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When we were kids, my little brother died on Halloween. He's come back to visit me every year since his death.

Jimmy returned for the first time exactly one year after the accident. I was home alone. Dad was at the bar and Mom was dead. We’d crammed her into a pine box and shipped her off to the incinerator months ago.
I’d been sitting on the couch watching a plump cockroach scuttle across the coffee table, sipping whiskey that I’d liberated the previous night after Dad passed out. I wasn’t quite drunk yet. At eleven years old, my tolerance to alcohol was comparable to most local stumblebum drunks.
A knock came to the door, the gentle tap of brittle knuckles upon rotted wood. I paused with the rim of the bottle resting against my lips. Even the cockroach cocked its long antennae curiously toward the door.
The local trick-or-treaters knew better than to come here seeking candy. Our ramshackle abode was always one DHS visit away from being condemned, and the cobwebs and sundry creepy-crawlies in our front windows certainly weren’t decorative.
I reflexively choked out a sob when I opened the door and saw his ghostly form. The sheet draped over him was stained brown and soaked with stinking river water.
“Jimmy?” I asked, my voice croaking in disbelief.
As if to answer me, his jaw fell slack and I heard the tiniest groan emerge from under that sheet, like a whining door hinge in a quiet house. He raised his hand to me and I shrank back in fear, expecting him to thrust an accusatory finger and damn me as a liar and murderer. Instead, I realized that he was holding his hand open, expecting something. A dry, throaty sound whistled up from his slackened jaw and I suddenly understood what he wanted.
My little brother had come back for his favorite holiday.
I rushed up to my bedroom, reached under my bed, and grabbed Jimmy’s pumpkin-shaped Halloween bucket. I flicked off the roaches and shook out mouse shit then ran back to the front steps, where my little brother was waiting.
As Jimmy snatched his candy bucket from me, I saw them, watching us from the corner. It was the same group of older bullies that harassed us last year, on the night of the accident. Last time, they’d been wearing clown masks. They chose the Power Rangers this year.
Despite their masks, I could tell that those bullies didn’t quite believe what they were seeing. Jimmy had been presumed dead for a year, yet here he was, wearing the very same costume they’d seen him wearing on the night he went missing.
I’d had a growth spurt since that night. Rage and self-hatred did wonders for a growing boy’s physique.
Fueled by whiskey and a desperate urge to blame anyone other than myself for Jimmy’s death, I charged them. Outnumbered four-to-one, I took some shots, no doubt, but I routed them regardless, and I left one of them bleeding on the sidewalk, beaten nearly half-to-death.
Then I returned to Jimmy, smiling, and hooked my pinky around his before we set off to celebrate Halloween.
I sat on my couch, eyes trained on the flickering candle on my coffee table. The power had been out for a month and I hadn’t seen any good reason to turn it back on; I’d only be cutting into my meager booze budget and, besides, the city was kicking me out in a few days. The house had been bought and paid for by some long-dead relative then passed down to my parents as an act of pity. When Dad finally kicked the bucket, he left the house to me, but I was never quite able to stay ahead of the property taxes.
I wasn’t going to miss the place. It wasn’t exactly full of fond memories.
At this time of night, I’d normally be blackout drunk, but tonight was Halloween and I didn’t want to miss Jimmy. My entire life might have amounted to a hill of shit, but I’ve promised to never let my little brother down again.
I checked the time. Eight o’clock on the dot. I grabbed Jimmy’s Halloween bucket and headed out front.
Jimmy never did tell me why Halloween was his favorite holiday. He’d been a gentle kid, small for his age, fair-skinned and wispy. You wouldn’t have known it to look at him, but he preferred the schlock and gore of October grindhouse horror movie marathons to kiddie fare more appropriate to his age. He never flinched at the scary parts, when the reanimated undead wreaked havoc or dream demons emerged to slash open teenage throats.
I’d never attributed his love of Halloween to something so cliché as donning a mask to pretend to be someone else, though I wouldn’t have blamed him. No, I’d always suspected that Jimmy loved this time of year specifically because it was when the world went dim and happily embraced the horrific. Vampires and possessed dolls and werewolves made more sense than the more abstract horrors we faced at home.
Or, shit, maybe the kid just really liked candy.
I stepped outside and the riverwards were alive with grinning jack-o-lanterns, windows glowing orange and framed with fake spider webs, and scores of yuppie parents leading their kids door-to-door. I spotted him walking slowly toward the house. I swore, he got smaller every year.
I waved to him. He didn’t wave back, but he did cock his head slightly, as if he was struggling to remember who I was. As always, he was wearing the filthy sheet, soaked in river water. I felt a passing wave of revulsion and guilt when I glimpsed the faded bloodstains where the fabric hugged Jimmy’s misshapen occipital.
I smiled and offered him the bucket. Jimmy snatched it from my hand. Though there was only darkness within those crooked eye holes I’d cut into the sheet twenty-five years ago, somehow I knew that if he still had eyes, they’d have been gleaming.
I reached down to his hand, hooked my pinky around his, and I took my little brother trick-or-treating, like I’d done every year since he first returned.
This wasn’t our neighborhood anymore. Sure, the names of the streets were the same, but that was about it. The yuppie influx, with the ensuing rent increases and property tax hikes, had squashed out most of the old guard. The newbies didn’t care for the sturdy, century-old houses forged with brick and mortar. One by one, those stout homes were being flattened to make way for flimsier, but more stylish facades. Soon, our childhood home was going to suffer the same fate.
Jimmy must have sensed that something was amiss because he tightened his pinky around mine. Though I haven’t heard his voice since that night by the river, his pinky squeeze said enough.
It said, I’ve got you.
That was our private show of reassurance that helped sustain us through our childhood. When Mom wept at the dinner table as we split a dried hunk of welfare cheese for dinner, I’d give Jimmy a squeeze. When Dad staggered home drunk and started laying into Mom, I’d join Jimmy on his small twin mattress. We’d squeeze pinkies, eyes shut tight, with pillows over our ears so we wouldn’t have to hear Dad’s fist knocking against Mom’s head.
I’ve got you.
Tonight, we stopped at every house that still had its lights on. Our new neighbors smiled awkwardly, genuinely troubled by the sight of the neighborhood drunk escorting a child in a raggedy ghost costume. I didn’t give a shit what they thought as long as they tossed a few bite-sized Snickers bars into Jimmy’s bucket.
Soon, the streets began to empty and the trick-or-treaters went home. One by one, those grinning jack-o-lanterns went dark, those orange window lights dimmed, and it was just Jimmy and I wandering the lonely streets.
We headed back toward the house. This was where we would normally part ways, with Jimmy heading back on his own. Tonight, though, I remained at his side.
He cocked his head again, curious.
I squeezed his pinky.
Though I loved Jimmy, he was still my little brother and, often, I treated him as such. Just because I hated the neighborhood bullies didn’t mean I didn’t glean some pointers from their abuse. Sometimes, I’d slap Jimmy around or steal his toys because he’d annoyed me somehow. Other times, I just wanted to feel stronger than someone else.
The day of his death, Jimmy had put me in a particularly foul mood. Using the five-fingered discount, I’d gotten comic books from the drug store on York Street and I was looking forward to thumbing through them. Jimmy came rushing into our bedroom, crying because the rats had gotten to his hand-me-down Jason Voorhees costume. The critters had gnawed through the plastic hockey mask and left the (fake) blood-splattered overalls stinking like rat turds.
I told him to take it up with Mom and Dad, but he said Mom was passed out and Dad was at the bar, as usual.
My mood instantly turned black, not necessarily because of Jimmy, but because, once again, I’d have to pick up the slack for our parents. I cooked most of Jimmy’s meals. I scrubbed the stink off his clothes and got him ready for school every morning while Mom and Dad were off, drunk and doped. All I’d wanted was a night to myself, curled up in bed with some stolen comic books, but they couldn’t stay sober long enough to even give me that much.
Somehow, I kept my temper in check. I got him to stop sobbing by yanking the sheet off his bed, cutting out those mismatched eye holes, and draping it over him. “There,” I said. “You’re a ghost now.”
His green eyes were visible through the holes in the sheet. His cheeks perked up under the sheet and I could tell he was smiling.
“Can you take me trick-or-treating?” he asked.
No, I didn’t want to, but I also didn’t want him crying again and Mom would have beaten the shit out of me if I let Jimmy wander the neighborhood alone.
So we set out into the streets, amongst a legion of Ninja Turtles and Ghostbusters and Barbie dolls brought to life. Though it was simple, he enjoyed his makeshift costume. I was just hoping to get through the night without bumping into our enemies.
That was certainly naïve of me. It didn’t take long for them to zero in on us. There were four of them, all older boys. Even the smallest one towered over me.
They were wearing clown masks, thin plastic smiling red-nosed clowns that filled my stomach with dread. None of the parents milling about with their kids noticed the brewing confrontation, not with the dozens of trick-or-treaters clogging the sidewalk.
Jimmy clutched his candy bucket to his chest. One of the bullies reached for it, and that was when I snapped. I couldn’t help it. I might have been pissed off at him for dragging me out here, but this was Jimmy’s favorite night of the year. I couldn’t watch some assholes ruin it for him.
I swung, hard. My fist connected with the bully’s face and I heard a loud crunch right before blood trickled down from behind the clown’s visage.
I grabbed Jimmy by the wrist and we took off into the throngs of costumed kids. We rounded the next corner and disappeared into an alley.
We hid there, holding our breath as the bullies sped past. There was no way they were going to let this go. Two of them would likely roam the neighborhood looking for us, while the other two would lay in wait near our house.
“What are we going to do?” Jimmy asked, voice quivering in fear.
Every night, right before I blackout, I think about how I should have just squeezed his pinky.
But I didn’t. Instead, I blamed him. We wouldn’t have been in this trouble if he hadn’t been such a crybaby back home. That was why, of the dozens of places we could have gone to hide, I chose the river, because I knew he was terrified of the river.
Today, the Delaware riverfront was as gentrified as the rest of the neighborhood. A casino and towering condominiums loomed large and quaint pedestrian walkways were infested with pop-up beer gardens.
In our youth, the riverfront had been an industrial graveyard, dominated by long-shuttered factories with stretches of wilderness between them. Stinking sumac trees swayed overhead and plump river rats darted through the bushes.
This wasn’t the first time we had to hide back here. Jimmy always hated it. Although the neighborhood lay only a quarter-mile to the west, Jimmy thought the riverfront was too isolated. He feared that if our bullies ever caught us here, they could kill us and no one would ever know.
My mood hadn’t improved when we finally reached one of the piers, big gray concrete blocks jutting out fifty feet into the sloshing water, supported by a number of wood pilings underneath.
Jimmy remained a few feet behind me, still in his costume, nervously gripping his Halloween bucket. The tide was coming in and he jumped every time he felt a wave hit the pilings beneath us, as if the pier might collapse.
But what scared Jimmy the most was the possibility of falling into the water, that those rough green-brown waves might trap him under the pier, where he’d come up for air and smash his face against unyielding concrete instead.
“Can we just please try to go home?” he whined.
“No,” I snapped back. “Not unless you want those assholes to knock your teeth out.”
He lowered his head. “But I don’t like it back here.”
Looking at my whimpering little brother, I lost all sense of empathy. After running scared from our bullies, I was eager to assert myself as an alpha. I yanked him toward the edge of the pier.
“I’m so tired of you acting like a wimp,” I snarled. I shoved him closer to the edge, where the water sloshed violently ten feet below us. “There’s nothing to be afraid of back here.”
“I just want to go home,” he cried, the eye holes in the sheet now rimmed with tears.
“Stop being such a pussy!” I shouted then instinctively gave him a stiff right hook to the shoulder.
What happened next occurred within seconds, yet in my memory, it seems to play out for an eternity.
I’d hit him harder than I meant to. Jimmy dropped his candy bucket then staggered as his shoes got caught in the pool of fabric underfoot. I watched in muted disbelief as he flopped over the pier, arms waving, right before the back of his head cracked against the concrete edge.
There was a splash ten feet beneath me and my brother was gone, leaving behind nothing more than a red patch on the concrete and white bubbles breaking the water’s surface.
Pinkies locked, we maneuvered through condominium parking lots and empty beer garden stalls until we reached that old pier.
For a moment, my memories blended with the present and I saw myself, cold and shivering and soaked with river water, trudging back toward the neighborhood alone, clutching Jimmy’s candy bucket.
I remembered how cold and dark the river was when I dove in, fighting the waves, trying in vain to find my brother before finally giving up. I never told anyone what happened. That night, when I got home, Mom was still passed out and Dad hadn’t come back from the bar yet.
I hid my wet clothes then, later, told them that Jimmy had simply run away from me. I was terrified of what would happen if they knew the truth. There was a police search that amounted to nothing. Dad didn’t seem to care very much. Months later, Mom swallowed forty sleeping pills and never woke up.
I took to stealing swigs of Dad’s half-empty liquor bottles to soothe my guilt, a habit that had served me ever since. But even that relief has proved fleeting. As Jimmy and I walked along the pier, I tightened my pinky around his, content to die sober.
We stood at the edge of the pier. Though I couldn’t see his face, I could tell that he was no less afraid of the river now than he had been twenty-five years ago.
Jimmy stepped off the pier and disappeared into the water below. I wondered, once this pier was inevitably torn asunder to make way for a condo or another casino, would Jimmy still resurface on Halloween? If he did, and he ventured into the neighborhood, would he even recognize that the shiny new studio apartments were standing on the grave of our old house?
Either way, I was going to make sure that he didn’t go through it alone.
I stepped off the pier, just like Jimmy had that night. I cracked the base of my skull against that concrete lip. A lightning flash of pain shot across the world and I crashed hard into the water, pushed at once by the tide under the pier. A wave slammed me against one of the pilings and I felt something snap in my back and, when I tried to scream, filthy river water filled my mouth.
Yet, as I was thrashed about under the dock, my consciousness slowly fading, I felt Jimmy’s tiny pinky finger squeezing around my own.
I’ve got you.
That happened almost one year ago, last Halloween. Though I wanted nothing more than to slip into a watery slumber with my little brother, he must have felt otherwise. I woke up, weeks later, in a hospital. They removed patches of my skull to relieve the pressure from the brain bleed, courtesy of cracking my head on that concrete lip. My ribs had been shattered to splinters from the paramedics’ vigorous chest compressions.
They found me on the road, which meant Jimmy dragged me from the water, across the industrial wilderness, then out to the waiting blacktop. I asked the medics if there’d been a boy in a ratty ghost costume with me when they arrived. They said they hadn’t seen one.
Anyway, I’m writing this on the computer at the public library right off Girard Avenue, but I better finish up. The librarian is a real asshole. Doesn’t like it when street bums like me stink up the joint. It’s almost Halloween once again. Jimmy might not want me down in the water with him, but I’m going back to join him, regardless.
I’ve got his candy bucket, so we can hit the neighborhood one last time. I’ve also got a box cutter with the sharpest goddamn razors I could find. Once Jimmy slips back into the water, I’m going to open myself up – both wrists, then my carotid artery – and I’m jumping into that green-blue Delaware shitwater right along with him, because I’m Jimmy’s big brother, god damn it.
I won’t let him swim alone.
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As gambling operator, DialMedia Ltd. fully licensed and regulated by the Malta Gaming Authority (MGA) under licence number MGA/B2C/542/2018 issued on 10/04/2019.
What does this say about the reliability of Whamoo?
The MGA licence is one of the better ones you can find in the online casino world as Malta is the major European nation when it comes to online gambling. It is home not only to most of the world’s top online casinos, but also to many software providers and other businesses providing auxiliary services in the gambling industry.
A Malta Gaming Authority licence is not handed out with ease, as a company needs to fulfil many criteria before being granted one. The national gambling authorities of this Mediterranean island and EU member state check for example if all games which are made available are indeed fair and honest. They also check whether a company has enough cash reserves to pay out lucky winners of casino games and hold regular audits to ensure that there are no irregularities.
If an online casino has a MGA licence, it means that all the important criteria when it comes to safety, honesty and reliability are fulfilled and that it is a safe place to gamble. For us, the online casino licence is always a first thing we check before we even would consider playing somewhere. With this crucial criteria being fulfilled, we can thus move forward in our Whamoo review and look at all the other things this casino has to offer. And to be honest, the whole Whamoo package looks quite promising! Three of the main selling points of the Whamoo online casino are:
Whamoo clearly sounds like a promising casino when looking at the selling points, but do these points hold up when we test out the casino in real? Let’s continue our review of Whamoo with one of the most important aspects of every online casino: its game library. Which casino games can we find back in the Whamoo game collection? How honest and fair are these games? These are all legit questions which must be looked into before you can decide whether or not an online casino is suitable or not.
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Games from top software developers

