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Cogmind Beta 10 "Warlord Forever!"

The full ambient soundscape is here, and it's not alone! Beta 10 also comes with expanded bothacking abilities, two more alternate endings, many more types of drones, and of course lots of other features to improve the overall experience.
Diving right in here...
(Note: Beta 10 is far too large to fit the entire release notes in a Reddit post, so I've had to share the changelog here as an image rather than text. For a normal view of the full release notes, see this same announcement on the forums!)
Saves from earlier versions are incompatible with Beta 10, but even if you're on Steam and Cogmind automatically updates, Beta 9.6 is still available via its own legacy branch and you can roll back to finish a run in progress first if you like.

Ambient Soundscape

You can now fully hear the world of Cogmind!
Cogmind has always had a ton of sound effects that help bring the world to life, but as far as continuous tracks go, for many years we've only had a few ambient sounds emitted by special machines and sample mapwide tracks in a couple maps as a test. Now all named machines have their own audio, as do all the maps!
Hear an array of Construction Platforms at work in the Factory, the rumble of a Megafabricator in the distance, Plasma Injectors down in the Mines, the hum of Power Conduits, busy Mainframes echoing throughout the Research branches, and so much more.
Aside from thematic mapwide drones that meld everything together, when you're not blasting robots and using the interface the audio experience is primarily defined by environmental factors, yet another new facet of Cogmind's emphasis on immersion.
I wrote an in-depth article about the content and process behind Building Cogmind’s Ambient Soundscape (visual overview).
Related to the expansion of Cogmind's audio content we have an important new advanced option, muteAudioOnFocusLoss, which you might want to turn on if you do a lot of Alt-Tabbing and prefer that Cogmind not continue playing its audio while you're in some other window. We might want that to be on by default, but it's off for now since I need to make sure it doesn't mess anything up first :P (it seems okay so far, anyway--I've been using it for a while now, but that's just me).
The soundscape is also fully accessible in text form as well, a new feature that will benefit both those who can't turn up the volume or simply want the extra visual reinforcement enabled by being able to also "read" all the audio sources. This is made possible via a new Audio Log, off by default but toggled in the options menu.
There's a summary of Audio Log features and behavior in the manual, or if you want an even more in-depth look at how the system was built you can check out the article I wrote on the topic: Audio Accessibility Features for Roguelikes (visual overview).
The install size of the game has definitely gone up as a result of all the new audio, by a whopping 50%! It wasn't exactly huge to begin with, but with Beta 10 we're going from 30MB to 45MB.

New Endings

We have two new endings, bringing us to a total of nine different ways to win! I won't spoil the new ones here except to say that they're both a part of the extended game, and to point out the obvious, that yes the "expanded Warlord arc" indicated in the changelog is what you've been waiting for if you're one of us Warlord fans. Warlord forever! (Hopefully...)
Each of the new endings presents new challenges beyond what was already in the game, and of course as with the other seven, they each come with their own unique animated ending sequence. A ton of work went into these endings as a whole, and based on initial feedback from patrons they seem to have turned out pretty well. I even had to add a whole new type of UI window to enable you to trigger access to one of the new endings--you'll know it when you see it ;)
On a related note, I've also expanded some NPC interactions that people have wanted to see over the years. Under the right circumstances it's been possible to get certain major NPCs to meet each other, but in the past they wouldn't take notice or otherwise react in any way. Now they do, usually with consequences :P

Drones and AI

There was a decent list of optional features to consider for Beta 10, and this time patrons voted to prioritize a drone mechanics rework together with a significant expansion of the types of drones available. It's turned out pretty nicely, resolving what I saw as some longstanding issues while adding fun new options at the same time.
Importantly, the new additions are not simply "drone with guns A, drone with guns B, etc.", or even drones using just standard tech, but instead come with unique features or behavior that can enable special strategies, or at least just be really fun to use--launch decoys, self-guided bombs, your own posse of thieves, drones that do your hacking for you, and more!
Drone Bay Basics
The most fundamental change with respect to drones is that you must have an attached and functional matching type of bay in order to use them. The bay does not actually need to be active, however (activating a bay is simply a way to launch drones). There are a number of implied changes connected to this one, including:
If you remove the necessary drone bay (or it's destroyed xD), all related drones will take on the new "Unconnected" status and shut down. You lose the FOV info, but can gain it back again immediately by attaching an appropriate bay.
This requirement really opened up the drone space for more possibilities and was pivotal in making the new drones much more interesting since the bay becomes a part of the requirement for using them, meaning we can get more powerful/numerous drones because the bay itself can be huge or heavy as a balancing factor to compensate :)
One surely welcome QoL under this new system is that if you have multiple matching drone bays and the attached one is full, drones can actually return to those which are currently in your inventory, as long as one has sufficient space.
Less Micro
Overall there'll be less micromanagement involved with drones, and in some cases other allies as well, with the biggest change being the complete removal of the GOTO order! That feature just encouraged a lot of micromanagement to get the most out of allies, especially drones which could then be carefully moved around to explore manually in some cases, and would often be optimal but tedious (i.e. not good). (Even after the removal you can technically still get them generally where you want by using a combination of movement, waiting, and STAY orders, though this incurs a time cost which can be prohibitive except when very important.)
This encouraged me to make some improvements to the AI as well, most importantly that unarmed followers will slightly trail behind rather than gathering around your current location. And they'll be smart about retreating ahead of you if you're retreating, too, generally keeping them out of the line of fire (unless you're suddenly ambushed from behind, or surrounded, in which case good luck :P).
Drones and all allies will also really do their best to avoid stepping on known traps now. It turns out that although they would never path through traps, they might sometimes decide to stand on one if you were hanging around near it long enough.
Fleeing drones will now always RETURN automatically, rather than running around wildly, so it'll be easier to get them back and they'll be much more likely to survive longer. By extension, any disarmed combat drones will also automatically return, possibly improving their lifespan as well. The potential drawback here is that they might lead enemies right back to your position! Of course if you're not there when the enemies finally arrive then it's all good anyway... (or you can choose to sacrifice the drone by removing the bay to disconnect it and then you'll be fine, too)
Drone QoL
One long-requested new feature is the ability to have the map view follow a drone as it moves. You can easily cycle through your drones using the normal Enter key (or center mouse button), which highlights them and their FOV. You can just use this to more easily check where they are, or even pass turns while focused on them and watch as they explore even distant areas.
The allies menu system got some upgrades, too:
Acquiring Drones
A majority of the new drone bays are available in the early game, although every single type except for one is a unique part, so you won't be seeing all of them in the same run. Less unique drones with similar mechanics might be available in the future (for example via Merchants!), but there's currently no good place to add them yet so I decided it would be better to make the bays unique so they could be especially useful or fun.
Many are available in the Mines via a new prefab encounter, and the rest are scattered about in other plot areas. One is a regular 0b10 prototype bay.

