Croupier Australia - Salary, How to find a job

salary of a croupier

salary of a croupier - win

Inkomen is flink gestegen, nu het gevoel alsof ik vast zit. Iemand advies?

Binnen mijn eigen cirkel ben ik vooralsnog de enige ondernemer / investeerder met als gevolg dat ik helaas niemand in mijn directe omgeving heb die mij hiermee kan helpen. Mijn familieleden hebben het nu vrij goed voor elkaar (lees: prima kantoorbaan, geen schulden, huisje boompje beestje, etc.). Mijn partner en mijn vrienden zitten allemaal in de beginfase van hun carrière. Om deze reden een oproep aan de DutchFIRE community.
Ik heb een weggooi account aangemaakt wegens privacy.
Geld is voor mij belangrijk tot een bepaald punt. Dat is voortgekomen uit een nare situatie waarbij mijn ouders uit elkaar gingen en mijn ene ouder zorg had over twee kinderen met een inkomen welke lager was dan de benodigde uitgaven. Wij zijn nooit arm geweest, maar tijdens die periode was het zeer lastig om elke avond een maaltijd op tafel te krijgen. Ik heb mezelf beloofd om er alles aan te doen nooit meer in zo'n situatie terecht te komen.
Tijdens mijn tienerjaren ben ik begonnen met werken. Ik heb diverse bijbaantjes gehad zoals: vakkenvullen (1 dag!), verkoopadviseur in een elektronica- en kledingwinkel en in de horeca. Bij dat laatste heb ik een jaar lang elk weekend 12 uur per dag gewerkt tot ik op een gegeven moment 19 werd en salarisverhoging zou krijgen. Die kreeg ik ook, van € 7,00 naar € 7,07! Binnen een week had ik mijn ontslag ingediend. Daarna aan de slag gegaan als croupier bij een casino en dat heb ik gedaan tot ik klaar was met studeren.
Niet geheel onbelangrijk, door beiden ouders was een studiepotje opgezet welke vrij zou komen wanneer ik 18 werd. Toen mijn ouders uit elkaar gingen vond de ene ouder het een goed idee om dat potje voor vertrek leeg te trekken. Ik wilde geen hoge schuld opbouwen bij DUO, dus heb ik gewerkt om mijn studie te kunnen bekostigen. Gelukkig was ik wel in de gelegenheid om thuis te blijven wonen, waardoor dit goed te doen was.
Op mijn 24ste was ik klaar met mijn HBO opleiding en ben ik fulltime aan de slag gegaan bij het bedrijf waarbij ik mijn afstudeerstage heb gedaan. Ik begon met een salaris van € 30.000 bruto per jaar en had een leuke leaseauto waarmee ik mezelf vermaakte. Na 1,5 jaar was het tijd voor de promotierondes en ook al presteerde ik boven de norm, gezien het feit dat ik nog niet lang genoeg bij de organisatie werkte ging die promotie naar iemand anders. (Instant flashback naar mijn ervaring met de horeca.) Ik begon te zoeken naar andere bedrijven en kwam terecht bij een bedrijf waar ik eigenlijk nog te weinig ervaring voor had, maar de eigenaar was bereid om me een kans te geven. Helaas moest ik mijn leaseauto inleveren, maar in ruil ging mijn bruto jaarinkomen richting de € 65.000.
Weer 1,5 jaar later kwam ik in een situatie terecht waarbij ik tevreden was met het bedrijf waar ik op dat moment werkte, maar ik in gesprek raakte met een andere organisatie die bereid was om mij meer te bieden voor hetzelfde werk en waarbij de werklocatie dichter bij huis lag. Het detacheren was op dat moment ook niet ideaal voor me, omdat me wilde richten op een eigen onderneming en ik na 4 jaar geen zin meer had in de file. Na alle sollicitatierondes doorgekomen te zijn, ging mijn inkomen naar € 80.000 bruto per jaar. Hier werk ik nu nog steeds.
In 2016 ben ik begonnen met experimenteren op YouTube. Dat leverde in het begin niks op en was een leuke manier om mijn tijd te besteden. Op een gegeven moment begon ik een paar tientjes per maand te verdienen en vervolgens werd dat een paar honderd euro per maand. In het najaar van 2019 begon ik YouTube serieus te nemen en dat was ook het punt dat ik 40 uur per week eraan begon te besteden, naast mijn kantoorbaan. Die inzet is een aantal maanden geleden begonnen met vruchten afwerpen, want mijn inkomsten met YouTube zijn op dit moment tussen de € 10.000 en € 20.000 per maand netto. (Het is afhankelijk van hoeveel weergaven ik krijg en of ik sponsordeals aanneem etc.). Hier zal ik in 2021 belasting over moeten betalen, wat ongeveer € 30.000 zal zijn.
Huidige situatie
Ik heb op dit moment een koophuis van ~ €130.000 met een hypotheek welke ik eind van het jaar af ga lossen, deze gaat vervolgens de verhuur in met als doel een passieve inkomstenbron. Dit huis heb ik in 2018 gekocht op basis van mijn inkomsten van 30.000 bruto per jaar. Daarnaast heb ik een nieuw huis gekocht voor ~€ 400.000 waar ik in 2021 de sleutel van krijg. Mijn plan is om jaarlijks 10% van het nieuwe huis af te lossen. Mijn studieschuld heb ik afbetaald en naast een private leaseauto voor ~€ 475 per maand en dus de hypotheek heb ik geen schulden. Mijn partner is halverwege 2021 klaar met studeren en zal daarna ook fulltime gaan werken, waardoor we een extra inkomen hebben. Mijn uitgaven per maand, inclusief vaste lasten liggen rond de € 2250, dus ik leg bijna alles wat ik verdien opzij.
Ik voel me op dit moment vrij gelukkig en ben blij met wat ik tot nu toe heb bereikt. Echter, het voelt op dit moment alsof ik vast zit. Als ik geen verdere ambities zou hebben zou ik deze twee inkomstenbronnen kunnen behouden tot ik klaar ben om met pensioen te gaan. Ik heb naar mijn mening een leuke kantoorbaan waarbij ik uitdagend werk doe met een goed salaris. Aan de ene kant lijkt het me onverstandig om zoiets “weg te gooien” en aan de andere kant merk ik dat mijn motivatie om op 110% te presteren niet meer is zoals in het begin. Ik zorg dat mijn werk gedaan is, maar ben niet meer hongerig voor een promotie of iets dergelijks. Ik leef gelukkig al een aantal jaar niet van salaris naar salaris en ik zie onder andere daarom ook geen toekomst voor mezelf in loondienst.
Mijn voornaamste reden om mijn kantoorbaan op te zeggen is niet omdat ik niet meer wil werken. Ik vind werken best leuk en dat komt omdat ik het gevoel heb dat hoe meer ik mijn best doe voor mijn eigen zaak, hoe meer inkomsten ik kan genereren. Daarnaast ben ik pas 28 en ik vind het te vroeg om binnen 10 jaar met pensioen te gaan. Ik heb mijn 50ste verjaardag als richtlijn daarvoor. De afgelopen 1,5 jaar heb ik wel 80 uur per week gewerkt en ik wil het een prioriteit maken om dit terug te draaien naar 65 / 70 uur per week zodat ik meer tijd met mijn partner, vrienden en familie kan besteden.
Voordat ik ontslag neem wil ik een buffer voor 2 / 3 jaar hebben opgebouwd met YouTube en ik wacht tot mijn partner een baan heeft voordat ik zo'n beslissing maak.
Ik heb een jaar geleden een aantal doelen voor mezelf gesteld die ik binnen een periode van 5 tot 10 jaar wilde behalen. Omdat alles zo snel is gegaan heb ik het grootste gedeelte van dat lijstje al afgewerkt wat ik aan de ene kant geweldig vind en aan de andere kant teleurstellend. Voor mijn 35ste wil ik graag miljonair zijn en daarna is het geen focus meer om alsmaar meer geld te verdienen.
Vraag / advies
Is er iemand die ervaring heeft met een soortgelijke situatie? Zo ja, hoe heb jij zo’n dilemma aangepakt? Het laatste wat ik wil is om in de komende tien jaar alle landen te zien, alle auto’s te rijden etc. Ik wil voorkomen dat ik “te snel leef”.
Daarnaast zou ik graag willen beginnen met beleggen, maar omdat ik het al vrij druk heb is daytrading geen optie voor me. Heeft iemand misschien tips voor beleggen waarvan je denkt dat het bij mijn situatie zou passen? Ik vind het tof om zelf dingen uit te zoeken, dus een duwtje in de juiste richting zou ik erg op prijs stellen.
Wat zouden jullie doen als je in mijn situatie zat? Ik doel daarmee voornamelijk op het volledig gaan voor mijn eigen onderneming en het opzeggen van een goede kantoorbaan.
Ik ben me er volkomen van bewust dat ik voor mezelf moet beslissen wanneer ik stop met het werken in loondienst en volledig voor mijn eigen onderneming(en) ga. Dat is mijn keuze en dat zijn mijn gevolgen. Mijn vraag heeft als doel om het vanuit verschillende perspectieven te bekijken.
Dank je voor het lezen!
submitted by Name_is_gone to DutchFIRE [link] [comments]

