surah Name Verse Translation Place of Revelation
1 Al-Fatiha 7 The Opening Makkah
2 Al-Baqarah 286 The Cow Madinah
3 Al-Imran 200 The Family of Imran Madinah
4 An-Nisa 176 The Women Madinah
5 Al-Ma'idah 120 The Table Spread Madinah
6 Al-An'am 165 The Cattle Makkah
7 Al-A'raf 206 The Heights Makkah
8 Al-Anfal 75 The Spoils of War Madinah
9 At-Tawbah 129 The Repentance Medinah
10 al-Yūnus 109 Jonah Makkah
11 Hud 123 Hud Makkah
12 Yusuf 111 Joseph Makkah
13 Ar-Ra'd 43 The Thunder Madinah
14 Ibrahim 52 Abraham Makkah
15 al-Ḥijr 99 The Rock Tract Makkah
16 An-Nahl 128 The Bee Makkah
17 Al-Isra 111 The Night Journey Makkah
18 Al-Kahf 110 The Cave Makkah
19 Maryam 98 Mary Makkah
20 Ta-Ha 135 Ta-ha Makkah
21 Al-Anbiya 112 The Prophets Makkah
22 Al-Hajj 78 The Pilgrimage Madinah
23 al-Muʾminūn 118 The Believers Makkah
24 An-Nur 64 The Light Madinah
25 Al-Furqan 77 The Criterion Makkah
26 Ash-Shu'ara 227 The Poets Makkah
27 An-Naml 93 The Ants Makkah
28 Al-Qasas 88 The Stories Makkah
29 Al-Ankabut 69 The Spider Makkah
30 Ar-Rum 60 Rome Makkah
31 Luqmaan 34 Luqman Makkah
32 As-Sajda 30 The Prostration Makkah
33 Al-Ahzaab 73 The Clans Madinah
34 Saba 54 Sheba Makkah
35 Faatir 45 Originator Makkah
36 Yaseen 83 Ya-Sin Makkah
37 As-Saaffaat 182 Those who set the Ranks Makkah
38 Saad 88 Saad Makkah
39 Az-Zumar 75 The Troops Makkah
40 Ghafir 85 The Forgiver Makkah
41 Fussilat 54 Explained in Detail Makkah
42 Ash Shooraa 53 The Consultation Makkah
43 Az-Zukhruf 89 The Ornaments of Gold Makkah
44 Ad-Dukhaan 59 The Smoke Makkah
45 Al-Jaathiyah 37 The Crouching Makkah
46 Al-Ahqaaf 35 The Wind-Curved Sandhills Makkah
47 Muhammad 38 Muhammad Madinah
48 Al-Fath 29 The Victory Madinah
49 Al-Hujuraat 18 The Rooms Madinah
50 Qaaf 45 Qaf Makkah
51 Adh-Dhaariyaat 60 The Winnowing Winds Makkah
52 At-Toor 49 The Mount Makkah
53 An-Najm 62 The Star Makkah
54 Al-Qamar 55 The Moom Makkah
55 Ar-Rahman 78 The Beneficent Madinah
56 Al-Waqi'a 96 The Inevitable Makkah
57 Al-Hadeed 29 The Iron Madinah
58 Al-Mujadila 22 The Pleading Woman Madinah
59 Al-Hashr 24 The Exile Madinah
60 Al-Mumtahanah 13 She that is to be examined Madinah
61 As-Saff 14 The Ranks Madinah
62 Al-Jumu'ah 11 Friday Madinah
63 Al-Munafiqoon 11 The Hypocrites Madinah
64 At-Taghabun 18 The Mutual Disillusion Madinah
65 At-Talaq 12 The Divorce Madinah
66 At-Tahreem 12 The Prohibtiion Madinah
67 Al-Mulk 30 The Sovereignty Makkah
68 Al-Qalam 52 The Pen Makkah
69 Al-Haaqqa 52 The Reality Makkah
70 Al-Ma'aarij 44 The Ascending Stairways Makkah
71 Nuh 28 Noah Makkah
72 Al-Jinn 28 The Djinn Makkah
73 Al-Muzzammil 20 The Enshrouded One Makkah
74 Al-Muddaththir 56 The Cloaked One Makkah
75 Al-Qiyamah 40 The Resurrection Makkah
76 Al-Insaan 31 The Human Madinah
77 Al-Mursalaat 50 The Emissaries Makkah
78 An-Naba' 40 The Tidings Makkah
79 An-Naazi'aat 46 Those who drag forth Makkah
80 Abasa 42 He Frowned Makkah
81 At-Takweer 29 The Overthrowing Makkah
82 Al-Infitar 19 The Cleaving Makkah
83 Al-Mutaffifeen 36 The Defrauding Makkah
84 Al-Inshiqaaq 25 The Sundering Makkah
85 Al-Burooj 22 The Mansions of the Stars Makkah
86 At-Taariq 17 The Nightcommer Makkah
87 Al-A'laa 19 The Most High Makkah
88 Al-Ghaashiyah 26 The Overwhelming Makkah
89 Al-Fajr 30 The Dawn Makkah
90 Al-Balad 20 The City Makkah
91 Ash-Shams 15 The Sun Makkah
92 Al-Layl 21 The Night Makkah
93 Ad-Dhuha 11 The Morning Hours Makkah
94 Ash-Sharh 8 The Relief Makkah
95 At-Teen 8 The Fiq Makkah
96 Al-'Alaq 19 The Clot Makkah
97 Al-Qadr 5 The Power Makkah
98 Al-Bayyinahh 8 The Clear Proof Madinah
99 Az-Zalzalah 8 The Earthquake Madinah
100 Al-'Aadiyaat 11 The Courser Makkah
101 Al-Qaari'ah 11 The Calamity Makkah
102 At-Takaathur 8 The Rivalry in world increase Makkah
103 Al-'Asr 3 The Declining Day Makkah
104 Al-Humazah 9 The Traducer Makkah
105 Al-Fil 5 The Elephant Makkah
106 Quraysh 4 Quraysh Makkah
107 Al-Maa'oon 7 The Small Kindesses Makkah
108 Al-Kawthar 3 The Abundance Makkah
109 Al-Kaafiroon 6 The Disbelievers Makkah
110 An-Nasr 3 The Divine Support Madinah
111 Al-Masad 5 The Palm Fiber Makkah
112 Al-Ikhlaas 4 The Sincerity Makkah
113 Al-Falaq 5 The Daybreak Makkah
114 an-Nās 6 The Mankind Makkah
Popular Surahs/Verses Surah Baqarah - If its recited the Shaytan will not enter your house for 3 days. Surah Al-Kahf - Protection from Dajjal Surah Falaq - | Surah An-nas - | - Protection from Black Magic, Shayateens Surah Ikhlas - | Ayatul Kursi [S.2 v.255] - |
Also known for 3 quls and ayatul kursi.
Surah Falaq
AuzuBillahi Minish-Shaytan-nurajeem Bismillah-Arahmaanir-Raheem
  1. Qul a'uzoo bi rabbil-falaq
  2. Min sharri ma khalaq
  3. wa min sharri ghasiqin iza waqab
  4. Wa min sharrin-naffaa-saati fil 'uqad
  5. wa min shar ri haasidin iza hasad
  1. Say: I seek refuge with the Lord of the Dawn
  2. From the mischief of created things;
  3. From the mischief of Darkness as it overspreads;
  4. From the mischief of those who practise secret arts;
  5. And from the mischief of the envious one as he practises envy.
Surah An-nas
  1. Qul a'uzu birabbin naas
  2. Malikin naas
  3. ilaahin naas
  4. Min sharril was waasil khannaas
  5. Al lazee yuswas wisi fee sudoorin naas
  6. Minal jinnati wan naas
  1. Say: I seek refuge with the Lord and Cherisher of Mankind,
  2. The King (or Ruler) of Mankind,
  3. The Allah (for judge) of Mankind,-
  4. From the mischief of the Whisperer (of Evil), who withdraws (after his whisper),-
  5. (The same) who whispers into the hearts of Mankind,-
  6. Among Jinns and among men
Ayatul Kursi
Now Ayatul Kursi is little difficult to memorize cause its not-so-long verse.
Bismillaahir Rahmaanir Raheem
Allahu laaa ilaaha illaa Huwal Haiyul Qaiyoom laa taakhudhuhoo sinatuw wa laa nawm lahoo maa fis-samaawaati wa maa fil ard man thal-lathee yashfa'u indahu illaa bi-ithnih ya'lamu maa baina aydeehim wa ma khalfahum wa laa yuheetoona bishai'im min 'ilmihee illaa bimaa shaa' wasi'a Kursiyyuhus samaawaati wal arda wa laa ya'ooduho hifdhuhumaa wa Huwal Aliyyul 'Adheem
Allah - there is no deity except Him, the Ever-Living, the Self-Sustaining. Neither drowsiness overtakes Him nor sleep. To Him belongs whatever is in the heavens and whatever is on the earth. Who is it that can intercede with Him except by His permission? He knows what is [presently] before them and what will be after them, and they encompass not a thing of His knowledge except for what He wills. His Kursī extends over the heavens and the earth, and their preservation tires Him not. And He is the Most High, the Most Great.
Assalam ALaikum, My bros and siss, if there is a mistake. Be sure to Comment
submitted by KaitouDoraluxe to islam [link] [comments]

