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Man trapped me in a club washroom

Hiii! Just wanna say I’m obsessed with your videos and wanna share my own f-ed up story.
TW: physical assault, getting cornered
2 years ago I went on a vacation to Montreal to see one of my friends. We decided to go out because I’ve never gone clubbing in the Montreal scene. There were 8 of us that went out, 6 of us male and I was one of the two females. We were having the best time roaming the beautiful streets and since they were all from around there, they knew the best spots to go.
We went to this one club, which had a few stories. I think there were 3? I was one of the first to get in, and there were a lot of people going in at the same time. I ended up losing all my friends in a matter of seconds. All the men ended up going to the washroom before getting a drink, and I found out later that the other girl that was with us saw someone she knew and went upstairs. I was alone, so I just went up to the bar to get myself a drink and to wait for my friends to get back. The main level wasn’t too busy, so I decided to grab a drink and just wait around the bar.
This man in his mid 40’s came up to me and he started chatting me up. He was friendly, and asked me where I was from because obviously I was speaking English, when most in Montreal speak French obviously. I just told him I wasn’t from around here. He offered to show me around and I told him I was okay, I was just waiting for my friends. Trying to change the subject, beside the bar there were a few of those Casino like slot machines. I made a comment about them and he told me to come check it out. I felt safe enough, as I was still on the main floor and close to the bar. He sat down on the stool in front of the slot and put $50 in the machine. He started getting handsy and pulled me towards him, so I was standing in front of him between his legs. I pulled away and just stood beside him and he kept telling me to play, and that I could keep whatever amount I won. I didn’t want to play, but I didn’t want to make him angry... (also, why the hell did I care about that?) so I told him no but I’d gladly just watch him play WHILE STILL WAITING FOR MY FRIENDS.
(Also a side note I had this teeny tiny Michael Kors purse that I brought and I had so much stuff in there I could barely open it without my id’s and cards or anything falling out. I was also very intoxicated from pre drinking at the hotel before, I didn’t even think of texting my friend asking where everyone was, or to check to see if he was texting me.)
So he’s playing the slots and he tells me he has to go to the bathroom. So I told him I’d stand here and wait, in my mind I’m excited for him to leave so I can put down my drink to dig through my purse for my phone. He tells me there’s another level downstairs, and told me my friends were probably down there. Hesitant, I told him fine. I just wanted to ditch this guy. The stairs down were right beside the bar, and we went down.
The second I got down the stairs and went around this corner, I realized it was a dark, dingy basement bathroom in the club. I also realized there was NO ONE else down there. I immediately got a gut sinking feeling and I went to turn around to leave and he put his body in front of me so I couldn’t get past him to get out. I started to panic, I put down my drink on a shelf in the hallway and I told him I had to leave. He kept saying “no no, I wanna show you something.” He was grabbing me (and he was about 6’5 and a LOT stronger than me, to add.) in this moment I regretted being as intoxicated as I was, because I couldn’t fight to the best of my ability if I wanted to. He physically PULLED me into the bathroom area and tried pushing me into a bathroom stall, still repeating “I just wanna show you something.” I felt sick and knew something was going to happen.
For the love of god I have no idea how, but a few of my friends came down into the bathroom right as he almost got me into this stall. The guys came over and grabbed me and pushed him out of the way and he ran out of there was fast as he possibly could. They told me they checked the entire club, each and every floor for me and started to panic when they couldn’t find me, so last resort came down to check if I was down there. I’m so so grateful they came when they did. I don’t know what would have happened if he ended up getting me into that stall. To that man, I hope we never meet again.
submitted by taylorking334 to spoopycjades [link] [comments]

Big Brain Conspiracy Theory: Chinese Regulations since Year 2

With the recent debacle with Chinese conformity, there’s a few things I’d like to point out that seem a little too coincidental to be overlooked. If you'd like the TL;DR questions, skip to the bullet points below.