RIF Expansion

For all the Botlord builds out there, the pool of potential robot hacking abilities has been expanded from 9 to 15. Half of the new ones can be obtained multiple times to increase their effectiveness.
(Skip this section if you want to discover them on your own!)
Here's an overview of what's new...


You can ram walls and machines now! Doing this is will mess you up pretty bad and there are warnings against it, of course, to help prevent you from smashing your face into that adjacent nuclear reactor, although if you're getting really desperate and squads are gathering around, this might actually be a good idea ;)
So it's there if you need it. This also provides a last ditch way out of escaping situations in which you've accidentally allowed Engineers to entomb you without any weapons to escape :P
Ramming like this uses the same old force melee commands.
We also have a more controversial mechanical adjustment in terms of using melee weapons in dug out spaces. For a number of reasons being able to safely dig winding tunnels could be pretty cheesy, even more so using them to fight pursuers. Projectile weapons could cause instant cave-ins when used like this from within unstable areas, but not melee weapons. Now all weapons are treated the same in this regard. The chance of melee attacks causing a cave-in are lower than, say, a kinetic cannon, but it is no longer completely safe to do so.
In terms of tunnel combat I imagine the effect of this change is less of an issue for players since that practice probably wasn't as widespread, though this does also affect the ability to dig consecutively through multiple spaces with a melee weapon, which will no doubt cause concern for some stealth builds which will need to consider alternative options if they can't risk a cave-in.
In any case, we'll see how things turn out, but stealth is already super effective and melee digging in particular was only one small part of that effectiveness.


Trackers have been nerfed. See the multiple changelog lines regarding them :P
The changes essentially mean they'll be a bit slower to catch up to you, and also have to be within view before they can open fire. Technically this is also an indirect nerf to builds that liked to farm Trackers and take their OP gear to turn it agaist 0b10, but players who could do that were few and far in between (in Rogue mode, at least xD).
We also have some OP weapon nerfs, specifically the Firepult and Guided EMP Blaster. Both are still good, but were definitely way too good earlier. The Firepult nerf in particular was planned to happen eventually, but don't worry, it's still quite good, just can't be used indefinitely because the idea behind most EX-tech was that it's stuff which is fun and effective to play with through the early/mid-game rather than become something you stash away to help crush the extended game :P. Some other Exiles parts will likely be revisited in the next release for updating as well (they were intentionally made OP when first introduced basically just for fun, since you can't get them every run anyway).
Impact weapons got a situational buff across the board, since all walls and reinforced barriers are now weaker against them.
I made some changes to the Access garrison situation, namely removing the original extremely deadly result of visiting one, a nasty surprise for anyone doing it their first time that was probably not survivable for most builds. The origial effect (instant Max Security!), was my first reaction to Pimski trying to loop indefinitely since it was an easy way to use the game's existing content to mostly discourage or outright block that possibility. Now there's a much less deadly result specifically for that situation.
Going inside that garrison itself has gotten more dangerous, however--I mean it's Access, right?! :)


Our favorite three-letter combo around here!
We've got some useful new protective warnings, including most importantly a warning if you're attempting to attack from a position that might cause a cave-in as a result, since it can be easy to that accidentally in the heat of battle. (This warning also includes melee attacks, as per the earlier mechanical change mentioned earlier.) There's also a warning if your attempted line of fire is blocked by another robot, since a fair number of people don't seem to notice that as readily, especially if the situation is changing as a lot of bots are moving around during combat (note that the LOF indicator also changes color).
Previously used guided waypoints can now be recalled even if some were outside FOV (demo).
By request, as long as you have Tactical HUD mode active, parts that have been damaged for whatever reason (like... being shot :P) now retain a box around their integrity display in your parts list until your next action, so that you can more easily recall what has just taken damage (demo).
I've activated this behavior by default, but if it bothers you you can deactivate it in advanced.cfg using partDamageIndicatorsRetained.
Also by request, we now have the ability to add custom log notes!
Log notes could later be expanded in a number of ways depending on player needs, but the primary purpose behind its current form is to allow you to leave in-game notes about what you were doing at the end of a play session, making it easier to pick up where you left off next time.
This feature is currently only accessible via Shift-Alt-z, but we'll be later getting a new menu system for easier access to all Shift-Alt key combo features, including mouse accessibility.
And no, your notes do not appear in the final scoresheet at this time (they're excluded from log output and only appear in game).
I've updated any Mines reward encounters that required randomly visiting a hidden location, which encouraged the optimal tactic of scouring every inch of the Mines in search of them, especally in the hope of uncovering the famous early Exp. Sensor Array.
As you can see, the event is now triggered by rifling through some visible Scrap. The original behavior was meant as a placeholder until there was a better solution--now we have one :)
We've got a couple little special mode updates as well. First of all a dedicated indicator for when your built-in sensors are being jammed, since the normal indicator was attached to sensor parts, which you may not even need in RPGLIKE mode :P
Player 2 now displays their parts with raw integrity values rather than as percentages.


I've been doing a lot of streaming over the past months, about half of it Cogmind-related. In fact, we'll be starting a new run today, not long after Beta 10 is officially released here :)
Past streams are archived on my YouTube channel, including the relatively recent Magneto run where we go for that achievement, some RIF runs, and others checking out the new ambient audio, including one dev testing stream.
Many others have been streaming lately as well, including MTF, Tone, Valguris and other top players. The Discord is a good place to get a heads up on streams and when people are planning to go live.
For those of you out there interested in the latest flavor of cheese, Pimski has put together an Exiles Kill Guide demonstrating a new pastime among Cogmind's more brazen and greedy (and evil!) players.
As per the announcement last month, the leaderboards are back in action and better than ever. I'll be continuing to expand their features down the line.
The next leaderboard reset will come tomorrow now that Beta 10 is out! All the current scores are from the Beta 9 builds (although the separate patron leaderboards include some Beta 10 and prerelease runs).