A detailed explainer “Why Quran and not Hadith?” Part II

... Continued from part I
Allow me to add my FB friend Hussam Abdelrahman's arguments negating this false claim:
  1. There would be an alleged ‘sanad’ (support) or an 'isnad' (supporting) with every Quranic verse.
  2. The Quranic verses would have been arguably collected by fallible compilers representing a completely different sectarian, socio-political milieu, centuries after the death of the prophet.
  3. The compilers would have allegedly traveled many miles to other individuals who had never met the prophet but claimed they possessed isolated Quranic verses based on hearsay, allegedly passed on to them through numerous generations through primarily oral tradition.
  4. The majority, if not all the Quranic verses would be based on what one companion had heard and not corroborated by any other.
  5. Different students of the later compilers would have captured different variants of the Quranic verses and argued over its veracity.
  6. The Quranic verses would have been canonized much later into a recognized corpus arguably after the death of the initial fallible compilers.
  7. There would arguably been a classification of Quranic verses such as 'Sahih' (sound) verses, 'Hasan' (good) verses, 'Da'if' (weak) verses and 'Maudu' (fabricated / forged) verses.
  8. There would have arguably been disagreements of the links of isnad of the Quranic verses and terms such as 'Musnad' (supported), 'Muttasil' (continuous), 'Munqati' (broken), 'Mu'allaq' (hanging), 'Mu'dal' (perplexing) and 'mursal' (hurried) would have been applied to them.
  9. There would have been vociferous exchanges and disagreements regarding the reliability and trustworthiness of the reporters of the Quranic verses.
  10. There would arguably be ‘sectarian’ Quranic Books with different compilations and verses.
  11. There would have been raging debates of the authenticity of the Quranic verses and the corpus throughout Muslim history.
Thank God the Quran was NEITHER transmitted NOR compiled in the same manner as Ahadith"
The myth of the Consensus of the scholars
When everything else fails, out comes the so-called consensus of the "scholars". Reality check again, the scholars have not even agreed upon what constitutes consensus let alone formed one about anything for that matter.
A quick reminder to how the five schools view consensus.
  1. Hanafi: Through public agreement of Islamic jurists
  2. Shafi: Through agreement of the entire community and public at large,
  3. Maliki: Through agreement amongst the residents of Medina only
  4. Hanbali: Through agreement and practice of Muhammad's Companions only (there is still no consensus on what constitutes a sahaba)
  5. Usuli: Only the consensus of the ulama while the messenger of God was alive or Shia Imams
Don't you think they should first sort this core issue before claiming consensus? No less than the death for blasphemy, is based not on the Quran and not even on the Hadith but on this mythical consensus. In essence, they have illegally awarded themselves the right to kill another human being. Imagine that!
The Abrogation falsehood
The last trick up their sleeve is a late addition, abrogation. A notion so thoroughly refuted that it is not worth wasting time on. Let us just say that straightforward verses of the Quran are stripped of context and twisted to mean that some verse and in extreme cases some Hadith actually abrogates some other verse of the Quran. In typical fashion, the estimates of abrogated verse range from seven to several hundred. This one fact is enough to put this mischievous notion to one side.
The nonsense of abrogation was exposed by upright scholars throughout history and one of the earliest oppositions can be traced back to Abu Muslim Al-Asfahani, followed by Ibn Rushd and the Ibn Khaldun and many more. Among the modern scholars Mohammad Asad, Ahmed Subhy Mansour, Dr. Mohammad Omar Farooq and Shabbir Ahmed are often cited.
Shahada (شَهِدَ ) of the Hypocrites
Before moving to the positive, allow me to touch on something that will surely disturb a lot of you but it is necessary because it is a perfect illustration of how far we have deviated from the message of God.
The question is: How did the non-Quranic but popular Shahada find its way into Islam?
Below are the verses where the word (شَهِدَ) is used in the context of testifying. In twelve out of thirteen it had nothing to do with the Shahada of the sectarians, and in the thirteenth, this is what God has to say about it:
When the hypocrites come to you, [O Muhammad], they say, "We testify that you are the Messenger of Allah." And Allah knows that you are His Messenger, and Allah testifies that the hypocrites are liars. Quran 63:01
Here are the verses where it is used in context:
(4:15:11) shahidū they testify فَإِنْ شَهِدُوا فَأَمْسِكُوهُنَّ فِي الْبُيُوتِ حَتَّىٰ يَتَوَفَّاهُنَّ الْمَوْتُ
(6:19:20) latashhadūna testify أَئِنَّكُمْ لَتَشْهَدُونَ أَنَّ مَعَ اللَّهِ آلِهَةً أُخْرَىٰ قُلْ لَا أَشْهَدُ
(6:19:28) ashhadu (do) I testify أَئِنَّكُمْ لَتَشْهَدُونَ أَنَّ مَعَ اللَّهِ آلِهَةً أُخْرَىٰ قُلْ لَا أَشْهَدُ
(6:150:5) yashhadūna testify قُلْ هَلُمَّ شُهَدَاءَكُمُ الَّذِينَ يَشْهَدُونَ أَنَّ اللَّهَ حَرَّمَ هَٰذَا
(6:150:11) shahidū they testify فَإِنْ شَهِدُوا فَلَا تَشْهَدْ مَعَهُمْ
(6:150:13) tashhad testify فَإِنْ شَهِدُوا فَلَا تَشْهَدْ مَعَهُمْ
(7:37:32) washahidū and they (will) testify قَالُوا ضَلُّوا عَنَّا وَشَهِدُوا عَلَىٰ أَنْفُسِهِمْ أَنَّهُمْ كَانُوا كَافِرِينَ
(7:172:10) wa-ashhadahum and made them testify وَأَشْهَدَهُمْ عَلَىٰ أَنْفُسِهِمْ أَلَسْتُ بِرَبِّكُمْ قَالُوا بَلَىٰ
(12:81:10) shahid'nā we testify فَقُولُوا يَا أَبَانَا إِنَّ ابْنَكَ سَرَقَ وَمَا شَهِدْنَا إِلَّا بِمَا عَلِمْنَا
(41:20:5) shahida (will) testify حَتَّىٰ إِذَا مَا جَاءُوهَا شَهِدَ عَلَيْهِمْ سَمْعُهُمْ وَأَبْصَارُهُمْ وَجُلُودُهُمْ
(41:21:4) shahidttum you testify وَقَالُوا لِجُلُودِهِمْ لِمَ شَهِدْتُمْ عَلَيْنَا
(41:22:5) yashhada testify وَمَا كُنْتُمْ تَسْتَتِرُونَ أَنْ يَشْهَدَ عَلَيْكُمْ سَمْعُكُمْ وَلَا أَبْصَارُكُمْ
(63:1:5) nashhadu We testify إِذَا جَاءَكَ الْمُنَافِقُونَ قَالُوا نَشْهَدُ إِنَّكَ لَرَسُولُ اللَّهِ
Quran 7:158 is sometimes used by the sectarians to justify the Shahada of the hypocrites. The only problem is that the word (شَهِدَ ) is missing from the entire verse. In fact, the word "say" (قُلْ) is used by God in order to make the issue even more clear to us. Furthermore, the actual Shahada is also present in the same verse and is once again distinctly repeated without the phrase "and Mohammad is his messenger" to remove all doubts.
Note: The total number of times the word from the root "shīn hā dāl" is used in different contexts is 160, mostly in terms of a witness(s)
Besides, there are numerous Ahadith where the true Shahada is detailed.
How to interpret the Quran?
Let us move towards the positive. Just a quick mention of how to interpret the Quran.
When we interpret Islam wrong it is not Islam anymore, it is as simple as that. Similarly, when we succeed in interpreting some verses correctly and others incorrectly then it is just that, partly right and partly wrong. There are no blends, it is all black or white as one would expect from a Divine guide.
God is not in the business of maybes.
It is reasonable to assume that before wanting to discuss Islam, unless we can agree on the methodology of interpreting Islam, we won't be able to agree on anything. So let us keep the questions on hold for a bit and talk methodologies, because whoever is able to convince the other side on the best methodology can just apply it and get all the answers .just like that.
In my humble opinion, this is how I see it and millions have come to more or less the same conclusions.
Trust your God-given faculties of observation, logic and rational thought as reminded by scores of verses of the Quran. Yes, the thing to note and emphasize is that the methodology of how to interpret the Quranic verses is embedded in the Quran itself.
In contrast, a reference to those who may know more than an average person is mentioned only a few times and that too not in the popular "ask those who know" manner. Those who keep harping on "Ask a Shaikh" need to be told that the number of times "use your brain" is emphasized runs into hundreds but “ask others “not once. There is no "ask those who know" in the Arabic version of the Quran. Please use your brain and observe, research, and draw valid logical conclusions. Remember God is the teacher of the Quran. (Quran 55:02) The actual guidelines of the Quran are not about "asking", but some in the community should be entrusted with researching and making their findings public and open to debate.
For the record and with all due respect to those who have a different opinion, the thing about the Quran is, as one would expect from a Divine message, that it is fully Self-Referenced and the Checksums are also all embedded in the body of the message. The core message needed for salvation is easily understood by even a twelve-year-old. The Quran, of course, is much much more and is there for all of humanity, and for all times to come. The message is designed once again to be relevant to people with varying degrees of access to knowledge bases and brain power and who happen to be living at different times and in different space.
When one decides to leverage the full potential of the book, the Quran once again comes to the rescue to address the issues associated with serious research and truly demonstrates its timelessness so to speak. For starters, the use of particular words is demonstrated by their use in a priori manner within the Quran and hence protected from the natural evolution of the language. One must research this aspect first. Similarly, the methodology of non-contradiction (there are none in the Quran) not only protects the content and its interpretation but does it in a manner where by and large the domain knowledge constraints are taken out of the equation. In simple terms, if your interpretation of a verse contradicts another verse then there are only three possibilities.
  1. Your interpretation of the first verse is wrong
  2. Or your interpretation of the second verse is wrong
  3. Or your interpretation of both the verses is wrong, hence, seek another interpretation
God is not in the business of maybes as I said. Let's put it this way, every verse in the Quran has a potential veto over a wrongly interpreted verse. We cannot thank God enough for this particular aspect of understanding the message of God. God in His infinite mercy has gifted us a touchstone and if people still insist on "different interpretations" then there is extraordinarily little one can add to the argument.
Quran's framework is based on a self-correcting mechanism that needs no outside input. The answer to the question,” Is it even possible to interpret the verses of the Quran in such a manner that it eliminates verses contradicting each other?” is not only an emphatic yes, but yes on several levels. The non-contradiction claim of the Quran serves two purposes; the first , to point out that for mere humans to put together over 77,000 words, covering a full spectrum of domains, is not easy without some elements contradicting others, and the second, is to facilitate our understanding as mentioned above.
Mustansir Mir, Professor of Islamic Studies at Youngstown State University, eloquently argues for a multi-layered approach. He writes,
“From a linguistic standpoint, it is quite possible for a word, phrase or statement to have more than one layer of meaning, such that one layer would make sense to one audience in one age and another layer of meaning would, without negating the first, be meaningful to another audience in a subsequent age.”
So yes, one is free to use different meanings associated with certain words but must do so only in a manner that it does not contradict a chosen meaning in another verse.
Add to it a simple rule of restricting the meaning of words to the Arabic language even when they appear to be resembling words of a different language and be alive to the obvious allegorical references and you are done.
To seek the best of meanings is an additional and general guideline in order to understand the truth within the verses and hence take out hiding the truth from the equation.
Who in their right mind would refuse to follow the instructions of how to understand the intended message of a guide, found in the guide itself, that is if the intention is to understand the message?
Indeed, there is no doubt.
A word of caution. Some in the Quran focused approach have taken a reactionary stance to the traditional Islam and even legitimate practices of the traditionalists are challenged for the sake of challenging them. One stark example is the issue of Salah. The notion that standing, bowing, and prostration don’t mean what they say they do, because their use in some verses points to a different context, is strange. If we were to reverse this logic and make those different contexts the baseline, then standing should not mean standing anywhere in the Quran. Similarly, if we were to change the definition of a Mosque to mean something other than a physical structure, we would have to do the same with monasteries and churches and synagogues. Quran 22:40. Here once again the non-contradiction aspect of the Quran guides us in the right direction.
The impossibility of different interpretations
Why is it that there is only one correct way to interpret the Quran?
First of all, let me qualify that. It is possible to extract more than one meaning from a given verse (s) of the Quran, as long as each subsequent interpretation (s) does not negate the previous one.
Regardless of the number of extracted interpretations, each interpretation will have to pass the test of non-contradiction independently.
Let us layout the two elements of non-contradiction. It is hoped that the issue of the language of understanding can also be easily settled through it.
Assuming one has already verified the Quran to be the very word of God, the logic is pretty straightforward.
  1. The first rule is that there are no contradictions in the Quran
  2. The second rule is that if the Quran was produced by someone other than God one would find contradictions in that version of the Quran.
When we apply these two rules simultaneously to any interpretation of the Quran, either in its original Arabic or a translated version, we can make the following conclusion.
If one were to interpret the Quran in a way that was not intended by God then we are likely to introduce contradictions in the Quran because man is not capable of producing a different version of the Quran without any contradictions. Hence there can only be one correct way to interpret the Quran irrespective of the language of understanding.
One is free to claim that their interpreted version is the correct one, but it is not possible to claim that there is more than one correct version of the Quran. Of course, when they make such a claim, they also take on the burden to defend it to be free of contradictions.
The choice dilemma
By the way, which of the following must one follow and why?
Just to help the readers out, of course you always have the option to throw a dart in the direction of the following collections and see where it lands and take that as the one "true" Sunnah and be prepared to be declared a "Kafir" by the followers of all the rest. Mind you, all of them are claimed to have been vetted through the same magical "Science" of Hadith. Needless to say, each and every one of them ignores the all-important, essential, condition of the public delivery of the official message and hopes nobody will notice that 99.9% of them are single third-party narrations, the opposite of public.
  1. Kutub Al-Sittah - (The six books of Sunnis )
Sahih Al-Bukhari ( صحيح البخاري ) Sahih Muslim ( صحيح مسلم ) Al-Sunan Al-Sughra ( السنن الصغرى ) Sunan Abi Dawood ( سنن أبي داود ) Sunan Al-Tirmidhi ( جامع الترمذي ) Sunan Ibn Maja ( سُنن ابن ماجه )
  1. Al-Kutub Al-Arb'ah - (The four books of Shias)
Kitab Al-Kafi ( الكتاب الكافي ) Man La Yahduruhu Al-Faqih ( من لا يحضره الفقيه ) Tahdhib Al-Ahkam ( تهذیب الاحکام ) Al-Istibsar ( الاستبصار )
  1. The Ibadi one Jami Sahih Tartib Al-Musnad
  2. The Mu'tazila collection Comments on the Peak of Eloquence
Now comes the fun part, with the possible exception of the Ibadi collection, each and every collection has an interesting thread running through it. All the collectors were Persians and almost all of them appeared out of nowhere right after the defeat of the Persians. You just need two functioning brain cells to figure out the rest.
Now throw in the following to highlight the difficulty of choosing the correct version; Muwatta Imam Malik Musnad Ahmad Ibn Hanbal Sunan Al-Darimi Shama'il Muhammadiyah is often referred to as Shamaail Tirmidhi Sahih Ibn Khuzaymah Ṣaḥīḥ Ibn Ḥibbān Al-Mustadrak Alaa Al-Ṣaḥīḥaīn Al-Mawdū'āt Al-Kubrā Rīaḍ As-Ṣāliḥīn Mishkat Al-Masabih Talkhis Al-Mustadrak Majma Al-Zawa'id Bulugh Al-Maram Kanz al-Ummal Zujajat al-Masabih Minhaj us Sawi Muntakhab Ahadith The Book of Sulaym Ibn Qays Al-Sahifa Al-Sajjadiyya Uyun al Akhbar ar Reda Sharh Usul al-Kafi Nahj Al-Balagha Wasā'il Al-Shīʿa Bihar Al-Anwar Haqq al-Yaqeen Ain Al-Hayat (17th century) Qalam-e-Mowla Daim al-Islam ETC
I wish it was as simple as choosing a version or two and you were done. Not so fast, as the saying goes, even after settling for a particular version you are still totally dependent on the "scholars" associated with that particular version. In essence, they have the final say in what you ought to believe and often their explanations are not only at odds with the word of God but the wordings in a given Hadith as well.
No matter where the dart lands, in essence, it will still be no more than a game of "my scholars are better than yours".
I for one refuse to assign my eternity to this crapshoot.
Narrated Anas:
The fact which stops me from narrating a great number of Hadiths to you is that the Prophet (ﷺ) said: "Whoever tells a lie against me intentionally, then (surely) let him occupy his seat in Hell-fire."
حَدَّثَنَا أَبُو مَعْمَرٍ، قَالَ حَدَّثَنَا عَبْدُ الْوَارِثِ، عَنْ عَبْدِ الْعَزِيزِ، قَالَ أَنَسٌ إِنَّهُ لَيَمْنَعُنِي أَنْ أُحَدِّثَكُمْ حَدِيثًا كَثِيرًا أَنَّ النَّبِيَّ صلى الله عليه وسلم قَالَ " مَنْ تَعَمَّدَ عَلَىَّ كَذِبًا فَلْيَتَبَوَّأْ مَقْعَدَهُ مِنَ النَّارِ ".
Reference: Sahih al-Bukhari 108 In-book reference: Book 3, Hadith 5
Some important verses
Perhaps these verses may help
80:11 Nay! Indeed, it (is) a reminder,
80:12 So whosoever wills may remember it.
80:13 In sheets honored,
80:14 Exalted, purified,
80:15 In (the) hands (of) scribes.
80:16 Noble, dutiful.
Surah Al-Qamar :
  1. We made the Quran easy to learn. Is there anyone who would learn?
  2. We made the Quran easy to remember. Is there anyone who would remember?
  3. We made the Quran easy to understand. Is there anyone who would understand?
  4. We made the Quran easy to memorize. Is there anyone who would memorize?
If you really are interested in the truth, please read the following verses very carefully;
Indeed, those who came with falsehood are a group among you. Do not think it bad for you; rather it is good for you. For every person among them is what [punishment] he has earned from the sin, and he who took upon himself the greater portion thereof - for him is a great punishment. (11) Why, when you heard it, did not the believing men and believing women think good of one another and say, "This is an obvious falsehood"? (12) Why did they not produce for it, four witnesses? And when they do not produce the witnesses, then it is they, in the sight of Allah, who are the liars. (13) And if it had not been for the favor of Allah upon you and His mercy in this world and the Hereafter, you would have been touched for that [lie] in which you were involved by a great punishment (14) When you received it with your tongues and said with your mouths that of which you had no knowledge and thought it was insignificant while it was, in the sight of Allah, tremendous. (15) And why, when you heard it, did you not say, "It is not for us to speak of this. Exalted are You, [O Allah]; this is a great slander"? (16) Allah warns you against returning to the likes of this [conduct], ever, if you should be believers. (17) And Allah makes clear to you the verses, and Allah is Knowing and Wise. (18) Quran 24:11-18
The true level of our deviation from the straight path can be illustrated by naming the stuff we follow without taking the time to verify it. Just to help some of you out, besides the lies about Aisha’s chronologically impossible age, the false justification of slavery and killing of non-Muslims and the un-Islamic notion of ruling the world under the disguise of Khalafat, Shahid Khan, a Facebook user, has compiled the following list;
Things NOT Contained In The Quran: List of Interpolations
  1. Saying that the Quran is not self-sufficient and that there is a need for additional speculations.
  2. Taking the hadiths as a source for Islam.
  3. Sectarian scholars pronouncing fatwas or ijtihads (canonical jurisprudence).
  4. Practices conforming to sectarian dictates.
  5. Equating sects with the religion.
  6. Reciting the Quran for the sake of its music without understanding the text.
  7. Using the Quran as a book of prayer recited for the souls of the departed.
  8. Contributing authority to the Prophet outside the scope of the Quran.
  9. The fact that God created everything for the sake of Muhammad.
  10. Competition between prophets. Supremacy of some prophets over other prophets.
  11. Imitation of the ways and manners of the Prophet even before his prophethood.
  12. The belief that the Quran has missing points which can be found in other books.
  13. To announce certain select devotees to be Muslim saints and visit their tombs with all sorts of reverential rituals.
  14. To idolize the sheikhs of religious orders.
  15. Establishing a type of communication with the sheikhs by a special ritual called rabýta. 16. To claim that only the Sunnites or the Shiites are to go to paradise.
  16. To declare the Jews and Christians as the future dwellers of hell.
  17. To adopt Arabic customs and traditions as religious practices.
  18. To come forth alleging to be reformist with a view to changing the Quranic religion.
  19. To formulate religious precepts ascribing them to the Prophet.
  20. To claim that the vote of the majority always prevails.
  21. To interpret the continuity of sects as evidence of their genuineness.
  22. The Hanafi sect. (Yes, they are sects under the disguise of Madhab)
  23. The Shafi sect.
  24. The Hanbali sect.
  25. The Maliki sect.
  26. The Jafari sect.
  27. All Sunni and Shia sects.
  28. Any sect like Maturidiya, Ashariya.
  29. A canon book called Majalla.
  30. To deny reason and favor apishness.
  31. Hostility against science.
  32. Hostility against the arts.
  33. To abide by the rules that the book entitled Sahih Bukhari lays down.
  34. To abide by the rules of the hadith book entitled Muslim
  35. To abide by the rules of the hadith books Kutub-i Sitte or other such books.
  36. To venerate individuals to whom religiosity is ascribed other than the Prophet.
  37. The allegation that all of those who had the privilege to set eyes on the Prophet (sahaba) were on the right path.
  38. The wearing of the headscarf.
  39. The wearing of the veil.
  40. Segregation of men and women.
  41. The fact that a woman is not allowed to travel alone.
  42. The wrong and absurd belief that a woman can never repay the debts she owes to her husband even if she were to lick him from head to foot when he is in a deplorable state covered with pus.
  43. “If prostration was permitted to any entity other that God, the wife should prostrate herself before her husband” claimed the hadith.
  44. That a woman cannot become a head of state or an administrator.
  45. That women have no right to vote for the governing body of the government.
  46. That women’s voices must not be audible to men.
  47. That women are not allowed to perform the Friday salat.
  48. That women are not allowed to perform salat, fast, recite the Quran or enter a mosque during their period.
  49. Covering women with all sorts of outer garments.
  50. That it is forbidden for women to shake hands with men.
  51. That a man is not allowed to sit in a chair previously occupied by a woman whose warmth is still preserved.
  52. That a woman cannot stay in an enclosed space where there are men.
  53. That women are considered along with dogs and pigs to invalidate the salat of a praying man.
  54. That the majority of women are doomed to go to hell.
  55. That women are evil by nature.
  56. That women lack intelligence.
  57. That women must be kept indoors.
  58. That it is forbidden for women to wear perfume.
  59. That women are not allowed to use makeup.
  60. That a wife must obey her husband as a slave does.
  61. That a woman is required to have sexual relations whenever her husband calls her.
  62. That two female witnesses equal one male witness.
  63. That a woman must have her parents’ permission in order to get married.
  64. Stoning to death of the adulterer.
  65. That the papyrus on which the verse regarding adultery was on was eaten by a goat.
  66. Arguments about killing adulterers being practiced even among monkeys.
  67. Prohibition of a man’s wearing golden ornaments.
  68. Prohibition of men wearing silk.
  69. Prohibition of use of golden and silver utensils and plates.
  70. Prohibition of sculpture.
  71. Prohibition of drawing and painting.
  72. Prohibition of chess.
  73. Prohibition of musical instruments and music.
  74. Prohibition of consumption of seafood like mussels, shrimps, etc.
  75. Prohibition of eating the flesh of donkeys, horses, or wild animals
  76. The fact that kidneys and ram’s testicles are abominable to eat.
  77. The fact that smoking is religiously unlawful.
  78. That there is a separate list containing things considered to be abominable (makruh). 80. That the sexual act must take place under covers.
  79. The prohibition for the couple to look at each other’s sexual organs.
  80. Prohibition of masturbation.
  81. Prohibition for women to use birth control.
  82. That an individual should keep his/her sexual organs covered even when taking a bath lest the angels be offended.
  83. Circumcision of men.
  84. Circumcision of women.
  85. The sunnah of letting beards grow.
  86. The prohibition of trimming a beard.
  87. The sunnah according to which the hair had to be parted from the middle of the scalp.
  88. The sunnah regarding the oiling of hair.
  89. The sunnah of applying henna to hair and beard.
  90. The sunnah of applying mascara to the eyes for men.
  91. That lying face down is a satanic act.
  92. To sleep on a mattress spread on the ground.
  93. To use one’s right foot going out of the house or getting up from the bed.
  94. To enter a soiled place like a WC with the left foot.
  95. Saying that canonical purification of the body can only be performed using water after defecating.
  96. The obligation for men to crouch when urinating.
  97. To relieve yourself in the direction of Mecca.
  98. The fact that eating with the left hand is a satanic act.
  99. To wound a turban.
  100. To use miswak to clean the teeth.
  101. To wear a robe with a long skirt reaching down to one’s feet.
  102. For men to wear a loose dress (antari). .
  103. To wear shalwar (a type of wide trousers) as sunnah.
  104. To interpret as a meritorious act the wearing of white, green, or black raiment.
  105. The prohibition to wear yellow or red.
  106. To consider eating dates or squash as meritorious acts.
  107. To eat seated on the ground.
  108. To eat from the same dish with others.
  109. To eat with three fingers.
  110. To drink water in three gulps.
  111. To drink water in a seated position.
  112. To lick one’s fingers after having eaten with them.
  113. Not to use perfumes containing alcohol.
  114. Not to use eau de cologne.
  115. To kill black dogs.
  116. Not to let dogs into the home.
  117. To cover the mirrors at night.
  118. To perform black magic with or without the use of the Quran.
  119. To write on and wear amulets.
  120. To use the Quran as a book of magic.
  121. To believe that whistling is a satanic act.
  122. To knock on wood or wear trinkets against the evil eye.
  123. To take fortunetellers and magicians for religious figures.
  124. Feasts celebrated at the end of the holy month of Ramadan and on the occasion of sacrifices.
  125. To avoid passing underneath a ladder and to consider black cats, black dogs as ominous signs and to melt lead against the evil eye.
  126. To believe that there are special days on which linen can be washed and sexual intercourse can be performed.
  127. To recite the Mevlit (poem written to celebrate the birth and the death of the Prophet) for the souls of the departed.
  128. To hold ceremonies for the soul of the dead on the 7th, 40th and 52nd days after death. 131. Stories concocted about the suffering that the dead is to be subjected to after burial. 132. Rumors about the bridge of Sýrat from this world to paradise, more slender than a hair and sharper than a sword and a person’s traversing it riding the animal he sacrificed in this world.
  129. The belief that a person who cannot avoid his urine from sprinkling on his clothes shall undergo excruciating torture in the grave.
  130. To fast in the place of a dead person.
  131. To go on Hajj in the place of a dead person.
  132. That tears shed after a death will cause his soul to suffer beyond endurance.
  133. To predict the hour of the Day of Judgment.
  134. The Muslim Messiah, Mahdi.
  135. The Antichrist.
  136. To say that Dabbe has the ears of an elephant, eyes of a hog and head of an ox.
  137. The Second Coming of Christ.
  138. The belief that Agog and Magog are Turks.
  139. Racism, superiority of the Arab race.
  140. The belief that Agog and Magog are the homunculus.
  141. To set down prayer hours not indicated in the Quran.
  142. To prescribe a certain number of rakats as a binding duty.
  143. The requirement of performing the salat by reciting verses in the original Arabic language.
  144. Prohibition for women to conduct the congregational prayer.
  145. To have to repeat always the same thing during the kneeling and prostrating in the course of the performance of the salat.
  146. The obligation to recite the fatiha at every rakat.
  147. The obligation to sit and recite attahiyyat at the end of the salat.
  148. To make a long list of the particular requirements during the salat not mentioned in the Quran.
  149. To make a detailed description of the praying man with regard to his posture, such as how he will place his hands).
  150. That the compensation of a wilfully broken fast is two months without interruption.
  151. Special salats like the taravih (the superfluous night service during the month of Ramadan performed immediately after the prescribed night service of worship, consisting of twenty genuflections with an interval for rest and breathing after each two or four acts), and the congregational prayers at the end of the month of fasting and at the festival of sacrifice. 156. To put people in misery by restricting the period of Hajj to a short space of time.
  152. The stoning of Satan during the Hajj.
  153. To slaughter animals at the Festival of Sacrifice.
  154. To believe that certain restrictions start after the Hajj.
  155. Calling holy the water from the well zamzam, to pray over sugar or salt for luck.
  156. To give zakat (alms, charity) as 1/40 of one’s assets.
  157. To assign special rates for zakat for camels, sheep, and agricultural products.
  158. The belief that one invalidates his ablution by certain acts other than nature’s call.
  159. The belief that total ablution (ghusl) is required not only after sexual intercourse but also by other causes.
  160. To make the order of acts during the performance of ablution strictly binding.
  161. To say that rinsing one’s mouth and blowing one’s nose during the major ablution is a binding duty.
  162. The requirement of washing one’s heels along with the feet.
  163. Details such as the obligation of pouring water three times each to the right and left of a person performing the total ablution.
  164. The requirement of total ablution before reciting the Quran.
  165. Saying that one sins when he/she goes about not having performed total ablution.
  166. The nullification of ablutions for a person who has a tooth filled.
  167. The nullification of ablutions for men/women having a tattoo.
  168. Martyrdom for those having died in an earthquake or a flood.
  169. Martyrdom of those having suffered stomach pains.
  170. That the earth is supported by an ox or a fish.
  171. The belief that earthquakes occur when the fish shakes its tail.
  172. The fact that the moon is unattainable.
  173. To define the setting of the sun as the loss of the sun as a guide for prostrating.
  174. The belief that the eclipses of the sun and the moon occur when they are drawn by carriages equipped with handles.
  175. Existence of angels in the form of bulls, lions, and eagles.
  176. Accounts related to the 600 wings of Gabriel.
  177. God’s opening His calf in paradise.
  178. God’s touching the back of the Prophet.
  179. God’s coming down on earth on special days to shake the hands of His creatures.
  180. The bargaining between God and the Prophet for the reduction of the times of salat from 50 down to 5.
  181. The Institution of the caliphate.
  182. The sultanate and the making the subjects into slaves of the political power.
  183. Classes of clergy.
  184. To sanctify the Arabic language and ascribe sanctity to the Arabic letters.
  185. To terrorize people with the countries outside the dominion of Islam (Dar-ul Harb).
  186. To loot and disregard the rights of people living outside the dominion of Islam.
  187. To beat or kill persons who refuse to perform salat.
  188. To compel people to fast and beat those who fail to do so.
  189. To beat women who have put on makeup and go around uncovered.
  190. To kill the renegades (of Islam to other religions).
  191. To flog the renegades (even those who convert from one sect to another).
  192. To make conquests merely for the sake of looting.
  193. To beat drunkards.
  194. To use force and compel people to abide by religious rules.
  195. To call Islam by the names of sects, etc.
The myth of the Muslim majority
What "vast Majority"? The reality is a sea of fragmented competing sects constantly at each other's throats. The only thing that unites them is defending their illegal relevance and attacking those who point out the illegality of their position. They are in it for the money. They are masters at duping the unsuspecting to part with their hard-earned wages. When pushed, the majority of their own members reject their sect's nonsense. People are not fools in general, they can tell when they have been taken for a ride. It is one thing to go along with the "majority" under duress and another to take all this nonsense to heart.
Here is what God has to say about the majority:
2:100 the majority do not believe (in The One God)
2:243. Majority are ungrateful.
3:110 the majority are wicked.
4:114 the majority whispers lies.
5:32 the majority are transgressors
5:49 majority are wicked
5:59 majority are wicked
5:62 the majority hasten to sin and transgression and consuming money illicitly. Miserable indeed is what they were doing.
5:64 the majority are rebels and rejecturers
Here are some other verses with similar warnings
5:66 5:71 5:81 5:103 6:37 6:111 6:116 6:119 7:17 7:102 7:131 7:187 8:34 9:8 10:36 10:55 10:60 10:92 11:17 12:21 12:38 12:40 12:68 12:103 12:106 13:1 16:38 16:75 16:83 16: 101 17:89 21:24 21:93 23:70 25:44 25:50
(thanks to Wan Ibnul Bahar)
submitted by Davidgogo to Quran_focused_Islam [link] [comments]