When checking the list of Whamoo’s software providers you can only feel relieved as this brand new online casino only has games from the world’s top casino games developers. Especially for a newly opened online casino it is important to show to the public that you are talking serious – and you can only do that by adding the most popular games from the top software providers to your game library.
It’s not only about fun. Sure, these top software developers are known for making some of the most fantastic video slots, stellar table games. They have the most exhilarating and professional live casino tables to which you can connect in just a few clicks. But it’s more than just playing fun, graphics and game design.
By only having games from the top software companies, you are giving your players a clear message that you are only satisfied with the best quality games. Perhaps the most important aspect is game reliability, honesty and fairness. All games from the top software companies are fully tested and accredited by regulatory bodies. These gaming authorities check whether games indeed turn out completely random results and give gamblers a honest shot at winning. This is perhaps even more important than just a fantastically designed game, as in the end what matters most is reliability and honesty inside a casino.


The games which can be played at Whamoo Casino all have a piece of code called a Random Number Generator (RNG). With a random number generator, the outcome of every game is completely random and independent from previous results. It means that every card being dealt on the table, all dice which are thrown during a game, and every ball spinning around in the roulette wheel is never predetermined. Let’s put it this way: if you throw a single dice with the numbers 1 to 6 on it, you have indeed an exact 1 out of 6 chance that it will land on your predicted number.
A random number generator is absolutely crucial when it comes to delivering fair game results and giving gamblers a honest chance at winning. By having games from the top software providers, Whamoo makes sure that you can trust the fairness of every casino game you play. The good thing is that not only are the game results subject to occasional audits by regulatory authorities, but that these software providers also pro-actively test their own games to ensure they fulfil the highest industry standards. They hire independent testing agencies such as eCOGRA to check their games, both in virtual simulations and real-time results.
Let’s take a look at the software providers whose games have already been added to the Whamoo game library. As these are some of the best known software developers in the world, chances are that you have heard about some of these names before!
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Also known by its full name of Net Entertainment, NetEnt is one of the largest casino game developers in the world. NetEnt is a Swedish company which was founded in 1996, which makes it one of the oldest companies in the relatively young world of online casino gaming. It is so big, that the company is even listed on the local NASDAQ stock exchange in Stockholm, Sweden!
NetEnt is best known for its vast video slot portfolio, of which many games are also playable at Whamoo. Having NetEnt games in your casino game library is almost a must for every online casino, as besides Whamoo some 300 or so more online casinos have NetEnt games available, which tells you something about the popularity of this company. Just like Whamoo itself, NetEnt has a full gambling licence in the EU member state of Malta, which means that all games are subject to regulatory oversight and can be trusted for their fairness. NetEnt also works closely together with independent testing labs to ensure that their games meet the highest standards.
Some popular NetEnt games which you can play at Whamoo are Jack and the Beanstalk, BerryBurst, Twin Spin, The Vikings, Wings of Riches, Aloha!, Fruit Shop, Jacks or Better, Gonzo’s Quest, Dazzle Me, Wild Bazaar and of course the eternal favourite of Starburst.


Pragmatic Play is another major company in the online gaming world. The casino games of Pragmatic Play are always popular with the players, so it is no surprise that Whamoo has chosen to add quite a few Pragmatic Play games to its online collection. Pragmatic Play focuses mostly on online video slots, although they also make some exciting live casino games which are hosted in their own studios.
Being only founded in 2015, Pragmatic Play is a relative newcomer within the game developing industry. Yet in those few years time, the company already managed to reach to top heights with Pragmatic Play being considered to rank among the top game providers. Quality and safety are of immense importance for Pragmatic Play. Therefore, all games are documented and tested by independent auditors and testing labs such as QUINEL, BMM and Gaming Labs.
Popular Pragmatic Play games which can be played at Whamoo are John Hunter and the Aztec Treasure, Great Rhino Megaways, Leprechaun Song, Lucky Dragons, Mustang Gold, The Champions, Vegas Nights, Aztec Gems, Buffalo King, Starz Megaways, Triple Jokers, Magic Crystals, Sugar Rush, Beowulf and many more exciting video slots.
Of course, many baccarat, blackjack and roulette variants are available in Whamoo’s Live Casino which is powered by Pragmatic Play software. You are connected by high resolution video feed to professional dealers and croupiers in one of the Pragmatic Play casino studios where you can experience the thrills of a real life casino behind your computer or mobile phone. It’s almost like you are standing in Vegas!


Stakelogic is another popular software developer which has added its games to the Whamoo game library. As one of the best-known developers in the software industry, it is always a good sign that Stakelogic games are available to play given that this company has made some exciting video slots.
Using HTML5, Stakelogic games are of course fully mobile compatible, which means you can play them on your smartphone as well. The company has also made some exciting new 3D slots which are not only gorgeous to look at but also wild fun to play. As an off-shoot company from gaming giants Novomatic, Stakelogic certainly is a reputable software developer which can be trusted when it comes to fairness and reliability.
Popular Stakelogic games are Epic Slam, Wild Stallion, Magic Wheel, Super Wild Arcade, Fruit Spinner, Lucky Gems Deluxe, Hot Fruits, Grand Slam Deluxe, Runner Runner, Turbo 4 Player Jackpot, Dragons and Magic, Big 5 Jungle Jackpot, Mariachi and The Big Cash Game.
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High limit gaming options

Whamoo is an online casino which is not only suitable for gamblers on a tight budget, but also for the true high rollers. You can place bets as low as a few cents, or as high as several thousands of euros or dollars at this online casino. Depending on your game of choice, whether its a jackpot video slot or classic table game, there are countless of options to bet big for maximum excitement and chances of winning top prizes. Further down in this Whamoo review, we will discuss some of the high limit games which are available.
Highrollers should also note that Whamoo comes with its own VIP programme in which you can quickly work yourself to the top category if you bet big. You can get instant access to your own dedicated casino manager and will get invites to high stakes tournaments. There are special weekly cashback bonuses as well for the true high roller gamblers at Whamoo. We will discuss the VIP program more in depth a bit further down this Whamoo review.
For now, let’s take a look at all the high roller games which are available at Whamoo Online Casino!