AITA for telling my friend that she does not deserve a tip?

My friend works in a casino, yesterday she told me that one client who won a couple of grand did not leave a tip. She was furious, and I told her that I don't think that she should expect to receive a tip, after all this is the clients money, besides I don't think that her job requires a tip at all (she did not contribute in any way to this win). She got really angry with me told me that I am disrespecting her and her job etc, that of course it is expected of them to give a tip because they are winning big money and that she deserves a tip because she is working long hours and do I know how tough the job can get. My opinion is that your salary is what you should expect to receive (this is what you deserve) a tip is a bonus. If we take an example from school - if you complete your task 100% you should expect to receive a good grade, sometimes your parents for one reason or another might buy you a gift (a bonus) for the good work that you have done, its the same with this - you should expect to receive your salary (this is what you get for doing your job) but a tip is a bonus. She might want to receive a tip but she should not expect it and think that she deserves it, after all the client does not care how hard you work or if you had a tough day.
EDIT: her official job description is a croupier, however its a very small casino and they do not have any live games (only slots), so essentially what she does is to put money in the machine and bring drinks if they ask for one. The casino is also in Bulgaria - in the casinos here clients do not pay for food or drinks no matter how much money they have to play with.
SECOND EDIT: I'm not saying that she is not doing a good job or that in most cases they receive tips, what I'm saying is that she should not expect it and get furious about it.

Told my friend that only because a client won big money does not mean that she should expect receive a tip - she was furious and told me that I disrespect her.
submitted by masterzeng to AmItheAsshole [link] [comments]

Give me feedback on a poker scene from a short story I've written.