The Road to More

Thanks to all patrons and players for your support!
We've still got that OP rating, so the next goal still stands. Keep the reviews coming :D
Reminder: There will eventually be a big free expansion happening that adds Merchants (in fact there are a growing number of references in the game foreshadowing their arrival, including more in this release ;)), though I haven't yet decided for sure whether it will be before or after 1.0.
Regardless, we've got lots and lots of plans, both small and large, still out there just waiting for some attention...
submitted by Kyzrati to Cogmind [link] [comments]

To those agents still wanting to protect DC and NYC but are struggling with TU8...

While this is a very unpopular opinion, you can't play Division 2, TU8 like you played Division 2, pre-TU8 and expect to have the same level of success.
I posted a reply to another thread that kind of got away from me so I decided to expand upon it in it's own separate thread. I am a veteran of The Division (around 500 hours) and Division 2 (700 hours) and Looter-Shooter games in general like Path of Exile and the Borderlands series (over 1000 hours in each of those). I am also a full-time embedded engineer and Dad of 4 kids (3 of whom love to sit and watch me play said looter-shooters) so I have a lot of other responsibilities and can't "no-life" games.
I come here to this subreddit every day, multiple times a day - sometimes commenting and sometimes just lurking - and it's hard not to notice all the salt and vinegar from the many bugs to most recently the Ban Hammer for those who allegedly used one of several glitches over the last few weeks. Before I get into the meat of the post, I want to acknowledge some things that are wrong with the game that should probably be fixed (none of this is new):
I fully recognize that there are way more issues and bugs but these are the ones that I think really detract from what the game could be. Having said that, I am respectfully asking that people not comment about any of the above issues or really any other gripe related to the game unless it's related to how you had to change how you played the Division 2 after TU8 dropped. Like the title of the post, I am interested in hearing from two groups of agents who are continuing to enjoy TU8 while recognizing there are serious issues:
  1. Agents who have had to change how they play the Division 2 from how they played pre-TU8 to be successful
  2. Agents who are struggling with gear, enemy AI, or the new mechanics in TU8 but want to continue playing
There are plenty of other posts to choose from if you want to complain about everything that is wrong with the game; this is not one of them.
If I haven't lost you yet, this post is broken up into two sections: one section that deals with how I had to change how I played and another that goes over a couple builds that I'm currently using solo to be successful.
TU8 brought a drastic change in not only the gear and RPG system, but to enemy AI, enemy health and armor, and enemy damage. Prior to TU8, a well-geared Agent could face-tank most enemies and come out with most of their armor in-tact as long as it was effectively, a 1v1 scenario. With the combinations of gear and weapon talents, it was fairly easy to put a build together that had fantastic sustain and output high amounts of damage. Skill builds were also a thing. You could sit back and spam Cluster Seekers and Stinger Hive and wait for them to completely clear a room; rinse and repeat. There were a number of skilled agents who could solo the Heroic Invaded missions and many who didn't really have a problem with CP4's.
The release of TU8 changed that. Enemies were tankier and did more damage in addition to being more aggressive. There were new enemy types, specifically the new war dog variants, that were constantly forcing you out of cover. When I first started playing WoNY, it was a bit jarring. I wasn't used to getting completely rekt on Hard mode. I realized though that I was still trying to play TU8 like I was used to playing prior to the update and I needed to change. Below are some of the many lessons I learned to be more successful in The Division 2, TU8.

I don't necessarily agree with the sentiments that there is no build diversity. Yes - there are builds that are essentially Best-in-Slot but that doesn't mean that you can't put a well-rolled build together that is more than capable of clearing solo Heroic content. The 3 builds I'm sharing are ones that I've used successfully in-game to complete Heroic content solo; none of them are completely optimized. While I can get through a lot of Heroic activities / missions without dying, there are some that are way more difficult than others and will take multiple deaths before I finish them.
Build #1: LMG + Shotgun with Sustain for Days
I made a post about this the other day; you can find it here.
Build #2: MMR, Death from Afar
Mask: D&H Punch Drunk with God-rolled MMR Dmg, HSD, and Armor Regen with a 9% HSD mod
Chest: Airaldi Pristine Example with God-rolled WD, 6.7% Status Effects, 7.6% HZP, Perfect Focus, and a 9.5% HSD mod. This is by far, the weakest piece in this build.
Backpack: Ceska Vyroba with God-rolled WD, CHD, CHC, and a 12% Protection from Elites mod with Concussion
Gloves: Airaldi with God-rolled WD, HSD, and 7.8% HZP
Holster: Providence with God-rolled WD, CHD, and Armor Regen
Knees: Providence with God-rolled WD, Armor Regen, and 9.1%CHD
Primary: Paratrooper SVD with God-rolled MMR Dmg, HSD, Health Dmg, and Ranger
Secondary: Artist's Tool with 10% WD and God-rolled CHD and CHC with Perfect Rifleman or Diamondback
Sidearm: Mozambique Special with God-rolled Pistol Dmg and 7.5%CHC with Perfect Breadbasket
Skills: Blinder Firefly and Defender Drone
Specialization: Sharpshooter
This is a straight-forward damage build that has some sustain due to the 15K / sec regen. Yeah - it doesn't seem like a lot but every little bit helps. There are some CP4's / missions that this build excels with, pretty much anything that gives you room to kill from distance, others that it performs very, very poorly. I spend a lot of time repositioning to avoid melee mobs and grenadiers.
Build #3: 6-Skill-Tier Explosive Sticky + Assault Turret non-HW build
Mask: Hanu-U with +1 Skill Tier and God-rolled SH and SD with a 9% HSD mod (ideally I'd like to replace the Red Mod)
Chest: System Corruption with 150K armor and God-rolled SD with a 12% Protection from Elites mod (2-pc System Corruption gives 15% AoK)
Backpack: Acosta's with +1 Skill Tier, 8.2%SH, 7.8%SD, with a 10.8%SH mod. The rolls on this backpack aren't great but I'm not going to complain since a kind soul dropped it for me during Federal Emergency Bunker.
Gloves: System Corruption with +1 Skill Tier and 8.2%SH
Holster: China Light with +1 Skill Tier and God-rolled Status Effects and SD
Knees: Hanu-U with +1 Skill Tier and God-rolled SH and Armor Regen
Primary: Surge with 12% Rifle Dmg, 13%CHD, and God-rolled DtH
Secondary: The Send-Off with God-rolled Shotgun Dmg, 10%DtA, and 7% CHD with Perfect Distance and Perfectly Rooted
Sidearm: Liberty with God-rolled Pistol Dmg and 4% Damage to Targets Out-of-Cover
Skills: Assault Turret and Sticky Bomb
Specialization: Technician
This build is far from optimized but it does get the job done. Playstyle is deploy turret, throw grenade (proc Acosta's), shoot with Surge to get HS (proc Perfect Spike) go to cover (proc Perfectly Rooted), and then let loose with the Explosive Sticky Bomb. You should see the turret's damage increase as you start to stack more of the proc's. I've seen the turret hitting for around 130K / shot. With all three proc'd, the Explosive Sticky is hitting for around 5 million. Before I got Acosta's, I was using an Alps with Combined Arms. If I could replace the System Corruption with two skill-based pieces that both had God-rolled Armor Regen, I would. Over time, that would be stronger than the AoK.
The goal of this post is in no way meant to diminish any of the problems or issues the game has had or currently has; some of them are quite egregious. It is also in no way meant to "call-out" those players who are struggling with the content by telling them to "Get Gud". The changes to TU8 dramatically affected how Agents need to approach the content and be successful. I hope some of you found this helpful. If I missed anything, please feel free to post your tips and suggestions.
submitted by jjones8170 to thedivision [link] [comments]

