Weight-Loss Wagers: Get Paid to Lose Weight | Shape

bet money on your weight loss

bet money on your weight loss - win

I Need Help

Hey Everyone! Longtime lurker here, and I need help. This is going to be a long backstory, of my whole weight loss timeline. I started losing weight back in November of 2018, at 324 lbs (I’m a 6’0 guy). I had a small gap period in my life between jobs and school where I wasn’t doing much of anything until after the holidays, and I started trying to lose weight on a whim- I had gotten bigger than I almost had ever been before, though I’d always been the fat kid growing up.
The weight dropped off me quickly once I took a hardline 2000cal/day stance on how much food I put in my mouth, and I actually started to use my gym multiple times a week. It worked great, and I found myself more and more driven to continue both from the success of weight loss when you’re really big and it drops off easily, as well as my deep seated desire to be able to ride a rollercoaster again.
My senior year of high school I went on a trip to an amusement park and could barely fit on any ride, and I really internalized it, so therefore that winter after proving to myself that I could and would continue to lose weight, a couple friends and I bought season passes to Cedar Fair parks. That, and a 5k I set myself up to run in, became the reasons I was losing weight, and the quickly approaching spring & money I had spent kept me in line.
I got down to 248 the day we went to the Amusement Park in May, and ran the 5k a week after (sub 40 minutes!). This was now over a year ago, and after that I lost my motivation. Throughout the summer I was mostly able to maintain, and then in the early fall I started losing out of sheer force of will.
For me, that didn’t last long. The holiday season was brutal, and I took December of ‘19 to be my first “month off” since I had started losing weight over a year before that point. I ended up going from 221 to 240 in 4 weeks, and then started trying to lose weight again at the new year this year. It went well for a few weeks, but I had just lost my mojo.
Once the end of February came around, I was pissed. I had been floating around 240 for about a month, and I was over it. I desperately wanted to make it under 200 and I was just having a hell of a time. I found this thing called Healthy Wage, where you could bet money on your weight loss, and I jumped at it.
By creating an artificial motivator, I was able to really push myself again, and keep myself from struggling with weight gain during quarantine! But I was Icarus, and I flew far to close to the sun. Like when I was a kid and would put too much food on my plate, I tried to do too much in too little time. The bet had my starting weight at 245, and I wanted to get down to 183 by September. The more weight you lose in a shorter period of time, the more money you could win.
So, I bought in for about 65 pounds of weight loss in 6 months, or about 2.5 lbs a week. Even if you’re perfect and don’t fuck up once, that’s just unhealthy weight loss if you aren’t really large, as I realize now. But anyways, it motivated me well, and at one point towards the end of July I had gotten down to 201 lbs, despite the occasional mess up.
But, it was unsustainable, and inevitably it couldn’t continue. I eventually caved from knowing I wasn’t going to be able to lose weight quick enough anymore after a particularly bad binge moment, and in August I gave up, knowing I wasn’t getting my $300 back, nor the doubled prize.
This led to the entire month of August looking like December of ‘19, and everything up to the current moment feeling like the beginning of the year, where I’m spinning my wheels without any motivator.
So the point: I have a very difficult time losing weight without a strict and specific, time sensitive reason to do so. It is the same reason why people are successful in losing weight before their wedding, or before a high school reunion. When I know I have to get to a certain weight or size by a date, it keeps me honest, and I can mostly avoid a binge cycle or a “fuck it” mentality.
I really would like to get to 190ish, and as of this morning I’m on the edge of 240 again. I just struggle so terribly with holding myself to account without any outside factors propelling me forward.
And finally my question: What are some time sensitive goals I could place in front of myself, with real skin in the game? Monetary, emotional, anything. Or of course any other advice would be great! Thanks everyone, keep loosing!
submitted by weightlossfanatic57 to loseit [link] [comments]

(GME DD) One DD to rule them. One DD to find them. One DD to to bring them all and in the darkness bind them.

(GME DD) One DD to rule them. One DD to find them. One DD to to bring them all and in the darkness bind them.

Ok retards listen up. Been seeing lots of cucks writing small DD pieces of bullish or bearish shit. You cucks need to read this cos this is the whole fucking thing.

this is also basically my magnum fucking opus so upvote retards. Dont give me awards, legit go buy a powerup membership for a year. Cant tell you to buy shares because we gonna get closed down by SEC somehow.
im also not some fininacial advisor or whatever just read this and make your own conclusions degenerates. Im not fucking liable lmao but i am balls deep 125 shares @ 19 average now, its literally all I have on this earth.
TLDR: GME DD sumarized, Margin wont affect longs the same way as shorts right now. Dont buy shares on margin though and get ready to supply collateral regardless. Short interest is up and some smart retards are on our side. Read the post to raise your IQ from 8 to 9 though. 🐻 🌈s mega fuk and even posting high level bear shit to scare us.
Compulsory 7 rockets so you autists dont start having a seizure or something:
Basically been seeing posts about "blah blah margin this, short interest this, WS to clever blah". Going to split this post into distinct sections but im no english degree cuck so dont expect any bear bloomberg level shit or something

1. GME is a fucking steal regardless of squeeze. Buy now or be left on a dying planet while we head to alpha fucking centauri.

So basically everyone here knows about Ryan cohen and his horsemen of the apocalypse coming to steal melvins lunch money. This man bought apple stock in 2017. Hes fucking rich. Hes also an eccommerce wizard, taking CHEWY from a measly 100k co-founded company to a $4 Billion company in 2017 at which point he sold it to petsmart or something. Its now valued at $40 Billion, granted anything eccommerce now gets money thrown at it like a stripper in a high flying strip club or some shit idk im a virgin so dont listen to me, so it may well be a bubble. Regardless the thing grows its revenue like bacteria doing binary fission on agar jelly 🚀🚀🚀🚀.
THEY SELL FUCKING PET FOOD. the market for that is like what? $1?. Gaming is going to the moon and is basically recession proof because of how cheap game is compared to other things for how much you get out of it. Any bears saying that Gamestop cant compete with digital or with amazon. Ryan cohen already slapped amazons head in with a no name brand. Hell fucking do it again. About digital everyone here already knows, microsoft deal, Ryan cohen also mentioned the possibility of having "Digital game exchanging" or something, image below.
Online trade ins. It says online.🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀
He also mentions streaming, digital content etc and aside from all the digital stuff wants GME to move to a community centric structure where big stores operate with VR centres, Internet cafe, table games like Dungeons and dragons and 40k (rapidly growing somehow will boom post covid) and as we now might know due to this post:
BUILD YOUR OWN PC KIOSKS. This is the literal smell of money. Go to your Gamestop to build your PC with your kid? Gamestop is already the goto place wher your parents go to get you your latest digital fix so now they can go build PC's and it cant go tits up?
Now for some pussy boomer talk (aka fundametals or something).
The expected Q3 EPS was -0.84$ or something close to that. The actual loss was -0.53$ but boomzoids only talked about the revenue drop. No shit sherlock its closing all its dead weight stores.
In the holiday report I will talk about a bit more below, 11% of stores were closed and revenue dropped only 3%. Comparitive store sales increased nearly 5%. They cant get enough consoles to sell so expect the momentum to carry on for the whole year I expect. Eccommerce is up 300% over holidays. In Q3 they reported 800% to date. In 2020 Gamestops eccomerce went up 24x. YES YOU READ THAT RIGHT. Online sales now account for ~33% of Gamestops sales now. This is literally gold dust for ryan cohen.
We are still trading at 0.38 P/S at this price. The average P/S for the SP500 is 2.753. Massive upside on these two numbers alone.
Burry got in this for the MOASS and the intrinsic value. At the time intrinsic value was like $22 and this will pump up as RC takes it to new heights.
GME in Q3 somehow halved the expected loss. Big Bad Boomer sherman somehow didnt fuck it up that bad by saying "omnichannel" at the speed of light. Yes the revenue dropped 30% but thats covid for you. As the PC kiosk post above shows GME now sells small items basically so fast they have to have fake stock lmao. The new console cycle always spikes the share price sky high too, as youll see in a crayon drawing later. The potential revenue that this console cycle brings in could be huge. Biggest ever is potentially a true statement and Gamestop sells every fucker they get. Combine the fact that they share game pass ( a massive hit) revenue from the xboxes they sell, something no other retailer has, revenue could be sky high.
Now I know you autists are starting to develop short term dyslexia or something but keep reading. This could be the most important piece of shit you read in your life. How do you think I feel? My brains overheating just trying to write coherent sentences.
Holdiay report was a bear trap imo, saw people saying the decrease in revenue was bearish blah blah blah. Lies. Comparitve store sales rose 5% and thats with some towns having like 4 gamestops. When the leases dont get renewed and these stores get liquidated (Also in Ryan cohens letter) they can just get this influx of cash and pay down debt and invest in logistics and marketing and new growth. Gamestop realistically needs like 1/2 the stores they have now and just need to improve efficiency.
https://www.entrepreneur.com/article/349890 this article the messiah himself wrote. In it he states:
At Chewy, we had maniacal discipline when it came to how we spent money. The company-wide culture of frugality came from his example. Free cash flow was our unwavering governor of growth. We grew Chewy from $200 million in sales in 2013 to $3.5 billion in 2018 while spending only $130 million in capital, all of which went into opening distribution centers across the country and acquiring new customers.
Maniacal. Thats all I need to say. The guy is going to get to mars before papa musk and he wont even break a sweat. When FCF starts to catch up to WS expectations every analyst who donwgraded them is gonna get ditched and upgrades will start to happen.
So in the heading i said its a steal. That implies some future higher price target right? Well here is my guess for a conservative price target based on the information above and also some more I probably forgot cos im a retard.

The difference is where share price looks to be and where market cap places us is due to difference in outstanding shares (another reason shorts are fuk)
The difference is where share price looks to be and where market cap places us is due to difference in outstanding shares (another reason shorts are fuk)
This alone means if for not inflation adjusted terms we reached 9.8Bn or whatever the crayon chart says we should reach:
9.8/2.48 = ~3.95 3.95 * $35.5 = ~$140. The share price now to reach old mkt cap is $140 fucking dollars. Thats a 4 bagger from now. It gets better.
from statista :
Considering the annual inflation rate in the United States in recent years, a 2.24 percent inflation rate is a very moderate projection.
If we take 2.24% inflation, the this share price target in todays money means we should reach $182 because of $140 * 1.0224^12, = $182 in adjusted. Thats more than a 5 bagger. basically we could see $10 GME price from short manipulation and buying more is basically a lottery ticket!
I really dont understand the bear thesis. The only bear thesis ( short term this one) was that margin would affect longs more but I looked at it on ortex and its basically bullshit. Buy shares with cash though dont use margin. Own your piece of GME dont borrow it. Bears just spout "DigITaL" or "BlOCKbuSTER" so much Ryan tweeted a shit emoji at them. All the bears think theyre clever. What the fuck makes those cucks special? How are they different now than the ones from $2, or $4, or $10.
Bears are betting against:
Ryan fucking cohen, buisness legend CHEWY from 100k investment, now 40 billion
Michael burry, Investing legend, predicted the housing crisis and is in GME since april
u/DeepFuckingValue , the new WSB god chad, now basically a whale
Reggie Fils-Aimé, gaming and buisness legend, former COO of nintendo
Senvest, a mega fund thats actively managed
Norweigan sovereign wealth fund
Fidelity, Vanguard and blackrock own this shit and are never selling they literally dont give a shit
All of WSB has now formed a shield wall against the bears
Microsoft gave GME highly discounted azure deals and free office use for all employees and a revenue sharing agreement. Bears are stupid if they think MSFT didnt vet GME.

Some valid bear thesis left now (the only ones left) -- Ryan Cohen dies.

2. Now some analysis on the short squeeze and some technical data on puts and calls and ortex data.

Ok everyone on here and their cat, dog, bedbugs and wifes boyfriend knows about the squeeze. Jimmy chill aka cramer even talking about it. Gamestop is literally the most shorted stock of all time and space. The squeeze makes every autist salivate because its basically free money while cucking big money out of like what 1% of their fund.
Although I know all you cucks hate shares, and hate holding, if the squeeze doesnt happen selling is probably the most retarded thing anyone could do. Its literally buy high sell low and you fucking disgust me. STONK ONLY GOES UP.
This squeeze is so monumental that its been sucking sharks in like fresh blood. Most of the funds where shorting this from 30-15 dollars before this year so they didnt really care. It all changed with 2 people. u/DeepFuckingValue and Dr. Michael Burry. These guys are as OG as it gets with GME. I think u/DeepFuckingValue may have even sniffed this trade out before the legend himself. Since then funds will have churned this through their rules and started jumping on this train. Ive been in since $13 with 125 shares. If I had more money Id be buying but im just some stupid student ok. Im merely a medium for this money made information.
The stats for this stock now short wise are, from ortex:
Concrete short interest as of 31 December 2020: 71 Million.
Estimated short interest, January 11th data: (This isnt predicted, this is from data in flow, has margin of error) : 77 Million
Short shares on loan 7 days ago: 50 Million
Short shares on loan now (This breaks the bearish margin calls affect longs more thesis): 54.2 Million
% of known float short: 147% as of 31 December 2020
% of know free float on loaned shorts: 108% as of January 11th.
Some guy on here took into account extra buying on wednesday, Institutions, Burry, RC's extra 7% and WSB ownership (something so stupendously retarded no serious firm will do it) that float on short could be in the 100s of %. Total short float now I would say could be 200-400% if the numbers are correct. This pisses on all other short squeezes. Some countries ban shorting above 100% cos of how autistic it is.
The recent hike in interactive brokers available shares is probably a mix of sell off on friday (remember some guys are now buying lambos with GME money. If they held they could buy 10), calls exercising and puts being covered and brokers ditching the shares. Nakedshort even reported 5 million naked GME shorts on friday. This is bullish as fuck because the best the shorts could do on a red market day was -10%.
Gamestop is still on the SECs threshold list for 27 days now.
This shows naked short selling and downwards pressure hasnt capitulated
Need rockets 🚀 🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀:
Ok so now if WSB owns an estimated 6-8% of the stock and we all know to move over to cash accounts now to avoid margin calls, we should be minimizing longs getting margin called. Every bear on stockwits is a clueless cuck who spouts "blockbuster" and these guys dont even know what margin even is so my bet is the colossal 54 Million shares short on loan are gonna be affected by the margin calls more. Why? Because every long on margin is in the green, and now a true zealot/extremist/autist for ryan cohen so will supply their account with collateral to avoid margin call. Shorts are in the massive red zone. How do I know you ask?
Ortex data from Jan 4th 2021:
This is the data from ortex for short interest for Gamestop for Jan 4th
So this shows for jan 4th the estimated short interest is 66.98 Million shares. From the exchange reported 71 Million on december 31st this makes a lot of sense because the share price fell from ~21 to ~17 so shorts took profits. The shares on loan arent for longs too. This is all purely short data, and 47M shorted at $17 this shows.
These shorts are in a circle of hell we cant comprehend and makes satan scared.
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Now for the data for this week:

