Chapter 5 Substories - Yakuza Kiwami Walkthrough & Guide

yakuza kiwami substories locations

yakuza kiwami substories locations - win

Ranking The Series From Yakuza 0-Yakuza 6

I played the first Yakuza when I rented it back when I was younger.
I only made it halfway through the game and I never rented it again, I don't know why I didn't rent it again because I distinctly remember it being one of the most unique games I had played on the PS2, there was no other game that had its atmosphere.
Time passed by and I would always notice Yakuza in the background, occasionally seeing a trailer for the most recent entry and sometimes finding a game in a store and going "I remember playing that on the PS2" and then looking for a different game.
Eventually, I saw a review of Yakuza 0 around the time it came out, I decided "You know what? How 'bout I try a Yakuza game again?".
Cut to three years later and as of a couple of months ago, I've completed every game in the Kiryu saga and I'm here to summarise my thoughts and rank them from best to worst.
Yakuza 0:
This game is amazing.
When I started 0, I was enjoying it well enough but I didn't think it was amazing, but at a certain point after the first few hours, that's when it became great, from that point to the end.
The story is very well done with all the twists and turns and emotional payoffs, the relationship between Majima and Makoto I thought was really touching.
The gameplay was really fun with the different styles, my favourite was Majima's slugger style.
Some of my favourite moments of the game come from the substories, even after playing through the entire series, I still think that 0 has some of the best substories.
I know I'm not being very descriptive but there are only so many ways to say that Yakuza 0 is great and I don't have anything to add to the discussion when practically everyone thinks Yakuza 0 is great.
Starting the series with the prequel was an interesting experience, to most Yakuza fans this game is the backstory to characters they already know, to me, this is my introduction to these characters.
There were only a couple of times where I was confused due to not having played the other games, the part where I was confused the most was at the very end when it mentions the Millennium Tower.
Yakuza 0 is a great game, but you probably knew that already.
And one last thing before moving is when I unlocked the Dragon Of Dojima style, I decided to put on Kiryu's classic suit and went out on to the streets at night, and as I was beating up some thugs, I ended up getting flashbacks to Yakuza 1 on the PS2, it was a cool moment of nostalgia for me.
Yakuza Kiwami:
This game is a mixed bag.
Starting with the story, I don't think it has held up to time, and that's excluding the bits with Majima they added which I'll get to that in a bit.
There's a lot of sections in the campaign where the story digresses from the main plot and spends time on subplots that have very little to do with the main story.
The best way I could explain it is that the story lacks momentum, it constantly stops and starts for detours that it feels less like the story is progressing and more like events just happen.
The stuff added with Majima clashes with what was in the original game, Majima changes from how he is in 1 and how he is in the rest of the series, and considering that they're essentially two different characters, it's incredibly jarring.
I think there are two ways they could have gone, either change the story cutscenes so that Majima acts like he does in later games or don't have the Majima Everywhere system. Having Majima swap between two different versions of himself just adds issues to the story and makes the game inconsistent.
The gameplay is similar to 0, except I didn't like the bosses as much.
There were a lot more moments during gameplay where I would get attacked constantly and would have very little time to react so it felt cheap.
The Majima Everywhere system was fun because of all the different interactions with Majima, one of my favourite moments was when he busted out his karaoke outfit from 0.
The thing I didn't like about it was that after I had finished the Majima Everywhere storyline Majima would still fight me which made finishing up all the substories annoying.
My least favourite part of the game was the presentation, the cutscenes were just the PS2 cutscenes with newer models pasted over them. The low-quality animations and Kiryu's dead eyes were incredibly distracting and took me out of the experience.
I also noticed really bad tree pop-in, not sure if anyone else had that but it was very distracting during the daytime.
I've been crapping on the game for the last several paragraphs, so what did I like about Kiwami?
I liked the connections to 0 and how they felt natural and not forced.
Added substories like pocket circuit and the woman asking about the bubble period were some of my favourite substories from the game.
The line Kiryu says to Haruka, "Something bad happened there a long time ago." acknowledges the events of 0 while being subtle.
Haruka is freaking adorable.
Even though I had issues with the story, I did like the ending, it sorta made up for the story a little bit.
Overall, even though I said more negatives than positives, I didn't hate my time with Kiwami, I liked it as much as I disliked it, it's a mixed bag but I didn't regret playing it.
Yakuza Kiwami 2:
This game is way better than Kiwami 1.
The first thing I want to mention is the presentation, the cutscenes look way better than Kiwami 1, probably because the original Yakuza 2 had better animations, so they don't look half bad with newer models, there were times where I completely forgot that the cutscenes came from a PS2 game so I wasn't nearly as distracted as I was in Kiwami 1.
There were a few times where animations looked robotic but thankfully they were few and far between.
The story is a huge improvement from 1, it fixes the issues I had with 1's story, it's more focused and gets less distracted.
Ryuji Goda is probably the best antagonist of the whole series.
Overall I don't have many issues with the story except for the ending, the fake-out cliffhanger was bizarre, and the after-credits scene of Date going "Boy it sure was a good thing that bomb was fake!".
It was as if they originally intended to kill Kiryu off but they had to change it so he lived.
That's probably not the case but that's how the ending came across for me.
Other than the bizarre execution of the ending, the story was really good.
The additional content that they added to the remake, the cabaret club minigame and the Majima sidestory, are very good additions to the game.
I'd say that stuff between Majima and Makoto is some of the best writing in the series.
The moment when Makoto realises who Majima was on the airplane is great stuff, one of my favourite moments in the series.
The cabaret club was the better of the two sidestories from 0 so I was happy to see it return in this game.
Overall, Yakuza Kiwami 2 is a great game, almost as good as 0, and is a way better remake than Kiwami 1.
Now that I'm done with the remakes, it's on to the Remastered Collection.
Yakuza 3:
This game holds up surprisingly well.
I was pleasantly surprised by how good this game is, I was expecting it to be a bit dated but it didn't feel dated to me.
Starting with what I liked:
I liked the story for the most part.
I liked a lot of the new characters, Rikiya especially, shame he ends up dying, would have liked to see him in later games.
I liked the story of Kiryu becoming a sort of dad for the kids.
I don't know what the consensus on the orphanage kids are, but I liked them, I thought they were fun and well written and they didn't detract from the game for me.
Ryukyu is my favourite location in the Yakuza series, shame it never makes a reappearance, I can only imagine how it would look in the Dragon engine.
My favourite parts of the game were the Revelations, I thought they were a fun way of learning new moves, I liked exploring the world finding all the unique cutscenes.
Overall, the gameplay was fun, I thought the story was decent, the side content was also fun, but what didn't I like about Yakuza 3?
The biggest issue I had with the story was the antagonist Mine.
I couldn't understand his motivations and thought it didn't make sense, even during his villain motivation speech, I couldn't get a grasp on his motivation.
Maybe I wasn't paying enough attention but it did feel like his motivation was overly convoluted.
I think he could have been a good villain had his motivations been clearer.
The twin brother reveal, while I don't think it's that big of an issue, I still think it's a bit far fetched.
The hostesses made completing all the substories a pain in the ass, I must have spent several hours just on the hostesses, easily my least favourite part of the game.
It ends with another fake out death for Kiryu, this one even less justified than 2's.
Other than those things, I think Yakuza 3 is a solid entry that holds up surprisingly well.
Yakuza 4:
This game is terrible
Absolutely terrible.
It's kind of impressive how abysmal it is.
This game has the dumbest plot twist in any story I've ever experienced.
And it wasn't just that twist, it was also another event that came afterwards. The event was Hamazaki landing on Kiryu's beach.
It was that tag team that solidified that this game was a poorly written mess, not that there weren't signs before them, but these two events were what confirmed it for me.
First, the rubber bullets twist because I have a lot to say about how stupid it is.
  1. He still would have injured someone.
Saejima at a few points sticks his guns directly into the stomach of a few of the people at the ramen shop.
Problem is, if you stick a gun to someone's stomach, you're going to put a hole in them because the force coming out of a gun is enough to put a hole in something.
So everyone Saejima did that to should have holes in their stomachs.
But what about the people that weren't shot directly in their stomachs, they should be fine right?