I researched the origins of the first name (M–Y) of every contestant

Following up on my post two weeks ago, here is the second half!
Magdalena: From Ancient Greek, referring to a person from the ancient village of Magdala, the name of which derived from Aramaic magdala, “tower”
Maggie: From Ancient Greek margarítēs, “pearl”
Mamé: I got nothing! I really tried—I promise. At first I thought it was from French mamé, a less popular but still attested pet name that translates best as “grandma” or “nana,” and because Mamé was born in Switzerland (Geneva, specifically, which is a mostly francophone city) to West African parents—and because her sister, Coralie, has a French name herself—I thought that French could be relevant. It turns out, though, that things are less cut and dry. While Geneva and its environs have a French-speaking majority, Mamé’s parents are from Ghana, which has far, far less French penetration than many other West African nations have, with adolescent and adult French speakers constituting around only one percent of Ghanaians. Neighboring countries Benin, Burkina Faso, Côte d’Ivoire, and Togo all have French as at least one of their official languages, but Ghana only recognizes English as well as a bouquet of indigenous languages. I did find in this article (page 903) an individual named Mamé who came to Ghana from a village near Bamako in southern Mali, and Bamako itself has a population of which a bit less than half can speak French. So…I don’t know exactly what Mamé’s origin is, but it’s most likely either from a French or an indigenous West African source. I did not find any Arabic names that bore much similarity to Mamé, so I’ve ruled out that language for now.
Maria, Mariah, Marissa: see Anamaria in previous post
Marjorie: see Maggie above
Marvin: From Welsh Merfyn, perhaps related to mêr, “marrow”
Marvita: I’m guessing that it’s a feminine diminutive of Marvin (see above).
Matthew: From Hebrew Mattityahu, from matan, “gift,” and –yahu, “Yahweh” (compare Atalya in previous post)
McKey: Real name is Brittany (see Bre in previous post)
Megan, Megg: see Maggie above
Melrose: Real name is Melissa Rose. Melissa comes from Ancient Greek mélissa, “bee,” while Rose, interestingly enough, comes via Norman French from a Germanic name, *Hrothohaidis (from *hrōthiz, “fame,” and *haiduz, “character”; for the latter element, compare Alisha in previous post), but it was heavily influenced by the word rose, via Latin and Ancient Greek likely from Old Iranian. Melrose is in fact the name of a town in Scotland, and the name derives from an ancient Celtic source akin to Scottish Gaelic maol, “bald,” and ros, “peninsula.”
Mercedes: From Spanish, meaning “mercies”
Michelle, Mikaela, Mike, Mikey: From Hebrew Miykha’el, “who is like god?” (compare Annaliese in previous post)
Mila: Real name is Lyudmila, from a Slavic source akin to Russian ljúdi, “people,” and mílyj, “dear”
Mirjana, Mollie Sue, Molly: See Anamaria in previous post. Sue derives via Latin and Ancient Greek from Hebrew shoshanná, “lily” or “rose,” perhaps from Egyptian sšn or zšn, “lotus.”
Monique: Via Latin of uncertain origin—perhaps Phoenician
Naduah: An Anglo-American woman named Cynthia Ann Parker was given this name when she was adopted by the Comanche people. The name is an anglicized version of Comanche na-uhru, “was found.”
Naima: She mentioned that she was named for the John Coltrane song of the same name, which Coltrane named in honor of his wife, Juanita Grubbs, whose nickname was Naima. The name appears to be of Arabic origin, from na‘im, “bliss” or “delight.”
Nastasia: She even said on camera what her name meant, which was helpful! Nastasia is a variant of Anastasia, from Ancient Greek anástasis, “resurrection.” Remember how, in My Big Fat Greek Wedding, all the characters said “khristos anesti” during Easter celebrations? Same root.
Natalie, Natasha: From Latin diēs nātālis, “birthday” (or, in Church Latin, “Christmas Day”)
Nicole: From Ancient Greek Nikólaos, from níkē, “victory,” and laós, “people”
Nijah: I don’t know for certain because there is a lot of misinformation about this name online—it is in no way derived from a Spanish word for “water queen,” for starters (reina de agua?!)—but my best guess is that it is derived from Arabic najāḥ, “success”
Nik: Real name is Erika, which derives from Old Norse Eiríkr, from Germanic *Aiwarīks, “eternal ruler”
Nikeysha: Pretty sure this is an invented name based on Nicole (see above) and Keisha, which may be a variant of Keziah (see Kesse in previous post) influenced by various names ending in –isha (such as Arabic Aisha, Germanic Alicia, Latin Felicia, etc.)
Nina: A pet form of names ending in –nina, such as Giannina (see Giah in previous post), among many others
Nnenna: From Igbo, “paternal grandmother,” from nne, “mother,” and nna, “father”
Noelle: From French Noël, “Christmas,” from Latin nātālis (see Natalie above)
Norelle: I’m guessing that it’s an elaborative form of Nora, a nickname for Eleanor or Honora. The former comes from Occitan Aliénor, a name borne by Eleanor of Aquitaine, who was given the same name, Aénor, as her mother and was thus referred to as alia Aénor, “the other Aénor.” I’m unsure what Aénor means, but Wikipedia (so sorry) cites a German source that connects the name to a Germanic name, Adenordis, which may be a corruption of an earlier name akin to *Audamērijaz, “famous riches,” though I would need a better source to confirm this. (Compare the names Edith, Edmund, Edwin, and Edward, all of which derive from the root *audaz, “riches.” Also compare obsolete English mere, “famous”; the names Elmer and Wilmer; and the adjective Merovingian.) Honora derives from Latin honor, which means exactly what it looks like.
Nyle: Respelling of Niall, from Irish Gaelic, perhaps related to néal, “cloud,” or nia/niadh, “champion.” Interestingly, the name Nigel has the same origin.
Ondrei: A phonetic spelling of Andrée, from Ancient Greek anēr, “man,” with a feminine ending
Paige: Referring to a page, a young servant, from either Ancient Greek paîs, “child” (compare pediatrician) or Latin pagus, “(boy from the) countryside” (compare pagan)
Phil: From Ancient Greek Phílippos, from phílos, “friend,” and híppos, “horse”
Rachel: From Hebrew rakhél, “ewe”
Rae: Real name is Ashley (see previous post)
Raelia: Most likely an invented name, perhaps based on Rae (as in Rachel above) and Leah (see previous post)
Raina: A Bulgarian name—who would have seen that coming?—that is either derived from Latin rēgīna, “queen,” or the masculine name Radko, from the common Slavic word rad, “glad”
Rebecca: Via Hebrew from a Semitic root, *rbq, “tie” or “connection”
Ren: Not sure about this one. Ren said that her parents named her after Kevin Bacon’s character in Footloose, but I don’t believe the movie says what Ren is short for. My guess is that it’s short for René, a French name from Latin Renatus, “born again” (compare Natalie above).
Renee: From Latin Renatus (see Ren above)
Rhianna: Probably a variant of Rhiannon, via Welsh perhaps from a Brythonic name reconstructed as *Rīgantonā, “queen” (compare Raina above), plus an augmentative suffix
Rhiyan: An elaborative respelling of Ryan, from the Irish surname Ó Riain, perhaps from , “king” (compare Raina above), plus a diminutive suffix
Rio: From Spanish río, “river”
Robin: A diminutive of Robert, from the Germanic name *Hrōthiberhtaz, from *hrōthiz, “fame” (compare Melrose above), and *berhtaz, “bright”
Romeo: Via Italian from Greek Rōmaios, “Roman,” from Latin Rōma, “Rome,” a name of uncertain origin
Saleisha: My best guess is that it’s an invented name based on Sally (see Sara below) with the popular suffix –isha (compare Nikeysha above), but I did find that salisha is an imperative verb meaning “cause to pray” in Swahili, so…perhaps that’s something.
Samantha: Most likely either from Samuel (with an elaborative suffix) or from the same Semitic root as Samuel: *šm‘, “to hear”
Sandra: see Alexandra in previous post
Sara, Sarah: From Biblical Hebrew śaráh, “lady” or “princess,” which means “female (government) minister” in modern Hebrew, from the Semitic root *śrr, “to rule”
Seymone: Elaborative respelling of Simone, from Hebrew Šim‘on, from the verb šama‘/lišmo‘a, “to hear” (compare Samantha above)
Shandi: Shandar is an Urdu name that means “fabulous,” and Sháńdíín means “sunshine” in Navajo, but that’s not terribly relevant here. Various websites (that do not cite legitimate sources, if any) connect the name to Shannon, Shoshana, or Welsh Shan (see Shannon below, the etymology of Sue under Mirjana above, and Giah in previous post), but this is neither here nor there. The name seems to come from the Kiss song “Shandi,” which was featured on the album Unmasked, and the song was inspired by the Bruce Springsteen song “4th of July, Asbury Park (Sandy),” from the album The Wild, the Innocent & the E Street Shuffle. I thought for a hot second that Shandi was just an inventive version of Sandy, but then I found this book, which implies that the song was named after a singer named Shandi Sinnamon (not Cinnamon, as the book says), who was born Shandra. It’s not clear what Shandra means, but it may indeed be an inventive version of Sandy (see Alexandra in previous post). Whew!
Shanice: An invented name based on the elements Shan– and –ice that was popularized by the singer of the same name
Shannon: From the name of the river, from Irish Gaelic Sionna, perhaps related to sean, “old” or “ancestor,” a word with some derivatives in Irish that contain “wise” among their definitions (such as seanchríonna)
Sharaun: Real name is Brittney; see Bre in previous post
Sheena: see Giah in previous post
Shei: Real name is Andrea; see Ondrei above
Simone: see Seymone above
Sophie: From Ancient Greek sophíā, "wisdom"
Stacy-Ann: see Analeigh (for Ann) in previous post and Nastasia (for Stacy) above
Stefano: From Ancient Greek stéphanos, “crown” or “wreath”
Sundai: From Old English sunnandæġ, “day of the sun,” a translation of Latin diēs sōlis and Ancient Greek hēmérā hēlíou
Tahlia: Likely a phonetic respelling of Talia, from Hebrew tal, “dew,” and –yah, “Yahweh” (compare Atalya in previous post)
Tash: Likely a pet form for Natasha (see Natalie above)
Tatiana, Tatianna: From Latin Tatius, a Roman name apparently of Sabine origin
Terra: Variant of Tara (influenced by Latin terra, “land”), from Irish Gaelic teamhair, “hill,” though other authors associate Teamhair with Latin templum and Ancient Greek temenos, suggesting an Indo-European origin
Tessa: A nickname for Theresa, perhaps from Ancient Greek Thērasía, an island in the Aegean Sea that was once attached to Thera (aka Santorini), or perhaps from théros, meaning “harvest,” “heat,” or “summer”
Teyona: I’m guessing that it’s a phonetic respelling of Tiana, which can be short for Christiana (see Chris in previous post) or Tatiana (see above)
Tiffany: A variant of Theophania (yes, really), from Ancient Greek theós, “god,” and the suffix –phanēs, “appearing”
Toccara: Most likely from the Avon perfume Toccara, the name of which is apparently derived from Italian toccare, “to touch” (compare French toucher and Spanish tocar)
Victoria: From Latin, meaning “victory”
Xiomara: Possibly a variant of Guiomar, which itself is possibly derived from a Germanic name akin to *Wīgamērijaz, from *wīga, “battle” (compare Louise in previous post), and *mērijaz, “famous” (compare Norelle above)
Wendy: J. M. Barrie seems to have invented this name for the book Peter Pan, basing it on fwendy, a childish way of saying “friend,” but the name occasionally predates the book, and in these cases, it may derive from the Welsh word gwen, “white” (compare Jennifer in previous post)
Whitney: From Old English hwītan īeġe, “(by the) white island”
Will: From the Germanic name *Wiljahelmaz, from *wiljô, “will,” and *helmaz, “helmet”
Yaya: Real name is Camara, which has been a little tough to research. There is a Portuguese surname Câmara, derived from Latin camera, “chamber” or “room,” from Ancient Greek ultimately, but I can’t tell if Yaya’s parents—her mother has Brazilian heritage, by the way—pulled a Beyoncé (whose mother’s surname was Beyincé) and gave their daughter a variation of a family surname as her first name (it’s worth noting that her father’s surname is Johnson, and her mother’s surname is DaCosta, so…maybe scratch that theory). A few websites—without citing sources—claim that Camara means “teacher” in Igbo, but it very much does not; the Igbo word for “(male?) teacher” is onye nkuzi. However, Camara is an attested surname throughout French-speaking West Africa—where the Portuguese had some historical presence—so there may be a partial African origin here. I should also note that Islam is popular in West Africa, and Qamar is an Arabic name (meaning “moon”) that bears a passing similarity to Camara. That’s all I have for now.
Yoanna: see Giah in previous post
Yvonne: A French-ass name, indeed. It is derived from the masculine name Yves, potentially from the Germanic root *īhwaz, “yew”
Let me know if I've missed anything!
submitted by Double-Parked_TARDIS to ANTM [link] [comments]

Why I believe in Islam and why you should too

The burden of proof is on me to prove the truthfulness of Islam. For the following reasons I believe in Islam : -
Philosophy of Islam and monotheism :
The worldview of Islam is pretty simple and clear. You have to worship only one All-powerful, All-Merciful God, if you do more good deeds than bad deeds you go to heaven, if your bad deeds are more than your good ones, you go to hell, simple as that. All other religions (except perhaps Judaism), aren’t this simple and lucid.
Predictions of Islam that came true:-
  1. “The Byzantines have been defeated. In the nearest land. But they, after their defeat, will overcome. Within three to nine years. To Allah belongs the command before and after. And that day the believers will rejoice ” (30:2-4). Okay, in this battle, the Romans were utterly defeated and their backbone was seriously damaged. But the Qur’an makes a prediction here that the Byzantines ( Romans ), will again be victorious over the Sassanids within 3-9 years. This prediction at that time seemed pretty dumb, but in the end, it was the prediction of the Qur’an which came out to be true. For more info on the war see this video.
  2. The Mongol invasion of Baghdad or the Siege of Baghdad )in 1258 was also predicted by Islam. Prophet Muhammad said, ”Narrated Abu Huraira: The Prophet ﷺ said, "The Hour will not be established till you fight with the Khudh and the Kirman from among the non-Arabs. They will be of red faces, flat noses, and small eyes; their faces will look like flat shields, and their shoes will be of hair (reference). ”The Mongols indeed used fur in their gutuls or boots. Now we can clearly understand that the hadith is describing the Mongols. But how’d Prophet Muhammad know that in the distant future that one part of the Muslim nation will be invaded by the Mongols? This proves that he’s the messenger of God.
  3. “'A'isha reported that Allah's Messenger (ﷺ) called his daughter Fatima (during his last illness). He said. to her something secretly and she wept. He again said to her something secretly and she laughed. 'A'isha further reported that she said to Fatima: “What is that which Allah's Messenger (ﷺ) said to you secretly and you wept and then said to you something secretly and you laughed? Thereupon she said: He informed me secretly of his death and so I wept. He then again informed me secretly that I would be the first amongst the members of his family to follow him and so I laughed (reference).” Now, this is actually a true prediction. Amongst the Prophet’s family, her daughter Fatima was the first to die after him (she died after 6 months of his death).
  4. In the Qur’an, Allah takes an oath by “Iram”,” [With] Iram - who had lofty pillars” (89:7). Now, the scholars of that time were confused as to what “Iram” actually meant, because this word was unknown to them. Fast-forward to 1973, in Erlus of Syria, in an old archeological site, there is the mention of the “city” of Iram in the scriptures. The people of that area used to conduct business with the people of Iram. Now the question is, how did Prophet Muhammad come to know about this city which was unknown to the people of his time? The answer is, because he is the true messenger of God.
Numerical miracles:-
  1. If two things are the same, then they have been mentioned an equal number of times. In 3:59 Allah said, ”Indeed, the example of Jesus to Allah is like that of Adam( as they both were born without a father).” Interestingly, their names have been mentioned in the Qur’an the same number of times as well which is 25.
  2. For cases where two things are not the same, the number of times they have been mentioned is unequal as well. For example, Allah said in 2: 275,” They say, "Trade is [just] like interest." But Allah has permitted trade and has forbidden interest”. Interestingly, the word interest has come in the Qur’an 6 times and the word business has come 7 times. There are other examples like this as well.
  3. Opposite words have also come in the Qur’an an equal number of times. Like, worldly life and hereafter (115 times each), faith and disbelief (25 times each), summer and winter (5 times each), angels and demons (88 times each) life and death (16 times each), etc. There are other examples like this as well.
  4. The word “day” has been mentioned 365 times in the Qur’an. For more information, see this video. The word “month” has been mentioned 12 times and the word year has been mentioned 19 times, and the Metonic cycle takes nearly 19 years to complete as well.
  5. Words about the action its subsequent result have been mentioned an equal number of times as well. Like, the word seedling and tree both have been mentioned 26 times.
  6. “The Hour (of Doomsday) has drawn near and the Moon has split (54:1).” The word “Qamar” means “Moon,” and the word “Moon” appears in the first verse of Surat al-Qamar. There are 1390 verses from that verse to the end of the Qur’an. The year 1390 in the Islamic calendar corresponds to 1969 AD, the date of the lunar landings. This, one of the greatest landmarks in human history, was indicated 14 centuries beforehand. (Allah knows the truth.)
  7. The ratio of the appearance of the words "sea" and “land" in the Qur’an is identical to the ratio between sea and land in modern science. The continents had not yet been discovered at the time the Qur’an was sent down, and it was impossible to determine the ratio between the land and sea. Even such a large continent as America was only discovered in the 15th century. The word "land" appears 13 times in the Qur’an, while “sea” appears 32 times. These numbers total of 45. If we divide the number of references to land in the Qur’an, 13, by 45, the result is 28.8888888889%. When we divide the number of references to the sea in the Quran, 32, by 45, the result is 71.1111111111%. these ratios are the exact ones that apply between water and dry land on Earth. The repetition of these words in the Qur’an may be an indication that the Earth is 71% covered in water and 29% in the dry land. (Allah knows the truth.) It has only been possible to arrive at this ratio in the present day, thanks to satellite photos and computer calculations. The number of times the word “land” appears in the Qur’an = 13. The number of times the word “sea” appears in the Qur’an = 32. The proportion of dry land to sea covering the Earth = 13/45 = 29%. Proportion of sea to dry land on Earth = 32/45 = 71%
  8. The Qur’an refers to the 23rd chromosome that determines the difference between male and female thus: The word “man” and the word “woman” both appear 23 times in the Qur’an. This discovery about chromosomes made only recently was reported hundreds of years beforehand in the Qur’an by way of the number 23, which concerns the basic difference between male and female. The words “man” and “woman” both appear 23 times in the Qur’an. The 23rd chromosome is the main element that determines an individual’s gender.
These phenomena were not known back then and have only been discovered recently. These phenomena can’t be the work of a man nor can be coincidences. There is only one logical conclusion, that, Islam is the true religion.
submitted by tryingtobeastoic to DebateAnAtheist [link] [comments]

As salamu alaykum! I created a Python script that extracts all of the Quranic text from the King Fahd Complex website, which you can use with their fonts!