Ortex short data for Jan 14th for Gamestop
Cost to borrow is also up, estimated short interest is up to a cataclysmic amount.
Longs on margin need to supply collateral, but we are in the massive green zone, shorts are underwater. Margin calls will ravage the shorts and sting the longs. We also have the uptick rule in place until the end of the day, so shorts can only short on the way up. Im not saying itll happen but this shit is skewed in our favour big time. we need to 💎🙌💎🙌💎🙌💎🙌💎🙌💎🙌💎🙌💎🙌.
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Seen a lot of talk about Gamma hedging and delta.
You realize that the fucking bankers and brokers dont understand gamma hedging right? That shits up their with the black-scholes equation and feynman-kac solution. Forget about it. The retards claiming to understand it are either payed by hedge funds or lose money. The guy who took out outs thinking options exercising and gamma hedging would lead to a collossal sell off on friday lost money on his puts because no one except some quants in a goldman sachs server room know this shit. The idea is simple about neutral delta on options that people take out, but the simple system interacts with every other thing in the stock market, and wow who couldve guessed it, like nearly any other element of the stock market predicting something by the day is nigh impossible. That guy talking about Gamma , Delta and margin calls is on weeklies. Hes no more autistic and equally retarded as all of us. Hes a chill guy though so dont berate a fellow brother.
Now weve established the likelihood of longs getting margin called is far smaller than shorts, on to the options distributions
Two images now: Top one is before the end of the 15th, the other one is after market close:

This shows the suspected melvin puts (51000 contracts, 5 Million shares, rolled up from july, strike price $24) and lots of big ITM calls.
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This shows the big put contract didnt get rolled over and the big ITM calls got exercised on friday. Large puts are underwater big timem while calls are in the big tendy zone.
These two graphs, show before market close and after. As we can see the massiver 51000 put contracts didnt get rolled over and the chances that those were melvins july puts rolled up is very high. They expired worthless. Lots of calls are printing big time while huge amounts of puts are worthless and bleeding money.
Something else we can extrapolate from the charts is that massive options trades are not present on the scale we saw before (tens of thousands).
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We are seeing a discrepancy in the number of puts/calls opening up at the higher prices with calls gaining fast. This could show that some funds are now becoming optimistic on the long or short term prospects of gamestop. There are also more puts than options and if we assume this for shorts vs longs on margin (without even taking into account that all shorts are borrowed shares and pay interest further bleeding cash) then shorts are likely on more margin than longs.
Regardless fellow autists my main point is two show that the bears are underwater and the bulls are flying high with regards to options.
Now lets compare this possible squeeze with others.
Bear in mind this is the most shorted stock of all time, but differences in free float change the share price differently.
Kodak went from $2.16 to $33.2
Volkswagen went from ~200 euro to nearly 1000.
Overstock went from ~$21 to $123
Blue apron went from $2.31 to $18
Ive been seeing some estimated that 1 million shares is roughly a dollars move in share price. This maths is about to be pretty autistic so bear with me degnerates.
$1 now is 2.81% of the share price. Everything in the markets is exponential and based on percentages. So if we assume a full squeeze of ortexs estimated short interest (This assumes no sell off and no new shorts, new shorts can be positive or negative depedning on when in the squeeze they happen) $35.5 * 1.0281^77 = $299. GME to moon. 🌑 .
This shit can happen. Hold on.
GME has squeezed and been manipulated before and it always happens around the console cycles. Shorts never win and they wont win now.

This post right here I found months ago and got me in the squeeze from the honourable and valiant u/Uberkikz aka Rod Alzman
Basically the crayon chart shows green (outstanding shares) orange ( short shares) purple (Market cap) and cyan (Share price). In 2006-2008 the share price rose in tandem with short interest ( Like now ) Until console releases when you can see an abrupt squeeze happend mooning the share price.
This happend to a degree in 2013 with the xbox one but worse conditions for the company and a worse console launch lead to slow short covering but the share price still mooned.
Now we get to the best part. History is repeating itself for the third time and the shares sold short are literally higher than the outstanding shares, which have been decreasing since 2010. Short shares are also at the highest point ever and GME hasnt had a brighter future, well ever. Ps5 and Xbox Series X. are the two most hyped consoles since the Ps2. This is setting up the foundations for massive price movements weve never seen before. This shit has literally never happend, ever. Uncharted waters and we are the captain.
For the insurmountably retarded autists who think that the squeeze has happend look upon this and despair:
Ihor I quote:
A long-buying tsunami ... is the primary factor for the price move
Ihor Dusaniwsky is managing director of predictive analytics at S3 a firm similar to ortex. He told bloomberg that the squeeze hasnt happend yet and that this was long buying. If someone knows this shit its him. He was talking about the tesla squeeze in january 2020. He has access to resources we can only imagine. Barrons cut his comment that the squeeze hasnt happend yet out it was that fucking bullish. All the media ramming down "Short squeeze has happend" down peoples throats because bears are fucking scared.
The bots on stocktwits spamming bearish sentiment should show how rattled they are.
Edit: You fucking degens just enlightened me that cramer pump is real, funds are ruminating over the long weekend, and stmmy bills pumps stonks and that stimmy bill buys many an xbox. See you at andromeda! Also more rockets.
Edit**: Some autists thought lottery ticket was misleading so instead, gauranteed lottery numbers!**
Edit 4: Amazing post here showing that unlucky prize guy was wrong like I said. Ihor also talked about the hypothecation agreement.
Edit 5: This is true and I forgot to add
from u/luncheonmeat79 via /wallstreetbets sent 2 minutes ago
There’s also the chance of a ratings upgrade. Moody’s and S&P have GME at B3 and B-, which is rated “highly speculative”. Ratings are reviewed every quarter, and a review might be due this month (i.e. this coming week or next). Good chance that the agencies might upgrade GME to a B2/B, or even better to the next higher band (Ba/BB).
Edit 6: We are scraping 42 in frankfurt. Granted its low volumes but pre market should open at these prices I think?
Conclusion: Buy shares with cash not margin. Hold shares forever unless RC dies (Shame hes a cybernetic demigod), Melvin bad, Shorts fuk, 🐻 🌈 posting bearish shit are doing weeklies for the second time after they expired red on friday, GME to $200 without squeeze, Ryan cohen a god, GME is still a value play, Good luck have fun.
submitted by TitusSupremus to wallstreetbets [link] [comments]

The 4 Trading Fears (and how to conquer them)

Most traders think they know what is going to happen next. This causes them to put too much weight on the outcome of the current trade and forget to assess their performance as a probability game that they are playing over time (imagine focusing on your results after 100 trades instead of after just 1). Too much focus on the current trade puts extra weight on it like an exponential moving average instead of a simple moving average. Trading results are not an exponential moving average, all of your past trades matter — remember the 100 trades mentality.
“Be fearful when others are greedy and be greedy when others are fearful.”
There are two major emotions in trading: fear and greed. Warren Buffett is often quoted for “Be fearful when others are greedy and be greedy when others are fearful.” These forces constantly battle each other in the individual trader and the market as a whole as bulls fight against bears. Too much greed leads to euphoria and a lack of sensible judgment of what is going on in the market. Too much fear leads to dysphoria and a lack of control over trades and capital as depression often leads to harm-seeking behavior rather than mitigating the pain.
Fear of Losing
Fear of Missing Out
Fear of Letting a Profit Turn Into a Loss
Fear of Not Being Right
The goal of managing fear is to balance it with an appropriate amount of greed in the form of confidence. Believe that if you trade well with a great strategy and always stick to your rules, you should come out profitable in the long-run. But also balance that confidence with knowing that the market doesn’t “owe” you anything and is simply an endless steam of information. It doesn’t care about you or what you think you “deserve.” Your job is to observe this stream of information and pluck trades out of it with a high probability of giving you enough profit to cover your inevitable losses.

Thank you for reading and supporting Inlight Trading and the growth of many consistently profitable traders!
submitted by inlighttrading to Daytrading [link] [comments]