Endless rows of jackpot video slots

If you are a real lover of video slots you will be glad to hear that Whamoo has several hundreds of online video slots available. Although some of these slots are more suitable for beginning players or those on a tight budget, there are plenty of slots available where you can bet up to 100 euro/dollar per spin. This makes for some exhilarating and thrilling slot game action which will please any high stakes gambler out there!
Of course, Whamoo also has its share of jackpot slots where you have a shot at winning the progressive jackpot which can run well above a million euro or dollar! These premium slots, such as those using the famous Megaways system, offer countless of opportunities to place maximum bets at your video slot of choice.
Check the Whamoo game library whether or not your favourite slot is available as well, or try one of the many exciting new game additions! It is easy to browse through the Whamoo website. You can sort slots by software provider, or use the search function to check for your beloved title.

Join for some high stakes blackjack action

Blackjack has always been one of the most popular games among high rollers and the reasons why are quite clear. You can often bet high amounts of money on a single play and you can as a player slightly influence the outcome of a game as you need to decide whether you want to stand or hit another card.
At Whamoo, there is plenty of high stakes blackjack action. There are both normal blackjack games such as American Blackjack and multihand Blackjack, as well as blackjack tables in the live casino. In the live casino, which is powered by Pragmatic Play software, you can play several blackjack variants. Bets of up to several hundreds of euros or dollars, or even higher for the real VIPs, are possible.
Beat the hand of the dealer and hit that score of 21. Maybe it will be your lucky day playing blackjack at Whamoo Online Casino!

Grab a seat at the roulette table

There is plenty of roulette action at Whamoo as well. You can choose between virtual roulette versions, or opt for a seat at a roulette table in the live casino, where you are connected to a real-time croupier by video feed. Especially in the live casino high bets of up to a thousand dollar or more are possible, making roulette a big favourite among the real high stake gamblers.
Of course, Whamoo Casino has all of the the standard roulette versions of American Roulette, French Roulette and European Roulette. Most of these games are developed by software giants NetEnt.
In the live casino, there is also Roulette Macao Live, where you will be connected to a gaming environment which makes you feel like you are playing in the famous casinos of this Chinese gambling mecca. Live Speed Roulette, Live Roulette Auto and Roulette Azure are popular Pragmatic Play live casino versions of roulette which are available to Whamoo players.
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Whamoo's unique bonus package

One area in which Whamoo stands out as online casino is its great bonus package. Of course, there is a great welcome bonus for newly registered users. But the fun doesn’t stop there! At Whamoo casino, it is bonus day almost every single day of the week. On Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays the casino has recurring bonus offers if you reload you bankroll on one of those days. This makes Whamoo not only an attractive casino at the moment you sign up, but also at all those moments when you come back to play again.
300 free spins or a €200 deposit bonus

The Whamoo welcome bonus

We start of discussing the Whamoo welcome bonus which is called the “Welcombo” bonus by the casino. On a picture the Welcombo might not look too appealing as its packed in a carton takeaway box you might get at a certain fast food restaurant, but trust us on this: its contents are truly fantastic.
The Welcombo box contains a combination of goodies you get with your very first deposit at Whamoo. And what is best of all? You can decide what combo you want to receive! If you sign up at Whamoo for a free online casino account, you can determine your own bonus by adjusting the slide until you have found a combination which matches your idea of a perfect bonus.
This is a great option as it allows people to choose the bonus which best suits them. You can choose between free spins and a deposit bonus – or a combination of both. If you are an avid video slot gamer and do not care much about table games, you may want to slide all the way to the maximum free spins bonus. In that case, you will receive 300 free spins, but your deposit bonus will be 0%. The free spins in the Welcombo package are valid on the popular Amatic Industries slot Book of Fortune.
On the other hand, if you only care about table games and are not really interested in free spins and playing video slots, you want to adjust the slide to the maximum deposit bonus. This is a 100% deposit bonus of up to 200 euro. This means that if you deposit 200 euro of your own money to your newly created online casino account, Whamoo will top this up by another 200 euro from the house! If you select the full 100% deposit bonus, you will however not receive any free spins at all.
Of course, you can also opt for a mix between free spins and a deposit bonus. If you leave the slider in the middle, you will get 150 free spins and a 50% deposit bonus, for example. You can tweak this in any direction you want, for example to a 70% deposit bonus and 90 free spins. The higher your deposit bonus, the less free spins you receive. Want more free spins? Then your deposit bonus will decrease.

Welcombo bonus terms and conditions

Only one bonus is allowed per household and/or per player account. Do note that Whamoo’s bonuses remain valid until seven days after the required deposit has been made. Once this period ends, the bonus is automatically flagged as expired by the system and can no longer be released. The expired bonus funds are then automatically removed from the player’s account.
Of course, there is a wagering requirement which must be met in order to withdraw your bonus money and any winnings which may derive from it. Real money balance is used prior to bonus balance. The bonus balance will only be used when there is no real money available in your account. Only real money funds and released bonus funds can contribute towards the wagering requirement of the bonus. The wagering requirement for the Welcombo deposit bonus and free spins is thirty times (30x) the deposit + bonus.
Do note that players that deposit money using Paysafecard, Skrill or Neteller are not eligible for the Welcombo. To assure fair gaming and prevent fraud, Whamoo has placed a maximum cap on bonus money wagers, which are limited to a maximum per round/bet of €5 or its equivalent in other currencies. You should also be aware that certain games cannot be played using bonus money. There is a full overview of these games on the Whamoo bonus page.
Bets placed in certain games might not contribute fully to the wagering requirements.

Recurring bonuses at Whamoo

The bonus fun does not stop at the welcome bonus when you play at Whamoo! You can count on a constant stream of promotional campaigns and bonus offers. The casino has recurring promo offers every Monday, Wednesday and Friday. If you deposit some extra money to your online casino bankroll on one of those days, you are eligible for a bonus. It therefore pays off to wait for these days before you decide to reload your online funds.
On Monday it is Pick ‘n’ Play day to start off the week with some good vibes. On this day, the casino basically tops up your deposited money You can:
It is even possible to combine these bonuses if you want to deposit a larger sum! Alternatively, you can use the bonus codes of WHPICK5, WHPICK15 and WHPICK35 by putting these into the promo code field on the cashier page every Monday.

Whoa Wednesday

Wednesday is for many a difficult day in the week, it being right in the middle of another long week of work. To spice up things, Whamoo has come with an unusual bonus which it calls “Whoa Wednesday”.
Every Wednesday you get to uncover your secret gift – for free, no strings attached. The casino will add this gift to your next deposit. This can be a bonus, a set of free spins, or even both. You’ll get all the details once you’ve pulled off the cover and logged into your account. You will receive the bonus details and promotional code, which you can use in the promo field at the payment page to receive your hard-earned Wednesday bonus.

Freeday bonus

Friday is the favourite day of the week for many people – and the reason why is quite obvious. It marks the end of another working week and the start of some well-deserved weekend R&R! For many people this involves paying a visit to a land-based or online casino to get their kicks at their favourite game, whether it is a card game, roulette or video slot.
Whamoo knows that many people cannot wait for the days off work to start and therefore has come up with a special Friday bonus to welcome in the weekend! This bonus day is called ‘Freeday’ by Whamoo. The casino basically hands you a bunch of free spins if you are a regular customer. For every weekday from the previous week (Friday through Thursday) that you’ve deposited 30 euro or more, you get 10 free spins. For every weekend day you even get 20 Free Spins! That means up to 90 Free Spins are yours to play with. That’s a great start to a weekend full of partying and fun!

Wagering requirements

Do note that wagering requirements do apply to all daily promo offers. These are more or less the same as we outlined above in the description of the welcome package, but do take a look at the bonus terms and conditions page on the Whamoo website to know precisely what you can expect! As always, it is important to read the small print in order not to face any surprises later on.
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A fully mobile compatible casino

As a brand new online casino, Whamoo knows that already a majority of gamblers nowadays play on their mobile phones rather than on computers. Because of this, the Whamoo casino is fully compatible with mobile devices and tablets. If you load the Whamoo website on your smartphone, it looks just as good as on your laptop of computer. It’s equally accessible and orderly too! The mobile website is a breeze to browse through and you can easily access all the important pages such as the game library and payment page.
The same counts for the actual games themselves. Whamoo only works with software providers which are known to offer full mobile gaming support. These games are made in code such as HTML5, which means that the games can simply be played in your (mobile) internet browser. There is no download or special app required to play these games. Whether you are playing on your computer, tablet or smartphone, you simply surf to and select your favourite game from the library. This game will then open in your internet browser – and you can play instantly. It does not matter whether your phone runs on Android or is an iPhone, nor does it matter whether you have Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, Internet Explorer, Opera, Safari or any other internet browser. Whamoo will function just fine!
This is absolutely great as you can now play at Whamoo wherever you are, whenever you want. Want to put down some wagers on the roulette table while you are sitting in public transport on your way to work? That’s easily doable! Just take out your smartphone on the train or bus, and surf to to play at your favourite roulette table. Are you sitting on your couch at home and want to play a few hands of blackjack before going to sleep? Just take out your laptop, tablet or phone and within seconds you can have some of the most exhilarating blackjack fun on your screen.

The Whamoo Live Casino

Whamoo’s live casino is powered by Pragmatic Play and NetEnt software – which are two of the biggest, most reputable software providers in the world. This is great news for the players, as you can access high quality tables in just a few clicks.
In the live casino, you are connected with a live video feed to a real-time casino table in one of the casino studios of these software providers. You can play games like baccarat, blackjack and roulette like you are standing in a real land-based casino in Vegas or Monaco! Thanks to the high definition video stream, you have a great overview of all the action which unfolds on and around the table.
All table games are led by experienced, professional croupiers and dealers who are not only well-trained, but entertaining as well. By all means, feel free to open your microphone or the chat window to have a talk with them, or even with other players from around the world. This is what makes the live casino such a great invention. Even though you might be sitting at home in front of your laptop or computer, it does almost feel like you are standing in a casino for real!
Especially for high rollers the live casino is a worthwhile addition as table limits are often much higher than in regular games. Of course, if you are on a tight budget there will definitely be live casino tables where low minimum bets are allowed too – no worries there. But it is the experienced, high stakes gambler who probably feels most at home in the live casino.
There are multiple baccarat, blackjack and roulette variants which you can play. For roulette, there is American Roulette, European Roulette, French Roulette, Speed Roulette, Live Roulette Auto and Roulette Macao Live. If you prefer the casino classic of blackjack, you will find plenty of different tables all with slightly different betting limits. Baccarat is perhaps the game with the highest betting limit. Besides the regular version, there are also Speed Baccarat tables. A fourth casino game which can be played live at the Whamoo Live Casino is Sic Bo. Just browse through the list of live casino games, or use the search function to find your favourite table!
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submitted by freespinsbonus to u/freespinsbonus [link] [comments]

Ready to invest in a multi-fx pedal and new (to me) guitar - struggling on where to invest. Input would be great!

So, life/living situation (small apartment with wife, baby on the way, don't have $$ for individual pedals and amps, etc.) has had me downsizing my rig. I have a taylor acoustic electric, and a MiM fender mustang (more on that later). To me, have to be real. I won't be hitting the stage or doing big jams with people. I just want to enjoy playing at home

I think I've come around to investing a multi-fx pedal. or MAYBE a combo amp that has what I want. I would love to hear what you all think I should for. I'll try and sum up what I'd like to have

Budget: Less than $1000 (ideally less than $500)

Longevity - looking for something that would be both software supported and last me anywhere from 4-8 years

features: Built in tuner, built in looper - ideally has built it/comes with expression pedal to control this, but if it's extra hopefully not too much extra $$

Headphone jack

interface/power: do most multi-fx pedals have the ability to just be self powering? for example could I just plug the pedal's power supply in, plug my headphone and guitar into the pedal, and play/listen? or do I have to also have an interface? Ideally, I do NOT want to invest in an interface.