As salamu alaykum everyone,
As the title says, I wrote a Python script to extract the Quranic text from the King Fahd Complex website. For those of you who don't know, this is what websites like and apps like Quran for Android use in conjunction with the QCF fonts to render the ayaat and pages of the Madni mushaf.
Why did I want a file like this? Because now you can easily have a spreadsheet to find and use ayaat of the Quran to make graphics, flyers, and more, versus having to individually and tediously find each ayah, copy/paste it, etc.
For me, I am actually using it to make flashcards in Anki for reviewing suwar I have memorized by giving me the ayah number and surah as the front of the flashcard, with the ayah and translation on the back (Anki, in and of itself, is very customizable). Honestly, the uses are endless and you can modify the code to fit your needs.
The code takes a while to run, so for anyone that just wants to download the CSV, you can do so from here, in shaa Allah . The file is in UTF-8, so make sure to choose that option if you import the file anywhere
Fonts can be downloaded from the King Fahd website:
import html import urllib.request import re header = 'Surah Number,Surah Name,Ayah Number,Ayah Text (decoded),Ayah Text (encoded),Page' file = open('quran.txt','w+', encoding='utf-8') file.write(str(header)) file.close() suwar = ['al-Fatihah', 'al-Baqarah', 'Alee \'Imran', 'an-Nisa', 'al-Ma\'idah', 'al-An\'am', 'al-A\'raf', 'al-Anfal', 'at-Tawbah', 'Yunus', 'Hud', 'Yusuf', 'ar-Ra\'d', 'Ibrahim', 'al-Hijr', 'an-Nahl', 'al-Isra', 'al-Kahf', 'Maryam', 'Taha', 'al-Anbya', 'al-Haj', 'al-Mu\'minun', 'an-Nur', 'al-Furqan', 'ash-Shu\'ara', 'an-Naml', 'al-Qasas', 'al-\'Ankabut', 'ar-Rum', 'Luqman', 'as-Sajdah', 'al-Ahzab', 'Saba', 'Fatir', 'Ya-Sin', 'as-Saffat', 'Sad', 'az-Zumar', 'Ghafir', 'Fussilat', 'ash-Shuraa', 'az-Zukhruf', 'ad-Dukhan', 'al-Jathiyah', 'al-Ahqaf', 'Muhammad', 'al-Fath', 'al-Hujurat', 'Qaf', 'adh-Dhariyat', 'at-Tur', 'an-Najm', 'al-Qamar', 'ar-Rahman', 'al-Waqi\'ah', 'al-Hadid', 'al-Mujadila', 'al-Hashr', 'al-Mumtahanah', 'as-Saf', 'al-Jumu\'ah', 'al-Munafiqun', 'at-Taghabun', 'at-Talaq', 'at-Tahrim', 'al-Mulk', 'al-Qalam', 'al-Haqqah', 'al-Ma\'arij', 'Nuh', 'al-Jinn', 'al-Muzzammil', 'al-Muddaththir', 'al-Qiyamah', 'al-Insan', 'al-Mursalat', 'an-Naba', 'an-Nazi\'at', '\'Abasa', 'at-Takwir', 'al-Infitar', 'al-Mutaffifin', 'al-Inshiqaq', 'al-Buruj', 'at-Tariq', 'al-A\'la', 'al-Ghashiyah', 'al-Fajr', 'al-Balad', 'ash-Shams', 'al-Layl', 'ad-Duhaa', 'ash-Sharh', 'at-Tin', 'al-\'Alaq', 'al-Qadr', 'al-Bayyinah', 'az-Zalzalah', 'al-\'Adiyat', 'al-Qari\'ah', 'at-Takathur', 'al-\'Asr', 'al-Humazah', 'al-Fil', 'Quraysh', 'al-Ma\'un', 'al-Kawthar', 'al-Kafirun', 'an-Nasr', 'al-Masad', 'al-Ikhlas', 'al-Falaq', 'an-Nas'] ayaat = [7, 286, 200, 176, 120, 165, 206, 75, 129, 109, 123, 111, 43, 52, 99, 128, 111, 110, 98, 135, 112, 78, 118, 64, 77, 227, 93, 88, 69, 60, 34, 30, 73, 54, 45, 83, 182, 88, 75, 85, 54, 53, 89, 59, 37, 35, 38, 29, 18, 45, 60, 49, 62, 55, 78, 96, 29, 22, 24, 13, 14, 11, 11, 18, 12, 12, 30, 52, 52, 44, 28, 28, 20, 56, 40, 31, 50, 40, 46, 42, 29, 19, 36, 25, 22, 17, 19, 26, 30, 20, 15, 21, 11, 8, 8, 19, 5, 8, 8, 11, 11, 8, 3, 9, 5, 4, 7, 3, 6, 3, 5, 4, 5, 6] # open text file and append file = open('quran.txt','a+', encoding='utf-8') for s_index, a_index in enumerate(ayaat): for ayah in range(a_index): parser = 'onclick=ClickAyaArea(' + str(int(s_index+1)) + ',' + str(int(ayah+1)) + ') target=_top>' url = '' + str(int(ayah+1)) + '&nSora=' + str(int(s_index+1)) + '&l=eng&r=1&ServerToken=http%3A%2F%2Fquran%2Equrancomplex%2Egov%2Esa&ref=1' quran_pg_req = urllib.request.Request(url) quran_pg_resp = urllib.request.urlopen(quran_pg_req) quran_pg_data = ayah_txt_html = re.findall(r'' + re.escape(parser) + '(.*?)', str(quran_pg_data)) ayah_txt_encoded = ''.join(ayah_txt_html) ayah_txt_decoded = html.unescape(ayah_txt_encoded) pg_parser = 'sc_F0 {FONT-FAMILY:QCF_P' pg = re.findall(r'' + re.escape(pg_parser) + '(.*?)\;', str(quran_pg_data)) verse = str(int(s_index+1)) + ',Surah ' + suwar[s_index] + ',' + str(int(ayah+1)) + ',' + str(ayah_txt_decoded) + ',' + str(ayah_txt_encoded) + ',' + str(pg[0]) file.write('\n' + verse) file.close() print('fin') 
So please, use this file, code, etc. and share it, in shaa Allah. I pray that Allah makes it useful for the ummah. JazakumAllahu khayran!
submitted by revolutionary_1 to islam [link] [comments]

Soo according to you these are just coincidences?

One of the most important among the signs is in the first verse of the sura “The Moon” (Qamar). The number of verses to be counted from this verse to the end of the Quran is 1389. The year 1389 in the Muslim calendar corresponds to the year 1969 in the Gregorian calendar. And the year 1969 was the year when man landed on the moon for the first time.
All the bees in the world have the same number of chromosomes, and that never changes. Male and female animals generally have the same number of chromosomes. But the bee is slightly different. Because the male bee has 16 single chromosomes and the female bee 16 pairs.
The bee is thus different in this respect, that of chromosome number. This difference is indicated in the Qur’an thus: (Allah knows the truth.) The Surah “Nahl,” meaning bee, is the 16th Surah of the Qur’an. And 16 is the number of chromosomes these animals possess.
Iron (Chemical symbol FE) has the atomic number 26 which means that it has 26 protons (this number is stable along all the variants of Iron). Iron has many isotopes. The most abundant isotope is FE-56 (56 is the approximate atomic weight of this isotype). Isotope FE-57 is one of the four stable isotopes (in fact it comes between FE-56 and FE-58 making it in the middle position between the three most stable isotopes, the 4th less stable isotope is FE-54).
Let's consider these facts:
» The number of this chapter is 57. FE-57 is one of the four stable isotopes of iron. Please pay attention to its central position among the stable ones as mentioned above.
» Some researchers suggest that the Holy Quran can be divided into two parts: a) opening chapter (which is named "the key") b) rest of Quran's chapters. This means that chapter "Iron" is the 56th chapter according to this. The atomic weight of iron is approximately 56.
» The 26th occurrence of the word God - "Allah" - الله - in this chapter appears in this verse. In other words, up to and including the verse that contains the word "Iron" in chapter Iron there are 26 occurrences of the word God - "Allah" - الله. Iron's atmoc number is 26. The same can be seen in chapter "Bee": up to and including the verse that contains the word "Bee" in chapter "Bee" there are 32 occurrences of the word God - "Allah" - الله. Bees have 32 chromosomes.
» This same occurrence of the word God - "Allah" - الله - in cahpter "Iron" is th 2444th from Qurans beginnig. 2444 divides perfectly by atomic number of iron 26. It is equal to 26 x 94.
» This same occurrence of the word God - "Allah" - الله - (which is the last one of two in the verse) is the 26th word in verse. The first word of God - "Allah" - الله - in this verse comes in the 20th position.
» The first letter in the verse is L (Lam) (لام) in the word (لقد). The interesting thing is that the 26th letter is also L (Lam) (لام) in the word (وأنزلنا). Even the 52nd (26 x 2) letter is also L (Lam) (لام) in the word (الناس). Isotope FE-52 is the only isotope that has 26 protons and 26 neutrons. The others have different numbers of neutrons. Notice how letters (by their positions) match at the multiples of the atomic number of iron.
» Counting further we find the the 104th (i.e. 26 x 4) letter in the verse is letter H (Haa') (هاء) in the second and last word of God (Allah) which is actually the last letter in it. This occurrence of word God - Allah is, as mentioned earlier, the 26th word in verse and the 26th occurrence in chapter). The number 26 is equal to iron's atomic number and the number 4 signifies, here and in other places in the Holy Quran, the word God (الله) itself since it is made up by 4 Arabic letters (Alef. Lam, Lam, Ha). Similar phenomena (of letters matching at key positions) is seen in other places in the Quran such as in chaper 76 (Human being). Letters there match at the number of chromosomes humans have. Click here for more information.
» The gematrical value of the word Iron in Arabic is 26:
"Sirius", the brightest star in the night sky, appears as “Shi’ira,” meaning “star” in verse 49 of Surat an-Najm:
That it is He Who is the Lord of Sirius [Shi’ira]. (Surat an-Najm, 49)
The fact that the word “Sirius,“ or “Shi’ra” in Arabic, appears only in the 49th verse is particularly noteworthy. Because, based on the irregularities in Sirius’ orbit, scientists discovered it is actually a binary star. Therefore, Sirius is actually two stars, known as Sirius A and Sirius B. One feature of Sirius B is that is cannot be seen by telescope.
The stars in Sirius system follow a course toward one another in the shape of a bow, and hang in the sky by approaching one another every 49.9 years. These scientific data have been unanimously confirmed by the astronomy departments at the universities of Harvard, Ottawa and Leicester.1 Yet this scientific fact that only emerged toward the end of the 20th century was miraculously referred to in the Qur’an 1400 years ago. This miracle appears when we read verses 9 and 49 of Surat al-Najm together.
That it is He Who is the Lord of Sirius. (Surat an-Najm, 49)
He was two bow-lengths away or even closer. (Surat an-Najm, 9)
The term "kane kabe kavseyni ev edna,” in verse 9 of Surat al-Najm, translated as “two bow-lengths away or even closer,” may be a reference to these two stars drawing closer to one another in their courses. (Allah knows the truth.) This scientific fact, which could not possibly have been known at the time of the revelation of the Qur’an, proves once again that the Qur’an is the word of our Almighty Lord.
The star Sirius appears in the Surah called an-Najm, meaning “Star.” The stars comprising Sirius approach one another in their courses once every 49.9 years. This astronomic phenomenon is indicated in verses 49 and 9 of Surat an-Najm.
submitted by SpiraVampira to exmuslim [link] [comments]

Quran numerology

I constantly run into islamic numerology claims and how it proves the existence of god and that islam is truth. I saw number count miracles (all of them are thoroughly debunked at wikiislam) miracle 19 (debunked as well) but recently i saw something very tricky
One of the most important among the signs is in the first verse of the sura “The Moon” (Qamar). The number of verses to be counted from this verse to the end of the Quran is 1389. The year 1389 in the Muslim calendar corresponds to the year 1969 in the Gregorian calendar. And the year 1969 was the year when man landed on the moon for the first time.
"Sirius", the brightest star in the night sky, appears as “Shi’ira,” meaning “star” in verse 49 of Surat an-Najm:
That it is He Who is the Lord of Sirius [Shi’ira]. (Surat an-Najm, 49)
The fact that the word “Sirius,“ or “Shi’ra” in Arabic, appears only in the 49th verse is particularly noteworthy. Because, based on the irregularities in Sirius’ orbit, scientists discovered it is actually a binary star. Therefore, Sirius is actually two stars, known as Sirius A and Sirius B. One feature of Sirius B is that is cannot be seen by telescope.
The stars in Sirius system follow a course toward one another in the shape of a bow, and hang in the sky by approaching one another every 49.9 years. These scientific data have been unanimously confirmed by the astronomy departments at the universities of Harvard, Ottawa and Leicester.1 Yet this scientific fact that only emerged toward the end of the 20th century was miraculously referred to in the Qur’an 1400 years ago. This miracle appears when we read verses 9 and 49 of Surat al-Najm together.
That it is He Who is the Lord of Sirius. (Surat an-Najm, 49)
He was two bow-lengths away or even closer. (Surat an-Najm, 9)
The term "kane kabe kavseyni ev edna,” in verse 9 of Surat al-Najm, translated as “two bow-lengths away or even closer,” may be a reference to these two stars drawing closer to one another in their courses. (Allah knows the truth.) This scientific fact, which could not possibly have been known at the time of the revelation of the Qur’an, proves once again that the Qur’an is the word of our Almighty Lord.
The star Sirius appears in the Surah called an-Najm, meaning “Star.” The stars comprising Sirius approach one another in their courses once every 49.9 years. This astronomic phenomenon is indicated in verses 49 and 9 of Surat an-Najm
Are these claims true? Sirius approaching every 49.9 years and the moon landing claim?
submitted by Virusattribute0 to DebateAnAtheist [link] [comments]

Some news you may have missed out on part 9.