Achievement Unlocked: Thetagang For Life

Achievement Unlocked: Thetagang For Life

Gain Porn
Super happy that I finally squeezed that last bit of theta off this a.m. to lock in that thetabanging five bagger!!!
Holding all cash atm to take a breather and wait for the next set of opportunities to show; definitely expecting more volatility to come in within the next week or so.
Positions closed this morning (so I don’t get banned for not posting positions):
  • GME PCS 35/40 Strike Exp 2/12
  • AMC PCS 4/5 Strike Exp 2/12
  • SPCE PCS 45/50 Strike Exp 2/12
Started with $52k of savings in my RH account during early days of 2020 aka pre-covid era, and been spreading options since then. Strategy is all call or put credit spreads on multiple tickers at any given time, 10-15 DTE, at around 16-40 Delta.
Planning on doing a full writeup of my experience/strategy later if and when I procrastinate on my studies again. Happy thetaganging!
EDIT: Here's my recipe for tendies!
Full Writeup
First off, a little bit of background and introduction. I’m Max (not my real name), and I’m currently pursuing an advanced degree in data science while also working part-time to pay down my student debt.
For years I have lurked and enjoyed basking in the wonderful content the Reddit community has to offer. In fact, I am actually ashamed by the lack of posting on my account, but it’s high time I give back with a detailed writeup of my process to growing my Robinhood portfolio. Strap in and get comfortable, because this one’s a long read!
Full disclosure: RH was not my first brokerage account, and 2020 was not my first rodeo in trading options – I have a primary brokerage that I have been trading with for almost ten years now, and yes, I’ve paid my tuition in the form of both time in self-education and money in account losses long before deciding to plop my savings into RH.
I’m going to preface my writeup by saying that the key ingredients required in making a profitable portfolio are, in unequal parts, a healthy mindset, a trading methodology, patience, and last but not least, luck. I’m still trying to peg a % to each ingredient, still haven’t arrived at a conclusive answer unfortunately.
Healthy Mindset
NGL, this to me is the absolute most important ingredient on the list. As the saying goes, you may have graduated from school, but you still got a ton of learning to do. This means maintaining an open mind and attitude towards learning new things and hearing other people’s opinions (something a lot of people in this world could use!) I used to think I was the bomb when some of my naked call purchases gave me instant 200% returns, but I quickly learned that buying FDs is unsustainable in the long run.
One of the earliest things I also noticed when trading options is that it requires one to process information and execute a set of procedures, which is why attaining peak mental and physical health reduces any margin for error. Early in my trading days, there were times when due to the lack of sleep, I selected the wrong expiration date to my options, which resulted in a panic to correct the mis-action and also execute a “day trade” when I did not mean to. My approach: if I’m not at the right place, at the right time, in the right state of mind, I will not execute any trades.
I also learned that there is absolutely zero room for emotion in this business – the best trades are executed when information is processed objectively, and decisions made swiftly. When emotions are introduced, our actions are easily skewed by human nature. Some common things you’ll hear are chasing after losses or revenge trading, which is a surefire way to blow up your account quickly.
Which brings us to dealing with FOMOs – it’s an unhealthy emotion. Simply ask the people who are bagholding whatever asset they bought at the peak. We need to understand time only travels in one direction, and to prosper we should make our best decisions based on all available information at that point in time. GME and AMC were easily opportunities to FOMO into, but by the time I truly understood what was going on, RH had already placed restrictions on buying, which meant a suppression of demand and potentially cause mispricing and a rush for exit. Time moved on, and so did I – I still cured my FOMO, by selling spreads on both tickers as it came down, and still made away with profits!
On a related note: dealing with YOLOs: please understand what survivorship bias is – for every 1 Redditor who made a massive gains post, there are probably 99 others who blew up their accounts using the same approach and strategy. Putting all your eggs in one lottery ticket is not smart – chances are, you will go broke. In the long run, you’re better off diversifying and executing trades in different baskets to minimize risk and maximize gain.
Finally, like conquering the path to the top of Everest, it’s important to set small, attainable goals along the way. When I first started out, I risked only a small % of my total portfolio with any new strategy, and then gave it time. If and when the strategy is successful, I scale up and then move on to the next small, attainable goal of trying beating SPY’s monthly performance, after fees and taxes of course. Consistent and sustainable gains are hard to attain, but the task becomes easier the more you do it everyday!
Trading Methodology
If you skipped everything above, you’re missing out, big time! Having a healthy mindset is big piece of the puzzle to attaining consistent and sustainable portfolio gains! Anyway, we must first understand that trading is a game of supply and demand, and should be treated as a business; we trade because there is demand for an asset, and because there are profits to be made from supplying said asset.
I did this early on without even realizing that it’s theta-ganging, and before reading a book about the One-Man-Insurance-Company (OMIC), but the strategy of trading credit spreads is essentially the business of selling insurance policies to the people who need it, and collecting a premium until the policy term expires, whether naturally or artificially.
And how do we build a profitable insurance business? By spending a ton of money on clever and funny ads about 15 minutes and 15 percent. JK LOL! If only theta-ganging works that way. Though, who knows, you might find extra 15 percent gains after spending 15 minutes in thetagang!
Like trading, the secret to theta-ganging is looking at things from two key perspectives: fundamental (FA) and technical (TA), both of which will drive supply and demand for the options we sell. We can easily go down and get lost in rabbit holes with each perspective, as the level of knowledge on these are vast and deep. But here’s what I look for when selling spreads: where (which tickers and strikes) and when (which expiration and policy start date) should I sell insurance policies on?
Let’s take a little detour: I believe in market efficiency, in the sense that everything is priced in, at a given point in time. What this means is that when you pull up the price of a certain stock or option, it’s priced correctly at that point in time. However, when time moves forward, new information becomes available, and that’s when price starts to move.
From a fundamental perspective, new information will reprice the stock and move it towards its intrinsic value, while from a technical perspective (imo: a self-fulfilling prophecy), all players in the market will trade around and potentially keep a stock within a range.
Clearly, I’m oversimplifying both perspectives; there’s a reason why there are financial professionals with years of education, certification and/or experience who do this for a living, so please don’t roast me for this. But like solving a good puzzle, you can’t just make do with one piece and throw out all the others – everything needs to be pieced together to give you a clear picture on the final solution.
This is my starting point, so allow me to use GME as an example. As obsolete as the brick-and-mortar video game business is, there’s an intrinsic value for the company and its stock, since there’s new company leadership and strategy along with a restructuring of the company’s finances, not to mention mass speculation buying from the social movement by WSB. If you ask me, FA would put GME in the range of $20-35 (assuming business as usual and post-covid recovery), while TA would peg GME above $50. Both perspectives considered, I would place a smart bet that GME would remain, at the very least, above $40 in the short term, hence my decision to sell a spread with a floor of $40, expiring 2/12.
Regardless, know that the game with pricing in FA and TA is opportunistic in nature, meaning that there’s a component of keeping your ear to the ground to listen for the latest developments in the markets.
Now let’s talk about everyone’s favorite part: execution. Now, what I’m listing here are absolutely methodical, meaning that for every opportunity that arises, I will go through my decision tree to find the perfect pair (of options) that fit the following criteria before I open a trade:
  • Underlying – options only, no stocks – do we really need a primer on why options here? In thetagang?? Obviously not, but the main reason to use options is the leverage it gives you when it comes to capital efficiency. More later on how to pick the underlying.
  • Credit Spreads – because it takes your leverage game even further, by allowing you to get significant returns on investment, but more importantly it also limits/defines risk – the prime reason why I never sell to open naked positions is to contain potential losses. Whenever you play with undefined risk, the probability of your account getting blown up by a black swan/tail event is not zero.
  • Allocation/Sizing – this is very important, especially for credit spreads; for when everything goes wrong, the trade is basically unrecoverable, so you’d have to be ready for a 100% loss. Looking back, I would have positions open anywhere from 3 – 10 tickers at any given time, with a maximum of 90% capital allocation. Smallest position would be 5% of my portfolio, largest around 25% (when I have conviction for the position).
  • Strike – largely driven by what I believe the support and/or resistances are for the underlying, based on FA and TA. No one should, and if they do, they should feel bad, for always sticking to a “standard/set delta”. Looking back at my trades, the short legs of my spreads range between 16 and 40 Delta*.
  • Expiration – also driven by FA and TA on what I believe the price will be within a particular timeframe. What we do know is that historically, the loss of value for options accelerates as it approaches 45 days of its expiration. I believe I have a better chance of predicting stock prices in the next two weeks, so I usually go for 10-15 DTE.
  • Timing – best window between 10:00am and 11:00am and between 3:00pm and 4:00pm (Eastern Standard Time). First 30 minutes tend to carry high trading volumes, with following implications:
    • Erratic options pricing from inaccurate and often wide bid-ask spreads
    • Risk of trading platform failure to load. Also, you can’t win the battle against high frequency trading (HFT) when things move faster than you can process.
*Delta, like Probability ITM at Expiration is only an approximation.
The last and most crucial topic under trading methodology is something I’ve seen asked in many subs on Reddit multiple times: how do I pick a stock/underlying to trade on?
Everyone has different methods, and this is where one can easily gain an edge in trading, and yes, I believe I have my own edge. This topic on its own deserves its own writeup; something for another day, for now I will just say that the information is out there if you go and look for it.
BUT, I would caution everyone by saying that you have to be careful with the information you procure, as the data can easily signal false positives. Not sharing any data sources, sorry, not sorry; unless these companies are sponsoring a portion of my student debts, I will not be advertising any names or links.
Having FOMO? Fear not! As time moves forward, patience is a key part of this game in waiting for an opportunity to reveal itself before you can pounce!
Now I will say that it is not everyday that I find an opportunity to sell credit spreads on, as this is dependent on events happening around the world (e.g. earnings or economic announcements). But what I can tell you is that I always have ample buying power ready (I’m holding all cash as I’m typing this) for when opportunities arise.
The worst thing to do as a theta-ganger is to randomly open spreads at any point in time with no rhyme or reason – you’ll regret it if volatility suddenly expands!
Yes, it carries some weight, thankfully it’s not 100%, but unfortunately neither is it 0%. What we do know for sure is that there are things out of our control in life. For example: gravity, the weather, and the President of Russia. (LOL.)
Thankfully, there are things that we can control! No, literally! You can change your luck depending on the choices you make! For example, if you don’t vote, you potentially give the opposing candidate an increased chance of winning the election.
Just know that every step you decide to take in life carries some level of probability with it, and as it relates to trading, you should try and make the moves where your portfolio ends up with a net positive expected value!
So there they are, my secret recipe with all the key ingredients required to make delicious tendies with your own portfolio!
Praying that my time put into this lengthy and detailed writeup will bring you prosperity in the future, and that it repays my debts to Reddit of not posting enough!
Heads up, I also secured a subreddit under the same name as my account: 1PercentMax to share all my thoughts and opinions in one easy to access place, where I will re-edit this writeup with more context and detail on each line item above for sharing with non-theta-gang Redditors. Thanks for reading!
TL;DR Sorry, there’s a reason why profits don’t come easy. You’re gonna have to take your time and read if you want them gains!
submitted by 1PercentMax to thetagang [link] [comments]

The Gayest Gay Bear Post in the History of WSB. We are HEADED DOWN, Folks!!!

The Gayest Gay Bear Post in the History of WSB. We are HEADED DOWN, Folks!!!

Update (12/8/20):

For those who missed it, I've upped this bet to include a tattoo on my ass if I'm wrong. But I won't be wrong.

UPPING THE ANTE: If SPY closes below 360 by next Friday I will donate $100 to the top 10 commentors below. If SPY closes above 375 next Friday I will get JPow's face and "Don't Fight The Fed" tattooed on my ass.

UPDATE (11/30/20):

Stock futures are currently at around +0.80%. I'm down as fuck on my positions as most of you already know...
I stated before I never put more than 10k into short term options plays, which is how I've lasted 20 years in this game.
These are extreme times. I am now putting that rule on hold. If these futures hold up, tomorrow I am dumping another 10k into my SPY puts and VXX calls. I am literally doubling down to a 20k total bet.
This extra 10k will be January/February dated since my December timing appears to be early.
Still conservative strikes: VXX 22c, SPY 350p, TLT 162c


Hello again. SVM/??? here with another fuckin banger. LET'S GOOOO!!!!!


The market is going to tank. Let me just give a bit of background so you know why my opinion is better than yours...
I am not a bear. I am not a bull. I go where the market tells me to go, I bet where it tells me to bet. And right now, the indicators are telling me to take a strong bearish position. So that's what I have been doing.
I've been trading more than 20 years. I was trading the great financial crash while most of you were watching fucking Spongebob or whatever the fuck you kids jerked it to. This is not my primary job, but I make a good deal of cash on the side every month, timing the market and swing trading broad market ETFs. I do my research, I know my shit, and I rarely touch your shitty meme stocks. I'm doing you all a favor of once again sharing my insights into this market, so you too can share in my profits and maybe learn a thing or two.
I will lay this out as cleanly as I can, offering multiple premises for my bearish bet and explaining them in detail. I've covered some of this in the past, but wanted to consolidate everything and more in one place. This post will be long. If you want to cry about that rather than thank me for my service, you will go broke soon and deserve it cuz you are a lazy fuck. PRESSING FORWARD!

Primary Bearish Premises:
Premise 1: The Market is Massively Overvalued (Macro)
Premise 2: SPY is Topping Off and Running on Vaccine Fumes (TA)
Premise 3: The Fed CANNOT Print Money You Retards (Facts)
Premise 4: Quantitative Easing is Deflationary (Theory)
Premise 5: Credit Markets are Contracting (Data)
Premise 6: Banks are Loading Up on Safe Bonds While Retail Loads Up on Stocks (Data)
Premise 7: Unemployment is Still Sky High (Data)

Premise 1: The Market is Massively Overvalued

There are plenty of small, detail arguments for a bearish position. Covid cases rising, election uncertainty, stimulus failing, and so on. Plenty of others have made this case, so I won't focus on the small scale issues such as these.
What I want to give you is a larger, macro picture. Because the market is simply overvalued, period. The market has become divorced from the overall economy. I understand tech, and why they have a bullish case for growth in the face of Covid lockdowns... My point here is that you need some REAL WORLD measures to tie "future earnings" down to reality, to prevent irrational euphoria from taking over your mind.
There are plenty of indicators out there showing that stocks are overvalued. We could talk about insane P/E ratios, about euphoric meme stock flops like NKLA, and so on. The metric I'm going to present here is not new by any stretch. It isn't unique or original. But it is undeniably useful, and carries strong weight, whether modern traders wish to shun it and its originator or not. I'm talking about the Buffet Indicator.
For those of you new to this concept, it is simply the total stock market valuation divided by GDP. The point is to compare total market valuations with some hard, trailing, real-world metric, in this case GDP. When market valuations uncouple strongly from actual market conditions, it is a strong signal of irrational stock valuations. And that presents opportunity for those paying attention.
Note that this chart has already been detrended down to account for historically rising P/E ratios, and it still shows a strongly overvalued market, equal to what was seen during the DotCom bubble. That's bad news, folks.
This is the REAL issue in the present market, and why buyers are becoming exhausted. Covid, instability, elections, stimulus... These are all just catalysts to give that equity bubble a little prick. Only the dumbest of the dumb are still "buying the dip" under current market conditions, which means mostly clueless retail gamblers on WSB. All these perma-bulls are doing is offering liquidity to the institutional investors to help get them out of their positions. In the end, we all know who is left holding the bag.

Premise 2: The Market is Topping Off and Running on Vaccine Fumes

I'm not a big believer in technical analysis. Most of it is bullshit, astrological voodoo if you ask me. But some of it works, and when technical analysis works, it is simply being used as a proxy for assessing market sentiment and emotions. Let's take a closer look at the teaser SPY chart I posted above.
As you can see, the market has been repeatedly rejecting multiple new highs. This process was briefly interrupted by positive vaccine news. We breached a new high on Pfizer vaccine results, but even that new high was instantly rejected and resulted in a sudden reversal selloff. The Moderna vaccine news created another short rally, lower than the Pfizer high, and that too was followed by a selloff. In other words, the market is continually rejecting current market valuations. As they should be, if you were following the point above. We are running on vaccine news fumes, and those will not last long. If you develop an instinct for these things, you can almost feel it in your gut: The market WANTS to head down.
If this isn't the top, it is close to it. $366.77 will very likely be the high for SPY for the year, and will soon unwind downwards.

Premise 3: The Fed CANNOT Print Money

I know this will come as a shock to most of you idiots but the fucking money printer does NOT GO BRRRRR.
The Fed has to follow the laws that govern it's actions. The Fed does not have the legal authority to simply print cash and hand it out. Go ahead and read the Federal Reserve Act, and take a look at the Fed's actions, for proof of this. It doesn't even have the authority to print cash to buy corporate bonds or anything else.
What the Fed "prints" is called "reserves."
Source: https://www.stlouisfed.org/open-vault/2019/august/open-market-operations-monetary-policy-tools-explained
So what, you say? So everything. The key point about reserves is that they cannot be spent like cash can. When a bank gets reserve funds in its reserve account at the Fed, it CANNOT SPEND that money. All the bank can do is use that account as collateral to lend against. Which means if the banks are not lending, those QE funds are NOT entering the economy. They might as well not exist. And banks are not lending, as we will see below.
This is the counter argument to all the ignorant retail traders who will argue that the Fed is "backstopping" stocks, or that the Fed will not "allow" the market to crash. The Fed has no power to print money, and therefore no power to buy stocks, and therefore no power to prevent a crash. The Fed's power is illusory, but enough people buy the illusion to make it effective. That won't last forever.
Just think about it. If Fed actions and QE really made stocks rally the way people claim it does, why isn't the Japan Nikkei constantly breaking new all time highs???

Premise 4: Quantitative Easing is Deflationary

Quantitative Easing is not Cash. In fact, QE is deflationary.
Here is how QE works, in a nutshell. The Fed buys bonds from the big banks. Except the Fed isn't buying them with cash. In exchange for the bonds, the Fed puts funds in a reserve account held by the bank. These reserve funds CANNOT BE TOUCHED by the banks. All the banks can do is use this account as collateral to lend against.
In fact, it's worse than that. Because the Fed is removing assets from the open market, and not paying cash for them. It is purchasing liquid assets with illiquid reserves. Despite all the Fed's talk about "creating liquidity," what the Fed is actually doing is REMOVING liquidity from the system!
Why would they do this? Answer: To lower interest rates. Don't take my word for it, the Fed explains this itself!
Source: https://www.stlouisfed.org/open-vault/2019/august/open-market-operations-monetary-policy-tools-explained
See, the Fed has to follow the laws that govern its actions. Despite what the public believes, the Fed does not have the legal authority to simply print money and hand it out. The Fed knows that the true source of inflation in a debt-based economy is through credit expansion. So the Fed does everything it can to reduce interest rates, both by setting reserve rates near zero and by using QE to drive rates down further.
Only when credit expansion revives will we begin to see inflation and a true recovery. The Fed knows their hands are tied, which is why they keep hammering Congress to pass more stimulus.
Perhaps the greatest strength of the Fed is in "forward guidance." The Fed simply uses words to convince the public that money is being printed, that inflation is coming, so that people go out and spend and buy assets. They are playing a trick on the public, and the trick is working. People actually believe inflation is coming, that stocks are being held up by the Fed, that money is pouring into the system. The public is wrong on every count.
The Fed is trying to contract credit markets in order to lower interest rates in order to eventually spur lending in order to eventually create inflation. But in the meantime, QE is deflationary. As stated above, if reserve funds are not being lent out by the banks, they do not enter the economy, and thus QE serves a deflationary role. Let's take a look at the next premise, that banks are contracting the credit markets.