What if Pro Perk returns to BOCW?!?

Hello all. I first want to say that if any developer is reading this, please feel free to use any ideas mentioned. You have provided me with so much joy and fun with your titles, dedicated to the community and listens to feedback, and will be providing us with free content this year. Please feel free to use any ideas as a thank you for everything you provided me.
I was looking at Black Ops 1 and the Pro-Perks and I was wondering why it was discontinued. I get that that the effect became part of the core game or other perks/attachments, but I was thinking it can return to as an amplified version of the perk. I realized that this can lead to a balancing issue and making certain perks meta/crutch. After watching the multiplayer reveal and seeing the wild card option, I was thinking it can be a wild card but then the wild card would be overused/meta. Also, the Pro effect would be constantly used/in effect and might not be healthy for the game. Then I was playing MW19 and I activate the dead silence field upgrade. It then hit me: when don’t we have the PRO Perks as a field upgrade similar to Dead Silence in MW19?
After 3.5 to 5 minutes, you can activate HITMAN/PROfessional/SPECIALIST(?) (I don’t have a good name for the field upgrade but I was thinking of a half suit and tie and half black dress as the icon as James bond 007 came into my head). Your perks effect will be amplified and can last 10-15 seconds only (depending on the speed of the game). I’m still debating it should reset with every gun/melee kill (we will continue the discussion below in perk 2 slot). Also, this can be healthy for pros to mix into the field upgrade selection as they now have PRO, trophy system, and EMP as a grenade. I don’t want to make the effect too strong but at the same time useable for highlight moment and clutch plays. Gunsmith in MW19 made the guns unique and let us make the perks/ entire class fun to use.
Here is my ideal perk list with its boosted effects:
Perk 1: the dress-up Perks
Flak jacket – lethal resistance and fire.
PRO: survive direct impact lethal and resistance to kill streak explosive and fire.
Tac Mask – tactical and gas resistance
PRO: hold breath underwater 2-3x longer
*Also see perk 3 Cold Blooded for another idea about Tac mask
Engineer – see equipment and reroll care package
PRO: hack equipment and capture an enemy care package faster with a booby-trap
*Also, since it is a goggle maybe add night vision to see dark corners better
Fast hands (my perk suggestion)- swap weapon faster
PRO: Plant and defuse faster (20%) like COD’s CSGO defuse kit and amplify reload speed.
*Amplify reload speed – there are attachments that make reloading faster. This will increase the speed by 10%. Example: there is a mag that increases reload by 20%. With this perk, it is boosted to 22%.
Med Kit (my perk suggestion) – similar to MW19 quick fix: start healing after gun/melee kill.
PRO: Heal 2x fast and revive down a player (like the VIP game mode) 2x fast
Light-weight (my optional/filler perk suggestion) –Increase movement by 3-5%
PRO: Increase movement by 5-7%
* This perk might not be needed if the maps are smaller and if the game is fast pace but to have the speed buff that dead silence had would feel cool. If it were to be added to the game, it would have to be the first perk unlock so everyone has access to the speed so then it became a choice to use.
*Maybe a field upgrade like Dead Silence
*See Perk 3 Ninja for another idea.
Perk 2: Equipment
Scavenger – pick up ammo from enemy killed by melee or gunfire.
PRO: pick up a weapon that is reloaded ammo stocked.
Quarter Master – lethal and tactical reset after 25 seconds.
PRO: melee will instantly restock
Tracker – see footprint and mark enemy by ADS
PRO: MW19 high alert or BO3 sixth sense
Overclock (my perk suggestion)- MW19’s Tune-up: Field equipment cost 30% less
PRO: Right now I’m thinking gun/melee kill add 3-5 second to the timer if you are NOT using perk greed. Or if you got no-kill and were killed, you get 25-40% of your field upgrade
Hardline (my perk suggestion) – Reduce streak cooldown by 10% or Melee and gunfire kill reduce streak cooldown by 1or 2 second
PRO: kill gain additional +25 points per 5 kill streak
Mad Mechanic (my optional/filler perk suggestion) – field upgrade gets an additional effect.
* Examples - SAM turret has 1 extra rocket, Jammer will not charge the enemy’s field upgrade within its range, Trophy has 1 additional deflect, and the EMP grenade will disable trophy on deflect for 1-2 second.
PRO: Streak will have an additional effect.
*Examples: UAV has 1 more ping, Artillery strike has 1 more shot, Air patrol has 1 more chopper, RCXD has 1 more boost, and Copper Gunner has 1-2 more flares
* This seems too strong and might as well be a wildcard effect.
Perk 3: Skills
Ghost – not UAV ping when moving or plant/defusing the bomb
PRO: will be periodic ping on when moving VSAT (a UAV ping with some delay)
Cold Blooded – cool on thermal and not seen player control or AI target streak
PRO: hold sniper breath 2x long
*I was thinking this hold breath effect can go with Tac mask PRO and put remove nameplate from the enemy outside of the vehicle but it might be too strong.
Ninja – sprint quietly no battle chatter
PRO: Enemy cannot hear sprinting directly begin them in a cone shape radius no fall damage or breaking ankles.
*Dead silence seems too strong and has no counter. It might work but lets play it safe. I wanted lightweight to have the no fall damage with the speed increase as the PRO benefits but it was an optional perk inclusion.
Hardwired (my perk suggestion) – Protection form EMP, Counter UAV, Jammer, and Shock. Delay tracker, and detection device/equipment.
PRO: Cannot be detected by Tracker (and Tracker PRO), and detection device/equipment.
Park-core/Dexterity (my perk suggestion) – mantel and climb faster
*The original perk idea for no fall damage or breaking ankle
PRO: Jump stamina has fast recovery or Faster movement when crawling and crouching
Meditate (my optional/filler perk suggestion) – meditate to gain Awareness/Sitrep Pro
* 3 seconds to activate by holding triangle- put down your weapon, fold your hands (customizable or operator specific), take a deep breath (audible with ninja no batter chatter), closed your eyes to amplify sounds.
*3 seconds to deactivate by releasing the hold triangle – breath out (audible with ninja no batter chatter), open your eyes, and pick up your gun
* interrupted by stuns, flash, lethal and bullets.
PRO: Not interrupted by stuns, flash, lethal.
*meditation takes 2 seconds by skipping the breathing step.
*Alternatively, a greater range when crouched and a better range when prone.
* I really don’t like the alternative pro effect but I don’t like this perk idea in general.
Perk 2 seems lacking for pros aside from overclocking/tune-up. I can switch perks around but I do like the theme for each slot. Also, I don’t want a standard build like MW19 but a rotation of class, equipment, and field upgrade. Black ops 2, pros had to rotate perks depending if the opponent was using EMP grenade and stuns. I think the perk 3 slot can bring that back that. Off the ripe, dexterity, and ninja to get to the power position. To hold or rotating, you will need Hardwire so you can use your field equipment to protect or break a site and not be EMP (stopping you from using trophy/streak) and nade off the hill/bomb site. Maybe, someone can use Engineer to spot the trophy/setup. I personally was Molotov to be competitive even if it “GA” to 1 per team. With Flak Jacket, Trophy System, Fast Hands PRO, and maybe a tactical to get rid of gas, fire, and a small section of smoke, Moloto will not be auto-banned.
This my wonderful mind.
I have other crazy though like riot shield as field equipment so the shield trolls/challenges will not slow down the game. You would drop the weapon in your hands and you will get the shield. You can swap weapons to have it on your back. When you die it drops and when it is picked up, with will have 300-350 health then break. Also, maybe let us have the ballistic vest and a Taser gun as a field upgrade. Ballistic vest has 25-30 health and only applies to body shots. Shock charger can be equipment but then the field upgrade is a Taser gun similar to Prophet's shock drone.
I think there should be a “perks-only Lawbreaker” for pros to use and a “Gun Juggler” wild card.
Gun Juggler: You can have a primary/secondary weapon as you primary, secondary, lethal, tactical, and field upgrade. This might be a DLC perk.
Wild cards have unlocked my creativity! I’m genuinely excited for the game!
Questions, comments, thought?
submitted by DragonFang193 to CoDCompetitive [link] [comments]