Neither would they be ok, because Yakuza 4 states that the rubber bullets are powerful enough to knock people unconscious.
If they're powerful enough to knock people unconscious, that would also mean that they're powerful enough to break people's bones.
What would have happened is that they would get shot, it would hurt like a bitch, then they realise that they weren't shot with real bullets.
It wouldn't take until after Saejima left for them to wake up, they would realise it shortly after getting shot.
But okay, let's try to ignore that and take the game at its word, that the bullets just knock people unconscious.
  1. How would they knock people unconscious?
I don't see how shooting someone in the stomach or shoulder would knock them out, In the chest maybe you can reason it as the bullets knocking the air out of their lungs or something, I know that's a big stretch but at least it's more than what the game gives.
What would have happened is that they would get shot, it would hurt like a bitch, then they realise that they weren't shot with real bullets, just like with real rubber bullets.
So if the bullets worked as they do in real life, it wouldn't knock people unconscious, if the bullets worked like how the game describes them, it still wouldn't work.
Then there's the third point, which isn't a gun logic issue or bullet logic issue, it's a character logic issue.
  1. Saejima does not aim for the head, despite having no reason not to.
Saejima knows that he is risking his life and that if he succeeds, he will go to prison.
So why does Saejima half-ass the assassination attempt?
Ueno is sitting down, he's completely powerless in this situation, nothing is stopping him from shooting him in the head, yet he doesn't for whatever reason.
Saejima isn't the only character in Yakuza 4 to make the same mistake, Arai also doesn't shoot Munakata in the head when he has the upper hand.
This is even more egregious when you remember that he shot Ihara in the head at the beginning of the game, so it's established that he does shoot people in the head, but when it came to Munakata he just doesn't for no reason.
I can't even say that this twist has faulty logic, it just has no logic.
The twist depends on guns not working how they should, rubber bullets not working how they should and Saejima half-assing the assassination attempt, had Saejima aimed for the head then the plot wouldn't even happen, and that's why it's the worst plot twist I've ever seen.
Then the final nail in this game's coffin is when Hamazaki somehow survives 3 bullet wounds to the chest, somehow doesn't bleed out, somehow doesn't drown and by pure coincidence lands on Kiryu's beach.
That was the exact moment I checked out and stopped caring about the game.
Let's list off some more issues, shall we?
Saejima by pure coincidence ends up on the beach of the person he was just told to look for, then and even though he is a wanted prisoner on death row, somehow manages to get Kamurocho undetected and the game doesn't explain how he does it.
Akiyama's life is saved due to a wad of cash that was never established.
Arai somehow escapes the police station after shooting Munakata.
The weak attempt at tying the plot of Yakuza 4 to Yakuza 1.
I could on and on about the issues the plot, if I did, I would never get to the gameplay, which isn't much better, to be honest.
The biggest disappointment was the lack of a new location, just Kamurocho for this game.
I didn't have much fun playing with Akiyama's or Saejima's combat styles in this game, I liked Tanimura's focus on parrying but because of the whole debacle with Tanimura's original actor, they couldn't build upon it in later games.
I'll always think of Yakuza 4 as "the bad one", the writing is a massive drop in quality from the rest of the series.
Yakuza 5:
This game is amazing.
While Yakuza 0 is agreed upon by the Yakuza community to be a great game, Yakuza 5 seems more divisive.
I've seen a post stating that Yakuza 5 has the worst story in any Yakuza game. I obviously disagree, but I would say that Yakuza 5 has one of the best stories in any Yakuza game.
The intro to Yakuza 5 is the best in the series in how it effortlessly sets up the main plot.
The mystery of how we ended with Kiryu as a cab driver and Haruka as an idol made it the most intriguing intro in the whole series.
From the first hour, I was hooked.
A major strength of Yakuza 5's story is giving the main characters and their surroundings time to breathe.
The game gives a lot of time to flesh out its characters and not just the main ones but the side characters as well.
For me, Yakuza 5 has the most memorable side characters in the series, I pretty much remember all of them from Kiryu's coworkers to Saejima's prison mates to the employees at the Idol agency to the citizens of Kineicho.
The finale is really good, I love how almost everything gets paid off, like how the prison mates return and save Baba from killing himself, Takasugi calling Shinada, and Watase, Madarame and Kitakata showing up to help Akiyama, it makes the whole game mean something.
Then there's Shinada, I don't know what the consensus on Shinada is, but out of all the playable characters besides Kiryu and Majima, he's my favourite.
Akiyama's philosophy is interesting but in comparison to the rest of the cast he comes off a bit bland to me, Saejima is cool but he's attached to that dumbass twist and Tanimura had very little going on except his combat style.
When I played Yakuza 5 I had no idea what kind of character Shinada was, so I was surprised when he turned out to be a sleazy goofball.
I really sympathised with his backstory, plus, he's a bit of a Crouching Moron, Hidden Badass type, and I have an affinity for those kinds of characters.
Gameplay is way better than Yakuza 4, Akiyama and Saejima were better to play in this game, Shinada being a weapons based character is cool, the sidestories such as Kiryu's racing sidestory, Saejima's hunting sidestory, and Shinada's baseball sidestory were all fun.
That's everything I liked, but what didn't I like?
The Kitakata kidnapping scene is complete bull.
Aizawa being the final boss could have been set up a lot better.
The game is very on the nose with what the theme is.
Haruka becomes part of an Idol group called Dreamline, the track they sing is called dream, the final boss theme is "Battle for the dream", the Japanese subtitle is "Fulfiller Of Dreams" and I'm pretty sure every character says the word dream at some point.
Overall, despite these issues, I still love Yakuza 5, I think it's on par with Yakuza 0, to the point where I can't decide which is better.
Yakuza 6:
This game is alright.
This is the most "ok" game in the series, I did enjoy my time with it, but if there's one phrase that encapsulates my feelings on the whole game, it would be "it could have been better".
Starting with the story.
Something that I noticed is that even though the opening of Yakuza 6 takes place immediately after 5, Shinada and Baba don't even get a mention, which is weird since they were major players in 5's story but they don't even get a throwaway line.
One thing I like about the opening is Haruka facing consequences for the stunt she pulled at the end of 5.
Initially, I was annoyed at that when I was playing 5, but as I thought about it more, it does make sense that Haruka would do that.
Haruka is pure, she has an optimistic view of the world which in the opening of 6 gets shat on by reality, Akiyama even says to her, "This may not turn out the way you're hoping it will".
I've seen some people say that they don't like how Haruka is depicted in 5 and 6, but I didn't have any problems with her.
Also, it was nice seeing the orphanage kids return from 3, even if it was just for a little bit.
The game has some similarities to Yakuza 3, we're back to having Kiryu being the sole protagonist, we're in a small-town setting and a portion of the game is spent on Kiryu befriending the local yakuza.
The mystery of who the father of the baby was I did find to be intriguing and the reveal did surprise me.
Now let's go into what makes the game just okay instead of good.
The Onomichi yakuza, they're fine characters but they mostly made me miss Rikiya.
The letter scene at the very end is really bad, the father and son thing between Kiryu and Daigo was never a thing.
After Yakuza 2, Daigo was done dirty, in 3 he was in a coma for the whole game, in 4 he was a bad guy for some reason and 5 is the best outing he's had and even in that game he only had two scenes with Kiryu.
Subverting expectations doesn't work when the subversion makes less sense than the expectation.
The biggest issue that I left Yakuza 6 with is that it didn't really feel like a finale.
The only thing that makes it a finale to Kiryu's story is the ending, otherwise it's a standard Yakuza story.
Kiryu and Haruka are the focus of the story but a lot of time is spent with the Onomichi yakuza when other more important characters are relegated to cameos.
Majima, Saejima, and Daigo only appear at the very beginning and the very end.
The only other prominent Yakuza characters that have any presence are Akiyama and Date.
The game doesn't feel like the culmination of a story 6 games in the making, it feels like any other game in the series but Kiryu leaves at the end.
By itself it's fine but as a conclusion to Kiryu's story, it could have been better.
  1. Yakuza 5/Yakuza 0
  2. Kiwami 2
  3. Yakuza 3
  4. Yakuza 6
  5. Kiwami 1
  6. Yakuza 4
Summary: I really enjoyed my time with the Yakuza series, it took a while but it was worth it in the end.
I'm excited to play Like A Dragon whenever I get it, I'm curious to see how the team handles an RPG rather than a beat-em-up.
Miscellaneous thoughts:
Favourite battle music:
Force Addiction
One Eyed Slugger
Funk Goes On (Original)
Scarlet Scar
Independence For Violence
Favourite Final Boss Music:
Favourite Receive You Variations:
Receive You The Madtype
Receive And Slash You
Favourite Box Art:
The Western PS3 Yakuza 4 Cover
submitted by Cr0sley to yakuzagames [link] [comments]