Premise 5: Credit Markets are Contracting

The question of whether banks are lending or not with their QE reserves is simply a matter of looking at the data. Practically every data source we can point to suggests contracting credit conditions. This means QE reserves are not entering the economy, and therefore are not producing inflation nor holding up stocks.
The SLOOS data from the Fed, Oct. 2020:
Source: https://www.federalreserve.gov/data/sloos/sloos-202010-table-1.htm
Real Estate lending is booming, you say? Not so....
Banks Lending is TIGHTENING:
Source: https://www.federalreserve.gov/data/documents/sloos-202010-charts.pdf
Note: The decline near the end doesn't represent growth in credit, but represents a reduction in the RATE of tightening.
Consumer Demand for Loans is SHRINKING:
Source: https://www.federalreserve.gov/data/documents/sloos-202010-charts.pdf
Even Credit Card debt growth is negative!

Premise 6: Banks are Loading Up on Safe Bonds While Retail Loads Up on Stocks

If you are like me, you look forward to the H.8 data every Friday from the Fed (yeah right haha). A continuing trend in that data, month after month after month, is that major banks in the US have been loading up on bonds with no end in sight. They are piling more and more cash into safe assets, now up to a whopping $4.6 TRILLION in securities.
Source: https://www.federalreserve.gov/releases/h8/current/default.htm
Meanwhile, retail traders (that means you) keep piling into stocks at all time highs. A record amount of cash was dumped into the market after the vaccine news breaks. I'm just gonna go ahead and call it now. This is the top.
Source: https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2020-11-13/stock-funds-get-record-44-5-billion-inflows-on-vaccine-optimism

Premise 7: Unemployment is Still Sky High

I bring this up just to reiterate another real-world metric that is gloomy as fuck and yet completely ignored from market valuations. Why are stocks breaking all-time highs when we still have MILLIONS more unemployed than we did this time last year? Hello McFly?


Shit's fucked up son. Real world economy is still in shambles. Market is more overvalued than it was during the DotCom boom. Still millions unemployed. The market is topping off and rejecting highs again and again. The Fed is not printing money and not backstopping assets, despite claims to the contrary. We are heading down, folks!
SPY 350p 12/18
VXX 22c 12/18
Also anything else that strikes your fancy. IWM, GLD, SLV puts are all fine (dollar is going to rise). Longer dated TLT calls will print as well due to QE reducing bond yields, eventually. Go longer or shorted dated depending on personal risk tolerance.
Timing can be difficult. My strategy is to periodically enter bearish positions when short-term indicators look good, and hope to eventually time the major dump. If things begin to stabilize short-term I exit the position quickly with a small gain or, rarely, a small loss.
See: https://www.reddit.com/wallstreetbets/comments/jkm5jq/the_bears_arent_done_folks_these_diamond_hands/
submitted by StevenVanMetre to wallstreetbets [link] [comments]

The Lots of Little Shorts: 2021 $TSLA Best Trade Deal in the History of Trade Deals YOLO.

Alright folks, buckle up and Charge your batteries. This play's going to smack you all the way back to 1999.
First, a recap. WSB has proven to the world that retail matters. With the power of the hive mind, leveraged options trading, and distinctly fragile market conditions, we've refueled a few businesses that were written off by the street. And we made some money doing it. To no one's surprise, the gaslighting boomers called us manic, irrational, and stupid. They hired CNBC to dismiss us, politicize us, patronize us, or accuse us of cheating. They told us to go back to watching Netflix and let the big boys steer the ship.
Fact is, we all know the GME play was no smooth brained fluke. The strategy formed organically, built on a masterly combination of market technicals, narrative, underlying facts, and community research. A few timely events, and we took off to the stratosphere.
Now it's time to let them know that we can also bring things back down to earth. It's time to prove that us lovely commoners are grounded, sophisticated analysts--or at least, we're fast learning newbs. We are measured in judgement, clear in action, helpful to our communities. And we're having some fun. Retail is not a stupid mob, we are a collective social intelligence.
So there's my heartfelt intro, now onto the play.
Two words, and you're not going to like it:Short. Tesla.
I'll give you a minute.
If you just bought $TSLA and think all stonks only go up, you can skip to the comments, turn caps lock ON, and go nuts. Stonks to infinity means hyperinflation. You're a millionaire, and a burger costs 12k. No thanks. So here's the breakdown.
Table of Contents. (That's right.)
  1. The Gravity. Hive Mind is Uploaded: Retail Options Control the Delta Hedge.
  2. The Mass. All Roads lead to Mars...and Back. Passive Inclusion of $TSLA, the "God Meme".
  3. The Playing Field.
  4. The Trade.
  5. The Risks.
  6. The Endgame. Power to the Players.
Let's goo.

I. The Gravity. The Hive Mind is Uploaded. Retail Options Control the Delta Hedge.

Let's start with what we know. We're all poor and the Hedge Fund managers are rich. If you add together all retail investors, our funds would barely tick on the balance sheet of your local BlackRock. There's a reason they're called the 1%.
So what gives? How can a few Reddit analysts and their YOLO followers trigger cascading rallies across multiple tickers, even moving the very SPY itself?

GME vs SPY, during the Deep Fuckin Squeeze
To grasp the answer, you need to understand one thing about Delta-Hedging. Delta Hedging is what Market Makers do to stay 'risk neutral' while buying or selling options.
It works like this: When a Market Maker sells you a Call option, they also buy more Shares as hedge. That way, if the call ends up being right, they already have the Shares to sell you, and they've made a little profit on the price increase. If they didn't do the Delta Hedge, the Market Maker would have to go out and buy those shares above the Strike Price, then sell them to you at a loss.
There's more to it, but thats all you need to know here.
We saw these dynamics at play with GME. You probably heard the terms Delta Squeeze, Gamma Squeeze, Short Squeeze, etc.
As you recall, the squeeze happened because lots of people started going long GME. The more people went long, the more shares Mr. Market Maker had to buy, which sent the price higher and higher, tempting more and more people to buy in and go long. It's a feedback loop, sparked by a few retail traders at the bottom of the food chain.
As Alex Harfouche, former head of Goldman Sachs' European block trading, keenly points out:
"Basic maths can demonstrate that the massive price moves are not ONLY a function of Reddit retail crowd YOLOing calls turning MMs into delta-hedging chasers. 15% to 20% of daily traded calls become OI (they are day traded) hence have no effect on dynamic delta-hedging. This leaves one explanation to the parabolic moves: when Reddit starts concentrating call buying volumes on some names, some keen observers are using this as a signal and fueling the moves." https://twitter.com/alexharfouche1/status/1355177706292465664
The $TSLA Delta Squeeze has been more prolonged, and MUCH more YUGE, but it follows the same mechanics. The more speculative calls, the more shares Market Makers have to buy up. Price goes up, speculation increases. It's a feedback loop, with little retail at the bottom, deciding everything.
That's the Gravity. Now onto the Mass.

II. The Mass. All Roads lead to Mars...and Back. Passive Inclusion of $TSLA, the "God Meme".

The second turbocharger that sent $TSLA soaring is pure courtesy of boomer mismanagement. They're called passive index funds, like the beloved SP&500. If you're not familiar, these funds track the 'biggest companies' and continuously rebalance their portfolios to hold an weighted distribution of shares.
Once the Delta-Squeeze hit the magic number, $TSLA was signed up to be included in these Passive Funds. This resulted in a astronomical amount of forced buying. For example, the Vanguard S&P 500 index fund, the OG passive index-tracking investment fund, has assets of over $600B. To bring Tesla up to the required 1.6% of its portfolio, Vanguard has to buy about $10B worth of Tesla shares. Just because.
And Vanguard is just the tip of the iceberg. According to Barron’s, “between $5 trillion and $6 trillion are invested in funds indexed to the S&P 500.” Because of arcane indexing algorithms, these funds were forced to buy around 120 million shares of Tesla, worth $80-100B, and divest $80-100B of other holdings, to align their portfolios with the new index composition. That's a whole lot of Buy Pressure.
But that's not it. An additional estimated $6.7 trillion in Active Funds are really just blindly following the S&P500, in a dubious practice called "Closet Indexing". [1] Basically you pretend to be an Active Fund Manager, but just construct a portfolio based on the SP&500 and collect a big management fee. It's the copypaste-from-wikipedia homework of the hedge fund manager world. Def can't go tits up.
So that's the Mass.
It's a whole of lot of money blindly buying up a stock, sending it higher and higher, luring in more and more speculation, despite the fact that the present day business fundamentals absolutely do not correspond. At this point, the bull narrative for Tesla has been whittled down to full reliance on "distant futures" and the cult following of Elon Musk.
I'm not an astrophysicist, but with the Gravity of Retail Driven Delta-Hedge and the Mass of Passive Fund Inclusion, there's a chance that even a small shift in public opinion will trigger cascading downward prices, as the Market Makers reverse and the planetary mass of Passive Inclusion Funds (and all their copycats) desperately rebalance and sell off.
But what do I know, I just eat crayons.

III. The Playing Field.

You might ask yourself--Why would so many Money Managers rely on Passive Indexing, copypasta, or reddit sentiment to do their jobs? Simply put: Because they live on yachts, and think they're too special to interface with the real world. These people have no way of knowing what is actually going on in the lives of everyday people, what we like, what we need, and how we assign value.
Remember: the underlying isn't the Stock Price. The underlying is the business. The actual real world operations associated with the Ticker, how they affect people's lives, and how we the people feel about that. In 2021, Retail will teach everyone this lesson, and many will be butthurt.

Tech Cycle Rolls Over. Courtesy of Trader_ferg, read the tweet. https://twitter.com/trader_ferg/status/1359504988960026627
On a way zoomed out macro level, this all makes sense, and is squarely aligned with the Central Banks mandate to undertake new social & economic reform. Part of this reset is the technological reality that accessible Retail Options trading is a far more granular method of capturing sentiment and valuation. With share trading, all a User can do is "Buy" or "Sell". Not much info for the AI to feed off of. On the other hand, with options, a user can provide a nuanced input about their projected Value and Future Timing of the Business. It's like Photo vs. Video. 4D Chess. A lot more data. All it needs is to be wired together and get a few more big Pumps of The Juice--not to make 'all stonks go up forever', but simply to facilitate the transactional throughput of higher order computing.
This is good: A massive Hive Mind of independent rational agents, feeding the blossoming AI with rich realtime votes on the value and future prospects of a Company. The AI needs this. It does not need a handful of overpaid money-managers who have never peeled a banana to sit on their yachts and pick tickers out of hat, or sleep at the wheel while an intern copies the trades of a 40-year-old indexing algorithm. There's too much risk of mis-pricing the underlying, and too many inefficient middlemen. With our help, the Hive Mind can do it better and cheaper, and the Real Big Boys know that. As the old adage goes, together Apes Strong. 🦍🦍🦍
Data from Options trading is just the beginning. Soon enough, stakeholders from across the world will seamlessly participate in realtime corporate governance, valuation, and ownership of the companies that touch their lives. The World Economic Forum call this the Shareholder Economy.
But that's future talk. Q3 2022. Let's stick to the present situation.

IV. The Trade.

I'll keep this part simple. If you're holding $TSLA, start selling the top. What the actual fuck are shares, anyway. If you're new or looking for a YOLO, Puts on TSLA, all year long.
Exact timing? Sooner than you think, maybe Tuesday.Pick your own risk/reward. Don't get freaky behind Wendy's or pawn off your girlfriend's cat.
690 is not a meme. 420 is probably not a meme. 42 is a meme.
And If you believe in the resonant effects of Mass and Gravity: Puts on SPY down to 369. NASDAQ-100 Puts to 10420.
Paper handed bitches too emo to go short: Buy some Steel, limited edition Air Jordans, or a '99 Cherokee straight 6. Collectibles will print for the next decade.
And if you're here bc you really dgaf and just want to Send A Message, throw puts on all the bois that keep ruining society: FB, Google, Twitter, Amazon, etc. Get creative. Trust your gut. If they don't print, at least you die a hero.
Remember, we don't have money, but we're the ones in charge. It's a spiritual choice. Boom. And guess what else, Dennis? We're not "afraid of a market crash" any more than we're afraid of getting shot at in Fortnite. A game's a game. We're already poor, unemployed, stuck at home in your dysfunctional system, eating shitty cold food from DoorDash. (Another excellent short, btw.)
But Wall Street did teach us one thing: you don't need to lose money, as long as you're on the right side of the trade. We see you. And we're capable of sitting back, crackin' a cold one, and surfing this wave all the way down the mountain. We are rising to the occasion, and putting ourselves on the right side of the trade.
If that was all too complicated, just call it the Reverse Moon. All Stonks go up, therefore All stonks go down. Now it's time for Stonks Go Down, so hop on board and don't worry. This Truck is Fully Powered By Gravity--the cleanest energy--the code is live in the matrix, uploading to your braincells as we speak. 100% self-driving, always have been. Turn off the iPhone and go hug your Mom. In the 5th Dimension, we're already Trillionaires.