Music style: Emo, shoegaze, pop punk, indie, beatles, lots of reverb

sounds/recording: ideally amp and cab simulator. editor software as well. I'll be just using my macbook and likely garageband

Options I've considered: Valeton gp100, Mooer ge-150, Line 6 pod pro, Line 6 HELIX LT (big buy but it seems so awesome), boss gt-1, boss gt-100, Boss Katana, Fender gtx100

I'd love to sell my guitar (fender mustang) and either get an epiphone p90 casino, or a fender HSS. Also considering SG/les paul variants.

Thanks for any feedback for anyone who has a setup similar to what I have.
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Pre Market Brief for Wednesday August 19th 2020

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Best MLM to join

Best MLM to join

Top 10 MLM Companies 2020-2021: Network Marketing Best New Startups To Join

In 2020, top MLM (multi-level marketing) businesses are about making customers healthier and improving their overall well-being. MLM in 2020 is also about giving the best network marketing salespeople the chance to set their own hours and work upwards towards bigger and better bonus opportunities. A top MLM company is a home business or a "work from anywhere" business you can join as long as you have a smartphone, laptop, and WiFi in 2020 and 2021. MLM Allows You To Launch A Big Business On A Shoestring Budget Network marketing provides an almost unparalleled lucrative opportunity to start your own business from anywhere with a proven business model and minimal initial investment. A low cost and low risk new MLM business is especially tempting in an economic recession or depression when other startup options aren't viable. That means MLM is a smart move right now in our global Covid-19 recession with the Coronavirus pandemic limiting loans and reducing income potential for most industries. While traditional franchises or other proven business opportunities cost an unrealistic 5-8 figures, top MLM businesses cost just 2-4 figures to get started and still offer tremendous earning potential. To be more specific, most network marketing businesses cost between $100 and $300 to get started and nearly all new MLMs are under $1,000. And you can start learning from your upline and growing your downline from Day 1 from the comfort of your own home or on the open road. The bigger your best mlm to join downline, the more passive residual income you will earn every month! Any entrepreneur, investor, or business owner can tell you that passive income is one of the best things to have while pursuing your other business goals that require more time. While there are always some questionable MLM companies and bad network marketers out there (as there are in all industries), there are plenty of great new business opportunities out there. The following leading MLM companies and direct selling businesses we've reviewed and rated are the top of the industry and will only grow as the year progresses with new network marketers making more money. Which New MLM Company Is The Best? Not all new MLM companies are created equal and not all network marketing businesses offer the same product sales or downline development opportunities. This isn't the same old Top 10 list of boring network marketing businesses, but the best most up-and-coming new network marketing startup brands ready for pre-launch or outstanding opportunity in home business bonuses for 2020! Top 10 MLM Companies 2020 - Best New Network Marketing Opportunities To Join 10. Vasayo Vasayo is definitely one of the top new MLM companies to look into for aspiring network marketers. If you’ve ever popped a vitamin and been doubtful of its effects, Vasayo is a network marketing company you might connect with. Using Advanced Delivery Technology, Vasayo claims that carrier agents and additives in mainstream nutritional supplements prevent the body from actually absorbing the micronutrients that you’re trying to take in. This growing network marketing company claims to eliminate these inhibitors, offering capsules to deliver blends of micronutrients targeted towards different health issues, like poor sleep or weight management. Founded a couple of years ago by seasoned husband and wife business team Dallin and Karree Laresen, Vasayo has a pretty standard MLM structure - the more you sell, the higher you rank in 2020. They offer landmark trip opportunities like cruises to their top members, and bonuses along the way based on how much product you sell. 9. Total Life Changes Another top MLM company that specializes in health and wellness is Total Life Changes (TLC). Newly rebranded and originally founded by Jack Fellon, TLC products are grouped into three main categories: Nutritional, Skin Care and lso Cafe. Their bestseller is a “revolutionary” detox tea made of herbs. The multi-level marketing products, like Iaso coffee powered by mushrooms and charcoal-activated toothpaste, feel accessible and have great reviews on Amazon. TLC network marketing has been growing for years and will likely continue its upward trajectory due to the exploding wellness market. When you join their MLM team, this network marketing company sets you up with your own website and you keep 50% of every sale in commissions. The more people you bring on board to this direct sales company, the more bonuses you’re eligible for. Eventually, TLC might even reward you with a car like a Mercedes in 2020. 8. Senegence The multi-level marketing business SeneGence is best known for its Lip Sense lipstick, which has ridden the Kylie Jenner wave (aka full, poofy, cannot-believe-they-are-not-surgical lips). Founded by Joni Rogers-Kante, a “single mother with a business plan” two decades ago, this top MLM company offers a great discount for sellers as well as a 50% commission on sales. The downside here of this direct selling company is that new network marketers need to invest a fair amount to get going - after the $55 buy-in you’ve got kits to buy so that prospective customers can sample your goods. The lipstick is reported to live up to the hype though - it’s semi-permanent and lasts all day long. If you’re into beauty trends and are social media savvy, this network marketing company is super relevant and won’t be going anywhere in 2020. 7. Dagcoin Dagcoin MLM markets itself as “The Most Usable Cryptocurrency in the Universe.” Dagcoin’s claim to fame is being faster than bitcoin, and easier for the layman to use. Founded by infamous Estonia-based European investor Nils Grossberg, the startup currency is only a couple of years old and is based around the idea that the more you invest, the more you earn (eg: if you invest $12,500 you’ll receive in 17,500 dagcoins). While Dagcoin doesn’t actually sell products to customers, its mission is to make cryptocurrency available to everyone in 2020, which is a noble enough cause and worth looking into for any modern network marketer. Plus, you’ll get a 10% network marketing commission for every friend who invests in Dagcoin MLM. With all the extra money you'll be earning with Dagcoin multi-level marketing, you have the opportunity to double or triple it at a crypto casino in 2020 or 2021. Cryptocurrency is still a red hot growing industry, on par with or beating out CBD oil products, so combining crypto with MLM is a recipe for making major money! 6. Modere Originally founded as a direct sales company decades ago but relaunched just a few years ago as the startup brand Modere, this MLM company is all about eco-friendly products for health and home. Modere calls its MLM representatives “social marketers” and the selling structure is heavy on the bonuses, but you do get a commission for selling product and encouraging other social marketers and business bloggers to join. The branding is very strong and the product has some serious hype, especially the 3-pillar weight loss plan. They have a panel of “leading scientists, board-certified physicians and industry experts” who endorse their MLM products. As a competitive player in the MLM wellness industry, Modere is definitely a leading network marketing company worth considering if you’re highly experienced in direct sales and passionate about sustainable health products in 2020. 5. doTterra Perhaps the best-known MLM company on this list, doTerra has benefited from the natural healthcare trend that’s swelled in the last decade. Founded over a decade ago by David Sterling and some of his peers, all veterans in the holistic health industry, doTerra made 5 million dollars in the first 5 years and has only continued to grow. This leading MLM company sells essential oils, and wellness products infused with those oils, like deodorant and shampoo. If you become a network marketer salesperson for them, you’ll get discounts on the products and you make a moderate amount on commissions. To find success joining doTerra, you would be smart to immerse yourself in a community of network marketers who are into the whole homeopathic industry, so that you can secure your position as their essential oil dealer in 2020. 4. Young Living Young living is another essential oils MLM company that wants to help people harness the power of essential oils to live happier, healthier lives. This network marketing founder, Gary Young, got into essential oils back decades ago on his organic herb farm. Today this network marketing opportunity is structured so that Young Living “Business Builders” can receive a commission on the product they sell, with network marketer opportunities for “experiences” and special recognition along the way. Young Living also has a list of semi-famous brand ambassadors like Tia Mowry and Alexa PenaVega, who give this multi-level marketing company a high-profile edge in 2020. “My wife loves the Young Living Thieves product. And for good reason, it’s a great product with a good scent”, stated Ben Tejes, co-founder of Thermal Bankruptcy News. 3. Valentus Known for its super coffee that promises weight loss, called SLIM Roast, Valentus was founded by Dave Jordan 5 years ago. The MLM structure here is pretty standard: 25% commission for network marketers that join (paid weekly) and bonuses as you move up the sales ranks. These network marketing products are for the customer that wants to be super-human; Valentus stands for “prevail,” and everything they sell promises a more resilient body. In addition to the coffee, they sell a keto creamer (the keto diet is very hot right now), immune-boosting supplements, and vials of energy called PrevalMAX. Valentus is the multi-level marketing startup company for health junkies who are constantly on the lookout for the next top MLM products in 2020. 2. New U Life New U Life is a top new MLM masterminds startup company that offers anti-aging products made with one key ingredient: a homeopathic human growth hormone. Consultants for New U Life MLM should be focused on customers in the 35+ age range, because the SOMADERM gel promises to bring your growth hormone level back to what it was in your 20s. Alex Goldstein, who founded the network marketer company in 2017, is a homeopath / naturalist who has worked in the natural foods business for 25 years. Retail commission for this multi-level marketing company is paid weekly and bonuses are placed as milestones along the way, so if you know enough people who are scared of getting old (let’s face it, we all are) you should have plenty of potential customers carrying on from 2019 into 2020 and 2021. 1. My Daily Choice & Hempworx CBD Oil MLM If there’s one multi-level marketing trend that is guaranteed to blow up more in 2020 and beyond, it’s CBD oil, also known as cannabidiol. My Daily Choice company founder Josh Zwagil, who went into the MLM business several years ago, knows it. This top MLM company has two product lines: My Daily Choice network marketing, which offers sprays to promote general well-being, and Hempworx, CDB-infused oils for humans and CBD oil treats for dogs. There’s a whopping 30% to 50% commission offered for network marketer affiliates who start repping these CBD oil goods, and lots of opportunities to get bonuses as you sell more CBD product.
submitted by Farhanamili to u/Farhanamili [link] [comments]

Spin Casino - free spin no deposit bonus (Multi Win Wheel)

Spin Casino - free spin no deposit bonus (Multi Win Wheel)

Spin Casino Free Play and Bonus Wheel
Get one no deposit free spin on Multi Win Wheel at Spin Casino! Here you can win up to 100 extra free spins on Microgaming slots and a $1000 free money bonus on all games, including jackpots and live dealer. Are you ready to spin and win with us?
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Claim a 100% deposit bonus up to €400,-

At Spin Casino you will also be welcomed with a generous deposit bonus. Every new player can claim a 100% deposit bonus up to €400,-. You can trigger this bonus by making a minimum deposit of €10,-. This means Spin Casino will double every deposit you make between €10,- and €400,-. When you for example make a €150,- deposit, you will receive a €150,- bonus. In this case, you can start playing with a €300,- total balance. On top of this, you will receive the money you have collected during your 50 free spins.
Bonus funds at Spin Casino are subject to a 50 times wagering requirement. This wagering requirement is only for the bonus, and not for the deposit. When you for example make a €100,- deposit, you will get a €100,- bonus. In this case, you will need to wager 50 x €100,- = €5.000,-. All bonus money you win during your free spins will also be subject to a 50 times rollover requirement. In the bonus terms and conditions on the promotions page, you will find all the important terms and conditions. Below we have summed up to most important ones.