getting a new laptop and Yakuza is the main reason I want it to run games well

Hey all,
So I've been into Yakuza for a couple of years, yet I've really only played 4 start to finish.
The only system I own that can run the games is my PS3, which I barely use anymore, and I don't know Japanese at all, so I'm limited to 3, 4, 5, and Dead Souls.
4 was great, never got around to locating 3 (it's only hard-copy last I checked), 5 was...oof, I kept getting wrapped up in the Substories in 5 (the driving and the hunting) and it just threw off the pacing for me and I never finished the game...and I had no interest in Dead Souls - not big into zombies.
Always wanted to play 0, as well as Kiwami 1 and 2, but I never had enough extra cash in the budget to get a PS4. I did end up with a Switch as a Christmas gift about a year ago but that doesn't have any Yakuza games at all.
And so...with my current laptop on its last legs, I figured if my next one ran games, I wouldn't have to worry about getting a PS4 anytime soon.
And the beauty of that is, if I have a laptop that can run the Yakuza series (specifically the ones focusing on Kiryu, though I'd like to give the newer ones a shot too if possible), it'll probably be able to run other current games as well.
For years now I've been unable to play anything on my laptop that's more graphics-intensive than...Sonic or Among Us. So by using Yakuza as a benchmark, I'm sure my new laptop would be able to run other games I wanted to check out as well!
I bumped my budget up to $700-$900 and got a lot of recommendations here. I really would rather a laptop, since I can pick that up and take it with me when needed. Plus the only TV I have access to isn't very good (if I were to use it as a monitor).
TL;DR, if I wanted to play the Yakuza series on my new laptop and I had a budget of $700-$900 for it, would anyone have any recommendations on which laptop to go with? This is the only info I have to go on at the moment.
Thank you for reading!
submitted by aozoraninaru to yakuzagames [link] [comments]

[SERIES SPOILERS] I’m currently doing a full run through the series. I just finished Yakuza 3. Here are my impressions.

I’m currently playing through the entire series off the back of a recommendation my friend made me - and I’m thoroughly enjoying the series so far. I’d go as far as saying it’s definitely kickstarted my gaming hobby back up again after years of “open world fatigue” and gaming fatigue in general.
I actually went into the series with somewhat low expectations - it was an open world game with a lot of substories. I was so tired of big sprawling open worlds at this point. I did have to push myself a bit at the start of 0 - but then it just completely captured me and I started really enjoying the game.
Anyhow, to Yakuza 3! I’d heard from a lot of sources that it was one of the “weaker” games in the series, but even by that standard it was still a very solid game. I very much enjoyed it - it was a nice change of pace from 0/1/2 from a story standpoint - seeing Kiryu talk about his orphanage and seeing him do anything to protect it sticks out in particular. Going from Kiwami 2 to 3 in terms of pace and storytelling felt like a good choice IMO.
The setting was, again, a nice change of pace from its predecessors. Okinawa has a very nice “chill” vibe to it and I really appreciated the departure from the more bustly and busy Kamurocho and Sotenbori. That’s not a slight against those locations by any means - it’s just good to see a change.
I think the only major gripe I had with this one was its gameplay - I expected it to be PS3-like, however my major issues lie with the combat. Enemies constantly blocking attacks made combat maybe a bit more tedious than it should have been. I did also miss the styles from the previous games here. I also notice I did far fewer substories than that of 0/1/2 - possibly because of the combat.
Overall, whilst not as strong as 0 and Kiwami 2, I had a good time with this one. Although I don’t think I’ll ever be over Rikiya’s death. Seeing Kiryu break down over this drew a few tears out of me too - heartbreaking stuff. Its a shame I don’t see him mentioned too often, because he was definitely a highlight of this game and very likely my favourite side character introduced in this game.
I definitely hope for a Kiwami release, as unlikely as it seems.
submitted by HayleeLOL to yakuzagames [link] [comments]