V. The Risks

Timing. As far as I can tell, the biggest risk here is timing and scale. The TSLA fundamentals check out: bona fide crap. Price is the only thing that made it to Mars. Market conditions are primed for a steep reversal, It might have even started last week. Product quality is weak, but I can't confirm since I've only seen their cars on Youtube. Big Boys like Ford are coming to bat. Tech multiple is a ponzi.
But we still have no way of knowing how long elevated prices in the sector can last. Usually these things are drawn out like a drugged out bender, until they roll over and quickly collapse. Unfortunately, there are alot of rich fallguys like Chamath and Cathie Wood trying to distract you with Shiny Objects while they show their even richer Masters to the door.
I say fuck it, let's pre-empt, call out the bullshit and get our asses on the right side of this trade before it's too late. I don't want to be the last guy at the party strung out on the couch. I bet you don't either.
But what about the other failed shorts? Yep, lots of hedge fund managers have bled themselves dry trying to go short $TSLA. They neglected to realize the importance of The Vibe, and were generally short TSLA because they didn't believe in the core business or EVs or rocketships or some other arcane boomer technical thing. This time its different. Retail has already cashed the $TSLA stimmy check. Twitter is pwned. We see the smart money moving away, and can call it like we see it. We have learned how the market works, and we've adapted. $GME might not have made us all rich with money, but it made some of us just rich enough to spark confidence in the rest. We can spot the right moves, call them out, and participate in our financial system and economy. Who woulda thought.
But what about More Fed Stimmy? Silly boomer, Fed Stimmy was never about shifting to a paradigm where all stonks go up. It was about a macro return to shareholder economics, an embrace of price volatility, and the necessary technical upgrades to facilitate Big Data sentiment capture from the retail Hive Mind. Didn't you read Larry Fink's 2021 Letter to CEOs? Central Banks have played these games before, Take a look at Japan, or read about the Carry. Weird shit happens. But guess what, Bankers? In reality, you're the subs. I said it before, this is the 5th Dimension. We're gucci; you work for us. Enjoy the yacht and stay out of our treehouse. We don't have all your money, but we have our communities, our friends, our families, and our glorious lossporn. Freedoms so wild you literally could never imagine. Maybe that's why you locked us down, so our lives would suck as much as yours. Put that in your pipe and smoke it.
But what about The Future? Get those crayons out of your mouth. Human civilization is not one pre-order deposit away from a Techno-Paradise-Utopia. The Tesla Roadster took $250k deposits 3 years ago and has still delivered nothing. With $250k in 2018, you could've bought 50BTC and sold 'em to Musk for $2.3M last week. You got played, 'Frisco. Sorry not sorry.
The market is about main street, schools, small businesses, food, and homes. Root canals and babysitters. It's about real fucking people, none of whom will ever be rich enough to upload our brains to a network of satellites floating around Mars. Most of us, even the ones who made money with your dumb 2020 stonks, have had a pretty rough year. The future is wonderful, but there's also this little thing called the Present. And it's proving to be of vital importance.
But what about Internet Fame? No one can sustain infinite economic growth by going on Joe Rogan Podcast or shooting off cryptic 3 word tweets. Most of the engagement on elonmusk twitter is spam. The rest is Cringe. Go Check. On top of that, we all know that Twitter is compromised, that Mark Zuckerberg still has no real friends, and that web2 ad-tech social media is a garbage business model that ends up building worthless propaganda machines and echo chambers. I'd rather chill w my cat and horde Uranium. Whoops.
Unexpected Interventions? As we know, the Powers At Be have a lot of levers to pull. Tesla has been propped up by sweetheart government deals and tax credits. In fact that's the only reason they make any money to begin with. Go read about it.
So there's that: the government might do anything. There might be a new crisis and the gov might forces us to close all our bank accounts, wear chicken costumes, and dance in circles. Government intervention is a wild card. But weirdly enough, I think the Big Banks are on our side, ish. They def need to pwn all our trading data, harness our collective brainpower to go full AI, then cut out the previous generation of complacent middle-market fund managers. So who knows. This is all speculation. I don't work for the CIA. We do know that Michael Burry is short. And sequels sell.
China? Had to throw it in there, bc Biden might be pwned by the CCP and we might already be living in a Chinese colony. If that's true, I got no problem. China is cool, I love China, great culture, great people, the food, all of it. And they'll probably fix our roads! Xie xie! :D
But with respect to $TSLA price action and The Trade, the China Factor could work for or against us. I have no idea what China wants from me. Pelosi did buy some $TSLA Leaps, but that might've been a PsyOp. She's got hella deepfake vibes. Again, No idea. Consult your tea leaves.
But who's going to lose? Who will be the bagholders? As you've probably learned, every trade has a winner and loser. Such is life. There will always be bagholders. All I can say is that this time around, it doesn't need to be us.
If it all plays out according to my Tarot Cards, the Bankers will do what they've done best for centuries, and losses will be socialized across all the boomers with $ in passive index funds. People thought it was safe, but neglected to realize that the lazy overpaid fund managers didn't update their models since 1985. Instead, they let a hyped up trojan horse distort their portfolios and stretch the connection between SPY and the Real World, while in the background a tech-enabled Options market became the new Hive Mind of retail sentiment.
The Bagholders will be everyone who was comfortable and complacent enough to actually believe that if you dump all your assets in a passive index fund then durpa durp all stonks go up.Newsflash: It was a meme. We were kidding.

Now don't get me wrong: Elon Musk is still weird and cool and none of this is a knock on him at all. He is undoubtedly a genius, and probably embraced these ideas years ago. He's told us many times: the future is re-usable rocketships. Up and Down. Up and Down. Volatility. In the long term, Tesla will succeed and fulfill its mission, and the influence of Musk and his companies will go down in history.
But Markets are markets. Trader_ferg says it best:
Multiple contraction overrides perfect mgmt execution. Your views can prove correct, Yet you get killed. Take Cisco in 2000. If you'd invested based on it: -Becoming a mainstay of the internet -Growing revenue strongly for next decade
You'd have been right. Yet still lost >80%.
Remember. Do not get emotional here, this is fundamental trading. Puts on $TSLA won't hurt baby X Æ A-XII. I know you might be a fanboy. It's ok, we forgive you.
The move is technical, and the point is simple: infinite money isn't a thing. All stonks go down. The markets are fragile; Retail Option Traders are in charge. $TSLA is overbought by a delta squeeze & huge passive fund inclusion. And at this precise moment we're rolling, Because we control the narrative.

VI. Endgame. Power to the Players.

So where does this all lead us? What happens to a world where the market is truly just a video game, fed by a mass of independent individuals riding a play up or down, talking strategy, making friends, and having fun? What happens is simple: markets function better, society is improved, and there is Way More Chill™. One day the social hive mind will cut out the Chamaths and Dorseys of the world and autonomously perform market functions: valuing companies and steering corporate governance in a realtime, decentralized, transparent way. There will still be Shadow Kings, but we might stop stressing about Booms and Busts, horribly opaque corporate governance, and endless media-Induced panics. We just want to play. The system might be smart, but we can always move first.
Anyway, started trading last week, so take this with a spoon of salt. Def not financial advice, but if you've read this far, you know that. Full Disclosure: I drive an '87 Chevy 4x4 and it rips. Only simps buy a Tesla.

Sincerely yours,

what up

Appendix. Notes, Edits, and Responses:

submitted by 0xpectation to thecorporation [link] [comments]