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Feedback and Recommendations for Apex game :)

Firstly I would like to thank all devs working on improving the gameplay .. I really appretiate the amount of changes they did listening to the community feedback. ♥
So now I have some feedback points and things I would like to see in the game that may be inspiring and also may be in the actual plans as well Idk :)
1)Adding a guaranteed Red or Golden weapons to the vaults ... To buff Loba and make carrying the vault key and going to open the vaults more worthy .

2)Having very few meds and shield cells spawned around the map in The mode of (Armed and dangerous) is so annoying
especially if the player wanted to play with a legend different from lifeline/ Octane/ Wattson.

3) Let Loba loot her dead teammates banners by blackmarket if they are in range also let wraith do it in phase.

4) Being the Champion in the game makes no Sense for now ... I think that adding the choice to the champion to reveal his/her location on map while having some buffs to maybe ( less reload time and extra shield cell or extra speed) .So players who want to get these perks should push the champion shown on the map ... and he/she should be ready for them as he/she has choosen to be marked on the map.
(Notice: there should be a cooldown like ~5 minutes after cancelation or activation of the Selfmark so he/she cant get the perks then cancel it after they push another squad directly)

5)Let us close the deadBody loot window by clicking on the open right side of the window .. It will make it easier than moving our hand to "esc" button.

6)Adding the Ultimate Accelerant button to meds window and add specified shortcut button for it (already asked before by someone).

7)I have an additional idea related to legends ults effects on environment. for example Cryptos drone's EMP bomb should cut electicity power temporarily on lights and doors when activated.
Also Caustic Toxic gas should make effects on the environment around it like to see dead burnt grass or toxic liquides on ground around caustic barrels.
8)I have an idea related to new character abilities. I think it's time to have the character with an ability to hide from Scout characters especially against Bloodhounds you call it signal jammer or whatever... being able to run away hidden from scans for few seconds can save us from being shot by bloodhound 3rd party fans :)
(at the same time when the ability is activated the blooodhound character or crypto may have the notification that "someone is hidden in their scan range but will have no idea where exactly" ... I think this will balance the gameplay somehow.

9)All Common skins are all different in color of 1 part of the skin...instead of all these common skins slots adding 1 skin slot with a color slider bar that let the player to purchase the color level they want for specific amount of crafting material or legend Tokens is much better.

10) ( recoloring and gadget's new golden tier model skins) I saw someone posting recolored Wraith portals, actually that can be applied to other characters gadgets as well like caustic traps and Wattson Ult device and Octane's jumppads and Crypto's drone even the EMP bomb can be recolored .. it would be funny to see caustic traps like gift boxes for halloween . :D
submitted by Haassyy to apexlegends [link] [comments]

I'm upset about the current state of siege.

I'd like to at first go on record and state that I'm in no way a 'good player' skillwise. I try to communicate and am never toxic but I'm not highly ranked. To continue this disclaimer, I'd like to explain my situation. I got into siege 2018 with a friend lets call him X. X and I played for a bit but decided to give up due to a multitude of issues at the time, we never even got ranked because we didn't get far enough in clearance level. Fast forward to February this year I start playing again and see that the game has improved in various ways, so I asked if X wanted to try again and he did. We got a new friend lets call him P to join us as well and started playing again. I however feel like I'm the cusp of quitting again due to a multitude of issues I will discuss in this post. I've accrued about 100h of game time in the latest sprint with my friends getting a bit less. We also play on PC and I have no idea what the console experience is like.