In the developer notes mentioning their requirements to meet Chinese standards, they’d have to remove instances of Skulls, Slot Machines, Drugs, Blood, and Gambling in general. This has led to concerns that maps like Favela, which has a strong presence of drugs, would require a complete overhaul to meet these standards. Yacht would be in a similar boat (pun) based on the Casino floor. If we wind the clock back to Year 2, both Yacht and Favela were removed for ‘data limits’ which later was non-officially translated to ‘fixing performance issues’ on those maps. They were never fully removed from the game however, and could be accessed for custom games. This poses the question:
Exploring the concept further, we can discuss the implementation of a chat filter. Under the guise of ‘community health’, a chat filter was put in place with a wide variety of words and slurs being banned from a multitude of different languages, with almost seemingly at random degrees of severity. Under Chinese censorship laws, citizens can have their computers confiscated, investigated, or the user even imprisoned based on things they search or type on their computers. Things such as “Tiananmen Square” or “withdrawing from the Chinese Communist Party” are directly banned.
Lastly, the looming implementation of Tencent's authentication program is the latest concept related to Chinese regulation and oversight being thrown in to Siege. Earlier in the season, Ubi-Montreal put out the notice that users will require Google Authentication to play ranked. This was displayed as a way the developers were combatting boosters, cheaters, or repeat offenders in the game, and is overdue in terms of the timeline presented for integration. Internet access in China is tied to your personal information; in an oversimplified way, it's as if your social security number was your login ID.

During the year 2 invitational, Chinese players were rolled out on the center stage and introduced as the up and coming representatives of the largest e-sports market, and a new huge contender in the R6 scene. I understand from an e-sports perspective the need for a central build for everyone to be able to play on, I understand that the Chinese government requires censorship for their citizens to be able to access Ubisoft’s content. I do not agree with it, but I understand that the requirements exist. Ubi-Montreal being open about this Chinese integration is not new, but it has reached a peak in terms of pervasiveness.

I would like to hear, however, what you think: Has Ubi-Montreal has been pushing for this quietly, and only just now announced their full intentions? Do you think I’m too :bigthink: with this idea? Let me know, I’d like to read your thoughts in regards to this.
submitted by RaffleAccount to Rainbow6 [link] [comments]

So here's another story about a girl I met while working in Montréal over the holidays...