The main things I'm fishing for (pun intended) are:
1 - Ways I can rephrase some of the jargon to make this scene more accessible and understandable to people who don't play.
2 - What you would've done differently to Henry (I still need the final hand to end the same way).
There was a Texas hold ’em game in progress beneath a hanging lamp which created an island of burning light in the gloom. Seven of the nine seats were occupied; six westerners and one elderly local, who had the tallest stack by far. A bald, portly white man went bust in a showdown with the local, then got up and left, barely trying to contain his frustration. Henry got down from his stool and approached the table, watching the local player rake in his pot. The croupier welcomed him with the same warm grin worn by the rest of the staff. Henry placed his drink in a holder and greeted the other players with a few words and friendly nods. When he heard the stakes, a faint sense of trepidation fluttered in his stomach. He managed to maintain his calm smile as he bought in for half a month’s salary.
The game was like a dream. Though his hole cards were rarely anything miraculous, a bold and unfamiliar impetus guided him from one optimal decision to the next with the resolve of a seasoned general, and saw him win pot after pot after pot. He behaved timidly enough against players who betrayed themselves as hungry and impatient to coax them into traps, and when others showed a nervous disposition, he gave them room to build the pot at their own hesitant, uncertain pace, then routed them in a show of brash confidence, often when he was certain he had the weaker hand. He dodged a dozen bullets with shrewd folds that cost him pittance. When he did reach the showdown, his opponent was never out of the range he put them in, and he always turned over the stronger hand. On several occasions, when he got into a war with a more aggressive player, he was saved from throwing away a win by an illogical, yet insistent gut feeling.
As his stack grew, the chaos of cards and chips flying over the red felt seemed to take on a strange clockwork order. He felt as if he’d suddenly figured out some enigmatic riddle, that from this point on, he could never make a wrong call. The westerners, haemorrhaging chips, grew angry, but the one local, who’d lost a fair portion of his stack to Henry himself, was delighted. Even in the face of his biggest loss that night he declared, through a thick accent and a drunken slur, how glad he was that a worthy opponent had finally come along. A young man, twenty-two at a push, joined the game just after Henry reached a stack that was double his buy-in. Aside from the fact that he could afford the stakes, his designer clothes, platinum chain, and a palpable arrogance, told Henry that the boy was repugnantly wealthy; perhaps the child of some American magnate or Russian oligarch staying in the penthouse. He was a terrible poker player; seeing every flop and coasting to several showdowns holding dog shit. Hand after hand he lost what most people made in a day or even a week, but it didn’t seem to faze him at all. The brat was happy to spend more time looking at his phone than the action.
A flare of greedy joy lit up in Henry’s chest when he made a moderate pre-flop raise with pocket queens and the boy was his only caller. The young man’s jaded eyes drifted up from his phone to watch the flop being dealt:
5♣ 10♦ Q♥
Henry was first to act. He sipped his drink and looked at the flop with practiced, impartial eyes. He had the nuts, but making his decision felt suddenly difficult. The boy had been playing so loosely that he could have had anything, and his snobbish demeanour gave Henry an extra incentive to rob him for all he had, whether he really cared about his money or not. Rather than let him set the pace, Henry decided to open with a bet of just under half the pot, fiddling with his chips before he did so, trying to seem unsure of himself. His opponent min-raised after a couple seconds’ thought, if he thought about it at all, and went back to his phone with the same vacant stare. Henry tensed his cheeks to keep from smiling as he called and watched the turn card come up:
5♣ 10♦ Q♥ 3♦
Henry checked this time, curious to see how much aggression the rich man’s son was bringing to the hand. The boy blew some air through his lips and sunk back in his seat, then played with his chips for too long before betting two-thirds of the pot. If he knew his odds, which Henry doubted, he might have been playing a flush draw. Again, the kid’s aloof attitude was what informed Henry’s decision. Glancing at the backs of his opponent’s hole cards, all he could imagine was unsuited junk; an overpair at best. Rather than scare him off, Henry called, hoping his opponent would hit at least two pair or weaker trips on the next street. The croupier lay down the river:
5♣ 10♦ Q♥ 3♦ 5♦
Henry barely thought at all before he bet the pot. The boy was dead. Henry had just made a full house and his opponent had been watching the hand unfold with the blank-faced boredom of a child fiddling with his shoelace. There was no point delaying the inevitable, and he wanted to avoid showing his cards to the better players at the table. When Henry looked up, expecting a prompt fold, he was surprised to see a glimmer of light in the kid’s eyes. He looked at Henry’s bet for a long time, then bowed his head and checked his cards. His gaze flitted between the board and his hole cards a few times, then settled on his stack as his hand drifted over it. He raised, doubling the pot again, then straightened his posture and watched his opponent keenly. Henry couldn’t believe it. The kid did have a flush, and judging by the way his composure had changed, he was prepared to die for it. Henry kept his face stony as he scrutinised the table and pretended to consider his decision, but inside he was roaring in triumph, knowing he was about to make a month and a half’s wages in less than an hour.
His hands shook slightly as he lowered them to his stack and shoved it forward. The boy called immediately. Henry let a smile rise into his face as he showed his pocket queens. The boy’s expression was impartial at first, but quickly turned to a smirk as he lowered a hand to his hole cards. Henry knew what they were before the boy turned them over:
5♠ 5♥
A hushed gasp, then a trickling of laughter, rose from the other players. The colour drained from Henry’s face as his smile wilted and his heart went into a sickening free-fall. He sat rigid as the grinning croupier pushed the pot towards the boy, who leant forward and opened his arms wide to rake it in. The local clapped the little prick on the back and said something through a hearty chuckle. Even if Henry had wanted to hear it, the sounds of the lounge were now muffled by the cacophony of screaming and swearing that had eclipsed his thoughts. A full minute passed before he realised the croupier was asking him if we wanted to buy back in. The whole table was looking at him like he was a leper. Some feeling returned to his body and he managed to shake his head. He got up from his seat avoiding everyone’s gaze, then walked back to the bar on stiff, unstable legs.
submitted by Bloxocubes to poker [link] [comments]

Life Lesson Number 1: Life Sucks!