Tech issues

In the 100 hours I've played, there has been countless tech issues. I'm bound to compare siege to dota, CSGO, and overwatch since I've played those games fair amount. I've been actively playing CSGO for about three years now and have almost 2000 hours in the game. Once in that three year window have I not been able to play due to the servers being down, whereas with siege maintenance seems to be a common occurence. In addition to maintenance simple bugs like how sometimes the sound engine just decides to not play sounds properly when using a drone or when sometimes it just randomly twists sounds to come from places where they must certainly aren't coming from. I know that siege uses a system where sound travels through open areas and sometimes this causes oddities, but I've had a game where sounds coming from directly in front of me sounded like they were on top or to either side. It was a single game and I'm certain my headset is not to blame due to the other audio problems with siege and siege being the only game that produces any issues for my setup. There have been issues where some things like gunshots or steps don't make sound but other sources do so I'm pretty sure whatever is keeping the sound running needs to sober up. I'm also certain that siege is the broken link in my audio chain because restarting it fixes the issues without exception, whereas sometimes queueing for a game after encountering something has that something persist.
In addition to the multitude of sound issues, the game isn't too stable. In the limited time we've been playing either me or a friend of mine has crashed ten or so times in total. This in itself wouldn't be that bad if the game wasn't so slow to start up and reconnect at times, because if you crash and fail to make it back until the end of the match you get penalized and have a matchmaking cooldown. We've in total waited maybe two hours for cooldowns due to games crashing which is ridiculous. It feels incredibly inconsiderate to prevent someone from playing because your game doesn't run properly. That's like serving raw chicken in a restaurant and making that person clear up their own vomit they produced because of the salmonella you gave them.
The game has also refused to connect to the siege servers multiple times (all of us have great student internet connections and get these issues in no other game), the servers have lagged out with mad rubberbanding and the peekers advantage is insane compared to CSGO. It sometimes feels like you got killed by someone who didn't even show up on your screen and in the killcam you can see that they had almost half a second to aim at your head. This could just be the desync between models and camera position since it mostly seems to occur when leaning is involved but I felt it best mentioned here.
Interestingly, I tried to test something while writing this to confirm accuracy and couldn't connect to siege servers at all.


This should be a quick chapter. I feel like the menus of siege were designed by an undergrad that was really proud of all the animations they made and refused to figure out how caching works. They are sluggish, require too many clicks to do anything and overall are a pain in the ass.
Let's start with something simple. You have been invited to a lobby by a friend and would wish to join that game. In overwatch, you get a prompt with a button both for the mouse and for your keyboard. In dota or CSGO an element pops up on your screen you can click to join the game and in all cases you instantly get to the lobby. In siege you get the popup on the overlay and have to either shift-f2 and if you were fast enough click the popup that for some reason still unclear to me jumps to the other side of your screen or you can click my invitations and with a good 80% chance the invitation is there to be accepted. You can also click your empty party and my invitations after that which opens the Ubisoft overlay thing. That's either three clicks or shift-f2+click minimum. Why? Why does it have to do that? Couldn't you just click the notification? Maybe an element would pop up under your party in the menu? I fail to understand the point of this and find that it just makes the navigation pointlessly complex. This isn't helped at all by how every button press feels incredibly sluggish due to either animations or loading something. It takes one click and about a second to join a lobby in any other game, but for some reason in siege it takes 3 seconds and three clicks.
Speaking of the overlay, what the absolute fuck Ubi. That thing has three features I use, the friends page for adding people I already knew in steam, notifications for joining lobbies, and club challenges for getting that sweet renown. Why does it have to have 11 buttons? Surely 'activate a code' could be put into whatever opens when I click 'store'. Maybe 'chat' could be incorporated somehow with 'groups' and 'friends'. The notifications panel is useful for joining games but that's about it since the messaging system that takes up a lot of the overlay is the worst one I've ever encountered. It lacks features like emoji support, often fails to notify me when I get a message which if I'm not mistaken is the point of the system. To finish on the overlay, I'd like to talk about club challenges. In my humble opinion, when I click collect on a challenge, I should get the reward. This may be revolutionary at Ubisoft, but I like to think of myself as a visionary. I'd go as far as to question the point of adding and collecting club challenges in the first place. Why do I have to go press a button to add a club challenge when there is no point in not adding them? I'd also like to point out that I have all the categories selected for getting notifications, so it's not that. I tested with a friend and the notification arrived in the chat tab so what's the point for the notifications tab other than to make accepting party invites harder?
Enough of the overlay, what about the in game menus? I'd dare say they suffer from over compartmentalization. If I for example want to change a sight for the smg-11 I use on smoke, I have to click operators>defenders>smoke>loadout>smg-11>sights>holo. That's six clicks. Now consider that for some reason, none of my guns have attachments. This is true for every operator released before y4s1. I don't exactly know why it changed then, but that means I have to click every single gun on every single operator through to put everything in it's place. But what if I heard from a friend that using holo is bad and want to try reflex? I'd have to manually shift all the guns on all the operators I use to use reflex instead of holo and considering that from the operators screen that would be five clicks per operator + (2esc/back button + 2clicks) per additional gun on operators, I'd reckon it would total close to a hundred clicks. Could there maybe be a 'guns' option next to the top bars 'operators' button to quickly access guns? Maybe even a tool to set preferences so that you can easily change things like optics for many guns. I'd imagine you could set specific attachments to guns but also have the option of 'default' which would be customizable per weapon class (shotgun, smg, assault rifle, dmr). Since all guns don't have all the options, the sensible way to handle defaults would be to sort them in order of preference for each class and each slot. You could say that you prefer acog on assault rifles and if there isn't one available, take the holo, then reflex, then red dot, then iron sights. Caring about skins or charms isn't something I do anymore simply because handling them is a hassle. Could it maybe be that I'd like to use the same skin for both docs and rooks mp5? Why do I have to set the skin for both of them separately?
If sensible customizable defaulting isn't possible, then can we at least reduce the clicks a bit and make it so that on the loadout screen instead of having to 'open' each gun, the boxes highlighted here could be clickable and open individual attachments or charm selectors. Clicking the background would open skin selection. If you want to maintain current functionality, clicking the gun could open skin selection and clicking the background would open the current menu you get from clicking anywhere in the frame. It's not even that Ubi doesn't want small buttons since the small dial on the bottom left of each gun equips it and it's a small button already in the game, they just genuinely saw that this is the way to go.
The shop is also poorly structured, but I barely use that thing so can't really complain about that.