YK1: Made It to Chapter 10, My Thoughts So Far

I thought going into this that the quirks of the first game being remade with the Y0 architecture would grow on me but it hasn't at all. Unless something completely changes I'd say I was completely let down by this one. I guess it's unfair to compare what is basically the first game in the series to the last ones, but if you're coming off of 0 and going into kiwami 1, temper your expectations because it's not nearly as entertaining as 0.
The combat is identical to 0 but way more annoying. Enemies are more aggressive and, especially in the beginning, kiryu will get knocked on his ass way more than in 0 because of it. He also does way less damage, especially in the beginning. You start off with the styles from 0 and the dragon of dojima style, which is supposed to be the most powerful of kiryu's styles. But once the game actually starts, you're given a gimped version that is completely worthless until later on in the game. So far, I've used the dragon style maybe twice, excluding the komaki training sessions. I find it just completely backwards to have kiryu's best style be completely useless until you grind it back to full strength, all the while never actually using it or getting used to it. By the time dragon style is even remotely useful, you'll probably have already completely mastered 1 if not all 3 of the other styles. And even then, it's only good for tiger drop which is very powerful but really annoying to get the timing down for. You'd think the komaki training sessions and the Majima fights would be training you to get better at using the dragon style, but neither really make you better at the style, they just unlock moves in the dragon style tree (komaki doesn't even allow you time to practice the parry or the tiger drop and I found myself on multiple occasions having to look up how to actually perform the moves komaki is supposed to be teaching you)
So far the bosses have been the worst part of the game. It's because of them that all the other styles are basically worthless except for rush, since it's the only one that can move fast enough to hit any of the bosses reliably. Since the bosses can guard practically infinitely, can dash faster than you can react, and stun lock you with a 20 hit combo that you can't interrupt, the best way to deal with every boss is to just wait till the tail end of their combo, dash behind them, punch a couple times with rush and use your heavy punch and hope they get knocked down so you can use a heat attack. And once you have a ton of health upgrades, these fights aren't even hard, they're just so boring since you can only reliably damage them one way and they have an insane amount of health. Not to mention they can regenerate health and if you don't already have heat built up and aren't already in the style required to do the kiwami attack (which the game also doesn't explain you need to upgrade first to even be able to use) then the kiwami attack is rendered completely moot since the boss just healed the same amount of health you took off. The last boss I fought boiled down to a staring contest where I waited for his combo to end, hit him a couple times and went back to waiting. It's boring.
The narrative isn't any better. There were so many times in the game I was thinking "why am I here, what is the point of this", it feels like the story just goes in circles around the same plot point the entire game. And then there were the parts where I run across town saving date's daughter and the fat dude (can't remember his name, doesn't matter anyway) in purgatory's son. Just so many parts of the main story just feel like kiryu running around solving other people's problems that have nothing to do with the main overarching plot. I was actually far more interested in progressing to see the flashbacks with nishiki, which would've made for a much better game honestly. And the substories are even worse, with the majority of them basically going like this: someone tries to scam kiryu, he kicks their ass, they give him money and run away. There's 3 substories in particular, a trilogy I guess, where this exact scenario plays out, with the same characters saying the same thing in the same location. It gets annoying super quick since the game has you stop what you're doing to have these people heckle you. Someone could be dying all the way on the other side of the map, but kiryu now has to drop everything he's doing to hear about how he accidentally stepped on some dudes designer contacts and he better pay up or he'll be sorry! All in all, a huge let down.
Then there's just quality of life stuff. After playing through YLAD, I noticed just how tedious everything is in this game. The story has you running from one end of the map to the other multiple times just to say a few words to a character and go back (in an age where kiryu has a cell phone). The taxi system is not any better than in 0 and you're still going to be running everywhere. Kiryu doesn't have an infinite sprint which gets annoying after awhile since you're having to run everywhere. Eating gives you exp but so little that it might as well give you none at all. Squads of enemies are way more frequent, so many times now I'll get out of a fight, walk 5 feet and get right back into another, which makes getting around even more tedious. Because of bosses essentially requiring you to have enough heat to do a kiwami attack at any given time you always need to carry items that restore heat, which means you're constantly running across town to the drug store which gets super annoying. Losing in the coliseum throws you out with 1 health left, and there's nowhere to heal anywhere in purgatory so you have to, again, run across town and stock up before coming back. The game gives you so much money, but only one thing you ever really need to buy. I have 3 million yen that is going towards buying drugs to beat bosses quicker, and my lady Goromi ofc.
Also I'd say half the mini games that made 0 a blast are either recycled or just completely gutted. No dancing, no property management, no outrun, etc. There's absolutely nothing new to this game, it's essentially 0 but worse.
Tl;dr : Yakuza 0 >>> power gap >>>> yakuza kiwami. At this point, I'm only playing because I've got nothing better to do. Huge disappointment.
submitted by Interesting-Bed-5934 to yakuzagames [link] [comments]

Just finished Kiwami2, i have questions!! CONTAINS SPOILERS

Just finished Kiwami 2 and I have a fews thoughts as well as questions about it!!
I didn't enjoy it as much as Zero and Kiwami because the story didn't appeal to me that much. Some parts of the main story felt more appropriate as substories (Haruka being scouted by a talent agency, I'm looking at you) and most felt dragging and predictable. I only got really hooked to the story towards the end.
I also feel like there are a lot of plot holes, so I'll ask here to maybe make the story clearer for me:
  1. Why was Sayama's foster mother angry at the Dojima family during that call? Imo if the Dojima family didn't massacre the Jingweon Mafia, Sayama wouldn't exist at all. Is this just bad writing to have an excuse so Sayama can have motive to be interested in the yakuza? Kawara did mention that Sayama only got dragged back to the mess because of her overhearing that call
  2. How did Kazuki even overhear the info about the bombs in Kamurocho? The mafia is Korean and multiple times it has been mentioned that some of them are from the mainland. It doesn't make sense that they would speak Japanese instead of Korean
  3. Date, as a wanted man, gave info to the cops about the bombs and he even casually waltz into the Tokyo PD HQ towards the end. Why was he not arrested? I don't want him behind bars but it just doesn't make sense.
  4. Why did Kiryu handle the Go-Ryu invasion instead of Daigo? I understand a lot of men are needed to find and diffuse the bombs, but wasn't one of the reasons why Daigo was chosen to lead the 300 yakuza is because Kiryu wanted them to believe Daigo is fit to become the next chairman? On that note:
  5. Why did didn't the Florist just point the location of the bombs to the police? The cops wanted more than just an overheard info and the Florist can provide it. They don't have a reason to not believe him especially since he even worked for them for a while.
  6. How long was the timeline of Kiwami 2? Is it enough for Kiryu and Sayama to actually fall in love?
I play on PC and buying a console for the other Yakuza games isn't an option. Please don't spoil if a question is answered in other installments! Thank you
submitted by alikabokk to yakuzagames [link] [comments]

I just finished Fist of the North Star: Lost Paradise. Here's what I think of it.