I am telling this story to literally get it off my chest, because it has been very tight lately...
I am 19 years old, male. I come from a small town in Bulgaria, a country located in Southeastern Europe. However, I moved to the capital city, Sofia, 1 month ago.
Last year, I attended university for 2 months, but due to financial constraints, and due to the fact that I felt like I was not going to learn much while spending my parents' money when they are not wealthy.
Currently, I am employed as a translator, which is a job that I enjoy doing even though it won't make me rich, but 4 months ago I was fooled into an back-office administrative position in a factory, hoping to do translation because of my foreign language proficiency. Well, the job can be described as "production coordinatoorganizeassistant", whatever you would prefer... Eager to do translation as part of the job, I learned a bit more about yarns and knitwear. And indeed, it involved translation of technical texts (even a user's manual for a plotting machine) occasionally and even verbal interpretation (once)... But it also included order entry in an ERP system, following correspondence, ordering production materials (twice), emailing partners of the firm regarding the production (including translation of technical production manuals) and of course, the worst part - staying for 12+ hours on a Saturday (6-day work week) night pulling out packing lists out of a printer which not only made my heart pound uncontrollably, but also made me hate my life. I got the job in mid-July and left at the end of September. Before that, since I lived in a small town with high unemployment and serious demographic and economic issues, I could not get any job... And by "any" I mean retail, supermarket jobs, flyer boy, croupier, bartender, waiter, etc. They all expected experience from a 19-year-old boy...
So yeah, fast forward to July, I got this job hoping to do translation... Which was only one piece of the puzzle, because employers, especially in Bulgaria, put serious requirements for dumb positions and even merge multiple positions in one. In this case, this position basically made me a boy-for-everything, which crushed my soul and made my depression even worse (I was depressed because I was hoping to get into a technical program but my mathematical ability was not good enough for university level Mathematics), I even started crying occasionally back at home for letting myself become a "dumb secretary", while this job was something like a substitute for a "Production Director" (without the "director" part), because even though it was administrative in itself, I had to calculate how many pieces of certain styles could be produced with the available yarn and make a production plan once, etc.
I used to create memes and upload them to YouTube in the summer, as a way to cope with depression...
I am now done with depression.
I am living at a friend's apartment because I first need to stabilize myself and then find a place to live in the following months. Also, here accommodation is a bit costly so I might have to spend half of my monthly salary for a small place, but I have promised myself that I will not be a slave anymore and that is the most important thing at this point...
I have started a job as an actual translator and am enjoying it. Even though I am no longer depressed, I feel like I am suffering from some sort of an anxiety disorder - be it PTSD, GAD, or whatever... I feel the pain in my chest, the palpitations from time to time, the intestinal problems, etc. Sometimes my thoughts are kind of negative, and of course there is the "What if?" question... At least I counter that with some positive thoughts and the joke "Life Lesson Number 1: Life Sucks!"
Is there a way to forget about this traumatic experience? Or at least feel a bit better... Or a bit less insecure (I actually cope with this sometimes)... Or at least stop overthinking and going back... I do talk normally and even laugh now, but my body seems to still be suffering...
Is there a way out of this?
This was also posted on /AnxietyDepression.
Thank you for reading this long story, if you actually took the time...
submitted by Sunix777 to Anxiety [link] [comments]

Life Lesson Number 1: Life Sucks!

I am telling this story to literally get it off my chest, because it has been very tight lately...
I am 19 years old, male. I come from a small town in Bulgaria, a country located in Southeastern Europe. However, I moved to the capital city, Sofia, 1 month ago.
Last year, I attended university for 2 months, but due to financial constraints, and due to the fact that I felt like I was not going to learn much while spending my parents' money when they are not wealthy.
Currently, I am employed as a translator, which is a job that I enjoy doing even though it won't make me rich, but 4 months ago I was fooled into an back-office administrative position in a factory, hoping to do translation because of my foreign language proficiency. Well, the job can be described as "production coordinatoorganizeassistant", whatever you would prefer... Eager to do translation as part of the job, I learned a bit more about yarns and knitwear. And indeed, it involved translation of technical texts (even a user's manual for a plotting machine) occasionally and even verbal interpretation (once)... But it also included order entry in an ERP system, following correspondence, ordering production materials (twice), emailing partners of the firm regarding the production (including translation of technical production manuals) and of course, the worst part - staying for 12+ hours on a Saturday (6-day work week) night pulling out packing lists out of a printer which not only made my heart pound uncontrollably, but also made me hate my life.
I got the job in mid-July and left at the end of September. Before that, since I lived in a small town with high unemployment and serious demographic and economic issues, I could not get any job... And by "any" I mean retail, supermarket jobs, flyer boy, croupier, bartender, waiter, etc. They all expected experience from a 19-year-old boy...
So yeah, fast forward to July, I got this job hoping to do translation... Which was only one piece of the puzzle, because employers, especially in Bulgaria, put serious requirements for dumb positions and even merge multiple positions in one. In this case, this position basically made me a boy-for-everything, which crushed my soul and made my depression even worse (I was depressed because I was hoping to get into a technical program but my mathematical ability was not good enough for university level Mathematics), I even started crying occasionally back at home for letting myself become a "dumb secretary" and a "back office slave", while this job was something like a substitute for a "Production Director" (without the "director" part), because even though it was administrative in itself, I had to calculate how many pieces of certain styles could be produced with the available yarn and make a production plan once, etc. I found out that this is a cheaper way to have someone responsible for the production (including the mind-boggling administrative tasks that come with it) even if they don't have a technical degree in textile technologies... Which makes me bully myself because employers are so greedy that they want to take every living thing out of you just to be their slave...
I am now done with depression. I am living at a friend's apartment because I first need to stabilize myself and then find a place to live. Also, here accommodation is a bit costly so I might have to spend half of my monthly salary for a small place, but I have promised myself that I will not be a slave anymore...
I have started a job as an actual translator and am enjoying it. Even though I am no longer depressed, I feel like I am suffering from some sort of an anxiety disorder - be it PTSD, GAD, or whatever... I feel the pain in my chest, the palpitations from time to time, the intestinal problems, etc. Sometimes my thoughts are kind of negative, and of course there is the "What if?" question... At least I counter that with some positive thoughts and the joke "Life Lesson Number 1: Life Sucks!"
Is there a way to forget about this traumatic experience? Or at least feel a bit better... I do talk normally and even laugh now, but my body seems to still be suffering...
Is there a way out of this?
Thank you for reading this story, if you actually took the time...
submitted by Sunix777 to AnxietyDepression [link] [comments]