-EU mission downplays election-day malfeasance
The European Union on Friday downplayed opposition allegations of election-day malfeasance, saying that a days-long delay in the delivery of official results was caused by technical failures. This was stated in the European Union Election Observation Mission’s (EU EOM) final report on the July 25 general elections.
-Federal government imposed new restrictions on PM, Ministers
The federal government has imposed new restrictions and guidelines upon own Prime Minister and Cabinet Ministers. The federal government issued new instructions for the foreign visits of Prime Minister, cabinet members, Speaker National Assembly and Chairman Senate.
-The government has put ban on first class travel* of Prime Minister, Chairman Senate, Speaker National Assembly and the Foreign Minister.
-Federal ministers, state ministers, advisors and special assistants can travel abroad only three times in a year.
Similarly: PTI govt bans first-class travel for PM, Chairman Senate, Speaker NA
-Calls to enhance Pakistan, Spain economic relations
Embassy of Pakistan in Spain Economic & Commercial Wing head & Commercial Counsellor Dr Muhammad Hamid Ali has said that Pakistan’s IT and marble products have great potential in Spain and stressed that Pakistani exporters should focus on promoting exports of these products to further improve bilateral trade volume with Spain. He said this while exchanging views with local business community during his visit to the Islamabad Chamber of Commerce and Industry (ICCI).
e said a Mobile World Congress would be held in Barcelona, Spain from Feb 26 to March, 1, 2018 and urged that Pakistani business community of relevant sectors should take active participation in this event to explore new business opportunities. He said the ICCI should plan a sector-specific delegation focusing on two or three sectors to hold productive and result-oriented meetings with Spanish counterparts and assured that Pakistan Embassy in Spain would extend all possible cooperation to make its visit successful. ICCI Senior Vice President Muhammad Naveed and Vice President Nisar Mirza said that Pakistan and Spain have potential to enhance cooperation between their SMEs and emphasised that Pakistan Embassy in Spain should cooperate with the ICCI in promoting strong cooperation between SME sectors of both countries
Similarly: ICCI delegation visits Spain to explore business opportunities
The Ambassador of Pakistan and Commercial Counsellor informed the delegates that Pakistani private sector has good potential to enhance cooperation with Spanish counterparts in areas including textiles, food sector, IT, energy and construction. The ICCI delegation appreciated the efforts of Pakistan Embassy in Spain for opening Zara‘s Buying House in Pakistan. The Commercial Counsellor Dr. Hamid Ali also briefed the delegates about the Emerging Pakistan Initiative of Ministry of Commerce.
-Commercial drivers in Punjab to go through training or lose license: minister
Senior Minister Punjab Abdul Aleem Khan on Friday said that all the commercial drivers will have to go through proper schooling and training to drive commercial vehicles in the province. Presiding over a special meeting, Aleem Khan said that the Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) government wants rickshaw and bus drivers to go through schooling and professional training in order to reduce road accidents.
He said that most of the traffic accidents take place due to the negligence of the drivers who either over speed or ignore the traffic signals. He added that imposition of regulations regarding wearing seat belts and helmets have given fruitful results so the time has come to train commercial drivers. He warned that drivers not taking part in training can lose their driving licenses.
Similarly: Drivers without license will pay massive fines
-PM Imran, UAE delegation discuss bilateral interest & investment in Pakistan
Minister for State, Abu Dhabi Sultan Ahmed Al-Jaber accompanied by a delegation called on Prime Minister Imran Khan in Islamabad on Friday. The UAE delegation discussed matters of bilateral interest including investment in Pakistan. He highlighted the immense investment opportunities in renewable energy, petroleum and petrochemicals, seawater desalination, agricultural research and infrastructure development in Pakistan. Prime Minister encouraged the visiting delegation to explore these areas for investment.
-Naya Pakistan Housing Project received encouraging response: PM Imran
Prime Minister Imran Khan Friday said that response received so far both from the local investors as well as foreign investors and overseas Pakistanis towards Naya Pakistan Housing Project was encouraging.
The Prime Minister stated this while chairing a meeting of the Task Force on Naya Pakistan Housing Project here at Prime Minister’s Office. The Prime Minister appreciated the progress made so far and directed the Task Force to finalize modalities and future action plan regarding the establishment of Naya Pakistan Housing Authority, detailed and multifaceted financial model catering to different income groups and the legal framework within three weeks.
-Pakistan seeks deferred oil payment facility from UAE akin to Saudi Arabia
Islamabad has requested the United Arab Emirates (UAE) for a deferred payment facility for oil imports akin to the one secured with Saudi Arabia earlier this week.
-Buzdar approves formation of shelter homes for needy passengers in Lahore
Punjab Chief Minister Sardar Usman Buzdar on Friday approved a proposal to build shelter homes in Lahore for needy passengers visiting the provincial capital, ARY News reported. According to a statement released from his office, the CM approved the pilot project to build five shelter homes for deserving passengers. The project will be completed within 60 days.
“Welfare of the general public is an important agenda of PTI government and no stone will be left unturned in this regard. The purpose of building shelter homes is to provide necessary shelter to the poor people visiting Lahore for their health and other needs,” said the CM Punjab.
-Chinese Ambassador hints at economic assistance package for Pakistan during PM Khan visit to China
Chinese Ambassador Yao Jing has hinted at economic assistance package for Pakistan. He said that China would extend all possible assistance and support to Pakistan’s government.
He said, “We understand that Pakistan is facing many challenges in the financial sector and China , as a true friend, is ready to extend all possible assistance and support to Pakistan.”
-BLA commander involved in multiple terror attacks killed
-PSX overcomes early tremors to gain 924 points
The Pakistan Stock Exchange (PSX), which opened the day in negative, changed its course in the second half and ended the last session of the week in green.
Indices were observed dripping lower in the early hours of the trading session before changing their course post the Friday prayer break. KSE 100 index closed with a weekly gain of 5.4 per cent.
Similarly: PSX closes week on bullish note, gains 924 points
Similarly: Market watch: KSE-100 soars over 900 points on Chinese support hopes
-Government appoints career diplomats in London, Washington and other world capitals
Foreign Minister Shah Mahmood Qureshi announced that his government was appointing career diplomats in London, Washington, Riyadh and other important world capitals.
In a news conference on Friday held in Islamabad, Foreign Minister Qureshi said that no political appointee would be considered for the top diplomatic position in key world capitals.
Dr Asad Majeed Khan was being considered to replace Ali Jahangir in US and Nafees Zakaria who already has served as deputy high commissioner, to be appointed new high commissioner in UK.
He further gave a list of names who might be the new ambassadors, which include Raja Ali Ijaz for Saudi Arabia, Raza Bashir Tarar for Ottawa, Canada, Syed Ahsan Raza Shah for Doha, Qatar, Hamid Asghar Khan for Rabat, Morocco, Sheharyar Akbar Khan for Belgrade, Serbia, Sahibzada Ahmed Khan for Havana, Cuba and Ahmed Amjad Ali as the new Consul General for Dubai.
-Federal govt to provide due share of Net Hydel Profit to provinces: Bakhtiar
Federal Minister for Planning, Development and Reform Makhdum Khusro Bakhtiar on Friday said that the incumbent government is committed to give due share of Net Hydel Profit (NHP) to provinces, ARY News reported.
While chairing a meeting on Net Hydel Profit here at Islamabad on Friday, the minister said that the government would ensure implementation of Council of Common Interests (CCI) decision to resolve all outstanding issues regarding determination of NHP.
-LCCI praises PM’s efforts for economic revival
The Lahore Chamber of Commerce and Industry (LCCI) on Friday welcomed Prime Minister Imran Khan’s pledge to put the economy back on track. In a joint statement, the LCCI office-bearers, led by LCCI President Almas Hyder, Senior Vice President Khawaja Shahzad Nasir and Vice President Fahimur Rehman Sehgal, mentioned that the economy of Pakistan is passing through a critical time of history and demands sincere efforts from all segments.
They suggested the government to focus more on the export sector and bring down the cost of doing business in the country.
-COAS confirms death sentences awarded to 14 hardcore terrorists
Chief of Army Staff (COAS) General Qamar Javed Bajwa on Friday confirmed death sentences awarded to 14 hardcore terrorists involved in heinous offences related to terrorism. According to a statement released by Inter Services Public Relations (ISPR), the terrorists were involved in attacking armed forces and law enforcement agencies of Pakistan, killing innocent civilians and were behind destruction of educational institutions and Pakistan Tourism Development Corporation (PTDC) Hotel Malam Jabba.
-From Karachi to Dhabeji: PTI Govt to launch local train service
Federal Minister for Railway Sheikh Rashid Ahmad notified the media of the federal government’s initiative to launch a local train service in Karachi.
The Minister said, on the directives of Prime Minister Imran Khan, a local train service is going to be initiated from Karachi’s Landhi area to Dhabeji in Thatta district. President Arif Alvi will inaugurate the new addition in the railway fleet on October 31, Sheikh Rashid said. This is the launch of sixth train within merely 60 days of the new government; “we will fulfill our promise of bringing 10 new trains in 100 days of the government,” the Minister boastfully mentioned.
-Protest of Utility Stores Corporation workers ends after successful talks
The protesting employees of Utility Stores Corporation of Pakistan (USCP) have announced to call off their sit-in in Islamabad after holding successful negotiations with the government.
“Utility stores won’t be privatized, yearly adhoc relief will be given to the employees of the corporation along with salary of month of November,” said President, CBA Union, Arif Shah.
-Number of Chinese arriving in Pakistan increasing due to CPEC
After unfolding of the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC), the number of Chinese people traveling to Pakistan has increased, with some of them going on official visits, some to work on the projects and others involved in business activities.
-Pakistan likely to get $1 billion financial assistance from another friendly country
United Arab Emirates (UAE) is likely to give $1 billion assistance package for Pakistan. A UAE team will reach Pakistan today (Friday) to discuss ways for increasing bilateral trade.
The team will meet Finance Minister Asad Umar for briefing on economic situation. UAE is also likely to announce financial assistance of $1 billion for Pakistan.
Similarly: UAE delegation due in Pakistan, likely to announce $1 bn financial aid
-PM Imran to Focus on Transfer of Technology & Investment During Visit to China
Prime Minister Imran Khan has stated that the government will focus on the growth in investment, transfer of technology, and the strengthened trade relations with China through the China Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC).
-PAF to participate in international air show in China
Pakistan Air Force (PAF) will participate in the 12th China International Aviation and Aerospace Exhibition, or the Zhuhai Airshow, scheduled to be held from Nov 6 to 11 in Zhuhai, south China’s Guangdong Province.
-Pakistan to host 7th World Wind Energy Conference in November
The 7th World Wind Energy Conference (WWEC) and Exhibition will be held in Pakistan under the title “Re-energizing the developing World” from November 28-29 to bring together wind and renewable community from around the world to contribute in the wind power development for energy transition.
According to an official source, WWEC2018 will be held in Karachi and focus on the opportunities offered by modernization of wind energy in particular and renewable energy in general to meet growing energy demands of the developing countries without compromising on climate change risks.
-FIA sets up offices in Iran, Greece
RAWALPINDI: The Federal Investigation Agency (FIA) has established its sub-offices in Greece and Iran to check increasing activities of organised criminal networks and illegal movements of Pakistani migrants.
A senior FIA official told Dawn that one sub-office each in Greece and Iran had been established and soon two deputy directors along with their subordinates would begin performing duties in these countries.
-SBP mops up Rs658.3bn from market
he State Bank of Pakistan on Friday mopped up from the money market Rs658.3 billion (Rs 55.2 billion for three days and Rs603.1 billion for seven days) as reverse repo sale through its open market operation.
According to an SBP statement, four quotes were offered for three-day mop up while 16 were offered for seven-day mop up. The rate of return accepted for both categories of the operation is 8.45 per cent per annum.
-NAB raids key government department, seizes record
NAB conducted a raid on at the key government department in Sindh on Friday. Per the media report, NAB raided office of the Sindh information department in Karachi and seized records relating to advertisements. The records were from before 2013. The team also questioned the four employees at the office.
-Ready to address concerns over CPEC, says top Chinese envoy
China’s ambassador to Pakistan Yao Jing on Friday said that the multi-billion dollars China Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) is beneficial for both countries.
Addressing a ceremony, Jing rejected the notion that the bilateral agreement had put a financial burden on Pakistan, adding that China is ready to address the concerns over CPEC.
-Notorious gangster, former CTD Inspector arrested by Sindh Rangers
Pakistan Rangers Sindh and CTD today arrested notorious criminal, Zaheer Ahmed alias Gul, the suspended inspector of CTD from Malir. He was wanted in heinous crimes to the law enforcement agencies (LEAs), Sindh Rangers spokesperson said
-Crackdown against power pilferage begins in Lahore
A massive crackdown against those involved in power theft in Lahore started on Friday with district enforcement committee comprising electricity department, law enforcement agencies and administrative personnel, devised to supervise the initiatives taken in this regard.
Minister for Power, Umer Ayub Khan had announced on Thursday that serious action will be taken against those who have outstanding dues.
-PM Imran Khan China visit, several agreements to be signed
Prime Minister Imran Khan will pay his first official visit to China from Nov 2 to 5 at the invitation of the Chinese leadership and discuss whole range of bilateral issues besides inking a number of agreements, the Foreign Office announced.
-Doctors cannot use mobile phones in KP hospitals
The Khyber Pakhtunkhwa government has banned use of mobile phone by all the health officials during official hours.
The step was taken by the provincial authorities after some complaints concerning the patient care and doctor’s attention towards their duty.
“All staff (Doctors/Nurses/Technicians and other technical staff in Medical Line) working in hospitals of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa is hereby directed to avoid using Mobile Phone/Internet during official hours,” the notification issued by the health ministry read.
-Lahore on trajectory to becoming Smart City
Lots of stuff happening in Lahore, have a read.
-PM Imran Khan's Malaysia visit schedule unveiled
Prime Minister (PM) Imran Khan Malaysia tour has been finalised and the tentative dates have been revealed. PM Khan will leave for Malaysia on the invitation of its Premier Mahathir Bin Mohamad in the second week of November. Premier will depart for a state visit to Malaysia along with a high level delegation comprising Finance Minister, Foreign Minister and Information Minister.
-Pakistan approached UK for seizure of Sharif family assets, Britain's response reported
Pakistani government has asked the United Kingdom to seize Avenfield apartments owned by sons of former prime minister Nawaz Sharif, private media has reported. As per the media report, UK Central Authority (UKCA) has asked Pakistan for more information.
-Pakistan to establish pavilion at China Int'l Import Expo in Shanghai
Pakistan will establish a pavilion at China International Import Expo to be held in Shanghai from November 5, Radio Pakistan reported. According to details, the Expo will provide a chance to its manufacturers and producers to showcase their products in order to gain access to Chinese market. The Chinese government has granted the status of “Guest of Honour” to Pakistan to ensure the provision of all possible facilities and benefits to the Pakistani business community at the Expo. The official said the gesture also shows the level of commitment in China to make Pakistan part of a shared future.
Pakistani producers at the expo can offer their own unique and cost-effective products. A bigger share of the market in China would translate into higher revenues, improved quality and a wider product range.
-building Pak image to attract French businessmen, investors
Consul General of France Didier Talpain has said that bilateral trade between France and Pakistan was not that high and it was quite low which was mainly due to persisting negative perception and misconception about the security situation in Pakistan therefore it was necessary to focus on building the image of the country.
The misconception about security situation still remains in minds of many French businessmen despite the fact that the situation was much better as compared to what it had been before 2013, he added while exchanging views at a meeting with President KCCI Junaid Esmail Makda, Senior Vice President Khurram Shahzad, Vice President Asif Sheikh Javaid and KCCI Managing Committee during his visit to Karachi Chamber of Commerce and Industry.
-‘Govt introducing advance tech to curb line losses’
Power Minister Omar Ayub Khan has said that Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) government, under the dynamic and visionary leadership of Imran Khan, is committed to streamlining the system in every sector, including energy. In an interview on Friday, he said the government is introducing advanced technology to address the issues of high line losses and administrative woes. The minister said the government has accumulated $900 million to launch a mega programme to improve the damaged electrical system, adding that the concerned authorities have been directed to launch the programme in LESCO and IESCO in the first phase.
-Govt to support research initiatives for robust economic policymaking
Planning, Development and Reform Minister Makhdum Khusro Bakhtiar on Friday underscored the need for carrying out quality and policy-focused research for effective development and economic policymaking.
“This is important in order to enable the policymakers to devise sound strategies for achieving desired development results,” the federal minister said while chairing the 12th Senate meeting of the Pakistan Institute of Development Economics (PIDE) in Islamabad.
It may be noted that the federal minister in his capacity as the Planning Commission deputy chairman is also the chancellor of PIDE. MNA Shandana Gulzar, PIDE Vice-Chancellor Dr Asad Zaman, PIDE Senate members and senior officials of the ministry were also present in the meeting.
-PM constitutes National Economic Council’s executive committee Prime Minister Imran Khan on Friday constituted an executive committee of National Economic Council (NEC) comprising eight members, according to an official notification. The NEC’s executive committee will be headed by Finance Minister Asad Umar, the notification said.
The members of the committee included PM’s adviser on Trade and Industries Razak Dawood, Planning and Development Minister Khusro Bakhtiar, PM’s aide on austerity Dr Ishrat Hussain and Punjab Finance Minister Makhdoom Hashim Jawanbakhat.
submitted by FashBasher1 to pakistan [link] [comments]

Some news you may have missed out on part 50.