So technically it isn't Yakuza, buuuuuuut it is made by the same people with a very similar style to the Yakuza series, and it features many of the Yakuza series voice actors if you play the Japanese dub, aaannndd there's a flair for it on this sub (obviously the most important criteria I know) so therefore, I'm reviewing it. Also, it'll be a change of pace from the bombardment of Yakuza 7 stuff (which I can't wait for release date please RGG studios)
So before we start, quick note. I don't know much about FOTNS. I haven't watched the show or read any of the manga, a majority of my knowledge comes from various miscellaneous clips on Youtube that looked kinda cool (some of which were, indeed, that one meme). Therefore, if anything I say is a bit inaccurate, or if anything is brought up in more depth in other forms of media, feel free to correct me. That being said, let's get started.
So first off, story. It's super simple, and I liked it for that. The motivation for our main protagonist, Kenshiro, is that he wants his girl back. Simple as simple gets. To achieve this, he heads towards the city of miracles- Eden- and the story unfurls from there. I was engaged with the story, in most part thanks to how likeable Ken was. Basically, for the uninitiated, he's an enormous hunk of masculine energy who gets his way by poking people until they explode in hilariously graphic ways, all while mumbling to himself with his absurdly gravely, masculine voice. Which is a clever way to quickly segue to this games dub.
So I played with the English dub, and this was for two reasons. One, it felt a bit weird to have Kiryu's VA talking over, well, not Kiryu (although I am planning a second playthrough using the Kiryu skin using the Japanese VA) and two, the English sub was honestly fine. Everyone's got a slightly goofy, toned up to 11 voice, but it works for the exaggerated feel of the source material. Xsana is super delicate yet has that commanding tone when necessary, Kenshiro is just DEEP, Lyra is seductive to hell and back, Jagre... is Jagre.
Alright back to the story. Again, I liked it, but there were a couple of problems when it came to advancing the story. Especially in the second half, so many sections just involve you wandering around talking to people. Two example stick out as really bad design. Firstly, chapter 8, when you're looking for Jagi. You go to these places, with Rei tagging along with you (quick side note, Ken and Rei were super cool and I wish there was more of their bromance) investigating where to find Jagi. You're told THREE TIMES to go back and wait for time to pass while Rei sits there twiddling his huge thumbs. What is the point? it became ridiculously tedious. Another awful section was chapter ten. You have to go and find the Sage of the Desert in order to track down the Army of Ruin. Let's bullet point how this goes...
It's a textbook example of AGL's- artificial game lengtheners; the only purpose of which is to drag the game out because it'd be too short otherwise.
Last point on story, the ending. It was pretty great. There were a lot of pretty surprising twists, although not all of them had satisfying conclusions. Basically, it turns out that Jagre and Lyra were working with Targa, the big baddy at this point, in order to get into Sphere City (which was a really cool location, btw). Targa has his own plans (world domination muhahahahahahahaha) but he gets Jagre and Lyra in his side with the prospect of revenge against Nadai, because Nadai killed Jagre and Lyra's parents years ago to protect the secret of Sphere City. Targa eventually asks Jagre to kill Xsana, but he can't because this big doofus developed a little crush on her, and he can't pull the trigger. Targa shoots Jagre, then Lyra, and then Nadai, basically his whole world domination plan unfurls and he's duped them all. It was an engaging scene, if anything because Targa's VA fucking killed it as the suave, flamboyant villain. It was a treat to watch him finally unleash his true potential.
So to talk about the bits that didn't make much sense, we have to get to the very ending. Ken beats Targa, the nukes go off but Sphere City's dome closes and shields the blast, presumably killing Ken and Yuria (whose reunion was super sweet, and it was nice to see Ken actually be tender for once). And then the post credits happened, and questions need to be asked.
  1. So Jagre and Xsana seem to get together, or are at least super close friends (c'mon don't do my boy like that). How? I guess Jagre taking the bullet for her was meant to be super heroic and stuff, but he's conspired against your entire civilisation, and threatened to kill your father. Seems a bit of a stretch, but oh well.
  2. Ken and Yuria get saved when Nadai pushes them into the Chamber of Miracles, saving them from the nukes. How do the nukes not obliterate everything in Sphere City? It's made a point that Sphere City powers Eden, and provides tons of clean water, how the hell do 6 super powered nukes going off not affect this?
  3. The big one. So Yuria wakes up and delivers the cardinal sin of storytelling- "it was all a dream". I refuse to believe this is true, so here's some rationalising. She was knocked out during the explosion, Ken carried her out, drove her away, and she woke up dazed and confused. That's my head-canon at least. Ken's got a big ol' crate of fresh fruit he's delivering to that little town from the start (I believe) which also leads me to believe that Ken stopped off in Eden to grab some supplies, presumably out of good will for, y'know, not letting a nuclear holocaust happen again. If it actually turns out, either through the manga or anime, that this really was a dream, I'm going to be very sad.
So that's the story done with, let's move on to this game's strongest suit- combat. The combat might be some of the best the series has to offer, both dragon engine or otherwise. The main differences compared to Yakuza are that instead of building heat, you build up the 7 stars to charge up burst mode, this games equivalent to the EX heat mode of Yakuza 6, Kiwami 2, and Judgment. Secret techniques (heat moves, basically) don't use any type of resource and can be used indefinitely, assuming you've filled the parameters. Finally, after hitting enemies enough, you place them in Meridian shock, allowing you to do big damage (or insta-kill basic dudes), stun enemies, and unleash secret techniques. These factors allow the combat to maintain a distance from the usual Yakuza combat, while still feeling familiar to fans of the series.
Another big change is the sense of verticality in this game, which I'd argue is it's strongest feature. Being able to juggle enemies, and most importantly bosses, is unbelievably satisfying and can lead to some badass combos, especially when combined with some really fluid dodge cancels.
Buuuuttt, it is RGG studios. Combat isn't perfect, and there are some gripes I had with it. Firstly, big enemies. Not the giant dudes you fight in the coliseum, but the guys usually wielding some big hammer or something. They're not fun at all. No juggling, no nice combos, just walls you have to force your way through which slow down the pacing of the combat to a crawl. And they appear in almost every random encounter in Eden. Next, burst mode. Burst mode allows you to jump super high and do special attacks, ranging from AOE's to more direct hits. The tracking on these direct hits is, well, hit or miss (mostly miss). They're super inconsistent to land, and even when locked on you end up flying past people and wasting valuable burst mode time. Finally, hard knock-downs. This is when you have to mash X to stand up from taking damage. There's so damn many in this game, especially in huge group fights that it becomes kinda laborious. Even with the skill to recover quickly from them, that's only if you get knocked flying away, and not counting various other instances (like when Ken kinda pirouettes and lands face first).
OK, last but not least, side content. It was great! There was a surprising amount of variety compared to the Yakuza series, with some old favourites tossed in for good measure. Baseball is now replaced by swatting away motorcycle driving bandits, which is great. Karaoke is replaced by a rhythm mini game at the clinic, which is pretty goofy and fun. You get to be a barkeep, which works two fold. Not only do you get to learn more about the citizens of Eden, but you get to unlock more items from shops by serving shopkeepers, which is an engaging and satisfying way of earning goodies. The coliseum is back, and you can re-match reskinned bosses, which is super cool. The cabaret is back, but rather than just rinse and repeating the same (although admittedly stellar formula) of Yakuza 0 and Kiwami 2, they mix things up a bit, with only 4 tables, an ability for 2 hostesses per table, a greater emphasis on special abilities, and cleaning up trouble, it was a refreshing take on a really fun mini game.
Substories really played on what makes Yakuza's, especially Kiryu's, substories so great. Ken is a badass, he hits things, they explode. So when you take this character and put them into various quirky situations, it makes for enjoyable side content that really develops Ken's character. Sometimes he's a slightly awkward goof, sometimes he's put in tender and emotional situations, sometimes he's playing hide and seek with random kids. Of course, some substories do fall into the category of 'something went wrong, punch dudes, problem solved' but for the most part, they were enjoyable.
Now, not all of it was perfect. I wasn't at all bothered by racing, mostly because the car physics in this game are, to put it politely, fucking horrendous. This criticism is two-fold, not only for the car physics, but by extension the exploration of the wasteland, and why it wasn't very fun. The car physics are dreadful, if you bounce off of any sloped surface you jerk around, turning is so slippery it makes GTA IV look tame, boosting over a hilly surface, I kid you not, has the same physics as fucking Big Rigs Over the Road Racing (and if you don't understand what I'm referring too , ,enjoy) By that I mean, you don't actually bounce around the hills, you just stick to them awkwardly and it looks dreadful. If I have to compare your game to BIG RIGS OVER THE ROAD RACING you've fucked it up majorly. Therefore, when you're forced to drive around the wasteland for various menial tasks, it leaves a real sour taste in your mouth. I really didn't enjoy these sections at all.
And I think that about does it. Overall, a great game with a simple yet engaging story, satisfying combat and great time wasters, that is only occasionally let down by tedious, janky gameplay sections. As always, if you made it this far (without skipping to the end) well done. I swear these get longer each time...
submitted by Propastypete to yakuzagames [link] [comments]

Should Yakuza games let you do more with befriended hostesses?