[Table] IAmA- Casino Manager, I've seen everything, AMA

Verified? (This bot cannot verify AMAs just yet)
Date: 2012-05-15
Link to submission (Has self-text)
Link to my post
Questions Answers
Are you hiring? I'd love to move to Canada. Absolutely, We are looking for several positions and if you are sincerely looking for a job, message me :)
Does being a Casino Manager makes you keep your distance from gambling? AMAZING question, It actually makes it worse. I had never gambled a day in my life until I took that position. It is the same across the board. Never met another manager that doesnt gamble.
Will you quit this job if you had given the choice? I could not ask for a better job. Excitement every single day. Learing to control personal demons such as gambling and alcohol is always a fighting battle given the situation.
You are 100% right. U of Waterloo in Ontario conducted a study and they concluded that "casino employees exhibited rates of problem gambling that were over three times greater than rates that past studies have found in Ontario’s general population." -Link to I know my stuff ;). It's a weird feeling.
What do you play, and wht stakes do you play ? Also.. Does your entire salary go straight back to the casino after payday? I like to play 1$ slots and blackjack for the most part. On blackjack my average bet is probably 60-75$. My salary does go back, but a portion of it does. I am pretty good at controlling myself, gets better by the year.
How is your daily routine in the casino?Do you get any perks? They pay my cell phone bill. I get paid any expenses you could imagine. I get free tickets and merchandise all the time. Golf passes dinners etc.
Have you ever caught someone counting in blackjack? Several times. With the security features we use, shuffle machines and cutting off 2-3 decks from the back, it's nearly impossible. Hell we will even teach you how to do it if you'll stay a while ;)
How did you get into the Casino business? I applied to become a dealer, years ago. I just worked my way up. Its an amazing business.
Ever had somebody die on your floor? Or at least horribly injured? Yes 2 people have died, one from a massive stroke, and another from a heart attack. We have had at least 25 heart attacks since I have worked there.
Do heart attacks happen more often when people win big or lose big? There has never been a direct correlation between winning/losing big and our patrons having heart attacks.
Interesting. Thanks for the response. Anytime :) I cant believe the responses already!
Statistically, you have the best chance of surviving a heart attack in a casino. The average response time drops from like 15 minutes in your home to something absurd like 30 seconds. We are very quick to react. This and we have first aid training as well as AED on site.
What the highest single bet you have witnessed? Here in Alberta, the maximum per spot on blackjack is 1000. I did witness a total table wager( by one player) Of 15,000. This was after he split 6 times and doubled once. He won evry wager on that hand.
Whats the luckiest person/win streak you have seen? (Not just 1 win but someone winning for a while or doing something crazy and it working) I watched someone win 24,000 on a slot machine. I reset his machine and he won 24,000 the next spin. I had the machine investigated by AGLC and all was well. He was 80 so I don't think he could cheat. Lol.
Do Casino's pump high levels of oxygen into the gambling areas, if so is that allowed? Have you ever caught anyone having sex or masturbating in the Casino? Do the Slot Machines ever get tampered with by cheaters? What is the penalty for tampering with slot machines? No we do not pump oxygen into the casino, It is not allowed. I had to fire an employee for masturbating in the customer bathrooms. Slots are rarely successfully tampered with, but it does happen quite often. The penalty is a fine and up to jail time. You can get in a LOT of trouble for trying something that is nearly impossible, like cheating a slot machine No problem :)
How...did you catch the guy spanking it? I fear to know yet I must ask for I can't think of a logical, sane way you caught the dude. I walked in to the washroom to check on the status of the last cleaning, and I caught him beating it with the stall door open... he forgot to lock it. was very obvious and he didnt even try to deny it.
Nobody forgets to lock the door when they are wanging it. He was off shift in 45 mins too... just couldnt wait.
It isn't illegal, what can the casinos do? We reserve the right to remove any patron at any time for any reason.
Do you still have to cash their chips if you kick them out? If they did not steal them, then Absolutely.
What is the best and worst part of your job? The best is seeing a person win big. The worst is seeing someone leaving in tears and me knowing they are broke and have kids.
Have you ever cut someone a break? Several times.
You've seen everything, have you seen Casino with Robert DeNiro in it and how accurate is that film? I have seen it, and I have yet to see a movie that ACTUALLY portrays a real casino whatsoever.
Most movies don't portray anything realistically. Good point. Casinos seem to be reallly far off though.
What about Croupier with Clive Owen.. good film.. Cant say ive seen it. Will watch.
What's the most desperate attempt to cheat in a casino you have ever seen? A guy in the middle of a hand, did not agree with the way a dealer "flipped" their hole card so he took his bets off the table (approx 1400$) and tried to pocket them before we could count what he had bet. He then tried to replace his bets after we asked with about 800$. It was very very easy to catch the amount that was originally on there. Cameras/pit boss/dealer all agreed to the exact amount. He was later found trying to cash out $600 in chips (after losing) lol.
That actually sounds pretty clever. He should have just gone for a smaller amount though. It wasnt bad. But he was on a high limit table with a lot of people watching
Any pranks you or your employees pulled? Yup, I am known as the prankster. I like to send new employees looking for left handed roulette balls or polish for the blackjack shoes. After they waste an hour or so I tell them. And they are laughed at by patrons and employees. Its all in good fun. Never had a complaint.
What happens to a cheater once you found them out? Is it just a case of the cops getting called straight away? I review the situation, and If I deem it cheating, a review is sent to AGLC and the patrons information gathered along with a police investigation. They will be prosecuted.
Do you catch cheaters? What were some cleveinvolved cheating schemes? I have caught cheaters, almost always at blackjack and threecard poker. The most common way they cheat is called "pressing". Having a partner distract the dealer for a second while they use slight of hand to add chips. Some people are very good at this, so good its tough to see on camera even.
To be clear.. what they do is when they have a good hand, someone distracts the dealer and the guy with the good hand attempts to increase his bet? What do you do when you catch something like that? We ban them Immediately. And other casinos recieve the memo an do the same.
Have you ever caught prostitution going on in the casino? What is the process of banning someone? Do they get put into a system? Do you have a banned wall? Yes we catch dirty prostitutes all the time. The ban process is easy. We take what info we have on them, take a recent photo from a surveillance screenshot and then post it to the banned wall :)
How is the security in the casino? Edit: no i'm not planning a robbery... The guards are pretty well trained. Also we have over 200 cameras. You are on camera within 1 KM of the casino. Also, all doors locked with special proxy cards that only have access to certain rooms, depending on position.
ONE KILOMETER? Are you kidding me? This is very secure, oh my. Cant tell if sarcasm. Detector is broken.
No sarcasm. This blows my mind. I always thought you guys have over the top security, but such a radius around your casino is mind blowing :). Great AMA btw, thanks for your time! I love the response im getting! This is awesome!