Significant bonus terms and conditions

  • New customers only;
  • 18 years and older;
  • Minimum deposit amount to trigger bonus is €10,-;
  • Maximum bonus is €300,-;
  • All deposit bonuses have an x50 wagering requirement;
  • Only available first 7 days after opening account;
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Reload your account with two €300 match-up bonuses

In addition to a generous €400,- welcome offer Spin Casino offers you the chance to reload your account with a bonus twice. During both your second and third deposit you can claim a 100% deposit bonus up to €300,-. This offers you the chance to grab another €600,- in bonuses. All in all this means you can claim up to €1.000,- in bonuses at Spin Casino.
Please note the welcome offers at Spin Casino are only valid during the first 7 days counting from the day you have opened your account. The reload bonuses are available for all new customers who make a deposit of €10,- or more. The reload offers are also subject to a 50 times wagering requirement. Have a look at the bonus terms and conditions for more information.

Significant bonus terms and conditions

  • New customers only;
  • 18 years and older;
  • Minimum deposit amount to trigger bonus is €10,-;
  • Maximum bonus per deposit is €300,-;
  • All reload bonuses have an x50 wagering requirement;
  • Only available first 7 days after opening account;
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Game portfolio Spin Casino

At Spin Casino you will find a wide range of casino slots. All in all the casino offers over 600 Microgaming slots. This includes all popular titles such as Thunderstruck, Break da Bank, Immortal Romance, and Ariana. When you launch the ‘’Vegas’’ part of Spin Casino you will find more slot games. This includes the full line of NetEnt slots. These amazing slot games are very popular with desktop and mobile players. A few of the most played NetEnt slots are Starburst, Jack Hammer, Gonzo’s Quest and Steam Tower. When you open the lobby you will be able to view the full line of available video slots.

Table games

Spin Palace offers besides slots various other quality online casino games. You will for example be able to hit it big on one of the many Microgaming progressive jackpot slots. All of these jackpots can get huge and some of them even exceed 10 million euros from time to time. Some of the most popular jackpot slots at Spin Palace are;
  • Mega Moolah;
  • Cash Splash;
  • King Cashalot;
  • Major Millions;
  • Tunzamunni;
In addition to these titles, Microgaming offers loads of other jackpot games such as Fruit Fiesta, Jackpot Deuces, LotsaLoot, Poker Ride, and Treasure Nile. You will be able to enjoy these jackpot slots on any type of device. Although this is the case I think most players prefer to play these on desktop. The main reason for this is that the older design of most of these games doesn’t really show well on mobile screens.
One other game type where Microgaming is famous for are table games. In the lobby you will find a very extensive list of table games. These games usually offer interesting payouts and high RTP’s. Because of this, they are popular with most high rollers in online casinos. Some of the most popular games in Spin Palace Casino are;
  • Blackjack;
  • Baccarat;
  • Roulette;
  • 3 Card Poker;
  • Craps;
  • Hold’em High;
  • Red Dog;
And there is plenty more. Only Blackjack is already available in Atlantic City, Classic, Spanish, European, and Vegas Strip style. On top of this the game portfolio offers many variety games such as Card Climber, Flip Card, High Speed Poker, Multi Wheel Roulette and Cyberstud. You can enjoy most of these games using a limit varied from €2,- up to €1.000,- per hand. This makes them perfectly suitable for players with both a small and big gambling budget.

Video Poker

You will find video poker games at most online casinos and Spin Palace is no exception. This is a good thing since many online players love to play these types of games. All in all Spin Palace offers a portfolio of around 30 different video poker games. This includes different variants of video poker such as ‘’gold series’’ and ‘’multi-hand’’. Below you will find an overview of some of the available games. Enter the lobby to have a look at the full range.
  • Aces & Eights Poker
  • Aces and Faces
  • All Aces Poker
  • Deuces Wild Poker
  • Deuces Wild Bonus Poker
  • Double Double Bonus Poker
  • Jacks or Better Poker
  • All American
  • Bonus Poker
  • Deuces & Joker Poker
  • Joker Poker
  • Louisiana Double Poker
  • Tens or Better Poker

Live Casino

While collecting your deposit bonuses at Spin Casino you will also be able to play a thrilling collection of live casino games. Spin Live is home to the full range of live dealer games by Evolution Gaming. This includes the traditional table games, but also the newer exciting game shows. The more traditional games include Live Blackjack, Live Roulette, and Live Baccarat. On top of this, you can play the Lightning version of some games which enhance the maximum win up to x500 per number. The selection of game shows offers more fun orientated games including Live Dream Catcher and Monopoly Live. I recommend launching Spin Live to view the full range of available games.

Sports and e-sports betting (in-play)

To provide you in all your gambling needs Spin also offers Spin Sports, Spin In-Play and Spin e-Sports. Using Spin Sports you can place bets on upcoming sports events. Since the sportsbook offers the most dynamic markets you will be able to enjoy great odds at any time. The sportsbook offers a wide range of sports to bet on. This includes Football, Tennis, Basketball, American Football, Hockey and more. Because of this you will be able to bet on all huge sporting leagues. Some of the most popular sports events are the NFL Championships, the Australian Open, the Premier League, FA CUP and UFC. When you open your free account at the sportsbook today you will be able to enjoy a free bet up to €200,-.
Using Spin In-Play you can bet on sports events that happen right now (live). This section of Spin is getting more and more attention lately. The main reason for this is that they offer a wide range of markets to bet on. In addition to this odds are above the market standards and the amount of sports events is increasing every month. As a new customer, you can also enjoy a free bet up to €200,- at Spin In-Play. Terms apply.

Significant bonus terms;

  • Only available during your first deposit;
  • New customers 18+ only;
  • The maximum value of your free bet is €200,-;
  • Minimum deposit of €10,- is required.
  • Wagering requirement is x5 at minimum odds of 1.3;
One last piece of the Spin platform I would like to mention is Spin e-Sports. Although e-Sports is still an upcoming phenomenon in online betting it is already available at Spin. You can now bet on various international gaming events. Some of the most popular games to bet on are Counter-Strike, Overwatch, League of Legends, Starcraft, Dota 2 and Rainbow Six. Spin e-Sports always offers the best available odds and many secure payment options. This makes it a great choice for everyone who like to try a bet on their favourite gaming events. All e-Sports bettors are now also eligible to claim a €200,- free bet during their first deposit.
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Mobile gambling

People who enjoy some mobile action from time to time won’t be disappointment at Spin Casino. Using your smartphone or tablet you can easily get access to the mobile casino. This includes Android, iOs and other types of devices. In the mobile casino, you will find the regular selection of games and all the other functionalities. This includes slots, table games, live casino games, and betting. You can also make easy and secure deposits and withdrawals in the mobile casino. This ensures you will always be able to enjoy some spins while on the go or during your lunch break.

Loyalty Club; Enjoy many rewards at Spin Casino

From the moment you start playing at Spin Casino you will be able to collect points for the available loyalty program. Using the loyalty program you can enjoy many benefits and exclusive rewards. Every time you wager money on any of the available games you will be collecting points. These points are exchangeable for bonus credits. You can use these bonus credits to play games in the casino for free. In addition to these bonus credits you will also be able to enjoy;
  1. Tailored bonus offers just for you;
  2. Faster ways of earning new loyalty points;
  3. A dedicated account manager;
  4. Quicker support and fasted payments;
Depending on how often you play at Spin Palace you will be able to reach various loyalty levels. New players will be in the bronze loyalty tier. After this tier you can upgrade to the silver, gold and platinum tier. On top of these regular loyalty levels there are two more very exclusive loyalty levels. Players who reach the Diamond or Privé levels will enjoy countless benefits. When you sign up your account now and deposit you will be awarded with a Loyalty boost of 2.500 points. Claim them now to reach the bronze level.


A unique thing about Spin Palace is that the casino is available in countless languages. This makes the casino customer-friendly and understandable for players from across the globe. The main language of the website is English. But by using the menu you can switch to other languages. Spin Palace for example offers its website in France, Spanish, German, Portuguese, Swedish, Norwegian, Turkish, Latvian, Japanese, Thai, Greek, Arabic, Korean and Lithuanian. In addition to this most international languages are available for specific countries. Spin Palace for example offers Canadian English, New Zealand English and Irish. In my opinion, it is very user friendly that the casino has translated their website into so many different languages.


Spin Casino offers you various safe payment options to upload funds to your account. All payments are very secure since Spin Casino utilizes the latest encryption technology to make sure all details are safe. Open the cashier to view all available payment solutions for your geo. Depending on the country where you are living you will find a wide range of local and international payment methods. This includes VISA, VISA Electron, Mastercard, Interac, Skrill, Trustly, iDebit and Neteller. Most of these payment options are available from as low as €10,- per transaction. In addition to euros Spin Casino also accept other currencies. This includes Canadian Dollars, US Dollars, and Great British Pounds.
When you are ready to cash out money you can request a payout. Simply visit the cashier and enter the number of funds you want to withdrawal. Once done your withdrawal will be approved within 24 hours in most cases. Only when extra verification is required this can take longer. When your withdrawal is accepted it will be paid instantly or within a few days. This all depends on the withdrawal method you have selected. Transfer to e-Wallets such as Skrill and Neteller are instant. Payment to credit or debit cards can take between 1 and 3 business days. If you have any questions regarding your withdrawal you can contact the 24/7 support desk.
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At Spin Casino they are very proud of their well-trained and knowledgeable support agents. If you have a problem or question you should definitely contact them. The support department is available all day long. Even during holidays! Simply pick one of the support methods and enjoy top quality support 24/7/365. For me, the easiest way to get support is the live chat. Through the live chat, you can type your question and send it. Once done, a support agent will respond within a few minutes. In most cases, this should be an easy way to solve most questions. If you have a more complicated question you can also send an email. The support inbox of Spin Casino is [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]). In general, you will receive a response within 24 hours after sending an email.
submitted by freispiele to u/freispiele [link] [comments]

SpinAway Casino - free spins, no deposit bonus, promotion

SpinAway Casino - free spins, no deposit bonus, promotion

SpinAway Casino Gratis Spins and Free Bonuses
Join SpinAway Casino and receive 100 free spins and €1000 in welcome bonus. Plus, benefit from daily free rounds, cashback, no deposit bonuses and promotional codes for free bets. Check it out!
>> Get Your Free Spins Bonus Now <<


While I have no doubt that players will have access to a full suite of bonuses in the near future, currently they have to make do with an extensive welcome offer.

Welcome Bonus

New starters can grab a 100% Bonus up to $500 with 100 Free Spins on Starburst thrown in on top. But that’s not all, SpinAway Casino has chosen to also reward you on your second and third deposits like this:
  • Second deposit gets you another 100% Bonus up to $500
  • Third deposit gets you a further 100% Bonus up to $500
Once you make your first qualifying deposit, you’ll receive 10 Free Spins straight into your account every day for 10 days.There are a couple of other things you should keep in mind. Firstly you should know that a minimum deposit of $20 is required to claim any deposit bonus. Also, wagering requirements of 30x apply to both the Bonus Cash and the Free Spins before a real cash withdrawal can be made.When wagering with a Bonus or Free Spins, the highest single bet is capped at $5.00. You need to use up your bonus within 30 days. Keep in mind that deposits made from Neteller, Skrill, Paysafecard and ecoPayz are excluded from the welcome offer.