Should Yakuza games let you do more with befriended hostesses?
No, not that. Get your mind out of the gutter. But more like, have a fun time in other ways than just the hostess content.
For example in Yakuza 6 (and in Kiwami 2 in a way) you engage with the hostesses in the club and after you spend enough time with them and know a lot about their preferences and such, they'll give you their number. Once you have that, you can start going out with them. Unfortunately, all you can do is either karaoke or darts and you just kinda do it over and over as you like.
It's either darts or karaoke, ma'am. Pick your weapon wisely.
I think it would be good to expand on this whole concept and have an entire progression line and suite of activities tied to it. Make it a real, fleshed-out part of the Yakuza formula. Something like, calling a girl to meet up at the theater and once you talk to her you can choose to do a short, medium or long date, would be a great addition. Short would pretty much mean one activity, let's say karaoke and then it's done. Medium would be 2, like karaoke + darts and long would be 3 things, for example darts, having a bite at Smile Burger and ending it with some karaoke. With each activity you get exp and you gradually fill up her gauge. This then makes her open up to you more, which unlocks substories, passive abilities, maybe revealing the location of a rare item and other things of that nature.
Not only would that introduce a cool storyline and activities around a hostess but it also means you don't have to entertain yourself alone anymore in Kamurocho and you can get some company at every play spot you would have gone to at some point anyway. No more sitting alone in the bar drinking your dame da ne away, no more eating a hamburger all lonely in the corner. Everything can be done together now.
Going out with a date and doing the crane minigame for her (like in that Kiwami 2 cutscene) or playing golf with an opponent feels exactly what the next step should be for the hostesses. Buying stuff for them that aligns with their preferences is also a fun way of getting you to interact with stuff and buy items that you normally wouldn't care about.
Sorry, Sayama.
I really think there's a lot of potential left untapped in that area and I always found it strange that you can't even eat somewhere with a hostess. Especially since it's just a non-interactive animation with Kiryu munching away at a sandwich. Would be cool if you could order something for a girl as well and dig in together.
Now the reason why I'm bringing this up is because with the recent announcement of Persona 5R, I got reminded of how good a job Persona does at making interaction with befriended NPCs so compelling. The amount of passion people have in taking a closely befriended NPC to a spot in that game for a picnic and progress the friendship bar speaks volumes.
In fact, I remember the friendship meters in Yakuza 0 being a lot of fun and there were nice rewards for it in addition to some substories. It did a really good job of making the city feel inhabited with characters that have well defined personalities. They kinda abandoned that in later releases, which I found a little disappointing.
Helping girls overcoming their fears...where have I seen that before?
I really feel they could take a page from Persona and add a cool layer of "socializing" to the game. Take the girls of Kiwami 2 as an example. You regularly sit down with each girl at a restaurant and you learn many details about them, like Kana telling you she's a big eater and such. How cool would it then be if you could call her up and you choose to go eat at a restaurant where they serve big plates and buffets and she goes ecstatic and you get way more exp because you actually paid attention to what she said. This is exactly the type of stuff that Persona rewards and I feel Yakuza can work this in too for its own benefit.
So to recap, I'm basically hoping for 2 things. One, for most if not all play spots to be playable with an invited friend. So if you want to play bowling (hopefully that returns soon) then you can choose to do it with someone which should enhance the fun and replayability of these playspots. And two, for there to be more fleshed out story lines for these friends with substories, cutscenes every now and then, perks, rewards and a nice ending.
Now sure, this is a bit of a departure of what hostesses usually offer in Yakuza games, so I understand it's a weird ask to have this all of a sudden now after so many games in the series doing it differently. If only they'd decide to reboot the franchise and look at the building blocks of the formula again and change some stuff for a new era, that would be great.
Hmm...maybe someday.
submitted by gameovernate to yakuzagames [link] [comments]

Yakuza Play-Order Guide

Yakuza Play-Order Guide

What order should I play the Yakuza games in? - A short guide

Since it's inception on the PlayStation 2 in 2005, the Yakuza series has spawned a number of sequels and spin-offs.
The main entries to the series each build their story upon each other, which is why it is generally advised to play the games in their numbered order. Still, there seems to be some confusion with some games having received remakes on current-gen hardware while others are only available on older consoles.
This guide aims to give those who are new to Yakuza an overview of the games that have been released, their availability and the order they should be played in.

Main Yakuza Games

I will start with the main entries to the Yakuza series, in an order that will let you progress through the story chronologically.
Yakuza Zero
Yakuza Zero takes place in the late 1980s and tells the story of it's main protagonists, Kazuma Kiryu and Goro Majima. Chronologically, it is the first game on the Yakuza story timeline. It features two main locations: Kamurocho and Sotenbori.
It was released in Japan in 2015 and worldwide in 2017 as a prequel to the series. The game can be bought for a low price, since it is a "Playstation Hits" title.
Availability Worldwide Japan Exclusive
Yakuza Zero PS4, Microsoft Windows PS3

Yakuza Kiwami (Yakuza 1)
Yakuza Kiwami is a remake of the original PS2 game Yakuza, that runs on the same engine as Yakuza Zero. It retells the entire story of the original game while featuring modern gameplay mechanics. The game is set in 2005, the year of it's original PS2 release in Japan. Like Zero, it has also received a "Playstation Hits" re-release.
In Japan, the original game has also been re-released as part of the Ryu ga Gotoku 1&2 HD Edition on PS3 and Wii U.
Availability Worldwide Japan Exclusive
Yakuza Kiwami PS4, Microsoft Windows (soon) PS3
Yakuza PS2 PS3, Wii U

Yakuza Kiwami 2 (Yakuza 2)
Yakuza Kiwami 2 is a remake of the second PS2 game Yakuza 2, that runs on the new Dragon engine from Yakuza 6. Just like Kiwami 1, it retells the story of the original while featuring modern gameplay mechanics. The story is set a year after the events of Yakuza (Kiwami) 1 and takes place in both Kamurocho and Sotenbori.
In Japan, the original game has also been re-released as part of the Ryu ga Gotoku 1&2 HD Edition on PS3 and Wii U.
Availability Worldwide Japan Exclusive
Yakuza Kiwami 2 PS4
Yakuza 2 PS2 PS3, Wii U

Yakuza 3
Yakuza 3 originally came out on PS3 in Japan in 2009 and was released worldwide in 2010. It is worth mentioning, that the international PS3 version had some content removed, including hostess clubs, a trivia quiz game and two substories. The story starts shortly after the events of Yakuza 2 and is set in Kamurocho as well as the Ryukyu Islands
The game was re-released in August 2018 in Japan on PS4 and while it has not been officially confirmed, the PS4 version is likely to be released in the west as well.
Availability Worldwide Japan Exclusive
Yakuza 3 PS3 PS4

Yakuza 4
Yakuza 4 was released on PS3 in Japan in 2010 and worldwide in 2011. It takes place one year after the events of Yakuza 3 and features four playable protagonists: Kazuma Kiryu, Masayoshi Tanimura, Shun Akiyama and Taiga Saejima.
The game will be re-released in January 2019 in Japan on PS4. A worldwide release date has not yet been announced.
The PS3 Version is also available on PS Now.
Availability Worldwide Japan Exclusive
Yakuza 4 PS3 PS4

Yakuza 5
Yakuza 5 was released in Japan in 2012 and took until 2015 to be released in the west. It features five settings to explore and five playable characters: Kazuma Kiryu, Shun Akiyama, Taiga Saejimi, Haruka Sawamura and Tatsuo Shinada. The story is set roughly two years after the events of Yakuza 4.
The game will be re-released in 2019 in Japan on PS4. A worldwide release date has not yet been announced.
The worldwide PS3 Version was only released as a digital download and is also available on PS Now.
Availability Worldwide Japan Exclusive
Yakuza 5 PS3 (Download only) PS3 (Physical), PS4 (Q1/Q2 2019)

Yakuza 6
Yakuza 6: The Song of Life concludes the story of Kazuma Kiryu, who is the only playable character in the game. It is set in Kamurocho and Hiroshima and is the first game to use the new Dragon Engine.
The game was released on PS4 in Japan in 2016 and worldwide in 2018.

Availability Worldwide Japan Exclusive
Yakuza 6 PS4

Spin Offs

The Yakuza series has had a couple of Spin Offs, often only released in Japan. These games do not tie in to the main storyline.
Ryu ga Gotoku Kenzan!
Ryu ga Gotoku Kenzan! was released in 2008 in Japan and is set in Kyoto in 1605 and features Miyamoto Musashi as its protagonist. It marked the series arrival on the PlayStation 3 platform. The game was released in other Asian markets but never in English.