What is the process in working your way up from dealer to casino manager? How long did it take, what kind of background did you have prior to becoming a dealer? Also did you have to take any classes or anything like that either at an outside school or a company school to teach you all the ins and outs of the job? Did you ever think you'd be doing this or just sort of fall into it? What kind of responsibilities do you hold? I saw in your other posts that you mention throwing out people masturbating on the clock, helping people with gambling addictions and catching cheaters, but what is an everyday entail for you? I imagine you have to be a man with many hats (VIP guest liaison, worker ally, eyes for the bosses etc) Also last question I swear, what do you think of organized cheaters and the exposure they are getting such as Bringing Down the House/21 or the History Channel show on Breaking Vegas? It took me 4 years to get where I am. Went from dealer to pit boss to pit supervisor to games manager. I haven't taken any special courses really. Some training sessions but that's about it. You need to have the gift they say. As for responsibilities. I am in charge of running every department when I am on shift. And I am in charge of all the money. The movies have not done anything except make us money. People come in all the time thinking they will count cards and win, and we smash them.
In my expeirence, the 'Summon Technician' button rarely works. Thoughts? In my casino, it is attended to immediately. We are the only casino that I am aware of that does this.
Are employees allowed to gamble in the casino where they work? Or is just the manager that is allowed - I noticed you say you gamble off the clock. I live in England and am sure this is against nearly all casino policy. Only waitresses and guest services may gamble in our casino. No gaming worker is allowed to gamble in their own casino in alberta.
Any moral qualms sometimes? Never, Its a persons choice on what the wish to gamble.
Give it a few more years. I've got over that a long time ago. During my dealing days.
a follow up, sorry for that.. How do your co-workers react to yout gambling, does this make it awkward in any way? Actually, I tend to go to different casinos with my co-workers, awkwardness is never an issue.
Since you know a lot about security and cheating, do you know any loopholes in your or any other casino? Our casino is very secure. Some of the other casinos on the other hand..
For example? That I can't really disclose. Although. It's quite funny which one is the worst. I will leave it at that. I'm sure that comment alone will help some people.
Many years ago my mom had a gambling addiction. We werent sure how severe it was, we just thought she would go to the casino and have some fun and risk $200 or so. The casino hooked her in with the whole VIP treatment and rewards as an incentive to come back. One weekend she lost all her life savings ($300,000) It impacted our family a lot, as we were pretty much broke after she lost all our money. Even to this day we havent recovered, i missed out on college to work instead and been on my own since. My mom whos supposed to be close to retirement age is still working to support herself. I know casinos are for entertainment, but more often than not stories like this happen. How do you feel when a family is affected deeply because of gambling problems? Honestly that is the only hard part of the job. But after the years, I've become mostly desensitized to it.
Have you ever seen Ocean's Eleven? Did you just laugh and laugh and laugh? Not a fan of those movies :(
Have you ever been to Montecarlo? Do you think there are many differences between the european casino scene and the US/Canadian scene? Never been to Montecarlo, but from everything I have learned about it, It is very similar to our casinos in Canada (barring a few different table games). They have a lot of the same slot machines and their security is VERY high.
So, do you get hookers? Not once in my life.
Is there a certain amount of time that people are allowed to gamble before some sort of intervention takes place? (e.g. can't gamble for more than 24 hours straight, etc.) Our casino is only open for 17 hours at a time maximum. That is the law in this province. But under certain circumstances, we do offer help to people we notice becoming chronic gamblers.
What Kind of help do you offer out of interest? I get that the human factor is probably the reason its offered as the business side must actually like chronic gamblers. We offer councelling (not directly, but sources) and different programs such as VSE. VSE= Voluntary Self Exclusion. You will be excluded from gaming in ALL of Alberta. If caught in gaming facilities you can be arrested.
Favorite Ice cream flavor? Vanilla for the most part. Although I do like neopalitan.
Have you ever caught your employees stealing chips? Edit: i cant spell. I try to hire employees that I trust with the chips so that I dont have to worry about them. It has never happened to my knowledge.
You mentioned that you try to hire employees that are trustworthy with the chips etc. Do you have to run any criminal history checks, bankruptcy checks etc before you hire people? Do you use continuous shuffle machines to deal blackjack or do you deal from a shoe? If from a shoe, how many decks? How do you combat card counters? What is the food chain like? Here we have Dealers < Floor managers < Pit Bosses < Duty managers < Casino manager. Where do you fit in? How do the high rollers rooms work? Can someone walk in and flash cash to get in or do you need to gamble a certain amount first? What perks do high rollers get? Yes background checks and credit checks are run on ALL employees. We offer both continuous shuffles and shoes We use 8 decks and cut 3 off the back, as well as use a shoe cover. Very hard to count cards like that. In our casino I would be considered 2nd in line. High rollers are treated very well. Comped tabs etc. free trips to shows and all that jazz.
Have you ever seen a man eat his own head? Nope!
Ever seen a card cheat get his hand smashed by a ballpeen hammer ? Never had to use violence for a cheating patron. Drunk patrons on the other hand....
Great AMA! You answer almost everything! Thanks! I try to answer everything, I know i miss stuff but you guys comments lots! hard to keep up!
Here's my question: How do your responsibilities differ from a Pit Boss? Are you in charge of the food and alcohol people, too? How much time per shift do you spend on the floor and how much time do you spend interacting with individual guests? I am in charge of all departments when I am on shift. Pit boss is strictly in charge of the pit. I am always on the gaming floor interacting with guests. Its the best part of my job :)
Any suicides? I live near Niagara Falls and we hear stories all the time of people who blow it all in the casinos and take a dive over the falls. Yes unfortunately. :(
Are you from Edmonton by chance? If so care to comment why CH is still allowed to play in the poker rooms after being caught ripping off casinos with his bad beat scam? Not from edmonton, but I do know who you are talking about. It is the discretion of the casinos. He should be banned but they have failed to file charges.
They are still aware of what he did and as a pretty frequent player it sort of sucks having to sit at a table with someone you know was using dealers to set up bad beats.... You play at yellowhead?
How does the casino decide what background music to play? do you hate those songs now? I ususally pick it. I pick it depending on the majority of the crowd. (old people = classic rock, young people = new music.) We have lots of playlists it doesnt really get too bad.
I notice a lot of times my favorite slot machines are removed from the floor and never to be seen again. Do you guys store them in a basement or sell them to other casinos? Recycle them for parts? Machines are regulated by AGLC, they send us new ones and take old every week.
How long does training for croupier last? Are there opportunities for college students? Training is usually a month long. Its easier to get a job as a dealer if you are young. Young people seem to learn a lot easier.
What is the longest you've seen a customer play a machine? Any 24-hour slot machine marathons? Open to close 4 days in a row. (17 hours a day)
What is your coin-in on an average Saturday night? Biggest New Year's Eve coin-in you can remember? What's the average toke rate? Over 1.5 million. Best tip rate for a week was 30 ish.
How much do you make? What's your educational background? Edit: saw that you can't answer how much you make. So how'd you get into the job? I walked in an applied for dealer. They loved my attitude and hired me on the spot.
So you were hired as a dealer and then moved up in the ranks? Sounds like a sweet job and a managerial position involving actual job duties. Absolutely.