Other bonuses at SpinAway Casino

Probably a clear mark of Spin Away’s ‘fresh’ status, the welcome offer is where things stop. However, judging by the rest of the sire,

How to claim bonuses at SpinAway Casino?

In order to claim the Welcome Bonuses you must select the bonus in the cashier when making an eligible deposit. For any other bonus, follow the insstructions set by Spin Away.
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With a name like SpinAway, it’s a no-brainer that there should be a vast library of Slot games to choose from. And there certainly are plenty of Slots on offer. Luckily, there’s also plenty of everything else too.You’ll find entertainment from the likes of NetEnt, Microgaming, Yggdrasil, Play’n GO, Evolution Gaming, Big Time Gaming, Thunderkick, Relax Gaming, Pragmatic Play, and many more.

What Slots can I play at SpinAway Casino?

There are almost 800 different Slot games on site, so you’re certainly to find just what floats your boat. Play top titles like Book of Dead, Starburst, Sweet Bonanza, Thunderstruck II, Wolf Gold, Fire Joker, Gonzo’s Quest, Mustang Gold, Jammin’ Jars, and many more.

What Progressive Jackpots are available at SpinAway Casino?

While you’ll be able to occupy yourself with a few Jackpot games, there are only a small handful of these on offer at Spin Away Casino. On the plus side, this should make your decision-making process fairly simple. Choose to play Progressive games like Divine Fortune, Mega Joker, Beast of Wealth and about five others.

What Table Games can I play at SpinAway Casino?

The Table Game range is just about as well rounded as the Progressive Jackpot range. With just about 10 games to choose from, players will have to content themselves with Blackjack, European Roulette, Jacks or Better, French Roulette and a couple others.

Can I play Live Dealer Games at SpinAway Casino?

The live dealer section of Spin Away Casino is probably the best part of the site. That’s largely because the site has chosen to partner up with the brilliant Evolution Gaming. You can play all sorts of traditional Table Games like Baccarat, Blackjack, Three Card Poker, and Roulette. However, you’ll also have access to Evolution’s trademark novel games like Lightning Roulette, Crazy Time, Dream Catcher, Monopoly Live, and Dragon Tiger.
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There’s a certain degree of confusion here. While the terms under the welcome offer stipulate wagering requirements of 30 x, the general terms and conditions claim that they’re just 25 x. I’m inclined to base my reasoning on the 30x wagering requirements, that way players are prepared for the worst.Not all games contribute 100% towards wagering requirements. Different types of games contribute different percentages towards wagering requirements:
  • Slots: 100%
  • All Jackpots: 0%
  • All Live Roulette and Live Blackjack: 10%
  • All other Live Casino Games: 10%
  • All table games: 5%

Are the wagering requirements high?

No. I would say that the wagering requirements at Spin Away fall right into the bracket of what’s considered reasonable. You’ll need to put in some work to meet the 30 x threshold, but it’s very manageable.
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Spin Away Casino accepts multiple currencies including EUR, CAD, INR, NZD, USD, NOK, KRW, YEN, THB, and ZAR. This is good news for players who can get started without any worries about hidden fees.

What banking options are available at SpinAway Casino?

The options for making a deposit at Spin Away are Visa, MasterCard, Interac, MuchBetter, ecoPayz, or Bilibit (for Crypto).When it comes to withdrawals the options become more limited. Players can choose from Bilibit (for Crypto), Bank Transfer or Interac e-Transfer.

How to make a deposit?

Please note that the minimum amount of deposit is $20. The maximum amount of deposit depends on the payment method you decide to use, but it’s either C$5,000 or C$10,000.

How to make a withdrawal?

The minimal amount for withdrawal is $20 or $30 if you want to use Crypto. The maximum amount for withdrawal depends on the payment method you decide to use. If the requested amount of withdrawal exceeds the limit of a particular payment system, the amount will be withdrawn in installments. While withdrawals are processed as soon as possible, some payment methods can take up to five banking days to process the withdrawal request.The maximum withdrawal amount in a single transaction is $5,000. This will be something of a disappointment for big-budget players, particularly when they find out that the restrictions spread to a $16,000 weekly limit and a $50,000 monthly limit.


There isn’t a loyalty program or VIP scheme in place at Spin Away Casino right now. But keep checking in, as one might very well pop up down the line after the site becomes a little bit more established.
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The FAQ section, available after login, is packed with helpful information. But if you need answers to a question that the FAQs don’t cover, Spin Away Casino also supports you with 24-hour customer support.You can choose to leave the team an on-site message, which works exactly the same as Email. Alternatively, you can opt for Live Chat, where you can instant message a support agent and have a chat about any issues.

What’s the best way for Players to get in touch with SpinAway Casino?

Both options are a great way to fix a problem. But if your query can be explained in just a few words, then you’re probably best off reaching out through Live Chat.
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My main concerns with this online casino are the withdrawal limits it places on players, which will only be a problem for high rolling players. If these points don’t put you off then you’re likely to enjoy everything SpinAway has to offer, from the generous welcome offer, to the exciting selection of games. If you’re still on the fence then wait a couple months until SpinAway has spun itself more of a reputation.
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BetsEdge Casino 50 no deposit free spins bonus code

BetsEdge Casino 50 no deposit free spins bonus code

BetsEdge Casino Review & Promotions
Collect 50 No Deposit Free Spins to BetsEdge online casino! Click on the link below and start playing with free credits. In addition, claim 225 gratis spins and up to 350 EUR welcome bonus!
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BetsEdge Casino Review:

What to expect at BetsEdge:

  • Great selection of casino games
  • Instant free deposits with 10+ payment methods
  • More than 1000 slots
  • A welcome package with generous bonuses and free spins
  • Top-notch player support via FAQs, email and live chat
Though BetsEdge has been around for a year, it seems to strike the right chords with players in terms of game selection, bonuses, security, and customer support. Lots of progressive jackpots are available for grabs as well as five levels of VIP bonuses. We can only hope that they will get better with time and shed the tag of the “new kid in the block”.
The live casino games make gambling add to the thrill of playing table games and poker games. Despite the fact that they don’t have a native casino app, it’s still nice to see that this firm enables players to gamble on the go from their mobile browsers. Over a dozen payment methods and cryptocurrencies means you can fund your account quickly.

BetsEdge Promotions and Bonuses

When you sign up as a new player, you receive a great welcome package along with generous bonuses on your first three deposits. You can use them to play hundreds of games and slots. The bonus package also comes with up to 177 free spins on select games. Here is a breakdown of the welcome bonuses;
  • First Deposit Bonus – 100% up to 100 Euro and 100 free spins on Book of Dead
  • Second Deposit Bonus – 50% up to 50 Euro and 50 free spins on Starburst
  • Third Deposit Bonus – 200% up to 75 Euro and 75 free spins on Super Joker
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Bonus Terms and Wagering Requirements

Before you can withdraw your gameplay winnings or winnings obtained using bonuses, you have to meet all the wagering requirements. You have to bet 40x the bonus amount to claim these funds. BetsEdge does things differently from most online casinos that require players to wager the bonus and deposit. Players only need to play through the bonus, hence a reasonable wagering requirement. The bonus is only valid for seven days from the date of receipt unless indicated otherwise. Bonuses and winnings become void if you don’t meet the wagering requirements during the bonus period.
Players can only use one bonus at a time, and live dealer games aren’t contributing towards the bonus wagering. Each bonus is subject to minimum deposit requirement, limitation of the maximum bonus amount, bonus period limitation, and maximum bets while wagering. Last but not least, most bonuses can only be used while playing select slots.

Promotions and Bonuses

Looking at its promos and bonuses, BetsEdge will stop at nothing to boost your casino experience with its great rewards such as their two weekly promos, Tuesday Free Spins and Weekend Reload Bonuses. When it comes to the Tuesday Free Spins, players get 20, 50, and 100 free spins when they deposit 20, 50 and100 Euros respectively on Tuesdays only. The Weekend Reload Bonus is available either on Friday, Saturday, or Sunday. Players get up to 55% reload bonus on a 150 Euro deposit.
Every bet at the online casino earns you loyalty points that you can use to join the VIP program. You get 1 point for every 30 Euros deposit. Players start as Rookies and eventually to Masters. Here is a breakdown of bonuses at every VIP level.
  • Rookie – 10% deposit bonus & up to 100 Euro, and free spins in Steamtower and Fire & Steel slots
  • Amateur – 20% deposit bonus & 100 Euro
  • Specialist – 60% deposit bonus & 150 Euro and 5% cashback
  • Expert – 40% deposit bonus & 150 Euro and 7% cashback
  • Master – 50% deposit bonus & 200 Euro and 10% cashback
VIP bonuses are available once a week on Mondays and Thursdays and are subject to a minimum deposit.
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Game Selection

The live casino is a major attraction and is available in multiple languages. You can access it directly from your mobile device or web-based browser. New players get attractive welcome bonuses of up to €325 and 225 free spins. Existing players get to unlock five VIP levels and enjoy player reloads.

Casino & Live Casino

The first thing you notice at the BetsEdge Lobby is that the casino has something for everyone. It covers different types of games, including jackpot games, poker, roulette, slots, table games, and more from top-tier providers in the industry. Over 3000 titles are available, and you can easily find your way around them with keyboard shortcuts or by choosing the software developer. Using the search engine in the lobby, you can find your favorite titles within seconds.
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Slots and Table Games

BetsEdge players enjoy a vast selection of slot games ranging from old-school games with fruit machines to variations with innovative ways to play and win big. There are more than 1000 titles, with the most popular ones being Voodoo, Immortal Romance, Book of Dead, Sushi and Dead or Alive 2. The top slot machine providers at BetsEdge include Amatic, Casino Technology, GameArt, BGaming, Microgaming, and Habanero.
If you love poker, baccarat, roulette, and blackjack, BetsEdge Casino is the place to be. You’ll find your favorites like Super Wheel, Pontoon, Vegas Strip Blackjack, Speed Baccarat, Mahjong Exchange, and more. There are more than 100 poker games to play such as Caribbean Poker, 3-Hand Casino Hold’Em, Jacks or Better and Bonus Deuces. Some of these games come in different versions, allowing players to flex their skills.

Jackpots at BetsEdge

BetsEdge is an excellent casino for players looking to win big. There are 66 jackpot games, most of which are slot and video poker titles. Mega Moolah by Microgaming, A Night in Paris JP by BetSoft Gaming, and GunSlinger: Reloaded by Play’n GO are some of our favorites. You can win anything from a few tens of thousands to millions of euros when you play.

Live Casino Games

Players can indulge in the adventure of Las Vegas and the glamour of Monaco with a few clicks, thanks to Ezugi, a developer that focuses specifically on live gaming. The live sector offers variations of poker, blackjack, roulette, and keno. Players get a chance to interact with real dealers and punters. BetsEdge utilizes sophisticated croupiers, professional private tables, and several language options to deliver the ultimate casino experience. There are betting limits on the games to suit different budget needs.
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Deposits and Withdrawals

BetsEdge Casino offers hassle-free and secure deposit and withdrawal options. Choose from over ten payment methods such as Visa, Skrill, MasterCard, Qiwi, Maestro, iDebit, Neteller, and load funds or withdraw in minutes. What’s more, players can also pay using various cryptocurrencies.
When it comes to deposits, BetsEdge only accepts payments from e-wallets, bank accounts, and bank cards registered in your name. You can withdraw or deposit a minimum of 20 Euros, while the maximum payout is 7500 Euros per week or 15000 Euros per month. The maximum deposit varies depending on your preferred payment method. BetsEdge sometimes makes exceptions for VIP members.
Sometimes, you’ll want to fund your account in your local currency. This is where BetsEdge will come through for you. It supports several currencies like the Euro, Canadian Dollar, Norwegian Krone, Russian Rubles, and US Dollar. As a gambler, you can also transact with Bitcoin, Ethereum, Bitcoin Cash, Dogecoin, Tether, Litecoin, and other cryptocurrencies.