If you would like to play Kenzan but don't speak Japanese, there is a translation guide by KHHsubs as well as a guide by ThePatrick over on GameFAQs.
Availability Worldwide Japan Exclusive
Ryu ga Gotoku Kenzan! PS3

Kurohyo: Ryu ga Gotoku Shinsho
Kurohyo: Ryu ga Gotoku Shinshu is the first of two PSP spin-offs and follows the story of 19-year-old Ukyo Tatsuya.
The game is set in Kamurocho and was released in Japan only in 2010.
Availability Worldwide Japan Exclusive
Kurohyo: Ryu ga Gotoku Shinsho PSP

Yakuza Dead Souls
Yakuza Dead Souls is a PS3 spin off featuring a non-canonical zombie outbreak in Kamurocho. Unlike any of the other games, it is mainly a shooter and was released in Japan in 2011 and worldwide in 2012.
Availability Worldwide Japan Exclusive
Yakuza Dead Souls PS3

Kurohyo 2: Ryu Ga Gotoku Ashura-hen
Kurohyo 2: Ryu Ga Gotoku Ashura-hen is the second PSP spin-off and continues the story of Ukyo Tatsuya. In addition to Kamurocho, this installment also feautres Sotenbori as a location.
The game was released in Japan only in 2012.
Availability Worldwide Japan Exclusive
Kurohyo 2: Ryu Ga Gotoku Ashura-hen PSP

Ryu ga Gotoku Ishin!
Ryu ga Gotoku Ishin! is the second Samurai themed spin-off, though unrelated to Kenzan. It is set in the 1800s and follows the story of Sakamoto Ryoma.
It was released simultaneously for PS3 and PS4 in Japan in 2014. There are no official plans for a western release.

If you would like to play Ishin but don't speak Japanese, there is a translation guide by KHHsubs.
Availability Worldwide Japan Exclusive
Ryu ga Gotoku Ishin! PS3, PS4

Fist of the North Star: Lost Paradise
Fist of the North Star: Lost Paradise is based on the popular manga franchise by Buronson and Tetsuoa Hara. It runs on the same engine as Yakuza 0 and was released on PS4 in Japan in 2018 and worldwide later the same year .
Availability Worldwide Japan Exclusive
Fist of the North Star: Lost Paradise PS4

Judgement / Judge Eyes
Judgement (known in Japan as Judge Eyes) is a legal thriller set in Kamurocho, it's main protagonist is private detective Takayuki Yagami. In addition to known gameplay elements from the main Yakuza series, the game features an investigation mode as well. It was released in 2018 in Japan and is due to be released in 2019 worldwide.
Availability Worldwide Japan Exclusive
Judgement / Judge Eyes PS4 (2019) PS4

submitted by GTKF05 to yakuzagames [link] [comments]

Your personal Yakuza series rankings

I haven't played them all yet so my ranking isn't that important, but I'm curious about the community favorites.
For me:
Yakuza 5
Yakuza 0
Yakuza 4
Yakuza Kiwami
Yakuza 3
I haven't played 2, or 6. And my feelings on 4 and 3 are based only on other halfway point (I've got work to do). But Yakuza 5 was my favorite experience by far. The side content is not only the most plentiful, but the most meaningful. I loved all of the locations, and thought the game's enormous length made it a life experience.
Yakuza 0 had the best main story, but I didn't like the real estate minigame at all and there were too many substories tied to minigames. The cabaret club was fun but you had to grind it 2x past maxing it out to finish all of the girl substories. What a grind. And finishing the rally racer required luck at the Gatcha machines.
submitted by ovoon to yakuzagames [link] [comments]

I Have A Serious Problem With RGG Studio's Annual Release Schedule...

I Have A Serious Problem With RGG Studio's Annual Release Schedule...
"Excellent! Every year a new Yakuza/Judge Eyes/anime spin-off/remake! The next thing is never more than a year away! RGG Studio is keeping it coming! Awesome!" what cost? Let's take a look at the releases from RGG Studio these last few years (Japanese release schedule):
- Yakuza Kiwami
- Yakuza 6
- Yakuza Kiwami 2
- Fist of the North Star: Lost Paradise
- Ryu Ga Gotoku Online
- Judge Eyes
Nice to have so many games to look forward to, but how many of these came anywhere near the excellence that was Yakuza 0? There is a worrying clash between quality and quantity at the moment with RGG Studio from what I'm seeing. On average they're releasing even more than 1 game a year.
Kiwami 1 and 2 lacked a ton of side activities/content and were just dropped into Yakuza 0 and Yakuza 6's maps respectively. That's not how you recapture the feel of 2005 and 2006. Reused music from 0, reused assets from 6, bare bones combat in the case of Kiwami 2 and in Kiwami 1 terrible boss battles, so whichever way you turn it, there's issues.
The worst thing you can do to a Yakuza game is rush it out like that, these games are way too special to be churned out like sports games. I would have happily waited another year if it meant they would make Kiwami 1 as good as 0, by retelling the story in a more fluid and logical way, putting time into extra side activities and shops, having more breathing room in between the dramatic events so things can sink in better and so on. I would have happily been stuck in 2005 for another year playing an awesome Yakuza experience while waiting for Kiwami 2. Screw Judge Eyes, who cares if I can't play that game for another year or two if it means I can rely on each release from RGG Studio in the meantime to be top notch? I'd gladly play my way through Kiryu's saga over the course of a couple years even, if it meant the care and attention kept up along the way. Instead, they squeeze it in while developing and releasing Yakuza 6 that same year. All while working on a completely new engine (oh boy, let's not get into that today) on top of everything...
Just take a breather, RGG Studio. And look at Resident Evil 2 Remake. That's what I call a real remake. Obviously rerecorded lines, but also both remastered and new music, a few additional areas, modernized gameplay, authentic atmosphere, etc. Obviously that game has more funds and is more well known (and has a far better engine), but I want to see at least proper time put into a yakuza project, even if it's a remake.
And it's costing the series critically as well. I'm convinced Yakuza games can shake the 8 - 8.5s that it's been getting for so many years and start rating 9s and 9.5s if it wasn't produced in such a tight schedule every year and got the attention it needed to shine at its brightest.
Fist of the North Star in my opinion was an extremely fun game, but again, I really couldn't help but feel that this game could have been truly amazing with a bit more time in the oven. Especially the grind late game is pretty disappointing. Had they just made a few extra character models for civilians to make substories feel less recycled, added a bit more enemy variety, fleshed out a few minigames a little more, then this would have honestly rivaled Yakuza 0 for me. Flawless 60fps framerate, some of the best combat so far from RGG Studio and epic boss battles. Just lacked that last stretch of polish and depth to make it into something really special.
As for Judge Eyes, I don't own the game but played a crap ton of the 2 demos and can say that it's a step in the right direction overall, but still leaves much to be desired. Combat still isn't where it needs to be. The lock-on is still broken, and I wish the 2 styles were a bit more distinct from each other (like one fast and one slow, currently they're both pretty fast) and it's really disappointing to see so many reused heat actions. Still no pool, bowling has completely been replaced by the VR minigame, no fishing, no betting fights. This game was supposed to be a breath of fresh air, but with it being set in an ever so slightly updated Y6 map and no other locations to speak of, familiar ex moves, and same substory format, it hardly feels like anything more than a super safe spin-off that from a distance could even be mistaken for Yakuza 6.
Imagine if this game was set in Akihabara instead (electronics district in Tokyo), seeing as Yagami is into drones and VR and other modern technologies. Just that alone would have actually given the game a nice fresh feel. This could have been Judge Eyes' main hub even if it turned into a series of its own (which I believe it will). Substories could have cool unlocks like new filters for the camera, download apps and new themes that change the HUD colors and perhaps even the lay out. DDOSing opponents, exposing secrets of oppressive people by hacking their stuff, the possibilities are endless for amazing story/gameplay opportunities.
This post is getting pretty long so let me start wrapping things up.
Look, RGG Studio has managed to make one of the most absorbing and impressive game worlds I've probably played in my life. But their rush to put out a game every year hampers the vision of each game and greatly restricts the potential of the series as a whole. I'm absolutely convinced that if they put all their effort into 1 game and skipped a year in between each release, they can really build a series of masterpieces with excellent storytelling, well-realized and fully fleshed out environments, fun and fresh combat, and creative substories that really take you places. Sure, you're not gonna be able to put out as many games as before, but I think people will appreciate the choice of quality over quantity in the long run. Imagine a Yakuza 0 type experience coming out every other year (which would still be quite fast)! That sounds like a universe I really want to be in, if you ask me.
Btw, I'm aware that RGG Studio consists of multiple teams and each mainline Yakuza game receives at least 2 years of development, and I know these games don't always sell well enough for a big developer like RGG Studio to hold out for 2 years without a payday (which in large parts is due to SEGA's reluctance to spend on marketing, but that's another issue), but I feel they need to take the plunge and step up the quality across the board and make each game so good, that it will get rated highly (90+ metacritic) and become too good to pass up for many potential players out there. Just as an example, Persona 5 wouldn't have gotten on my radar if it wasn't rated so highly, the non-existent marketing sure as hell wasn't gonna bring it to my attention. Well, same goes for Yakuza. We need the high scores to get the attention of new audiences and simultaneously please the current fanbase by bringing out quality games.
Anyway, there's my thoughts/frustrations on the current way RGG Studio is handling things. I'd like to hear how others feel about this, so feel free to share your thoughts. Sorry if I came across a bit impatient or entitled even, but I really care about this series so much and I feel they should uphold the standard of quality achieved in 0 for every game they work on instead of releasing all these inconsistent and often rushed games that just miss the mark every time. We know how good Yakuza can be and I want it to improve and not regress, but their fast paced way of developing games does not exactly help with this...
What a strange problem. Most developers take ages to make a game and I'm here begging the developer to take their time. I have a lot more to say around this issue, but I won't make this post too much longer than it already is.
Finally, Nagoshi mentioned in a recent interview that the key word moving forward will be 'change'. I can only hope he's talking about some sort of new approach to shin yakuza that alleviates my aforementioned problems with the release schedule. We're done now with the Kiwamis, the remasters are just a matter of time before they're out as well, Kiryu's saga is over, Judge Eyes is out the door now in Japan, so can we please start a new era for future RGG games that truly kick ass again? Here's hoping.
(tl;dr RGG Studio should just take their time on each game instead of putting the yearly release schedule above all else, thereby raising the overall quality of their games and get much more return for each product that they put out. Increase the quality, dial back on quantity, and everything is gonna turn out for the better.)