This is a revised version of my previous article. I am going to try to update frequently as it appears people have more and more questions and misconceptions or misinformation is being spread quickly. This post is to educate not only the Dogecoin community but anyone who is interested in cryptocurrency/currency is general.
This information below is important. I ask that you please take the time to read this entire post before making judgment or commenting. My discord group of over 100 people have grouped together the majority of the most asked questioned and misunderstandings regarding Dogecoin, into the following 20 key points. Even if you know the answers to some of these please read the entire post. (Especially if you’re from the cryptocurrency community) Please read them below.
  1. Question: What is Dogecoin?
Answer: Dogecoin (/ˈdoʊdʒkɔɪn/ DOHJ-koyn, code: DOGE, symbol: Ð) is a cryptocurrency invented by software engineers Billy Markus and Jackson Palmer, who decided to create a payment system that is instant, fun, and free from traditional banking fees. Dogecoin features the face of the Shiba Inu dog from the popular "Doge" meme as its logo and namesake. It was introduced on December 6, 2013, and quickly developed its own online community reaching a market capitalization of US $5,382,875,000 on January 28, 2021. [Wikipedia, 20210203]
  1. Question: Why Dogecoin?
Answer: For the Lolz. Well, not quite. Initially as a purely meme-driven alternative to the likes of Bitcoin and Litecoin, Dogecoin in-fact boasts very low transaction fees and fast transaction times, very little network congestion, and most importantly, is designed to be used as a daily means of exchange, like your morning cup of coffee. Also, it is really fun, and who doesn't like the Dog ?!
1/2 - second perspective) Question: What Is Dogecoin? And why Dogecoin?
Answer: Back a few years ago, some crazy people banded together in support of a cryptocurrency known as Dogecoin. Similar to other cryptocurrencies, Dogecoin, the people's crypto, finds itself with the support of hundreds if not thousands of individuals pushing for this currency to succeed. But what is that? Unless you have been absent from every social bubble, you may have heard of Bitcoin. For the purpose of this explanation, you will find that Bitcoin is not exactly an easy thing to equate to Dogecoin, but lets think about the criteria of a Cryptocurrency.Bitcoin did not find its foothold overnight. In fact, it took several years. A lot of people fought tooth and nail for their belief in the coin. Crypto, in a nutshell, is a decentralized form of currency that finds its value in a combination of individual asset involvement, ease or difficulty in security of an exchange, creating a method of reliable, secure, trustworthy exchange, and other reasons.
Think of it like this: to exchange goods and services without currency, one must barter. I can barter a service (a haircut, for example) towards someone who needs a haircut, and in exchange they can barter a good or service to me.Currency then becomes an "IOU" (I Owe yoU) so that, if somebody needs me to cut their hair, they can give me an IOU for a good or service they control. When enough people begin adopting this, a centralized currency eventually takes hold. Crypto seeks to take this a step further and, insteal of relying on building up a centalization in terms of valuable metals or debt, it is built up solely on the exchange of goods and services. Dogecoin, compared to other cryptocurrencies, finds itself in a strange position where the origins did NOT see it soaring to the moon in any situation. Funny how things can change in time. Dogecoin has pros and cons to it. Comparing it to other cryptos, it does not face a supply cap like Bitcoin does. It is not a directly equated asset, such as how Bitcoin can be attributed as a digital gold asset. Mining dogecoin is also much simpler (comparitively) and does not face difficulty spikes, a source of Bitcoin slow-down. In essence, in 50 years, Dogecoin will still be around, still be mined, still be traded. Bitcoin will cease to be created, hoarded, and become the digital currency of the affluent.
  1. Question: Places to buy dogecoin places where you can spend Dogecoin?
Answer: Refer to dogecoin posts by the moderators or a simple Google search for a list of businesses that accept doge as payment.
  1. Question: Cryptocurrencies vs stocks. The main differences between them.
Answer: A stock is a type of investment that represents an ownership share in a company. Investors buy stocks that they think will go up in value over time. ... A stock is an investment. When you purchase a company's stock, you're purchasing a small piece of that company, called a share.
A cryptocurrency: When comparing crypto to stocks, the main thing to keep in mind is that cryptocurrencies have few if any regulations applied to them. It is still the "wild west" of trading. You can be scammed, skimmed, pumped-dumped, as so forth, much more often and more easily than with stocks. Terminology is similar to exact between the two, but both require a certain mindset. Crypto is almost always a long-haul game, where stocks can be short play or long haul.
  1. Question: Dogecoin vs Bitcoin - their competitive advantages and disadvantages. Many cryptocurrencies have a higher degree of scarcity in comparison with FIAT (e.g. the US Dollar). For example Bitcoin / BTC has a strictly limited supply. And even though Dogecoin is not strictly limited, it is still a lot more scare in terms of supply than the US dollar. This simply means that if more people want to hold BTC or Doge versus the limited supply of the respective coin, the value of the cryptocurrency increases.
  2. Question: Is Dogecoin a meme or should it be taken seriously?
Answer: We have all witnessed the power of a meme, the depths it can reach in society, especially in recent years. We have seen it many times before with video games, consoles, Oreos, or as of late even toilet paper... A meme has inherent value in the form of “widespread information”. A meme can spread an idea across diverse communities, and even entire countries literally overnight. This can bring about lasting effects on culture and society. If correctly taken advantage of, Doge can become the dominant meme currency of the internet, and amass real-world value just by being a popular, recognisable meme itself. This is where the saying “Dogecoin is the people’s coin” comes from.
  1. Question m: Mining Dogecoin and the history of Dogecoin). How a new currency entered the market.
Answer: mining is the process of creating new cryptocurrency by solving a computational puzzle. mining is necessary to maintain the ledger of transactions upon which cryptocurrency is based. Miners have become very sophisticated over the last several years using complex machinery to speed up mining operations. Approximately 600,000 dogecoins are produced per hour and 5,256,000,000 per year,
  1. Question: Circulation of currencies. The importance of buying, selling, and holding - and the differences between them.
Answer: To briefly explain this, a lot of people have been saying “buy and hold” or “I’m never selling!” - which in itself is great start. But there remains a lot of misinformation around the topic, for example that simply "buying and holding Doge" will drive up the price indefinitely. Unfortunately, that is just not true. Buying, holding, and selling are all intricately connected with each other. ALL of those three states are essential for a (digital) currency to flourish. Holding does neither hurt or raise the value of the asset, but rather it helps to establish a baseline, which is also called "setting a floor". Those who have diligently kept on holding their coins, have allowed Dogecoin to stabilize at roughly 0.03 USD cents for the past few days. Remember, this remains a huge gain from where Dogecoin has been just weeks ago. The reason the price is not changing much from this baseline right now is because few are buying and few are selling their Dogecoin, specifically due to topics which will be covered in other sections here. However, an active circulation of a currency is critical to establishing it as an effective means of exchanging goods and setting it up for long term growth. The best way to increase the overall value of the currency in the long run is by eventually by exchanging your coins for goods, services, or just by tipping and trading with other Dogecoin holders. The value of any means of exchange is fundamentally driven by supply and demand. If two parties agree that X amount of asset A is roughly worth the same as Y amount of asset B, you effectively have established a market.
  1. Question: Establishing a floor or a baseline.
Answer: Due to other current issues, such as "RH" and other platforms artificially delaying FIAT-to-Crypto exchanges, these trends may appear strange at first sight, but those who continue holding onto their Doge are affecting or rather creating the floor. The floor is essentially the lowest value Dogecoin will drop to at current market conditions. The floor is currently around .06 USD cents. Which is up from 0.008 USD cents just a few months ago.
  1. Question: Inflation and deflation Infinite supply / no cap vs cap in regarding to cryptocurrency
Answer: Inflation and deflation are common economic terms used to explain the change in the inherent value of a currency. This means that that 1 US Dollar today does not have the same value or “worth” as it did, for example, in 1950. Inflation is a situation of rising prices in the economy. A more exact definition of inflation is a sustained increase in the general price level in an economy. Deflation on the other hand occurs when the inflation rate falls below 0%, that is a negative inflation rate. While inflation reduces the value of a currency over time, a sudden deflation of a currency increases its relative value. This would allow more goods and services to be bought than before with the same amount of currency. Deflation can be a factor in leading to a recession and also result in a deflationary spiral.
10a) What does all this mean with regards to cryptocurrency, specifically Bitcoin versus Dogecoin?
 Well - Bitcoin is stagnant or deflationary over time, while Dogecoin is inflationary overtime. This is due to the way they are architected and mined, and how new coins are added into their respective markets - covered in other section. What gets misunderstood is which one is “better” or rather "the lesser evil". Since Dogecoin has an “infinite supply”, how can it maintain value? 
10b) You may have read things like: "You're stupid if you buy Dogecoin. It has no value. It has unlimited supply. It's just a stupid meme." Let's look at the US dollar (or essentially any major FIAT currency of your choice). FIAT currency is created out of thin air. It is backed by large sums of debt, and in the normal course of the economy it is inflating endlessly. But FIAT currency does have value. It's a value assigned to it by governments and people, a commonly accepted means for exchange. Again, FIAT does not have a limited supply. In fact, the supply of the US dollar is a lot more inflationary than Doge would ever be. Please think about that for a moment and make up your own mind.
10c) Yes, Dogecoin has a supply growth of about 5 billion coins (that's about 4-5% right now) per year, but why is that a problem, practically speaking? The growth is there to keep transaction fees to a minimum and allow a small, but healthy inflationary tendency, rather than the opposite.
10d) Dogecoin doesn't need a supply limit like Bitcoin, because in the long run it will be much easier to exchange Dogecoin for goods and services, than with other crypto currencies or regular currencies for that matter.
 If Bitcoin wants to become a real global currency with buying power, not just a speculation tool to exchange it for a few thousand debt based USD, when it hits a new record high every few months or years, its supply will have to grow inevitably. We have to see the bigger picture! Dogecoin may well climb to one US dollar, but why stop and sell there? Instead, we could build a new, fair, balanced monetary ecosystem based on Dogecoin, not to make a quick profit, but to change the whole world. Our current money is backed by signatures on debt contracts, not on real values. But it works, because we believe in it, even if it will be our downfall if it continues like this. Dogecoin is different. Dogecoin has a set amount of coins entering the market by the minute. There are plenty of spreadsheets out there showcasing exactly how much many Dogecoin will be in circulation at any given moment of time. People get confused because they think inflation is a bad thing, when in fact it is actually beneficial in small quantities and beneficial to the longevity of a currency. Dogecoin doesn't need a supply limit like Bitcoin, because in the long run it will be much easier to exchange Dogecoin for goods and services, than with other crypto currencies or regular currencies for that matter. If Bitcoin wants to become a real global currency with buying power, not just a speculation tool to exchange it for a few thousand debt based USD when it hits a new record high every few months or years, it's supply will have to grow inevitably. 
  1. Question: Financial aspects of Dogecoin. Who will profit from it? What will happen if Dogecoin has exponential growth? A zero- sum game. Explaining that you only realize a loss or profit at then time of sell.
Answer: To clear things up - cryptocurrency is essentially what economist call a Zero Sum Game. A zero-sum game is a mathematical representation of a situation in which each participant's gain or loss of utility is exactly balanced by the losses or gains of the utility of the other participants. What this means is that across a group of people who engage in selling and buying Dogecoin, if one person gains another person loses. For example if you bought at 0.08 and sold at 0.03 someone made a profit of 0.05 cents per Dogecoin while you lost 0.05 cents per Dogecoin. The important thing to understand is that in these situations the only way you truly lose or gain anything is when you sell. You don’t realize your gains or losses until you complete that transaction. What this means is that if Dogecoin does increase exponentially the people who have been holding since the price has been low will gain astronomical returns on their investment, while others who joined late will not.
  1. Question: Stability vs Volatility
Answer: This describes basically how stable something is over a set period of time. Volatility is how much prices change over time. Stabilization of Dogecoin is important for the overall health, however, cryptocurrencies are known to and will likely remain very volatile for the foreseeable future.
13a) Pump and dump vs long term growth. "Pump and dump" is a form of securities fraud that involves artificially inflating the price of an owned stock through false and misleading positive statements, in order to sell the cheaply purchased stock at a higher price. Pump and dumps are consider illegal. While a subset of people are trying to pump and dump Dogecoin the legitimate community is focused its long term growth and stability which is achieved through the rest of the topics addressed here
13b - second perspective) Essentially many people are just coming onto DOGE because it has low barrier to entry, and enticed by the idea of coming in low, selling what they have and running with the profits short term. This has lead to pumps and dips, and a lot of misinformation being thrown around. I should clarify some points for those who are coming in, instead of repeating the HODL and diamond hands rhetoric. Planned pumps are not what Doge needs. Pumps of this nature usually have an attached implication, which is that people will plan on selling, capitalising on the hype and then buying low to wait for the next pump. This leads to money being taken out of the coin, resulting in the lower price we now see. This means that planned pumps are essentially feeding sellers. We are not doing this in secret. This is a public forum and people with the intention have the information needed to drain us dry if we let them. Essentially, if we want Doge to grow, planned pumps need to stop being openly advertised, or they need to die altogether. Of the two, the latter is the easiest, and it is what this post will be focusing on. Sustainable Growth is now the way. Pumps are fine when they're unpredicted - Elon Musk is living proof of that. However, planned pumps will result in our good boy coin shooting down to the dips, where sellers can reinvest and wait to harvest our money again at the next pump. If however, we grow the price slowly, the floor will increase in a much more stable fashion, resulting in smaller dips. This will mean that the insane dips where sellers truly farm their coin at become very inhospitable to them, as they'd need to put more and more money to receive less and less profit. Essentially, by slowly growing the coin with organic 'food' instead of steroids, we can slowly choke out those parasites who are ruining the growth of the coin by making every dip a horrible investment for their time and efforts. Sure, buy at the dips. Sure, hold the coin. But don't plan any more pumps. The less room you give to the sellers, the doubters and the paper hands, the more coin you can collect and the more profit that awaits you in the future. Conclusion If we come together as a community, Doge will truly live up to the hype - the people's currency. If we choose to continue listening to planned pumps, we have a very difficult, long and risky road ahead of us. Sustainable growth will beat large planned spikes any day.
  1. Question: Difference between cold storage, internet wallets and Robinhood
Answer: Coldstorage - in the cryptocurrency world cold storage refers to physical objects/devices that contain your cryptocurrency.
Wallets are an electronic program of service that stores your cryptocurrency
Robhinhood- as of right now robinhood does not actually give you cryptocurrency when purchased through them. From Robhinhood’s cryptocurrency page: “We don’t currently provide you with access to your wallet or your wallet address. You own the cryptocurrency assets in your account, and you can buy or sell them at any time. We’re evaluating features to allow you to safely transfer coins to and from Robinhood, and we’ll update you when these features are available.” Robhinhood will be addressed in another section.
  1. Question: Elon Musk - Is he important for Dogecoin? The impact of celebrities and big business supporting Dogecoin Celebrity/Influencer Involvement
Answer: Elon Musk, Mark Cuban As many may know, Elon is highly involved when it comes to “meme culture.” we can see Elon has tweeted several times concerning “doge,” reposting memes found from Reddit, as well as concerning himself with the ripples of the recent stock news. Mark Cuban, another notable wealthy, down-to-earth, community-involved individual, has recently mentioned “#dogecoin” specifically. Regardless of whether these people have positive intentions towards $DOGE or not, their mention carries weight and public opinion and is a good assumption that new eyes are looking at us as a result. It should be noted that they have tweeted neutrally to positively towards $DOGE, not indicating a full-send support but they clearly are not talking down the possibilities.
Big business allowing Dogecoin to be supported as means of exchanging goods, and people like Elon musk supporting and backing this cryptocurrency are important to proving its value and legitimacy.
  1. Question: Is getting Dogecoin to increase to the equivalent of one US dollar possible? Can and will it really happen? What will change if it does happen? How high can Dogecoin realistically rise in price. Market cap explanation and comparison to US currency and global FIAT currency.
Answer: Yes, despite not having a fixed or capped supply, the value of the currency can rise based on its relative value against other currencies in the market. You can find examples of this in the FOREX market where currency pairs are traded, like Euro against US dollar, or US Dollar against Japanese Yen. As the value of Dogecoin rises, more and more businesses will recognise its potential and importance, and subsequently begin to accept it in exchange for goods and services. This will also help to grow the developer community around Dogecoin.
Market cap = price x supply. Price is determined by supply and demand (buying snd selling of Dogecoin. Supply is determined by mining Dogecoin.
The current market cap of Dogecoin while writing this article is 9,000,000,000 (9 billion) if Dogecoin was to reach $1 it would have a market cap of 128 billion dollars. Bitcoin (the most successful cryptocurrency$ currently has a market cap of approximately 700,000,000 (700 billion dollars). This means that at $1 the total supply of Dogecoin would be “worth” about 1/7th of Bitcoins total supply. The estimated supply of the US dollar is 2,000,000,000 (2 trillion) since 1 dollar = 1 dollar (LOLZ) the market cap of the US currency is 2 trillion. If Dogecoin were to reach this market cap - the price can be calculated through dividing the market cap (2 trillion) by the supply (128 billion). This means that dogecoin would equal the entire US currency at $15.60. This is definitely not impossible but highly highly improbable to ever reach this value any time soon. As in like 3-10 years away minimum. Now the entire supply of the entire worlds fiat currency is 37 trillion dollars. You can apply the same logic from above and see that the value would be $288.6. This is the theoretical limit to how much Dogecoin can be worth due simply to the fact that if it was valued at anymore than that amount it would be “worth” more than the entire world’s currencies combined which is not possible without adding more supply.
  1. Question: Is Dogecoin a product of the Wallstreet Bets movement? What differentiates dogecoin from GME/AMC?
Answer:!Just like some other investment opportunities (Nokia, Blackberry), DOGE was brought into the spotlight amidst the whole GME situation during the previous week. Unlike those stock, however, Doge is not another short squeeze, it is not a stock. It is a cryptocurrency / asset that many people think has potential, despite its Meme origins. Many who feel that they were late for embarking on the GME hype or the Bitcoin train in 2013 respectively, are now looking towards Doge, one of the early alternatives to the original cryptocurrency, Bitcoin. Doge got a lot of interest recently, for example with the Elon Musk tweeting the same week.
  1. Question: The situation with Robinhood - Changes in terms and conditions. Disclaimer, it is important to read through Robhinhoods entire terms and conditions to fully under what happened. The information below is just a summary and is not Robhinhoods terms and conditions but an explanation of what happened and why it happened
Answer: Robhinhood has received high profile backlash in the media recently for their involvement with GME/Wallstreetbets. A lot of the cryptocurrency and Dogecoin community were outraged when they found out that about one week ago Robhinhood stopped allowed instant transfers for their cryptocurrency. Unfortunately, while we may not agree with what happened there they do have a reason for this. Over the past week the sheer amount of people trying to buy cryptocurrency skyrocketed at one instant. When robinhood allowed for instant transfers what they were really doing is essentially “loaning” you money to make trades or purchase cryptocurrency before the funds actually hit Robhinhoods business account. This caused a huge liquidity issue and Robhinhood could not meet the demand. That is why you had to wait 5 business days for your funds to be approved. This is standard practice across multiple brokerage firms before Robhinhood pioneered the instant transfer option. Whether we like it or not, Robhinhood is a power house in their industry and not going away. Robhinhood is one of the most mainstream ways to purchase and sell cryptocurrency and if everyone pulled their money out of Robhinhood the entire cryptocurrency market would collapse which I believe we can all agree no one wants to happen.
  1. Question: if all of the above information is true why the cryptocurrency full of people who are trying to discredit Dogecoin as legitimate cryptocurrency.
Answer: The cryptocurrency is horribly misinformed. They may have a solid understand of the technology aspect of cryptocurrency but the reason why Dogecoin will be successful is based on economics, mathematics, social theory and statistics as WELL as the underlying technology. cryptocurrency is full of gatekeepers who horde their knowledge while the Dogecoin community is focused on explaining and educating new people. cryptocurrency is notorious for being extremely serious and feel threatened that something that started at as a joke/meme has the potential to be better at cryptocurrencies intended purpose - exchanging goods and services - than Bitcoin or any other popular cryptocurrency which is deflationary in nature.
Thank you for reading this post in its entirety. It took a large amount of collective effort of people in my discord. I appreciate them to no end. We have over 100 people in that discord and we are here to stay. We are interested in explaining Dogecoin, reducing the scare factor and backing up Dogecoin through economic, social, financial, mathematical theory, etc. Per Dogecoin rules I cannot give out this discord, but if you are interested message me. It goes into greater detail on every one of these topics, with resources, links, articles etc. thank you and above all else remember that at the end of the day this is a meme cryptocurrency from 2013. But the people have spoken, and this is now official the people’s currency as well. Dogecoin🚀🪐🚀
submitted by Adventurous_Piglet85 to dogecoin [link] [comments]

Gamestop: Power to the Market Players (Part 2)