I'd like to note that the gameplay, when everything works as it should, is fantastic. The gunplay is tight, bullets for the most part hit on the server where they did on the client and that stuff is handled well. Some elements however confuse me from a design perspective and that's what I'm going to talk about. Like, why is it that on bomb when the attackers drone out one objective, both aren't revealed. An experienced player knows where the other one is automatically in most cases, but for a new player this is just pointless obfuscation. Sure, on some maps like Oregon and Kafe some defense options share a site and for those the behavior could remain as is, but for the majority of cases the sites are unique pairs with no overlap. It might even be fine to reveal both when there is overlap. Another one is how you need to scan to reveal which operators the opponents are playing as. In my opinion, if an operator's viability or options get signifficantly limited when the other team knows they exist, that is not a good operator design. Sure, mozzie is way better when people are running their drones full throttle into pests, but is that really why mozzie is a good pick? I'd be fine with doing what I understood pro league does and reveal all operators once the action phase begins. It removes some frustration from playing with randoms without a microphone who fail to communicate who they killed and honestly I feel like the biggest issue with current siege overall is how it introduces elements to what seems like intentionally frustrating.
As for operators, I feel that they are way too expensive. This is probably the point where someone gets the first bingo. Yes, I wouldn't complain about operator prices if I had them all and yes I'm a relatively new player but the system causes some really frustrating situations that I have no way out of. Our stack is relatively new and we have editions ranging from gold to deluxe, so none of us have the newest toys. This became rather apparent when playing on chalet with Thatcher banned. The thing was that someone on the other team had Kali, so even with an ads next to the drone hole and an electroclaw on the top, the other team bust that wall open in seconds. None of us nor our teammates had Kali so we tried to do it with a Maverik which ended up poorly and was a lot harder. Serves us right for not having all the operators I guess. Sure, the launch operators are cheap and cover 95% of your bases but the last 5% is not insignificant. Not to mention the handful of cases before I unlocked Hibana when Thermite was banned. Those were rough games. The system also has issues where if they change older operators to cause an issue that is solved by recent operators, our shitter games take a steep turn downwards. It's also noteworthy that I did the math and to unlock kali, I'd have to play for about 35 hours, which is five hours per day for a week. She isn't even the type of character I like playing, so to drop what would probably be two weeks worth of renown on an operator I don't like playing just so that I won't get fucked the 5% of the time that Thatcher is banned.
In addition to the operator acquisition process being flawed, I have problems with the operator designs themselves. This will likely be the most opinionated chapter of the post so beware. I will talk about balance later, this is exclusively for the designs. My problems can be boiled down to meaningless overlap, overly complex rules, and base mechanics like speed/armor. I'd also like to be able to pick a spawn by clicking on the map instead of on the list that is sorted in a seemingly random order. This is more of an issue for attackers, since sometimes I'd like to spawn on the west side but have no idea which of these options is the west side so I'll slowly hover them all to find out something that shouldn't have to be searched for.
To start with the last one, I don't like the speed/armor system. When I started playing the game didn't properly explain that they were mutually exclusive which was confusing since we thought things like mute being one speed but two armor and that didn't fit into what others were saying. This is a simple ui design problem that I think I've ranted enough about so I'll leave that for another day. My true issues with the system is that for new players it is framed as something where having speed or having armor are both valid choices and one is not better than the other when in reality speed wins nearly always. Another issue is how traits that at least for me have nothing to do with running fast or having heavy plates on your torso are linked to the system. For example, high speed reducing the noise from your footsteps. The game seems to be filled with mechanics like that that at no point are explained to the player and it is just assumed that the players will figure something like that out or go to community wikis or test stuff out themselves. I still don't know if equipping an acog will increase ads time since the game doesn't tell me this, but I remember hearing that from someone. Someone also said to me that a Jäger ads shoots out projectiles and if you stand in front of it, it shoots you instead of the grenade. I don't think that is true, but I'm not a 100% certain which is my point. The game is known for having a few of those mechanics and not explaining them and that is confusing and 'fake mechanics' for no reason.
By meaningless overlap I don't mean exactly that but couldn't think of a better term for it. I'm talking about how the Ash-Zofia dynamic works. In my opinion, there shouldn't be operators you pick because they have a good gun and the notorious speed 3 rating. I'm fine with there being fragging operators, but I'd much prefer if they worked like Ying or Finka, where their gadget is an important part of their kit and arguably on the same level as everyone else, just different. Ash's breaching rounds are just a worse version of Zofia's lifeline. Lifeline detonates instantly and comes with another mode on top, but the balance is achieved through Ash being faster and having better guns. Ideally, I'd like siege to work in a way where operators are chosen for their gadgets and not seemingly arbitrary numbers on guns or the swoleness of their thighs. Just something really simple, like giving Ash a third shot for her launcher would in my eyes make the choice a lot better. Do you need more entry umph or do you need to breach a few more soft walls? That is a situational choice where as of now you choose based on how hot you are feeling in terms of aim vs how much do you want to be a team player. I'm all for operator overlap like you could probably pick up on in the cost complaining paragraph. I like how Thermite makes better holes in walls than Hibana, but she can open up two hatches and a peekhole and do it from a range. In my opinion, all overlapping gadgets should work like the dynamic between Hibana and Thermite. I also strongly believe that each operator gadgets should be roughly around the same power level and that 'bad gadget good gun' and 'good gadget bad gun' are both bad meta level concepts for an operator.
I won't go into detail, but some gadget designs like clash, jackal or lesion are just non-interactive for the opponent. I think that rook is fine, since even though the opponents having rook plates will influence my play, it isn't something that is directly happening to me. If you get lion scanned you have the choice of whether to move or not which is interesting gameplay, but if you do the grave mistake of walking around and get scanned by jackal you get no choice. Your position will be tracked no matter what you do and that isn't good game design. Lesion is a weird one because I don't think his gu mines are that great after the recent nerfs, but the way they work isn't very fun either. Either you bring an IQ and completely fuck over Echo and Lesion or you step on the mines. Them being invisible is baffling, since that means you as an attacker don't have an option. It's not like a Kapkan trap where you can choose to be slow and methodical checking for lasers and boxes. The effect is less severe sure, but that falls under balance rather than design. Having no way of avoiding something bad that is happening to you feels bad and siege is filled with gadgets that do that. There are good ones like how you can choose to not answer Dokkaebi or how you can move after shooting an Alibi prism and the ping isn't constant and lets you make choices.
Lastly from the list of gameplay gripe categories I'd like to talk about overly complex interactions. This includes things like what is destroyed and what is disabled by an emp or what exactly can destroy an evil eye. Finka boost is an example like using because it has so many side effects that in many ways they out-weigh the main effects. Like many of my points, this is an issue exclusive to new players but since everyone was once a new players I hope you can relate. Siege is full of things that either because of realism or because of gameplay have a lot of asterisks next to their description. For things like how Ash's breaching rounds deal 50 damage this is completely fine since that is a situation that can come up but for things like Finka's Adrenal surge the list is long and leads to situations where something works as intended but still looks like a bug. My friend just a week ago died of a smoke cloud really fast and was confused as to why that happened. There have been cases when randomly one of our stack didn't get the boost because someone was standing next to a mute jammer. I'll make a game of this. Without looking at other comments, list as many properties for the surge as you can. I'll use the wiki to see if anyone got them all.