Security and Licensing

BetsEdge uses RNG technology (Random Number Generator) to ensure fair gaming. It secures data transfers by utilizing the PGP protocol and 128-Bit Secure Socket Layer encryption. BetsEdge operates under the laws of Curacao and is licensed by Antillephone. The casino is GDPR compliant.
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If you prefer the convenience of gambling on the go, you will enjoy using the mobile version. The casino does not have a native application, but a browser-based application is available. Because players don’t have to download an app from Play store or via APK, they can start games quickly. You just have to open the browser on an Android, Windows or iOS device and sign in. The BetsEdge website is responsive and automatically adjusts to your mobile device.
The lack of a native BetsEdge app means that players don’t have to worry about security issues, updates, and a smaller selection of games. The web app is easily accessible via HTML5 browsers including Chrome, Firefox, and Safari. It offers access to all of the games.
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[Fri, Nov 27 2020] TL;DR — This is what you missed in the last 24 hours on Reddit


The European Union has fined two pharmaceutical companies for colluding to keep a cheap alternative to a sleep disorder medicine off the market for their profit and at the expense of patients.
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Chinese doctors jailed for organ harvesting
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Rapists will be chemically castrated in Pakistan under new laws approved by Prime Minister Imran Khan
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Venezuela judge convicts 6 American oil execs, orders prison
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Wyoming Gov. Mark Gordon tests positive for COVID-19
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First Latino DACA recipient receives Rhodes Scholarship
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In the US, states typically pay for prison while counties determine sentencing. A natural experiment whereby the cost burden of juvenile incarceration was placed on counties led to a stark drop in incarceration. This suggests that mass incarceration in the US is in part due to misaligned incentives.
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As interactions increasingly take place online, people find information that confirms their existing beliefs, making them less willing to listen to alternatives. This exacerbates filter bubbles and explains why public debates become polarized as people become impervious to opposing arguments.
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People’s moral foundations can predict their compliance with staying at home, wearing masks, and social distancing measures during the COVID-19 pandemic. Caring and fairness are morals that predict compliance with all three public health measures.
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Space travel is bad for the body at a cellular level
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How six scientists survived ‘living on Mars’ for a year: « The habitat had a small living room, 1.5 bathrooms, a galley kitchen and tiny living quarters for each of the six up a flight of stairs. Power came via solar panel, water via large storage tanks outside. »
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China’s plan for moon research station gets closer with Chang’e-5 success
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World’s Biggest Wind Park to Be Built Offshore U.K.
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Japan Developing Laser Weapons That Can Be Mounted On Vehicles To Counter Drone Attacks
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History records many secular and religious attempts to build paradise on Earth. They haven’t worked. Nevertheless, some philosophers believe a biohappiness revolution is imminent, insisting: 'This time really is different'.
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What are underrated websites and what do you use them for?
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What do you think is the biggest secret being kept from mankind?
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People who wear shoes in the house, why?
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TIL that strings and cables moving randomly will spontaneously knot themselves with a probability reaching 100%
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TIL when Audrey Geisel, the widow of Doctor Seuss, was selling the rights to How the Grinch Stole Christmas, she made sure that "any actor submitted for the Grinch must be of comparable stature to Jack Nicholson, Jim Carrey, Robin Williams and Dustin Hoffman."
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TIL PCs in the 80s and 90s often had a “Turbo” button which when pressed would counterintuitively slow down the processor speed to allow compatibility with older games designed for slower processors.
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[OC] Effective cost of the different ways of getting Reddit Premium
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[OC] When does the sun set in Europe's capitals during the winter solstice (21/12)?
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If COVID-19 Cases were Electoral Votes in the 2020 US Election [OC]
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PSA: If you're spending Thanksgiving alone, there's now nothing stopping you from just drinking gravy straight. You're welcome.
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It worked!
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My deviled eggs were a hit!
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[Homemade] Applewood smoked turkey.
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[Homemade] Double cheese burger on a potato bun
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[Homemade] Hand Laminated Pain Au Chocolat.
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Why ‘Planes, Trains and Automobiles’ Is the Ultimate Thanksgiving Movie
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Casino Royale’s poker scene was as elaborate as a James Bond stunt
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Alex Garland Has A "Low Budget Horror Movie" Coming Up - Casting and financing on the project is currently underway, with a view to shoot in spring or summer 2021
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Foot Stabber, Me, Digital, 2020
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"I can only draw stick figures", me, digital painting, 2020
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Minotaur, Paul Reid, Oil on Canvas, 2020
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Kaley Cuoco on why she returned to TV so quickly with the Flight Attendant: 'You can easily be forgotten'
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'Jeopardy!' Shares Alex Trebek's Posthumous Thanksgiving Message
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Saturday Morning Cartoons are coming to MeTV starting January 2
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What started as an accidental text turned into an annual tradition!
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My neighbors brought me a "plate" since I didn't go anywhere for Thanksgiving.
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The Empire State Building seen from New Jersey, when it was first completed in the 1930s
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Eyeball fun
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How Amazon ships your items.
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How to calculate gear ratio
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I got my huge pet snail a small pet snail
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Plate broke in weird satisfying shape
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In 1993 I received my first federal tax refund. It was $1.00.
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Best wildlife photo of the year 2019
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The birds of the striped cuckoo are very similar to pine cones. This is how they protect themselves from predators.
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My buddy caught an albino catfish yesterday. One in a million chance.
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the ivory gap
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Famous mac and cheese recipe. Don’t tell anyone but the secret ingredient is love!
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NO such thing as bad publicity. Wally’s Pub here on the NH seacoast, brilliantly seeing to it.
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I couldn’t see my family this year (for obvious reasons) so me and my boy made the best of it.
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Golden pupper turns into a leaf sweeper when he's happy
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A happy pygmy falcon
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Random Subreddit of the day: Borat

These are its 3 top posts of all time:
Did haters of the sequel even watch the original?
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Jeanise Jones (The babysitter) statement about the Borat 2 movie.
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submitted by _call-me-al_ to RedditTLDR [link] [comments]

The more I play Outer Worlds the more I notice the all around lack of depth.

Let me just say I'm a huge fan of Obsidian and western style open-world RPGs are my absolute favorite genre of games. I came into Outer Worlds expecting a game with the same type of gameplay depth though I know the world and the graphics might not be quite up to par with the higher budget AAA games. I was blown away by the lack of glitches and how beautiful it turned out, but the more I play the game the more I notice that it's about as shallow in its rpg elements as a modern action-adventure with rpg elements.
I would say my biggest beef with the game has to do with an overall lack of freedom. The Outer Worlds forces you to be moral about your choices or end up failing parts of missions. In the real world doing the right thing is often difficult and requires big sacrifices, but in The Outer Worlds the opposite is often true. For example, there's a mission that basically requires you to play mediator between bandits and a local military group. Taking one side over the other results in failing a portion of the mission and is less than lucrative. This is more than often the case. If you want to be truly evil it's usually less than lucrative and much harder to accomplish. Whether you intimidate, persuade or lie doesn't affect the outcome. There really aren't enough evil or selfish options in the dialogue. If you get caught sneaking or stealing you just have to have one high speech skill and you can keep doing it over and over.
Now this is further impacted by the extremely shallow leveling system. The game has this really vague leveling tree which requires you level three things at once until you reach like level 50 within that tree. This makes it so you cannot create truly specialized characters. Also not having a high persuade or high lockpick skill makes certain missions impossible to complete fully. If you want to play a dumb strong oaf who just beats things you're gonna have a rough time. The stealth attacks really are kind of lackluster and unsatisfying. The melee just doesn't offer the visceral satisfaction of Fallout or even the Elder Scrolls game. You can't sneak behind someone and cut their throat or bash their head in instantly like I'd like.
Playing on the highest difficulty is really not very fun because the companions are so hard to manage and the scarcity of things to drink makes it hard to even stock up beforehand even if you truly enjoy the management part of an RPG. I wish I had more commands for my companions. They can't heal themselves and they don't actually follow the A.I. settings very well. They're quite stupid overall and require constant management to follow even the simplest demands. They die easily because their A.I. is quite terrible. I often times see them walking around idle not engaging with enemies who are actively shooting at them even when set to be aggressive. Being a loner is sub-optimal because you miss out on so many companion missions but making it so you can't auto-save and the companions can't be revived is more of an annoyance than an increase in depth.
There aren't factions or guilds to join and because the game requires you to be a jack of all trades it greatly hurts its replay-ability. And like I mentioned before playing evil or being a corporate tool doesn't free up anything and isn't as lucrative in many regards. There aren't enough things to do with money. A casino or card game or property rental would have been a very welcome addition. The science weapons are cool but the rest of the weapons kind of feel too similar. Same with the melee. And there aren't enough penalties for wearing light, medium, or heavy armor. Heavy armor always seems optimal with every build. It's the lack of distinction and specification and freedom that makes this game really disappointing to me. People keep talking about budget but the problems with the game have little to do with scale or size and all about vision, scope, and design choice.
submitted by HiResDes to theouterworlds [link] [comments]

Grande Vegas Casino $25 free chips no deposit bonus code (USA OK)

Grande Vegas Casino $25 free chips no deposit bonus code (USA OK)

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Register at Grande Vegas Casino via bonus link and get a $25 free chip without deposit. Visit exclusive landing page to collect voucher code for free cash. Additionally, get extra free spins, cashback, and loyalty rewards.
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Grande Vegas Casino Full Review

Grande Vegas is a safe and entertaining online casino which offers its customers a nice range of casino games, fast, reliable payouts, and excellent customer support. Powered solely by RealTime Gaming, it hosts some of the most exciting slots, video poker and table games from one of the most famous software developers.
The online casino offers both instant-play and downloadable versions, but it is also mobile compatible and available to just about any kind of portable device. One of its most remarkable features, however, is that, unlike the vast majority of online casinos, the site welcomes US players.
The web-based casino was launched in 2009, and today is one of the top online gambling destinations for North American players. It is available in English and French, while the only accepted currency is US dollars, which is an indication of the site’s focus on providing its services to the US market.
The country is quite an inhospitable place for gambling operators, yet the operator has apparently found a way to overcome the obstacles and bring US-based players the world-class gambling experience they deserve. The casino is owned by Tigress Management Ltd. and is licensed for conducting online gambling operations under the jurisdiction of the British Virgin Islands.
It is also one of the few web-based casinos which offer not only generous welcome bonuses but also holds various promotions in order to maximize the gaming experience of its most loyal customers. Moreover, the casino promises a special, “grande” bonus for American players, as well as a wonderful VIP Club available to all members.
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Software Providers