This writing was copied from my blog https://nope-its-lily.medium.com/. I write about the NOPE and other options and market things there and on my twitter https://twitter.com/nope_its_lily. Cheers!
Check out Part 1 first about my thoughts on the short squeeze thesis. To clarify — I do think shorts are being squeezed in Gamestop, although this is auxiliary to the main driver of the stock’s momentum (and not, in my opinion, the primary driver of Friday’s exponential rise).
So okay, let’s go to the obvious question — if hedge fund tears didn’t cause Gamestop to rocket, what did cause it?
Wew laddy, +71.25% at the peak.
Gamestop in many ways is an extraordinary story, and has all the properties of a successful meme stock (salience):
  1. Personal name recognition/Nostalgia-For better or worse, we all know/remember Gamestop (primarily from childhood), which is similarly why Hertez performed so well in the afterlife while Mallinckrodt hasn’t.
  2. A hero and a villain — Much like Tesla, Ryan Cohen represents the hero in the Gamestop narrative, where investors can paint whatever picture of the future they want and justify whatever price tag they pay. Similarly, Melvin and Citron (I mean, even the name Melvin) and the hedge fund industry are (perhaps well-deserved) villains in the arc, helping obfuscate feelings of greed or risk by presenting it as a righteous cause.
  3. A cataly-ish — For obvious reasons Gamestop is benefiting from the console cycle, but perhaps to a lesser degree than before (its massive real world presence during a pandemic doesn’t help much).
  4. Humor-What could be more funny than investing in a relic of the early 2000s? Except maybe investing billions into 3d renderings of hydrogen powered cars.
So it isn’t a surprise Gamestop captivated the attention of the internet; despite common belief, the legend of Gamestop extended far outside wallstreetbets (although the saga of DeepFuckingValue/RoaringKitty there helped bring substantial energy to the cause).
And how does the internet show some love?
Well, it buys calls.
For better or worse, most new investors have absolutely no concept outside of simple long call/put positions (probably for the best, from experience). In general, most new market positions view long options (and, let’s face it, mostly calls) as a highly leveraged bet on the underlying akin to a lotto ticket, which works beautifully for the following reasons:
  1. Long options have asymmetric risk-reward, assuming risk-loving participants.
While in prior posts I’ve touched on the expected profit of options being zero, this is only true (it’s never actually true, due to seller’s, variance risk premium, and a host of other factors) under risk-neutral measure. In the real world, investors (especially on indices) tend to be risk-averse (weighting losses more heavily than chance of gain)… at least historically. The new class of retail investors, on the other hand, partly engendered by Robinhood’s extremely gamified UI tends to be risk-loving (“yolos”), favoring chance of gain over (higher) chance of loss.
For that type of an investor, options are akin to a casino due to convexity, or in layman’s terms, “the potential to go up a lot really fast” in value. This is of course true for stocks too (albeit less so, due to the implied leverage of options), but when an individual purchases a stock they have a rather large downside (the entire stock can become worthless). This isn’t the case for a call option, which only represents a portion of the total cost of the stock, but represents the entire upside.
2. Options have to be hedged… often in the underlying.
Before I get 1000 responses telling me this isn’t always true (especially on indices, where you have futures and all sorts of nice things) — it’s more or less true on a meme stock, which basically has no beta or correlation to any other stock (except perhaps other meme stocks). In general, one can anticipate that an option written by a market maker and sold to a retail investor (who owns a long position from that transaction) is hedged in the underlying stock, which obeys the same rules of buying and selling pressure. This is even more apparent in stocks with low float, which tend to move in price substantially with relatively low volume traded. You can imagine how few option contracts it similarly takes (given the implied leverage up to 100 shares worth of delta) to actually move the price (I’ve seen call options move the spot in real time, for instance, on Del Taco stock before earnings).
3. Option buying begets option buying.
What happens when a few individuals buy options on a stock? It moves up slightly (usually in proportion to how many options were bought, what time period they were bought in, and how large the underlying’s float is). This triggers the happy centers in peoples’ brains (yay, we’re making money) and triggers more buying of calls.
More interestingly, option convexity is largely due to the Greek gamma, which simply refers to the rate delta changes in response to changes in the underlying’s spot price. Delta more formally measures how much we expect the option price to change as the spot price changes, but more usefully for this example can represent how many shares equivalent the option contract controls at the given price. This is why delta represents the hedge ratio — if you, for instance, write a 100 delta (ITM) call option and sell it, you need to equivalently own 100 shares of that stock to neutralize your risk.
Delta is interesting (my favorite Greek) because it is heavily non-linear, and changes in response to:
  1. Spot price (gamma)
  2. Time to expiration of the option (charm)
  3. Volatility of the underlying (vanna)
These are all second order derivatives, so you probably are lost by now if you didn’t take calculus at some point.
So why is gamma important here?
Source: quantik.org
Unlike controlling the equivalent delta’s worth of shares, the value of an option contract increases at a faster rate as it gets closer to in-the-money. This is (one of the reasons) why options have convexity — the value of an OTM call option contract goes up faster as it gets closer to ITM, with a potential for (5,10,100,200+)**-**baggers (multiples of how much you paid for the initial) if you play it right.
What’s even more interesting though than gamma alone, however, is pairing it with theta, the decay of an option’s value as the time-to-expiration draws closer. This tends to have a strong relationship to the implied volatility — theta represents the time value of the option (extrinsic), and implied volatility is largely the market consensus of the potential for the underlying to move in the time remaining on the option. However, as the days tick down, the time for that move to actually happen diminishes, and therefore the value of the option similarly goes down with it.
As IV increases, theta usually does (especially on short term options), and vice versa. (Helpful video by the tastytrade crew — https://www.tastytrade.com/shows/market-measures/episodes/theta-and-iv-05-17-2019)
So, given my tendency to ramble, the question is — why is this important? Let’s look at gamma and theta in the context of 0-day-to-expiration (0dte) options, and try to piece together what happened to Gamestop on January 22, 2021.

0 Days to Live

0dte options have long been a mainstay of the dopamine addicted day-trader community (including me, sometimes) given they represent the purest form of lottery ticket:
  1. They expire at the end of the day — You don’t need to go to bed and worry about your position, because it’s either closed or worthless.
  2. They’re cheap, generally-Theta in particular becomes exponential for 0dte options, and you can quickly buy positions on sale just to gamble as the end of the day grows closer.
  3. They still represent implied leverage and have that tasty convexity-Like their more respectable brethren, 0dte options still represent the underlying and have all the neat Greeks (gamma, delta, vanna, pajamas, etc.) which make their payouts non-linear and fun.
In general, the optimal strategy to capitalize on 0dte long options is to buy as late as possible in the day, to allow theta to provide as much leverage to you as cheaply as possible.

Let’s Imagine a Scenario Here

Let’s imagine you have a high implied volatility stock that has been stable/slightly declining in price for multiple days. During that time period, theta is aggressively destroying the value of long options, while IV is similarly dropping (both due to theta and due to relative lack of movement). As we get to the final day (this is a weekly, for example), much of the option’s value has now disappeared.
This impacts both put and calls open, though. And let’s say a mean orange decided to start a war on your stock in the days before, causing a flood of short-term puts to hit the market during that week, which had minimal effect (largely due to continual call buying of longer-dated options coupled with actual shares buying pressure due to belief of a short squeeze/Ryan Cohen being the second coming of Christ).
What happens when those puts start to expire? As the days and then hours tick down, the hedges of those put positions (shorted shares) start to unwind, and buying pressure picks up.
Similarly, this buying pressure is noticed by market participants, who start to capitalize on the momentum by buying 0dte call options. These at first have minimal impact, largely because the inflow and outflow of call delta are roughly equivalent (somewhat of a bias towards inflow, pushing price up alongside share buying).
But towards the middle of the day, two interesting things happen:
  1. Theta and charm become more and more prominent in both making new option positions cheaper and unwinding existing put and call positions.
  2. Gamma starts to become more dominant due to the high implied leverage versus cost of 0dtes, leading to the virtuous cycle (option buying begets option buying).
These two effects tend to be complementary — as the hedges unwind (given the weekly puts from Citron/the short seller attack) for existing option positions, new 0dte positions can be bought and bought, each time pushing up the underlying as well as increasing the value and delta of other 0dte positions.
This can be neatly observed in the option volume versus open interest for the 1/22 series on GME:
This is fine.
Although more puts traded, the delta (for obvious reasons) of calls is much higher.
As the price of the stock goes higher and higher, this continues to attract more and more speculation, hoping to capitalize on the continued momentum. This continues in a loop:
  1. The price of the underlying continues to increase as put hedges unwind, volatility spikes, and call options are bought (the initial delta hedge).
  2. The increase in price leads to gamma of existing contracts increasing the delta of those contracts.
  3. This leads to more shares being bought to hedge those increasingly higher delta positions.
  4. This leads to more speculation and momentum.
An interesting property of $GME from Friday you can neatly observe is the highest strike in the series is $60, meaning that at Friday’s close, every single call option expiring 1/22 expired ITM. More interestingly is the relationship with gamma, again observable below:
Source: quantik.org
As a contract moves further and further ITM (at one point, GME hit $76 intraday), the gamma of the contract decreases as delta hits 100 on the position. This implies a cap on the momentum from the virtuous cycle described above — while continued call buying can of course drive up the price further, not only does the cost become prohibitive (given that a deep-ITM position is basically equivalent to buying 100 shares in payout), it becomes linear (and therefore boring). Once 100 delta is reached, there is no more cycle of increasing spot price causing increasing share buying, only normal share buying.
And that’s when it drops.
It’s hard to say whether the halt caused the drop (given the mental association halts have to pump and dumps for most investors). In this case the drop assuredly coincided with the halt, but more importantly, we can observe where the drop ended:

57.99 is such a pretty number.
In this case, we can observe the drop in price stabilized at $58, before rapidly jumping above $60. This is largely due to gamma and continued 0dte call buying buttressing the fall — as the positions fell farther OTM, shares used to hedge those positions are sold off, further driving the price down (in this scenario, the dealers are almost assuredly short gamma). However, similarly those positions-now closeOTM and close to expiry-become cheaper at a fairly exponential rate (due to theta and charm).
Speculators again gain conviction, pushing the price up above the highest strike (to the point where gamma provides no real extra push versus the clock ticking down).
This is what we call a gamma squeeze, and isn’t a terribly uncommon phenomenon. It largely follows similar patterns:
  1. In general, gamma squeezes tend to happen closer to OPEX, due to both hedge unwinding (in the case of a previous put skew, for instance) and due to the 0dte effects mentioned.
  2. In general, there is both a rapid rise (due to gamma looping and speculators joining) with a similarly steep cliff (especially if the available strikes is exhausted, like what happened to $GME).

Can it be continued forever, though?

In general, the answer unfortunately is yes.
Gamma squeezes in generally power meme stocks, and require a few elements to be true:
  1. Continued supply of strikes and promise of convexity — Put gamma squeezes rarely happen because well, the maximum value of a put option occurs when the underlying hits 0. Calls, however, have an infinite potential payoff and strikes similarly can be added indefinitely. This allows continued creation of OTM options, which due to cheap premium and asymmetric risk-reward on longs power the gamma squeeze.
  2. Continued momentum-In general, meme stocks follow the greater fool theory, despite promise of rocket emojis. When they drop, they drop hard.

This is because, as previously mentioned, meme stocks are powered by long calls sold by market makers, who are chronically short gamma. Any selling begets more selling. Even periods of quiescence are dangerous, because without continued inflow of call delta, hedges unwind, and the selling pressure begins.
  1. Continued attention-This is where salience shines. The major reason Tesla (the OG gamma squeeze) continued to rocket throughout 2020 was largely due to Elon Musk’s charisma and Tesla’s promise of a better world. It becomes a lot easier to stomach risk for an investor when following a strong personality with a killer story. This role was largely played in Gamestop’s saga by Ryan Cohen, and fed into (potentially unwittingly) by the battle with Citron and the mystique of DeepFuckingValue. It remains, however, to be seen if this will continue.
The moral of the story here is retail, for better or for worse, finally learned how to weaponize options. We’ll see what happens next.
submitted by the_lilypad to thecorporation [link] [comments]

[Axial Tilt] Destination Vacation

Entry for the Extreme Environments catagory.