Can you believe it? I've made 50 of these things.
-Minor boy facing life sentence acquitted in drug smuggling case
A 13-year-old boy, who was facing life imprisonment in a case pertaining to smuggling drugs, was acquitted by the Islamabad High Court (IHC) on Monday. The verdict was issued by a two-judge high court bench, comprising IHC Chief Justice Athar Minallah and Justice Miangul Hassan.
-Land information to be available on internet soon, says KDA chief
The IT department of the Karachi Development Authority (KDA) is working on re-engineering of its systems after which citizens would be able to get information about land in Karachi on the internet while at their homes.
KDA Director General Samiuddin Siddiqui said this as he was addressing an event, titled ‘Future of Industries in Pakistan’, organised by a think tank. Siddiqui had been invited to the event as the chief guest. The KDA DG announced that the authority would announce a housing scheme for the citizens next year. The residents of Karachi would be facilitated in every way, he said. Siddiqui maintained that Karachi was the economic hub of the country and industries needed to be flourished in the city as it would generate employment for the youth.
-Airbnb gains traction in Pakistan and no one has noticed
A major chunk of Pakistan’s population is well aware of the online ride-hailing apps like Uber and Careem. However, a similar mobile app has quietly emerged in Pakistan and the overwhelming majority of people are unaware of its existence. The app goes by the name of Airbnb and it books homes, lodges and resthouses for staying. In the past few years, Airbnb has gained popularity in Pakistan. However, the company has not officially launched its application in the country because of which, the prices are in US dollars for homes in Pakistan.
A spokesperson at AirDNA said “Total Airbnb listings in Pakistan have increased by 227% over the last year, with the ratio of entire homes and private rooms roughly remaining the same. However, the revenue per available rental has actually decreased over the same period, suggesting that there is currently not quite as much demand for Airbnb in the country as there is supply.”
-SBP launches incentive scheme for home remittances
State Bank of Pakistan (SBP) on Monday announced incentive scheme for marketing of home remittances. The central bank said in order to encourage domestic banks/microfinance banks/exchange companies providing home remittance disbursement services, a performance based scheme has been developed to enhance their marketing/promotional/awareness efforts for home remittance products and services. The Government of Pakistan (GOP) shall reimburse these expenses through SBP. Home remittances exceeding 15 percent growth in FY19 compared with the levels achieved in FY18: Re 1 per each incremental USD mobilized over 15 percent growth.
-Agreements worth $260 million signed at 14th Build Asia Exhibition
The three-day mega event of 14th Build Asia Exhibition, successfully concluded in Karachi on Monday, as it facilitated the signing of agreements worth $260 million between many local and foreign companies participating in this mega event. The event, held at the Karachi Expo Center from December 15 to 17, is the largest exhibition of construction, real-estate and housing industry, held annually organized by E-Commerce Gateway Pakistan. Around 70,000 people visited the three – day exhibition where local and foreign companies showcased products related to construction and housing industries.
Two big companies from China have shown interest to make investment in Pakistan. A company Yuanda Group has shown interest to invest in Prime Minister’s low cost housing schemes. The company has planned pre-fabricated housings and China Speed system for Pakistan and this regard it held meetings with Sindh Governor Imran Ismail and Mayor Karachi Waseem Akhtar.
-Pakistan, China sign MoU to promote bilateral trade and investment
China Council for the Promotion of International Trade (CCPIT), Shenyang Sub-Council and Islamabad Chamber of Commerce and Industry (ICCI) Monday signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) to promote bilateral trade and investment between the two countries. ICCI President Ahmed Hassan Moughal and CCPIT-Shenyang Sub-Council President Zhao Kai signed the memorandum.
According to the MoU, both sides agreed to keep constant contact and make efforts to promote bilateral trade and economic cooperation between Pakistan and China. They agreed to exchange regularly market information to explore new possibilities for enhancing business cooperation between their members.
-KCCI, USAID to organize SME Activity on Dec 19
President Karachi Chamber of Commerce & Industry (KCCI) Junaid Esmail Makda will preside over Small & Medium Enterprises Activity (SMEA) on December 19, 2019 Wednesday being organized jointly with United States Agency for International Development (USAID). USAID SMEA is a five-year project that is supporting Pakistan in SME-led economic growth to help create jobs, foster entrepreneurship and contribute to increased GDP.
As a part of the United States Government’s long-term commitment to helping Pakistanis secure a more prosperous future by increasing household incomes and employment, nurturing competitive small and medium enterprises (SMEs), expanding trade and investment, and creating more rewarding business opportunities, SMEA is working towards improving the enabling environment for private sector-led growth.
-Pakistan, Turkey sign agreement to curb money laundering, terror financing
Pakistan and Turkey on Monday agreed to expand bilateral cooperation at all levels for tracing properties of Pakistanis bought through money laundering and other illegal channels of money transfer, while also deciding to work in tandem to choke down terror-financing through all possible measures.
The agreement was reached during the meetings of Turkish Interior Minister Suleyman Soylu with Prime Minister Imran Khan and Minister of State for Interior Shehryar Khan Afridi separately. A well-placed source in the federal government informed Pakistan Today that the Turkish minister also informed Pakistan that the Turkish government would continue its support to Pakistan at all international forums.
“The dignitary, who is heading a high-level delegation to Pakistan, told the prime minister that Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan would visit Pakistan next month along with his key cabinet ministers to take the bilateral cooperation between Pakistan and Turkey to the next level,” the source said. Turkish Interior Minister Suleyman Soylu also extended an invitation to Prime Minister Imran Khan to visit Turkey which was accepted by the prime minister,” the source added.
-Pakistan exports to China register significant increase in FY 2018-19
Pakistan exports to China have registered significant increase during the first quarter of FY 2018-19.The country’s export of goods to China during the first quarter of the fiscal year 2018-19 increased by 17.75 percent to US$430.3 million against the export of goods worth $353.892 million in the same period of the preceding year.
The import of goods from China also witnessed an increase of 10.3 percent as it rose to $10.384 billion in the first quarter of the current fiscal year from $9.314 billion in July-September (2017-18), said latest data released by State Bank of Pakistan (SBP).
-SBP Launches a Survey to Find Out Issues Faced by Remittance Senders & Receivers
The State Bank of Pakistan (SBP) has launched a survey on Pakistan remittances in collaboration with Pakistan Remittance Initiative (PRI). The survey aims to enhance remittances inflows through ascertaining issues being faced by senders and beneficiaries.
The survey has two parts for senders and beneficiaries and looks to ascertain issues encountered in remitting and receiving remittances from various formal banking and informal channels. The central bank designed a survey to inquire about glitches in the banking system including the exchange rate difference, long queues, hectic documentation, heavy charges and difficulties faced by senders and beneficiaries through banking channels.
The survey also asks beneficiaries about the quality of services provided by banks, money transfers and exchange companies including the ease of remitter, low receiving limits from formal channels, non-cooperative banking staff, instant, and home delivery.
-PTI government launches yet another new initiative in KP
PTI government has decided to initiate another health programme titled as ‘Ilaj Sahulat Plan’ (treatment facilitation plan) as a pilot project in the province. The Plan will be launched in four districts of the province as a pilot project. If it proves to be successful, then it will be extended to other parts of the province. The new plan is being launched by the Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa (K-P) government in association with the National Rural Support Programme (NRSP) and State Life insurance company, said Adviser to K-P Chief Minister on Education Ziaullah Bangash while addressing an inaugural ceremony for the plan in Kohat on Sunday.
-Government working to facilitate small, medium industry: PM Khan
Prime Minister Imran Khan on Monday reiterated his government’s resolve to facilitate small and medium industry and exporters of the country. Addressing the 42nd award ceremony of Federation of Pakistan Chambers of Commerce and Industry in Islamabad, the premier said both are the backbone of commerce and trade in any country. He said obstacles in the way of doing business will be removed to give boost to small and medium enterprises. He said several steps have already been taken to facilitate the exports industry.
Mr Khan said the nation needs to change its mindset regarding the business or setting up industry in Pakistan. He said the attitude of bureaucracy towards the business sectors will also be changed and it would need to remove bottlenecks in the way of doing business. The Prime Minister said increased prosperity will come into the country through commerce and industry.
-Chinese Package details to IMF: Finance Minister makes important announcement
Finance Minister Asad Umar has revealed that Pakistan has shared complete details of Chinese Package to International Monetary Fund. The details for Chinese package has officially been submitted to the International Monetary Fund (IMF), said Finance Minister Asad Umar on Monday. Mr Umar while talking to media aboard a flight from Karachi to Islamabad informed about State Bank of Pakistan’s monetary and fiscal policies and underlined the supplementary budget will assist in improving the fiscal deficit.
-Federal government decides to punish non tax filers
Pakistan has one of the lowest tax-to-GDP ratios in the world, around 12%, because tax evasion is rampant in the country. Therefore, the government has compiled lists of high net worth individuals, a database of more than 700,000, who are evading taxes and 3,100 of them have already been issued notices. These are resourceful people who have purchased properties worth Rs20 million, bought 1800 cc automobiles and earned rental incomes of Rs10 million a year, but didn’t file their income tax returns. Non-filers, people who don’t file their income tax returns regardless of whether they pay tax or not, will be penalised, Federal Finance Minister Asad Umar had said during a session of the National Assembly in October. The government is trying to make life difficult for non-filers.
-International Kabbadi tournament being held in Pakistan
International Gold Cup Kabaddi tournament would be played at Iqbal Stadium Faisalabad from January 3 to 7. According to Muhammad Tayyab Gilani,spokesman of Divisional Kabaddi Association said Monday a total 15 teams from across the country would participate in the tournament. Iran has confirmed its participation.
-Pakistan and Egypt decide to enhance defence and military collaboration
Chief of Army Staff (COAS) General Qamar Javed Bajwa held high profile meetings in Egypt . COAS reached Egypt on an official visit Monday, where he called on General Mohamed Zaki, Commander in Chief of Egyptian Armed Forces and Minister of Defence & Military Production and Lieutenant General Mohamed Farid Hegazy, Chief of Staff of the Egyptian Armed Forces. Both the sides agreed to increase bilateral cooperation in multiple fields including joint ventures, defence production, training and intelligence. They also agreed to improve cooperation for regional peace and stability, the ISPR statement added.
The military chief also met Sheikh Ahmed Al-Tayeb, Grand Sheikh of Al-Azhar. Grand Sheikh commended the efforts of Pakistan Army in eliminating the scourge of terrorism from the country. He also appreciated issuance of ‘Paigham-e-Pakistan’ fatwa on the issues arising from extremism by religious scholars of all schools of thoughts in Pakistan.
-PITB to Launch Prison Management App in Punjab’s Jails
The Punjab Information Technology Board (PITB) has decided to introduce a Prison Management Information System (PMIS) application at the prisons in Punjab. In the first phase, the app will be used in six jails in the province. This info comes from a PITB team’s presentation to Punjab’s Prisons Minister Zawar Hussain Waraich and Inspector General (IG) Prisons Mirza Shahid Saleem Baig. The team apprised that the decision was in line with the government’s 100-day plan. The department has decided to expand it to six jails after the app’s successful run in its pilot phase. Moreover, IG Prisons maintained that the prison records need to be updated to strengthen the criminal justice system. He said that the PMIS has been developed for this very purpose.
-PM Imran says supporting farmers top priority of government
Prime Minister Imran Khan has said that supporting farmers and assisting them in adopting modern practices was among the top priorities of the government.
The Prime Minister emphasized upon the need for revamping of the research centers involved in seed registration so as to bring focus to their work. The Prime Minister was chairing a meeting on the challenges being faced by the country in cotton sector and the way forward towards uplifting the agriculture sector. He said approved setting up of a working group, headed by the Minister for National Food Security, to revamp existing seed registration institutes in order to bring about qualitative improvement in their output. A working group comprising of private sector seed companies and government sector regulators would also be constituted to simplify seed certification system and to find solution which ensures that the farmers are able to sift between the good and the bad varieties and companies.
-PM Imran meets Turkish interior minister
Prime Minister Imran Khan on Monday met the Turkish Interior Minister Süleyman Soylu and discussed bilateral ties with the visiting delegation. The meeting, held at Prime Minister Office in Islamabad, was also attended by State Minister for Interior Shehryar Afridi. Soylu conveyed felicitations on behalf of Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan to Imran for assuming office.
Update -Turkish Interior Minister delivers important message of President Tayyip Erdogan for PM Imran Khan
Prime Minister Imran Khan held an important meeting with the visiting Turkish Interior Minister who delivered important message of President Tayyip Erdogan for the Pakistani PM. The prime minister expressed satisfaction over the upward trajectory of Pak-Turkish bilateral relations and extended invitation to Turkish President and Turkish leadership to visit Pakistan.
-US softens stand on IMF deal with Pakistan
Pakistan has abandoned its planned economic diplomacy with US as the Trump administration has softened its viewpoint for Pakistan’ expected bailout package from International Monetary Fund (IMF), a top official at Finance Ministry told The News. Earlier, the US wanted IMF to impose strict terms and conditions on Pakistan for $6-7 billion bailout package, but with recent letter of US President to Prime Minister Imran Khan seeking Pakistan role in bringing Taliban at dialogue table has changed the scene as Premier Imran Khan had responded positively and announced to play his role in Afghan peace.
Earlier, Pakistan’s financial managers had a plan to initiate economic diplomacy with the US to help soften terms and conditions IMF authorities had placed before financial managers’ team of PTI government. At the beginning, the Fund had asked PTI government to bring down budget deficit to just over 2.5 percent of the GDP in next three years knowing the fact at present the fiscal deficit hovers at 6.6 percent of the GDP. This condition was tough and now IMF authorities have stated to be showing flexibility in the said demand, but the official said that exact figure about the fiscal deficit is yet to be finalised. To a question the official said that Pakistan and IMF have substantially made progress positively and the bailout package would be inked sometime in the month of January. He said Pakistan and IMF will be well prepared for the meeting of Board of Governors — the highest decision making body of the Fund.
-Smart Infrastructure: World leading tech giant arrives in Pakistan with huge Investment
Whale Could, the strategic partner of Ali Baba Group, is about to land in Pakistan along with an investment of $70 million, spreading over the next two to three years. Whale Cloud CEO Ben Zhou called upon Dr. Khalid Maqbool Siddiqui Federal Minister of IT and Telecom Dr. Khalid Maqbool Siddiqui yesterday to consider the opportunities and investment climate in Pakistan.
-China likely to provide US$ two bln to Pakistan: sources
China will deposit US$ two billion with Pakistan to help the country in its balance of payment crisis, Ministry of Finance. The expected two billion dollars are likely to be received in a single tranche this month, the sources further said. The United Arab Emirates (UAE) also expected to provide a similar package to Pakistan including the loan and deferred payment facility for the oil. Finance Minister Asad Umar in a recent interview had said that Pakistan’s balance of payment crisis comes to an end. He also said that China and UAE are expected to extend financial support to Pakistan.
Update -China & UAE to Deposit $5 Billion in Pakistan’s Foreign Exchange Reserves: Report
China is expected to deposit $2 billion in Pakistan reserves during the month of December and more importantly the economic diplomacy with the UAE is also going to show some results as UAE is likely to provide financial assistance as well.
According to a report in a local newspaper, Pakistan is likely to receive financial assistance from China and UAE this month. A senior official, privy to the development, told the local newspaper that during the month of January 2019, the country is most likely to attain a $6 billion facility. He further added that “UAE will also deposit $3 billion in Pakistan’s exchange reserves, but in installments, and will also extend an oil facility of $3 billion for deferred payment too.” China will deposit $2 billion and will most likely do it in one go. However, he said, China wants Pakistan not to highlight its assistance for strengthening the reserves.
-PM for efforts to meet target of 15m cotton bales production
Prime Minister Imran Khan on Monday called for consorted efforts to enhance the production of cotton to 15 million bales, reiterating his government’s priorities to support farmers in adopting the modern practices. Chairing a meeting on the challenges being faced by the country in cotton sector and the way forward towards uplifting the agriculture sector, the prime minister approved setting up of a working group, headed by the National Food Security minister, to revamp the existing seed registration institutes to bring about qualitative improvement in their output.
The meeting was attended by National Food Security Minister Sahibzada Mehboob Sultan, Advisor to PM on Climate Change Malik Amin Aslam, Punjab Agriculture Minister Malik Nauman Ahmed Langrial, and National Food Security Secretary Dr Hashim Popalzi. It was decided that a working group comprising private sector seed companies and government sector regulators would also be constituted to simplify seed certification system and to find a solution to ensure that the farmers were able to differentiate between the good and the bad varieties and companies.
-Karachi Police launches a new initiative for crime control in the city
Karachi Police has launched a new initiative for crime control in the mega city. Karachi police has prepared an application for keeping a record of crime and facilitating the citizens. People will be able to report the theft of mobile, car and cash. The complaint will be received to relevant SSP immediately after being registered. On district level, victim support service desk will monitor the complaints. It will arrange a contact between police and the affected citizen as soon as the complaint gets registered. The app will be launched for the Karachiites after completion of testing.
-30,000 desi chickens to be given at subsidised rates in Multan
In a bid to promote poultry farming, at least 30,000 desi birds, being reared at local government poultry farms and units, will be given to the masses at subsidised prices from February 2019.
This was said by Poultry Development Officer Dr Salma Naz in Multan on Monday. She said the livestock department has started seeking applications from citizens in this regard.
She said the provision of poultry units would enable the masses to have an additional income. She remarked that citizens’ interest and queries related to desi poultry birds was on the rise for the past few days as she received a number of phone calls.
-Basmati rice exports exhibit 24.32pc growth in five months
Exports of Basmati Rice has registered 24.32 percent growth during first five months (July – November) of current fiscal year due to lower commodity price in international market, according to data released by Pakistan Bureau of Statistics (PBS) on Monday. Pakistan exported basmati rice worth $207.64 million during first five months of current fiscal year as compared with $167.014 million in the corresponding period of the last fiscal year. The quantity of exported rice has been increased by 39.68 percent for fetching this foreign exchange in the period under review. Overall the exports of rice fell by 5.62 percent to $614.193 million during July – November 2018 as compared with $650.772 million in the same period of the last fiscal year.
-Textile exports fetch $5.506 billion during first five months
The rupee depreciation helped the textile exports in terms of local currency to grow by 21 percent during first five months (July – November) of current fiscal year.
-PM Imran vows to rectify past mistakes for prosperous Pakistan
Prime Minister Imran Khan on Monday vowed to rectify mistakes made in the past to ensure prosperity in Pakistan. “We want to correct all that has been done in the past,” the premier said while addressing the Federation of Pakistan Chambers of Commerce and Industry (FPCCI) in Islamabad.
“In the past, the governments did not contemplate raising businesses and exports,” PM Imran said. “We received a huge trade deficit from the previous government, which we are struggling to reduce.” He stressed, “we need to change our mindsets; a change in the thought process is imperative for a better future.” Success, he maintained, can only be achieved by learning from one’s mistakes.
-Sindh govt issues Rs220m for modern forensic lab at Karachi varsity
The Sindh government has issued Rs220 million to establish a modern DNA and Serology forensic laboratory at the University of Karachi.
The amount was issued to Dr Panjwani Center for Molecular Medicine and Drug Research, International Center for Chemical and Biological Sciences (ICCBS) to set up the state of the art lab at the Jamil-ur-Rahman Center for Genome Research of PCMD. The ICCBS has prepared a comprehensive execution plan for the project, Prof Dr Muhammad Iqbal Chaudhary, the ICCBS director said on Monday while speaking at a press conference held at the LEJ National Science Information Centre.
-Number of taxpayers have risen by 30% in last one year: Hammad Azhar
The number of taxpayers in Pakistan have risen by 30% in last one year, said Minister of State for Revenue Hammad Azhar on Monday. While addressing a press conference in Lahore, Mr Azhar stated the government was committed to bringing tax reforms and widening the tax net for putting Pakistan on the path of progress and prosperity.
He added that four-million taxpayers had so far filed their tax returns and they could file their tax returns on Monday (today). Moreover, the minister said it had been decided to translate the Federal Board of Revenue policies and tax laws into Urdu for making the tax system easier to comprehend for the common man.
-105 million cfpd gas, 5,358 barrels oil per day Reserves discovered in Pakistan
Five successful drills were also made by United Energy Pakistan Limited in Tando Allah Yar, Tando Muhammad Khan and other districts of Sindh.
-Half of Pakistan population to have health cards for free medical treatment
Health Minister Aamir Kiani says half of the population of the country will have health cards for free medical treatment by next year. Talking to newsmen after inauguration of a shelter home for homeless people in Rawalpindi, the Minister said people having health cards will be able to get medical treatment free of cost at private hospitals up to seven hundred twenty thousand rupees. Aamir Kiani said best facilities will be provided to the needy at shelter homes, and the provincial governments concerned will bear the expenditures for it.
-PM Imran Khan targets two main industries for economic revival
Prime Minister Imran Khan says government is working to facilitate small and medium industry and exporters of the country. The Prime Minister said the nation needs to change its mindset regarding the business or setting up industry in Pakistan. He said the attitude of bureaucracy towards the business sectors will also be changed and it would need to remove bottlenecks in the way of doing business. The Prime Minister said increased prosperity will come into the country through commerce and industry.
submitted by FashBasher1 to pakistan [link] [comments]