Just curious (and maybe you don't know)-- how exactly is the software sold for the newer digital games? Order "Three of Game A, three of game B" and remain stuck with it? Order them configured one way, but the software can be replaced for a token sum? If so, is it an in-house operation, or a "vendor service has to be called? They can load any firmware specced as compatible with the box? I notice there's always one or two machines in a bank of (physically) equivalent units which have an unpopular game (like the one which starts belting out Dean Martin songs at 600 decibels in attract mode) so they sit relatively unused, but they never change them. Is it laziness, cost, or technical limits? I dont deal with the digital games sorry!
The Ontario Lottery Corporation is in the process of rolling out an online casino. From an industry persepective, what are your views on online casinos? Is the software designed to give you gains but take back once you win-loss ratio is too high? Online casinos (legit ones) Run by pretty much the same stats as a real casino. Same odds of winning almost exactly.
Can you see why kids love Cinnamon Toast Crunch? Its magically delicious, or wait.. damn lucky charms
What's a good starting job to get at a casino that will eventually get you into a managing position? Dealer is the absolute best.
Thanks for the swift response. No problem.
Just in case you are still answering at all...what's te stupidest/seemingly impossible thing you've seen/heard of a dealer doing? Most awesome/badass? I had a dealer deal a full table of blackjack entirely fucking backwards. I almost pissed myself no joke.
If some patron is winning a lot of money, would you kick them out? Say for instance a guy is playing Blackjack and went from 1000 dollars to 100000 dollars and wants to continue playing. He is literally just owning the table winning 9/10 hands. Would you kick this guy out or let him keep playing? Nope, its good in house advertising to have big winners :)
Not sure if this was asked already, but is there really oxygen pumped into the casinos like people say there is? Or is it just the shiny lights and excitement that will keep you going all night? No oxygen pumped in. Its the lights and atmosphere.
What was the most someone won in one night? 1.1 million dollars.
If I were looking to move to Vegas, how difficult do you think it'd be to get a decent paying job working in the casinos? I have a friend who moved there and is looking for a roommate, but I'm nervous about taking the step without a job lined up. As long as you have a good head on your shoulders and the motivation, its pretty easy to get into the business.
What''s your salary roughly? Thats actually the only thing im not willing to disclose. Sorry pal.
Who is your favorite porn star? Hootie McBoob.
Do casinos usually offer part-time jobs as croupiers? Always have part time positions open. Especially for weekends.
I saw that you didn't like Ocean's Eleven, but how did the guys get all those hooker flyers into the vault? Lol your guess is as good as mine ;)
1) How's the pay? 2) You already mentioned that you worked your way up from a dealer. Is there much higher that you can go? 3) How has the economic downturn affected business? The pay is great You can go to managing a whole casino, given time Business has actually gone up. Alberta isnt very effected by it.
How often do you feel like De Niro? Every day.
Are there or have there been times when you know someone is cheating or doing something "unethical" but you just can't get the evidence? If so, do they still frequent the casino? do you feel like they do it on purpose to piss you (the casino) off because they know that you know? I dont need evidence, if someone is suspected of cheating they are gone. AGLC backs us 100%
I live in vegas and recently a guy robbed a casino and stole like 100k of chips, whats the process of making sure he isnt able to cash those chips in. (He was wearing a mask) So does the casinos like remake all new chips or what? We track our 100$ chips very carefully. when people cashout 100 or more, we know about it. If we dont see them playing, we watch that person closely.
What is the best way to get a room comped for a weekend (I always seem to get Sun-Thur offers)? What is the average bet / hours required of play (assuming black jack)? Is it true you should expect 30% of your losses returned in the form of comps? I wouldnt count on getting 30%, maybe 5-10%. Average bet should be about 50-60$
Lots of questions have come up about players cheating, but what about the house? I know people who have seen casinos get busted for rigging games. I have certainly played at blackjack tables where the dealers seemed to have an uncanny ability to predict hands, I even once had a dealer reveal a blackjack without using the little peek thing. Dealt, asked for insurance (with great intensity), told us we should have taken the hint and flipper her card. Have you seen any cheating by the house or have any reason to think it happens? Never have I seen cheating by the house. I guarantee it doesnt happen in any legit casino in Canada. There are inspectors at all times. I truly believe that it doesnt happen. As a dealer myself I could "predict" my handsquite often. Because you do it so many times in one day you are bound to get it right.
How many bones have you witnessed being broken? or families ruined because of gambling everything away? a lot or a ton? Maybe 5 broken bones, probably 50 families :(
Have you ever felt the need to tell some poor old folks: "Take your welfare checks home." ? Nope, they usually play small just to pass the time. They are very nice.
How prevalent is patron on patron theft? For example, leaning over and grabbing a few of someone else's chips while they're not looking, or tapping their stack with a drink (which happens to have tape on the bottom) or things like that? Doesn't happen very often chip wise. But it does happen if people leave credits in a machine, drop money on the ground, or leave money in an ATM. We will hunt the patron down and force them to pay back the money.
Why do Asians gamble so much and where the hell do they get all of that money? I dont want to speculate where they get it..
What would be the best way to go about robbing a casino? Not trying ;). No one gets away.
What do you do with underage kids or kids with fake IDs? do they ever show up? Kick them out and file a report. If they have fake ID, file it with the police.
I went to the casino for my first time last week. Slots are boring as shit. Do you recommend a black jack guide to get the hang of things? Thanks. Always good to go in knowing basic strategy. check out
How much do you earn on average yearly? Cant disclose that :(
What's your take on Scorsese's 1995 "Casino"? :D:D. Would watch again.
Did you read the novels by Mario Puzo about the inner workings of a casino? Would you say that they are accurate? Not yet, in process.
What's your favorite Canadian province besides Alberta? Ontario.
My question is why did you use a combination of Photoshop and real-life obfuscation for your badge? Carefully torn and placed pieces of pink and black tape, then some kind of 1990s-era Photoshop airbrushing around the perimeter... I was looking for something quick. And I never really used a site like this. I know, I suck.
What are your thoughts on the Martingale method of gambling on Red/Black in Roulette? I have had moderate success waiting for a run of 4 of one colour, then betting $25 on the opposite colour, then doubling each time until I win. Its a very bad system for the most part. you risk a lot to win a little.
How often do customers claim the dealer misheard/misinterpreted what they said to do? E.g.. the customer was playing blackjack, didn't want to hit, but the dealer misheard them and dealed them a card, which caused them to bust. 5 times a day at least. I usually give them the benefit of the doubt.
Are there any games that people can beat long run other than bj? You can't beat BJ in the long run. There is no way to make money.
Since Counting cards isn't illegal, if you catch someone do you still black ball them and tell all the other casinos? No. Unless they actually cheat, they aren't black balled.
What is the craziest thing you've seen? I answered this a little further down bud.
Have you ever seen a guy eat his own head? Hasn't happened to date..
Have you seen a live unicorn? Nope, it was dead.
What's the largest sum of money you've seen someone lose in one day? 100K on blackjack.
So you admit that you are a liar? EDIT: I do believe this means you have to forfeit your casino to me. Rules are rules I guess :(
Have you ever seen a queen in her damned undies, as the feller says? Once back in 06.
Last updated: 2012-05-19 15:36 UTC
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salary of a croupier video