“Anything else I can get you?”
“No, no. This is great, thank you.”
The human started sipping his drink as ChashelVel nodded and made his way back to behind the bar. He immediately started to clean out the citrousy, alcoholic remnants of the drink he had just served from the blender that had created it, blinking his nictitating membranes in astonishment as he did so. Vel would never understand why anything would willingly drink something that was half ice.
Not that Vel was complaining about human patronage. His little bar had been hanging by a thread a few years ago, and now he was already planning his second expansion. And it was all due to these crazy humans.
Vel’s little establishment was certainly nothing to look at. It was a ramshackle old building, only held together with patchwork and prayer, as some of the visiting humans liked to say. The keshfiber floorboards and frame were old and weathered, their natural luster long since supplanted by dull grey. Vel had placed giant, leafy, potted plants inside wherever he could in a desperate bid to hide some of the most noticeable wear and tear. By blind luck, this had created an aesthetic that humans went wild over.
A crisp, refreshing breeze was blowing in from off the sea, carrying the briny scent of the water with it. The open air patio of Vel’s bar looked out over the short span of beach leading up to the water, and sapphire blue waves were lapping at the white sand not 50 meters away. The moons were to thank for that, as all three of them were directly overhead, and the tides were at their peak as a result.
Vel flicked his eyes over to his thermometer. 37.5 degrees; it was nice and cool for him. He had initially set up his bar here so that members of his own species could have a place to relax if they had been overworked and wanted to drop a climate zone and cool down for a few days. Vel had never dreamed that anyone other than a fellow Vendrrin would be a patron here. There wasn’t a species in the entire Federation that could handle the heat his species thrived in, and even at a Vendrrin’s coolest acceptable temperature ranges, most xenos would be incredibly uncomfortable.
To anyone from another species, Vel’s little pile of sand was just the mostly inhospitable northern edge of the extremely inhospitable habitable climate band on a farming world meant for the sapient species with the highest known temperature requirements. But not humans. They saw this hunk of beach as a tropical paradise, and they were out here playing in these temperatures. It was utterly bizarre, but it had been a boon to Vel and he was determined to enjoy every second of it.
“Hey boss, when can I get out of here for the day?”
“I don’t know, KlevinkthTial, is your work for the day finished?” Vel tried as hard as he could to keep his frustration and disappointment from seeping into his voice, but it became more and more difficult with each syllable he uttered to his newest employee.
“Well, yeah, mostly. The new filter system is all set up, I just have to attach it to the pump. I can finish up first thing tomorrow.”
“If it will be so quick, why can’t you just do it now?”
“Come on, I’ve been at this all day. Some of the humans are supposed to be setting up a new game today. Botch-something. I wanted to check it out”
“How much water is left in the tanks to get us through until tomorrow if we don’t get the filters up and running now?” Vel knew the exact amount, but was curious about the answer he would get.
“Eh, a few gallons,” Tial said tentatively.
“This is a bar. 90 percent of our income is from serving drinks. We need water to be able to function. You understand that right? We won’t make it halfway through the evening. Now go hook the filters up to the pumps and make sure everything works. Then you can be done for the day.”
The young Vendrrin grudgingly headed back towards his task with a sigh. Vel blinked his membranes a few times in frustration as he watched Tial walk away. At least Tial had been honest about the water levels. Vel could work with that.
He spent the next few minutes tidying up his bar before contemplating the humans managed to distract him from his concerns about Tial’s work ethic. A group of humans was playing a game of volleyball on the beach against a group of Vendrrin. While the humans had a remarkable advantage in strength and raw speed due to their high-g origins, the Vendrrin’s advanced reflexes were allowing them to put up a surprisingly good showing.
Vel’s eyes flicked once again towards the thermometer on the wall, but this time gaze carried a little further and stopped on the picture he had pinned next to it. It was a photo one of Vel’s first human customers had given him of their pet leopard spotted gecko. And it was like Vel was looking into a mirror. True, the pet lizard was tiny, it wasn’t bipedal, and most of its body proportions were wrong, but everything else was straight out of the uncanny valley.
With the massive diversity of known life throughout the galaxy, convergent evolution had played similar tricks on several other sapient species, but Vel had never heard of a resemblance this close. All of Vel’s employees thought he was strange for keeping the picture pinned where he did, but he had never paid them any mind. He couldn’t explain why, but that gecko helped him keep his perspective on life whenever things were getting crazy.
Vel had to consciously pull himself back to his cleaning before he meandered too far into his own thoughts, and turned away from the gecko picture. He set about his tasks with a renewed vigor, and had just finished organizing the glassware when his favorite customer slid onto the barstool directly across from him.
Daniel Cross was a large man by human standards, barrel chested and with arms thicker than a Vendrrin torso. His massive frame was covered by a baggy pair of shorts and an incredibly loud shirt patterned with leafy trees, while his feet were covered only by open toed sandals. Dark sunglasses obscured his eyes, and the rest of his face was hidden behind the mop of sandy brown hair on his head and a bushy beard of the same color. He was half a head taller than Vel, and easily five times as wide. Vel didn’t even want to consider the disparity in actual mass between them, and his bar seemed to agree, groaning slightly as the burly human leaned across to greet his old friend.
“Well damn, Vel, when you told me you were expanding, I thought you’d at least make the place look a little nicer.”
“Hey, you dumb apes like the look of this place for some stupid reason. Who am I to disappoint my customers. It took a lot of time and effort to find enough keshfiber that was so weatherworn.”
“Smart man. Now, I’ve heard tales on the ride down that you have somehow learned how to make a proper margarita? If that’s true, I need two of them. The haul out here was an absolute bastard.”
“Lucy still giving you trouble?” Vel asked, as he started pouring ingredients into the blender.
“Trouble’s an understatement. She needs to have her whole damn drive core replaced. I don’t know if we got a faulty model or if it was just installed incorrectly, but I’ve got no clue how it managed to get us here. Spent a lot of sleepless nights just trying to keep Lucy from sneezing us out of sub-space. You know Bill, though. If I can fix it, he isn’t going to spend the money to replace it. Sometimes being gifted’s a curse, ya know?”
“Where is Bill?”
“Oh, he’s still in orbit wheeling and dealing. Doesn’t need the engineering crew to haggle, though, so he sent us down for R&R early. Probably knew we’d revolt if he didn’t.”
The blender pulsed, loudly interrupting their banter for a moment. When it stopped, Vel was quick to fill a pair of glasses with the slushie concoction and set them in front of Dan. The massive slab of mammal immediately grabbed one of the glasses and drained it in one long pull before slamming the glass down with a shudder.
Vel was about to ask Dan about the rest of his crewmates, but stopped before the words could form. The massive human had suddenly stiffened, his head had tilted to the side, and his face was clearly strained. Realizing something was obviously wrong, Vel started scrambling for a communicator to call for first aid. “Are you all right? What happened?” Vel asked, trying to figure out what had gone so suddenly awry.
“Ah, no. I’m fine. I’m fine. SHIT. Whoo, damn!” Dan shuddered violently one last time and then settled easily back into his previous, relaxed posture with his trademark grin on his face. “Brainfreeze, Vel. It was just a brainfreeze. I’m fine. Calm down, little buddy. Holy shit did that hit the spot, though. Damn good magarita, by the way. Whoever taught you to make these deserves a raise.”
Dan eagerly raised his second drink and started sipping. Vel stood staring at him slack jawed and with membranes blinking furiously, his hastily found and forgotten com-pad dangling precariously from his fingertips.
“Brain what?
“Yeah. If too much frozen food hits the roof of our mouth, it starts pulling heat from our brains, and… You know what, don’t worry about the details. It’s just a thing that can happen. It kinda hurts, some people enjoy them. There’s no need to worry about it.”
Vel was sure of it now. Humans were all insane. Any creature that would drink ice and willingly subject themselves to what was obviously excruciating pain couldn’t be all there mentally. Vel’s eyes flicked over to his gecko picture, and he took a few deep, calming breaths. He reminded himself that the universe was more massive than he could possibly imagine, and he was just a small piece of it. The details didn’t matter, and there was no reason to stress. With a final series of slow blinks, Vel started cleaning up the mess he had made scrambling to call for aid.
The two old friends sat in silence for several minutes, the big human sipping his drink, the slender reptile fastidiously organizing his bar. A fresh breeze blew in from the sea, rustling the fronds of the potted plants and blowing some of Dan’s sandy hair out of his face.
“You know, Vel,” Dan finally said, breaking the silence. “You really should look into buying more property along the coast of this sea. Especially farther north. What’s the climate like on the North shore?”
“About 25 degrees,” Vel replied after giving it some thought.
“Year round?”
“Pretty much.”
“Yeahhh. You need to invest in as much of that as you can. Once word really starts getting out about this place back in the Commonwealth, you are going to be absolutely flooded with humans. 37.5 is a bit on the warm side for us, but 25? That’s perfect. Mark my words. Within a generation, this place is going to be a tourist Mecca.”
“That’s way too cold for Vendrrin to operate in easily.”
“So? Buy the beach, build the resort, then hire humans to run it.”
“But Colventheth is a farming colony.”
“For now. But with those moons? Hawaii aint gonna have shit on this place. Most of our colonies aren’t fully terraformed yet. Bet your ass there will be people lining up to spend a month each way on a freighter just to spend a week here.”
Vel blinked doubtfully. “I don’t know. It just sounds…”
A thunderous boom and an accompanying low, dull roar prevented Vel from finishing his sentence. What had sounded like an explosion had come from the rear of the building, and what sounded like rushing water was filling the auditory void the blast had left behind.
“The hell was that?” shouted Dan.
Before Vel could answer, KlevinkthTial rushed out of the kitchen area panting, his jumpsuit soaked completely through with water.
“What did you do?” Vel bellowed, grabbing Tial by his soggy jumpsuit.
“I don’t know. I hooked the filters up just like the instructions said, I was running the test protocols, and everything started overpressurizing. Before I could turn everything off, a line blew somewhere, and then the pump just exploded. Now the tide is just forcing water through the system, and I don’t know how to make it stop.”
Tial may have been a slacker, but he was no idiot. Vel looked him over in a flash, and he was clearly mortified. Consequences for Tial would have to come later, though.
“Where did the line blow? Was it in the building anywhere?”
“I don’t know, I didn’t have time to find it.”
Without waiting for another word, Vel sprinted into the back of his bar. He barely noticed Dan effortlessly vault the counter and follow him. Vel tore through the kitchen to the backmost corner of the building to find the utility space in ruins. The pump motor had exploded, everything in the vicinity had been soaked, and water was gushing out of the ruined apparatus onto the floor. It looked awful, but other than the pump, nothing major had been destroyed. A quick patch would prevent any more water getting in, and then it would be just a simple mop up. Unfortunate, but not a disaster. Vel grabbed one of Tial’s wrenches and started towards the destroyed pump.
“Hey boss! I found the blown line!”
Vel turned towards the sound of Tial’s voice, and his heart nearly stopped. Tial was standing behind the door to the walk in freezer, tentatively holding it open an inch and using the door to shield himself from the dangerously cold air that was rushing out. Water was streaming from the opened door, far more than was coming from the pump.
The water pipes running underneath the building had ruptured directly below the walk in deep-freezer. Fixing the blown line quickly would require going into the freezer, and the temperatures inside were well beyond lethal to Vendrrin. Knowing exactly what he would find, Vel turned back towards the utility corner where, across from the pump and filter station, the bar’s freezer suit was hanging. Seven layers of insulation thick, and woven through with powered heating filaments, the freezer suit was more robust than a spacer’s vac suit, and was the only thing that would allow a Vendrrin to survive the temperatures that long term food storage required.
And Vel’s was soaked clean through.
Vel was ruined. The only way to stop his bar from flooding was to get the pipes sealed off. And he couldn’t do that without taking a day to dry out his freezer gear, or turning off the freezer until it was safe enough to work in and losing all of his frozen product, costing him his entire inventory. Vel had spent years stocking his long-term supplies with delicacies from around the galaxy. His stock wasn’t large, but it was varied, and it was expensive. Even if he could recover from the loss financially, it might be years before he ever saw the opportunity to buy some of his more exotic items again.
“Eh, that doesn’t look too bad.”
Vel spun to find Dan pulling his head out of the opened freezer door. “What do you mean, ‘not that bad?’ This is a disaster!”
“Nah, it’s just a busted pipe,” Dan said, striding across the kitchen towards Tial’s pile of tools, his feet sloshing as he went. He stopped and picked up a tube of sealant, a patch, and a wrench before sloshing his way back towards the freezer. “I’ll have it fixed in a minute. You just work on that busted pump.”
The Vendrrin entrepreneur watched in a daze, not fully processing what was happening, as his favorite human walked up to the freezer door, wearing nothing but his baggy shorts, loose shirt, and sandals, and simply walked inside to his death.
Vel stared at the freezer door for a full thirty seconds before the full weight of what he had just witnessed hit him and he was able to recover his sensibilities. He was across the kitchen in a flash, pounding on the freezer door and screaming for Dan to come out, hoping against all odds it wasn’t too late. Vel even briefly opened the freezer door, determined to go after the crazed human and somehow drag him out, but just the lightest touch of the frozen air was too painful for the Vendrrin to bear.
He didn’t know what to do. There was nothing he could do. Vel had just watched his favorite xeno die, and it happened for absolutely no reason. If the pipe had just burst anywhere else…
“Tial, help me plug up the pump!” There was a frenzy underlying Vel’s tone as he called for his employee and rushed towards the pump. If he could stop the leak, maybe he could enact some quick repairs, or depressurize the system, maybe there would be a chance that Dan was still alive and would somehow come out of the freezer on his own.
The two Vendrrin reached the pump at the same time, Tial sharing his bosses urgency. The work was frantic, but they worked in perfect sync, and within minutes, the last drops of water had hit the kitchen floor. Vel then turned his attention to the pump controls, trying to find a way to reverse the flow of the system, but it was beyond hope. The entire motor was shot, and every electrical interface was completely soaked.
Vel slumped down against the wall, defeated. He looked up at the freezer suit hanging by his head. Maybe if he were to throw it in the oven to try and speed dry it…
No. There was nothing more to do. It had been at least five minutes since Dan had entered the freezer. Dan was dead. There was no denying that now. How was Vel supposed to tell Bill what had happened? That his sibling had just up and killed himself? Would anyone believe that? Was that something humans did?
The freezer door burst open in a swirling cloud of frozen fog as Dan’s hulking form stepped out and slammed the door behind him.
“Son of a BITCH, it’s cold in there!” he yelled, giving a quick violent shake for emphasis.
He stood in front of the freezer door panting, and every inch of exposed skin was flushed a bright red. His loose and very loud shirt sat rigidly on his body, every fiber soaked and frozen together to encase Dan’s torso in a stiff shell. Most striking, though, was Dan’s face. Every hair was coated in ice crystals, from his eyebrows and eyelashes to the tip of his beard. Even the sandy haired mop on top of his head had lost all flexibility, staying weirdly in place as Dan moved underneath it.
“Well, that was refreshing. Pipe’s all patched up. Everything good out here? Why are you guys staring at me like that?”
“You should be dead,” was all that Vel could choke out in response. He was still sitting on the floor where he had slumped, held in place by shock. Vel was thrilled that Dan was still alive, but was very, very confused as to how such a thing was possible.
“Dead? The hell are you talking about?”
“The cold. You went in without any protective coverings. It should have killed you.”
“I mean, I probably couldn’t have stayed in there for too much longer without getting some frostbite or something. It’s not that cold in there, is it? How low do you have the temp set?” Dan asked incredulously. The ice on his face was beginning to melt, and as he spoke drops of water started to trickle down his face and beard before dripping to the floor.
“-25 degrees.”
“Shit, I’m from the Midwest. That’s damn near golfing weather back home.”
Vel stared at the giant, frost covered monster that was his friend for a long minute, watching as chunks of ice sloughed off his face before finally organizing his emotions enough to stand. When he spoke, his voice was tired and oddly emotionless.
“Thank you, Dan. You really saved me just now. I could have lost everything if you hadn’t been here. Drinks are on the house. Tial, can you start mopping up? I’m going to go make some calls about new pump and filter systems. I’ll be back to help when I’m done.”
Without waiting for a reply from either of them, Vel made his way out to the bar and fished out his compad. As he was scrolling through contact numbers for various plumbers and contractors, his eyes flicked up once again to the picture of the leopard spotted gecko. This time, though, it wasn’t enough to help Vel center himself. It only left him with a nagging question in the back of his mind:
Why was everything involving humans so damn weird?
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