An Account of the Island of Alukena: On the Customs of the Alukenai. Part I

Far into the Western Ocean which the Mainlanders of Tamriel call the 'Eltheric' lies the island of Alukena. The island is not well documented and is often left off most maps as so few people have set foot on its shores. I, Curius Quaesto, am one of the fortunate few who has visited the island and spoken to its inhabitants. First of all, for any adventurers seeking to make their way to this island, you should know that it lies beyond even the remnants of Yokuda (that collection of isles of the Redguards which were said to once be one giant continent) and that only the finest mariners can sail through the treacherous waters and obscuring fog. I had heard tales of the strange island ever since I was a boy.
Growing up in Anvil, I would listen to sailors and pirates boasting and telling stories about far away isles inhabited by all sorts of creatures and people. I had heard of the lost continent of Yokuda where my forefathers once lived and worked, for you see, I am what the Redguards of Hammerfell would call a mixed blood, a child of a Yoku mother and an Imperial father. For some of the more conservative members of Ra Gada lineage, my existence is a shame as I am proof to them that the blood of Yokuda has been diluted. Obviously, such people are fools to believe that anyone is pure Yoku anymore, but their beliefs remain strong in the wake of the growing hatred for the Imperials after their bloody war with the Dominion. As such, I have always identified more strongly with my father than with my mother and so I hoped to use this voyage to re-connect with my ancestors and re-trace their path back to Old Yoku and beyond, to visit lands even the finest Yokudans had never seen.
Having read about the secretive isle of Alukena in a tome I'd purchased from an old sailor named Harim Ra'am No Lo'igra, I decided that finding the island would be the perfect way to prove the honour of my Yoku blood, to make myself a true raga in the eyes of the ancestors. After asking nearly everyone in Anvil, I was pointed towards an old Redguard pirate named Qamar who the sailors said had washed up on Alukena after being caught in a storm whilst trying to avoid the Imperial pirate-hunters. For a rather large sum of gold Qamar agreed to take me to the isle, but not before intoning the proper rights. Superstitious Redguard, I thought. Before we could set sail, Qamar insisted that we visit the coral temple and hire a coral priestess. I hadn't heard of these coral priestesses before so Qamar explained that they were devotees of the old sea goddess Atlantoa, and that if we wished to sail beyond Yokuda, beyond the great Vapour Wall, then we needed to pay tribute to the goddess of the deeps. Having paid for the services of the coral priestess Alqorah Ubd Al-Atlantoa, we finally set sail. As we approached the Yokudan isles, I felt a twinge of melancholy as I thought about the land that had once existed and how it would have rivalled even Tamriel in its size and splendour. Alas, such thoughts were fleeting, and suddenly Yokuda was nothing more than a dot on the horizon as we sailed ever-forward. At long last we approached the Vapour Wall, a mighty barrier of fog and wind which prevents safe passage beyond Yokuda and which has been the cause of many a shipwreck. Located in a place Alqorah called Sep's Ocean, the Wall marked the end of the known world and the beginning of the unknown.
Having weighed anchor before the Vapour Wall (which Alqorah told us was made of the souls of all those who had entered the deeps of Atlantoa), we could not go any further without risking harm to the ship. Suddenly, a great figure rose before us.
It roared: "I am Atlantoa, goddess of the Deep, Bringer of Storms and the herald of a New Dawn. All who stray westwards from Yoku and attempt passage beyond the vapour-borders court demise at my hands!". Awed by her majesty, Qamar and I simply stood transfixed, unable to fight or flee. Alqorah, however, was prostrating before her goddess, speaking a strange tongue neither I nor Qamar could understand. She went over to a cage she had brought with her, and produced a large, brightly-coloured bird, it squawked and screeched as she wrung its neck. She then threw the bird over the deck and into the sea, but Altantoa did not seem satisfied with the sacrifice, so Alqorah grabbed a dagger and cut her palm, letting a torrent of blood flow into the sea until she had turned very pale. Atlantoa swept her hands into the blood red sea and drank deeply. She smiled and said something to Alqorah who suddenly seemed much healthier, and then Atlantoa reached out and cut a hole in the Vapour Wall. We sailed through the hole and as we reached the other side, it closed up behind us and Atlantoa sank back into the depths. Exhausted, Alqorah sank into a hammock and slept the rest of the journey.
As we sailed further on, we could see an island in the distance, it looked small, but habitable. We made landfall in the evening and as I looked up, I could see no familiar constellations, these were new stars in a new sky. We made camp close to the shore and waited for morning to arrive. As morning came, we spotted a black structure off in the distance, nestled in a thick forest. Qamar, Alqorah, and I made our way through the trees until we reached the black structure. It was some kind of tower and it stood impressively, dominating the landscape. As we approached, a gust of wind seemed to blow from every direction and suddenly the tower disappeared and we were in a city made of polished black stone which had paved roads leading to a massive structure which we guessed was a temple to some deity or other. Excited, I pressed forward following the pathway to the temple, but was stopped by a large man who stood about as tall as a giant and had large golden eyes and skin the colour of honey. In his right hand he held a spear tipped with some kind of crystal and in his left he held an oval shield which seemed to be made of wood. He seemed to recognise Qamar and pointed at him shouting in some foreign tongue which Alqorah seemed to be able to understand.
She translated for us: "You have visited us before, dark one. We are the Alukenai, the people of the Sun and Moon, and we do not like outsiders trespassing upon our lands! Why have you stepped foot again on our sacred isle?". Alqorah translated my explanation, that I was on a quest to find the lost island and that we meant no harm or disrespect. The man, unconvinced by my story and seeming more interested in Qamar, whistled and suddenly out of thin air appeared eight more tall, angry beings. His friends were arrayed in some armour which resembled a large crab and amongst their number were four women the likes of which I have never seen. They were tall and graceful with eyes of amber and long sable hair which was braided at the back and their skin was the colour of silver. To say they were beautiful would be an understatement, they were lithe and svelte with forms more pleasing than those of the pleasure houses of Suran. They tied our wrists and pulled us towards the temple, placing us before the statues of their gods.
"We'll ask the gods what they want us to do with you and your friends.", said the tall man who seemed to be their leader. He knelt before a figure I recognised, that of Atlantoa, the four-armed matron of destruction and rebirth, and offered some strange liquid which he poured into the statue's mouth. The statue began to glow and out of it came a familiar voice: "Vaima accepts your offering and so grants you her counsel: spare these outsiders and I shall calm the sea." The man frowned and turned away from the statue saying,
"There are many more gods to speak with before a decision can be made."
Next, he came before the statue of a woman with silvery skin, large breasts and a shapely figure. She was a maiden crowned with a garland of flowers and she sat upon a great beast which had 7 heads. Her face was smooth and elegant and her lips were full and painted bright red. In her right hand she held a small chalice and in her left was a strange flower. The man bowed before the statue and poured the strange liquid into the chalice, it began to glow with a purple light as the statue's mouth opened. It said: "Avezi accepts your offering and grants you her counsel: lie with these outsiders in the old way and make union of your flesh as I have taught you and I shall make the land prosper and the bellies of your women swell with the children of ages." Again, the man frowned and turned away from the statue, mumbling something to himself.
The next statue he bowed before was that of a man with golden skin and a large bronze erect phallus. The statue was dressed in a fine blue robe and its head was garlanded by a crown of gold. Its face was that of a man in fury, its teeth were bared to display fangs and in its brow was set a sapphire. Curiously, in its left hand the statue held some kind of whip and in its right a sickle. The man poured the strange liquid onto the statue's phallus and its face turned from a wrathful anger to a beaming smile. It's mouth turned from a scowl to a grin and opened up to say: "Alute accepts your offering and grants you his counsel: make peace with these outsiders and share your homes with them and as Lord of the Sun I shall avert the gaze of the Burning Eye that you might be spared its wrathful heat and I shall make your men the most able hunters and planters of seed." Furious, the man turned his back to the statue which drew the ire of his friends who chided him for his disrespect of Alute. He turned and bared his fangs at them, shouting about how there were more gods yet to consult.
Growing steadily more angry, the man walked up to the next statue and bowed. This statue was of a woman with cat eyes and sharp fangs bared in a snarl. In her hands the woman held a silver crescent and in her forehead was a diamond of purest clarity such that when the temple lights (the temple was shrouded in darkness and was lit only weakly by a few hanging braziers filled with glowing crystals) hit the diamond it split the light into a myriad of golden flecks. She was robed in a white dress rather similar to an Imperial toga, and had her right breast exposed which was silver and gleaming as was all her skin. The man poured the liquid onto the statue's breast so that the liquid would seep out and the statue's mouth opened to speak: "Kena accepts your offering and grants you her counsel: you have heard the words of my consort Alute, and I would speak the same: teach these outsiders of our ways that they might understand us and grow wise, and I shall keep the moons aloft and the stars burning bright so that your women might stay young and comely. Do as I say and your women shall be the strongest and most beautiful."
The man moved on to the next statue and bowed before it. The statue was of a man with large spiralling horns and bronze skin. In his forehead was the purest yellow crystal I had ever seen. The body of the man was encased in what looked like a giant crab so that it formed an armour and the statue's legs were that of a large cat. In its hands it held a string instrument and slung over its shoulder was a quiver of arrows fletched with pure white feathers. It too had a large erect phallus which stood prominently and was burnished to such an extent that the light reflecting off it was painful to set eyes upon. The man bowed before the statue and poured the liquid into the laughing maw of the statue whilst pouring the rest onto the phallus. Then, the statue spoke:"Pahi Iki accepts your offering and grants you his counsel: as I once made music from the bones of the dreaded elha beast, so too would I have you make music and merriment with these outsiders. Do this and I shall keep your arrows straight and true and the rains shall come to abate the heat of the day and nourish your crops."
Having consulted with a few of his gods (I could see several more statues on the periphery, but these gods he made sacrifice to seemed to be the most important), the man turned and motioned for our bindings to be cut. The women produced dark crystal daggers and cut our ropes and sent us out of the temple into the square. Alqorah explained what the women were saying to her, "You see, Saru wanted his gods to tell him to put us to death, but for some reason they did not agree. As leader of their people, he has to abide by the gods' will or the gods will send monsters to plague his people. If he had refused to release us, the others are duty-bound to seize him and offer him up to the gods as sacrifice. If the gods agree, then he is to be boiled alive and eaten, with a portion of the meal being given to the gods as recompense. As such, Saru has declared us free to stay with the condition that we do not enter the temple without an escort."
And so, with the words of the gods fresh in our minds, we copulated, and drank, and made music, and learnt, and told stories long into the night. And it was there, under strange stars, that I felt I had become a raga, a true man.
-End of Part 1-
submitted by Phantasmak to teslore [link] [comments]

al qamar translation video

(Al-Qamar 54:42) | <Embed> | Malay Translation | Add Note | Bookmark. Are your Unbelievers, (O Quraish), better than they? Or have ye an immunity in the Sacred Books? (Al-Qamar 54:43) | <Embed> | Malay Translation | Add Note | Bookmark. Or do they say: "We acting together can defend ourselves"? (Al-Qamar 54:44) | <Embed> | Malay Translation | Add Note | Bookmark. Soon will their multitude be Surah Al Qamar with Translation, Transliteration, and Tafsir. Assalamualaikum. Surah Al Qamar (Arabic Text: سورة القمر) is the 54th chapter of the Qur’an with total of 55 ayats. It is classified as a Meccan Surah and titled “The Moon”. The main theme or subject matter of this chapter is about the day of judgement. Quran Translation Surah Al-Qamar in English. This is the chapter #54 of the Holy Quran was revealed in Makki and there are 55 verses. Learn Surah Al Qamar (القمر) Through Word By Word Translation And Transliteration In English, Urdu, Hindi, Indonesian, Bangla, Turkish, German, Russian and Ingush Surah Al Qamar (Arabic: سورة القمر‎, "The Moon") is the 54 surah (Chapter) of Al Qur'an with 55 verses. Some verses refer to the Splitting of the moon. "Qamar" (القمر), meaning "'Moon" in Arabic, is also a common name among Muslims. Read Surat Al-Qamar in Arabic and English while listening to it by the voice of several reciters. Find also Tafsir and translation to different languages. Read and learn Surah 54. Al-Qamar Translation in English by Asad in a simple, accurate, and easy-to-use interface. Recite and explore the Holy Quran online!

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