Croupier (1998) - (4/10) - VIP guest is the best guest at the Casino - Movie Clip - Netflix - YouTube Surge in students gambling on career as croupier - YouTube Marlon Brando Interview 1973 (Pt 1 of 6) - YouTube TOP 10 Benefits of Being A Casino Dealer 2019  Las Vegas ... Getting a Job as a Casino Dealer - YouTube 8 Things YOU NEED TO KNOW Before Becoming a Casino Dealer ... TOP 5 MOST BRUTAL POKER BAD BEATS EVER! - YouTube Through Heaven's Eyes - YouTube How to Shuffle Cards - How to Deal Poker - Lesson 1 of 38 ...

Your salary as Croupier in Vaud could be CHF 50,000. Is your wage too low? On you'll find salary entries for all professions and cantons in Switzerland. Compare your wage now! The national average salary for a Croupier is £19,123 in United Kingdom. Filter by location to see Croupier salaries in your area. Salary estimates are based on 41 salaries submitted anonymously to Glassdoor by Croupier employees. As with most jobs, croupier salary increases as croupiers gain more experience. Oddly enough, up to 75 percent of a croupier’s annual income is composed of tips — the average salary for a croupier is about $15,450, but it can grow to as much as $60,000 with tips. Training and Positive Sides of Becoming a Casino Croupier Average Sun International Croupier monthly pay in South Africa is approximately R 15 274, which is 25% above the national average. Salary information comes from 10 data points collected directly from employees, users, and past and present job advertisements on Indeed in the past 36 months. Your salary as Croupier in Fribourg could be CHF 48,840. Is your wage too low? On you'll find salary entries for all professions and cantons in Switzerland. Compare your wage now! 58 reviews from Grosvenor Casinos employees about working as a Croupier at Grosvenor Casinos. Learn about Grosvenor Casinos culture, salaries, benefits, work-life balance, management, job security, and more. Croupier Australia - Salary, How to find a job. What is the salary of - Croupier Australia? How to find a job - Croupier Australia? The most common places to find a job are: Melbourne, Sydney, Canberra (capital city), Brisbane, Perth, Adelaide, Gold Coast, City of Newcastle, Hobart How much does a Croupier make? The national average salary for a Croupier is RM 1,800 in Malaysia. Filter by location to see Croupier salaries in your area. Salary estimates are based on 9 salaries submitted anonymously to Glassdoor by Croupier employees. The average salary for a Croupier in Switzerland is 80,000 Fr.. Visit PayScale to research croupier salaries by city, experience, skill, employer and more. How much does a Croupier make? The national average salary for a Croupier is $19 in Canada. Filter by location to see Croupier salaries in your area. Salary estimates are based on 7 salaries submitted anonymously to Glassdoor by Croupier employees.

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The film tells the story of the world of British casinos with the eyes of a croupier. The question is can you stay honest when you see a lot of money, women, cars and you only have a 'small ... In this video, you will learn how to shuffle a deck of cards like a professional, casino dealer would learn in a poker dealer school. We take you step by ste... Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube. Watch More Content Here!!Twitch: (Require to Play Blackjack with us on Twit... TOP 5 MOST BRUTAL POKER BAD BEATS EVER!Help us to 200K Subscribers - for the poker content used:Website: http://pokergo.comTwitte... Brando on The Dick Cavett Show, June 12, 1973. With representatives of the Cheyenne, Paiute and Lummi tribes. (3 Dec 2012) Macau - 25 October, 2012 1. Low shot students huddling around the table counting chips, UPSOUND (Cantonese) : " One, two, three, four." 2. Close... Watch More Content Here!! Twitch: ---Discord: (Require to Play Blackjack with us on Tw... Here's my experience with what it was like to get a job as a casino dealer in Las Vegas. ----- R... Jethro voice cast Danny Glover, singing voice Brian Stokes Mitchell. Can you tell the difference?

salary of a croupier

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