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Substory locator in Yakuza 0?

In Yakuza Kiwami I bought a Substory locator with CP I believe. I can’t see one on the list for 0. Does it exist in this game and if so where?
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yakuza kiwami substories locations video

Yakuza Kiwami 100% Guide : Majima Everywhere Part 1 / All ... Yakuza Kiwami - Substories: The Price of an F-Cup - YouTube Yakuza Kiwami Pt45 - Mesuking Sidequests! Yakuza Kiwami I ALL Sub Stories (Part 1) I PS4 Pro Yakuza Kiwami 100% Guide : All Substories, Coin Lockers ... Yakuza Kiwami 100% Guide : Majima Everywhere Part 2 / All ... Yakuza Kiwami - Substories: The Fighter's Successor - YouTube

Substories Yakuza Kiwami A staple of the Yakuza series, substories are mini-dramas that you can engage in in order to help the populace of Japan in their lives. These substories are almost all entirely optional, and you'll have to seek them out in order to get involved. In addition to giving you fights to build yourself up, many substories Yakuza Kiwami is filled with immersive and rewarding side quests called Substories. This Yakuza Kiwami Substories Guide will tell you where to find each of the Substories, the best way to complete them and any information on the rewards you receive once completed. Substories become available at different times of the game. Chapter 5 Substories Yakuza Kiwami Substories Chapter 5 Substories. These substories are available right at the beginning of the chapter. #2 - My Baby's a Showgirl. This substory is a little weird. It might pop up in this chapter, or it could be in Chapter 6, but I have a reader who confirms they got it in Chapter 5. It's hard to pin down Yakuza Kiwami. All Discussions Do keep this in mind that different locations carry different stuff. You need it for one of the substories with homeless guy, if I remember correctly. #5. 神に祝福された選手 (Blessed Player of God. Jul 11, 2020 @ 11:03am M Store guys. It is M Store which is selling sake. Grabe our Yakuza Kiwami 2 How to Find All Substories complete guide. Get access on all 75 substories' locations and tips in Yakuza Kiwami 2! 1: The Price of an F-cup. Requirements: Chapter 4. Head to the alley south of the adult store, Beam, located at Pink St. North to trigger this. A distressed woman will seek help from you. She'll Some of these encounters are tied to story progress through both Yakuza Kiwami's main quest and substories, while at other times Majima will simply appear at random locations throughout the game The Yakuza series is known for its huge amount of substories and side quests in each game and Yakuza Kiwami is no exception. Even if you played the original game to 100% completion there’s tons Majima Everywhere is a rewarding side-activity in Yakuza Kiwami. This Yakuza Kiwami Majima Everywhere Guide will tell you where to find Majima, what rewards you receive and other useful bits of information for tracking him down and taking him out. Once you reach Chapter 2, Majima appears and wants to fight. Games Yakuza Kiwami Yakuza Genres Action Adventure Fighting Word Platforms Playstation 4 Tags yakuza kiwami guides Published Sep. 4th 2017 Cached - article_comments_article_54327

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Yakuza Kiwami 100% Guide : Majima Everywhere Part 1 / All ...

Yakuza Kiwami 100% Guide : Majima EverywhereYakuza 100 % walkthrough - No Commentary Gameplay playthrough Full Guide [PS4 1080p]Yakuza Kiwami 100% Guide. I ... Yakuza Kiwami 100% Guide : All Substories, Coin Locker, MesuKing Cards & Majima Encounters Part 1 Timeline: 0:32 CL 0:50 CL 1:10 Behind The Assassin 4:36 CL ... Yakuza Kiwami 100% Guide : Majima Everywhere Yakuza Kiwami 100% Guide - English Version Yakuza 100 % Guide No Commentary Gameplay playthrough Full Guide [PS4... One of the returning substories from the original game, it even has its own trophy. A pretty lengthy substory even with editing involved. The Fighter has finally found a fiancee and now he wants to find his successor so he can retire and mov... Kiwami is the Yakuza 1 remake. There's many convenience of life improvements made. ... Yakuza 0 - Substories: ... Yakuza Kiwami I ALL MesuKing Card Locations I PS4 Pro - Duration: 18:26. Yakuza Kiwami 100% Guide : All Substories, Coin Lockers, MesuKing Cards & Majima Encounters Part 1 - Duration: 2:20:54. Mehdi Juventino Gaming HQ 12,144 views

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