Most online casinos today try to diversify their game offerings in order to cater to the needs of a larger group of people. This is certainly a great approach that has proved to be successful, but there are still many other gambling sites that shy away from modern trends and follow their own path. This virtual casino is a great example and is one of the casinos that work with a single software provider. But this is not necessarily a bad thing. On the contrary, by choosing the right partner, the casino has cemented its position in this competitive industry as a site offering a high-quality, reliable and highly preferred product.
The software company providing the games on this particular online casino is Atlanta and Costa Rica-based RealTime Gaming, which is regarded as one of the leading game developers. RTG, as it is better known, was originally established in 1998 and over the years has managed to grow and develop, becoming an industry leader.
Its experience in the creation and supply of casino software is evident. RTG’s games come in high-quality HD graphics, lovely music and sound effects, and smooth gameplay. The games have a distinctive style, easily recognized by all their fans. The gaming portfolio of the company is nicely balanced and includes not only slots but also a diverse range of table games and video poker titles.
The developer offers gambling operators two options; as an instant-play interface that uses Flash and can be opened easily in every web browser; as well as a downloadable casino software. Most RTG-powered casinos provide both of these and this one is no exception. There are over a hundred games that can be accessed in-browser or from the Casino Client and all of them load instantly and run without any problems.
The software emphasizes security and customization and is safe and reliable and considered one of the best in this industry. As the software is recognized all over the world, it is also available to US players.
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Play Grande Vegas Casino Games

The online casino offers its customers a full collection of high-quality casino games, ranging from longtime favorites like video slots to classic table games such as blackjack, roulette, poker, and craps. Fans of video poker are also well-taken care of with a nice range of titles that can be found in most land-based and online casinos. For those who dream of becoming instantly rich, the online venue also offers several progressive jackpot games where winnings can go beyond the $1 million mark.
On the negative side, there is no Live Casino, which can be seen as a flaw, considering that most casinos today try to offer as many live dealer games as possible. We should pay little attention to the lack of a Live Casino, however, because the abundance of great RTG slots is really impressive. Many of the games have bonus rounds, extra features and plenty of other options that make the gameplay truly entertaining and intense. Casino members are able to play for real money and for fun, as well, which is a great opportunity for new players to try different games without the risk of losing money.

Slot Machines

Much like slot machines in land-based facilities, online slots are the most beloved games in web-based casinos, attracting a large number of players with the promise of providing fun and possibly some nice winnings. They appeal to the crowds not with a low house edge like blackjack does, nor with the adrenaline and challenges of poker; they remain extremely popular because they switch certain emotional and psychological buttons inside of us. And for this reason, they will remain players’ favorite games, at least in the foreseeable future, experts say.
With over a hundred slot games on offer, this online casino brings players a variety of exciting 3 and 5-reel slots, as well as several quite unusual 6-reel games. You can spend hours playing the different games without feeling bored as they have distinctive gameplays, styles, and themes, as well as mesmerizing music that makes the experience even more enjoyable.
Among the most popular RTG video slots offered at the casino are the Egyptian-themed, Cleopatra’s Gold, Aztec’s Treasure, Cash Bandits, and Count Spectacular. There are also famous titles that can be found at hundreds of online casinos today including Crystal Waters, Enchanted Garden II, Fruit Frenzy, Aladdin’s Wishes, and others.
The casino also hosts select titles from RTG’s portfolio of progressive jackpot slots. These slots are in a network with the games hosted by other casinos supplied by RTG. Each bet placed on the particular game contributes some percentage to the jackpot, which is why it is called progressive; it constantly rises and can reach millions of dollars. There are several progressives offered here, including Aztec’s Millions, Megasaur and named for the famous ancient empire, Spirit of the Inca.
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Table Games

Larger casino software developers like Microgaming or NetEnt have much bigger collections of table games than the games in RTG’s portfolio. However, fans of classic casino action will be happy to know that at this virtual casino, they can play almost all RTG’s card and table games. This includes several variations of an option that has stood the test of time, blackjack, including Classic Blackjack 21, Perfect Pairs, European Blackjack, Face Up 21, Suit ‘Em Up Blackjack, and Match Play 21.
There is also a game of Pontoon, which is considered an earlier version of the classic blackjack.
The casino lobby hosts a few other card games, including baccarat, rummy, and table poker, all enjoying huge popularity in brick-and-mortar casinos across the world. Players at this online casino can choose from several virtual poker games, depending on their personal preferences, poker skills, and budget.
These include the game created in 1985 in the U.S. by Sam Torosian, Pai Gow Poker and Tri Card Poker, as well as Caribbean Hold’em, Caribbean Stud Poker, and Let ‘Em Ride which have progressive jackpots. The graphics of these games are quick, colorful and more authentic than you can imagine.
In addition, the casino offers several other table games such as the all-time dice classic Craps or the lottery-like game of Keno.
Another extremely popular casino game is roulette, which despite being a game of chance, does allow players to use certain strategies to increase their winning odds. There are plenty of variations and even more virtual releases from different software providers. The two most widespread roulette games, however, European and American Roulette, are available for free or real-money play here.

Video Poker

Along with virtual slots and table games, the online casino has also prepared a wonderful collection of video poker games for players to enjoy. Since its arrival in land-based casinos in the 1970s, video poker is slowly, but steadily gaining popularity, especially among online gamblers. The game derives from the 5-card draw poker, but just like slot games, and all other virtual casino games for that matter, it is also based on Random Number Generator (RNG) algorithms which determine what cards will be dealt.
This is the only random, chance-related aspect of video poker, the outcome of the game is a result of the player’s decisions and, therefore, can be controlled.
Whether you are a good poker player or not, you can easily play video poker; it is automated and simpler than regular poker. This online casino has a wide range of video poker versions, starting with the classic Jacks or Better game, which does not differ much from classic draw poker. Players can also place bets on Aces and Eights, Deuces Wild, Seven Deuces, All American, Joker Poker, Double Double Bonus Poker, and more.
There are versions featuring the so-called Wild Cards, which can substitute for any other card from the deck, while other video poker games offer higher payouts for certain winning combinations.
For more excitement, the casino has added a few multi-hand video poker variations, where you can bet on up to 52 hands simultaneously. While they bring fun and more opportunities for hitting a winning combination, these games will also make you spend more on a single round. This is why multi-hand video poker is recommended for more experienced players who are able to employ successful strategies when playing.
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Supported Devices

As an RTG-powered gambling site, the online venue offers downloadable casino software, which is the standard casino from this developer. It is available for free download from the site. There is a large Download section and you will have the installation file on your PC or MAC just a few seconds after you click the Download button. Once the installation is complete, you can log in or register an account, make a deposit into your balance and start playing for real money.
You can also choose the Play for Fun mode if you wish to first explore the casino games and learn all the basics.
Alternatively, you can open the casino directly in the browser of your computer. All modern Internet browsers are supported, including Firefox, Chrome, Edge, Opera, Safari, etc. The Flash Casino lobby can be found in the section called Instant Play and it features even more games than the Casino Client. This is quite unusual, but the RTG’s instant-play platform is also rather exclusive and offered only at several other online casinos.
The site is optimized for mobile play, too. It is available on various touch devices, including iPhone, iPad, and Android phones and tablets. There is no need to download a separate application; the Mobile Grande Vegas Casino is accessible through the browser of your portable device. Its design and layout are almost the same as the original, desktop casino, so players who open it for the first time will be able to easily browse through its sections.
All of the casino’s functionalities are preserved in the mobile version, as well. Users will be able to register, play their favorite games, make deposits, and request withdrawals.
As expected, the mobile gaming collection is smaller than the offerings in the desktop casino. Still, players will have a great choice of games on their phones or tablets, including numerous slots, over a dozen video poker games, as well as several classic table games like blackjack, poker, and roulette.
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Grande Vegas Casino Bonuses and Promotions

The promotions here are quite attractive to both new and existing players, allowing them to play their favorite games much longer or for free. Let us start with the Welcome Bonus, which, despite being nothing particularly exceptional, is still very generous.
There are qualifiers/wagering requirements that come attached with the bonus, so be sure to determine what they are prior to making a deposit.
In order to qualify for the bonus, players first need to either download the casino software or open the Flash Casino. After registering a real money account, they need to go to the Redeem Coupon section of the Cashier page of the casino and enter the code for the respective bonus they wish to receive. The coupon codes can be seen in the Promotions section of the online casino.
One condition regarding deposit and no-deposit bonuses players need to take into consideration is that not all games contribute towards the playthrough requirement.
The list of promotions at the online casino is quite long with plenty of other bonuses given on a regular basis.
There are many other special offers like cashback bonuses, extra spins giveaways, reload bonuses, as well as slot tournaments. In addition, the casino has a great Loyalty Program and players are automatically enrolled when they open an account.

Grande Vegas Casino Payment Methods

There is one significant inconvenience, which is that international players will need to use US dollars if they want to play for real money at this particular online casino. This is the only accepted currency, which could be explained by the casino’s dedication to its American customers. The offered methods for making deposits and withdrawals are also quite limited compared to the wide range of banking options provided by many other online casinos.
The casino allows deposits to be made using credit and debit cards (Visa, MasterCard, American Express, and Diners Club International), digital wallets (Neteller, Skrill, and EcoPayz), the prepaid Paysafecard, different money transfer services (Western Union, MoneyGram), and wire transfers. The casino does not have any processing fees for the transfers and the deposit should appear almost instantly in your account balance.
When it comes to withdrawing your winnings from the casino, you have several options, but you should know that there is a pending period of up to 48 hours for every withdrawal. Also, financial transactions are not processed during the weekends. If you use a credit card (with the exception of MasterCard, as the card issuer does not allow withdrawals from casinos), the withdrawal will be completed within 3 to 7 business days.
If you retrieve your winnings to your e-wallet, they will be transferred within 24-72 hours. Wire transfers usually take between 5 and 10 business days to complete, while if you are receiving the payout via a courier check, you can expect it in at least 3 weeks. Sometimes, checks would arrive in over a month, which makes them a less preferred payment method.
There are certain deposit and withdrawal limits (maximum and minimums) players need to consider before registering an account here as well.
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Grande Vegas Casino Customer Support

When choosing a suitable online casino, players always look for the game offerings and the withdrawal times, but another very important factor that needs to be taken into account is the customer support. A good support team will be able to answer all your questions and provide assistance if you encounter any sort of a problem. You will also want timely responses.
Looking at all this, we can say that the support here is really excellent. The casino interface and support are available not only in English but in French, as well. The support agents can be contacted 24/7 via email or even better, via the Live Chat, where they will answer your query you within a few minutes. There is also a toll-free phone number for US-based players, as well as an international line for the rest of the world.
If you feel all these are not convenient enough for you, you can also call the support via Skype; it's quick, easy and free of charge.
When it comes to the support agents, they are experienced, knowledgeable and very efficient, and are ready to assist you with anything you need. The professional, timely support service, here will definitely make your stay at the online casino more comfortable and enjoyable.

Licensing and Restricted Countries

The virtual is owned and operated by Tigress Management Ltd., which is not one of the large gambling operators, but it is well-known in the industry as a safe and reliable partner. It is registered and licensed under the jurisdiction of the British Virgin Islands and is one of the few options for US-based players. Due to the strict regulations in the country, residents are accepted by only a small fraction of the online casinos today.
Here, however, they can play their favorite games for real money without having to worry about their safety over the web. The casino utilizes SSL encryption in order to protect its customers’ personal and banking data. All financial transactions are encrypted and perfectly safe.
There are, however, certain regional and country restrictions when it comes to real-money wagers at the casino. Currently, the virtual casino does not allow registrations to be made from several states and these are New York, Kentucky, Washington State, Maryland, New Jersey, Louisiana, and Missouri. It also does not accept players from countries and regions where offshore online gambling is prohibited by law.
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