I've had to work the graveyard in Montreal all throughout over Christmas and New Year's. A couple of days before leaving, you liked my profile on OKC and sent me a message. I saw you as a fling, a one night stand, someone to stave off the cabin fever of having to work alone for 14-hour days. I wrote back stating that I would be in town and my intentions, but you said you'd try to change my mind.
You met me at my hotel on the 23rd. We hit up a vegan restaurant, walked around the city, and stopped for coffee. We went back to my hotel room, watched bad talk shows, and you cradle my head as I fall asleep in your arms. I have never felt that close to someone without being intimate with them. I had to go to work at 11pm. It was the night of the ice storm, and conditions were too bad for a commute. I offer my hotel room, a little worried that you might trash it, raid the mini-bar, or rack up a huge PPV bill. My fears were unfounded when I come back at noon, you had already left, the mini-bar intact, and no charges to my bill.
The next time I saw you was on the 26th, after I was done with work at noon and had to catch a flight home at 4pm. You brought me a sunflower, because somehow I let it slip that it was my favorite flower. We hit up another vegan restaurant for lunch and even though I profusely declined, you insist on giving me a ride to the airport, because you wanted to spend even a couple more hours with me.
I had to be back to work through the New Year's holidays as well. I call up work and change my travel plans. I drive up there a day early on the 30th so that we could spend a day on a real date. We met up for lunch, followed by a visit to the Science Center. You had to teach a class from 6-7 so I head back to check into my hotel. After we had dinner, watched a movie, and hit up the casino after, since it's the only thing that's opened after midnight on a Monday. We get back to my hotel room at 3am. Exhausted from the 5-hour drive up and spending the entire day out, I had the intention of saying goodbye and going to sleep, but you keep dawdling, insisting that you see me straight to my room.
By the time we reach my room, you grab me, start kiss me, peel off my winter clothes layer by layer and we make love that night. I wake up the next morning to your smile, and breakfast in bed from room service. We spend the rest of the day cuddling until you had to leave by 3 to teach a class, and I had to get some sleep for work. That night as the countdown began, I wish that you were there for me to kiss.
We have lunch again on New Year's Day after work and walk around Vieux-Port, I told you that I didn't have much time to spend with you because I had to sleep in order to be back at work that night. You say that you don't have much going on that day anyway. You accompany me to my hotel room again and sat beside me, chatting until I pass out. I wake up at 9pm and you were not there assuming that you were annoyed that I had fallen asleep and start freaking out. I was about to order room service for dinner, when you show up at my door, and drop off a vegan pizza that you cooked yourself and even a packed lunch for work.
We meet up the next day after work, and I drive an hour up to ski in Mont Tremblant. I try to teach you how to ski, but you fall on your bum a few times. It's 40 below, and after a couple of hours of trying to warm up in the weather, we give up, get hot cocoas, snuggle by the fire in the lodge, and talk about where things are headed. You reveal that you're a redditor too and know my username. I say it's fine as I have nothing to hide. You tell me that you never want to keep dating long distance, but you do not want to leave Montréal and hoped that I would move there in the long run. I have no answer at that point and deflect by changing the subject.
From the mountain, we head to the casino again for dinner, since that is where you parked your car. I can see that you are annoyed at me for making you ski in such cold weather, and for not being able to give you an answer. After dinner, you retreat alone to the slot machines while I play the table games. We hug goodbye and leave separately, and I go back to my hotel room thinking that it is the last time I'll see you, angry at myself for ending things on a sour note.
At 2am there's a knock on my door, and you're there as I opened it. You said that you'd miss me and apologize for not saying a proper goodbye. You say that you behaved that way because you were going to miss me, and you once again pull my face to yours and kiss me again. I make it clear that I never want to move to Montréal. You tell me at least we have tonight. We make love that night again and you fall asleep in my arms. While it is still dark outside, I stealthily check out at 6am the next morning to get a headstart on the drive back. You are still asleep and I leave instructions with the front desk not to disturb the room until the actual checkout time at noon.
I like how you're my age and looking to settle. I love how we are both vegetarians and pretty much hit up every vegetarian restaurant in the city. I love running my fingers through the tangles of your long, flowing hair. I like the slighted lilt of your voice. I love how you are so confident about your body. I love how much you care for me. I love how you pull my face up to yours when you kiss me. I love how you're ticklish and giggle when I kiss your abs. And I love how you squeal when you're writhing in ecstasy.
It has been 8 hours since I left, and I have yet to hear from you. I guess you were mad that I left without saying goodbye, but you know that you would have made it hard for me to leave. Hopefully you will read this story and understand where I'm coming from. What we had was nice, but I'm too old and too tired to waste time on a long distance relationship. I never want to move to Montréal just as you never want to leave it. I have built a life back home and I don't want to have to drive 300 miles every time I want to see you. We had a good five days together. I am glad that you want to still be in my life and that we'll still be friends. I will be back in the summer if you are still single, but I don't think someone like you would be for long. You were right, you did change my mind, but my heart will never be in Montréal .
submitted by SunflowerRainbow to actuallesbians [link] [comments]

Mustang Money at Montreal Casino?

Does anyone know if Montreal casino has Mustang Money slot machine? If not perhaps one similar (thunder, eagles etc)?
submitted by dariox550 to Quebec [link] [comments]

I'm looking to move to Canada. How hard would it be?

Basically me and a very close friend of mine are sick of our lives and need a change. We both from Australia, 21 and 22 and we both feel we need to do this. We we're looking at coming over in December for possibly a year to work, live etc. It would be great to find out some info like:
1: How hard is to get work? We're both Australian. I currently have 2 jobs. One I work in radio during the week as an annoucer, producer (of ads, promos etc) and the other is in a bar (and have worked there around 2 years, worked in radio around 3) She's worked in a bar around 4 years, including a stint at a casino. So we're both pretty capable of working behind a bar as well as with the slot machines.
2: Accomodation: What's it like trying to find a house/apartment for 2 people? I have renters history, but she doesn't. We don't mind staying at a hostel for a few weeks before we find something permanent, but how hard is it going to be for international 'tourists' to get something.
3: We were thinking of going to either Montreal or Toronto but realistically I have no idea what would be a good place. Suggestions?
Anything else we should be concerned about? Any imput would be greatly appreciated!
submitted by A-punk to canada [link] [comments]

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