Balance and communication

I and many of you by recent reddit content aren't satisfied with how the devs are handling the balance of the game. I'd like to remind you all at this point that I like most reddit analysts am not good at the game. I've bundled balance with communication, since I feel like Ubi's issue with balance isn't really a balance issue but a communications issue. Like in the case of the recent test server which seems to not sit well with the community. Personally, I think Ubi is doing the right thing by having a public test server and prototyping things there. I just hope they take the community critique as critique of the changes and not the system, since the alternative is the changes just appearing on the main servers one day without a warning. Personally, establishing a channel of communication between the players and the developers and actively using it would be the way to go. If Ubi want that the players voice their opinions and answer polls in twitter then so be it but I and I doubt many of you have any clue what this channel is. Screaming into the void and hoping that someone reads it isn't a sustainable communication strategy and if Ubi wants to see something more intelligent from us as a community than what's been going on with the recent test server changes they really ought to do something about that. As you may see, I'll gladly voice my opinion of the game publicly in the current void-screaming situation, but that is largely because I'm a petty person and just enjoy complaining and coming up with make-believe solutions that make me sound smarter than an average beaver.
As it comes to balance, I've previously stated that in my honest opinion, every gadget should be on the same line. I'm fine with giving slower ops better guns, since the gadget is the focus of the operator and stuff like speed and guns are secondary in the fantasy I think the game is trying to convey. As for individual operators/gadgets/guns I don't have the faintest of clues and don't think someone in my position should in the tone I've been maintaining so far express what is too strong and what is too weak. Personally I think that Dokkaebi could use a little love, her hacker thing is something that could be pushed further. I'd kinda want to see something like her being able to hack electronic gadgets if she sees them like kapkan traps, mozzie'd drones and maybe even evil eyes and yokais. Glaz's rifle could maybe reset a bit faster. Twitch should have less rate of fire in the f2 and more shock drones. The shock drone being able to jump would also make me happy. Gridlock trax could deploy a bit faster. Maverik should have a bit more fuel in the torch and the reloading mechanic needs to go. Warden glasses could be passive and activate automatically but just not see through smoke, that part feels tacked on. Frag grenades are the best secondary gadget on attack by far, I think they either should be pulled back a bit or everything else should be bumped closer. Breach charges on attack are in a weird place and need a tweak. I could list half-truths like this until the heat death of the universe but I doubt that is the way forward.


I know that none of my points are that backbreaking on their own, but the cumulative weigh is heavy. I've seen the game improve in multiple ways and I didn't even feel like I needed to talk about the community since I haven't gotten teamkilled and kicked by a stack for any reason recently, but I remember that wasn't always the case. Maybe I was playing a wrong operator or they just didn't like me but I remember getting killed by my teammates multiple times right after spawning. I didn't go into how things like some f keys are automatically bound and cannot be switched. I believe that f12 is bound to the same thing esc does and that was an issue for me since I bound my mouse macroes to f9-12.
Thank you for getting through that rambling rant. I salute you.
submitted by hajhawa to Rainbow6 [link] [comments]

How to: Legendary Healer/CC Build Guide

HealeCrowd Control Build for Legendary
Hey Agents,
I'm going to be doing a few build posts covering some of the builds i use to clear Legendary content, as a short disclaimer please understand that this is all my personal preference and reasoning through experiences i've had in-game, builds can vary in many ways and especially in Legendary content will require adapting or changing slight aspects of a build throughout the run. I will do my best to break down my builds and explain the reasoning and details of each one.
Before I jump into this build, I highly recommend that you take a look at this image and read it, i wrote it up to help people returning to the game, but realized this can really help anyone at any point, its probably the easiest way to start getting higher quality gear so you can start putting together these Legendary builds faster.
Understanding the Difference between Legendary and normal content, Legendary content is quite different than normal content in a way that requires much more teamwork and dedicated builds that need to play by a certain role in order for the team to succeed as a group, very similar to MMO's, you have your DPS (damage per second), CC (crowd control), Healer, or Tank roles. I will only probably be sharing 3 of my builds (DPS/CC/Skill DPS) because i personally feel like all you really need for an efficient Legendary run is a structure of x1 healecc hybrid, x2 single target dps, x1 skill dps.
The first build i'd like to cover is the HealeCC build, you'll always have greater coordination and success running with people you know and can communicate with, playing with randoms can be a bit of a mixed bag, but if you make these builds i will be sharing, you should be able to fit into any role the team requires. some groups prefer a dedicated CC and a dedicated Healer, I personally feel its not needed, you can actually combine healing and CC into one build as i'll be breaking down below.
I've provided a short video to this post that shows the details of my build and skills used, i also a short clip of how to use the build, and a demo of the healing capabilities.
The Build:
  • 4pc Hard Wired is great for skill builds, being able to refresh your other skill every 20 seconds by deploying a skill basically makes skill haste irrelevant, even further the hard wired backpack brings that time down to 10 seconds instead which is essential part of how this build functions.
  • i'd say the most important role in a Legendary run is the CC role, you are the heart of the team, you dictate when the DPS builds need to strike, you give them uptime by healing them and providing CC on enemies, if you die..there's a good chance the team will start to fall apart fast.
  • Tardigrade chest works very well in this hybrid build because more survivability you can provide to your team or DPS roles, the more uptime everyone has to melt enemies. though this piece of gear will give you 1 armor core stat, you can bump your skill tier back to 6 by using the technician specialization, and you get some extra armor which helps you and your team when they get your bonus armor from this chest.
  • so because Hard Wired needs 4 pieces of gear, and already 1 exotic and we also need the hard wired backpack, that leaves us with 1 brand to choose from and it has to be mask, gloves, holster, kneepads. there's 2 options, Golan or Alps. Golan gives 10% status for brand bonus, but gives you an armor core stat, Alps gives you 15% skill repair but gives you 1 skill tier core stat. I choose Alps because i tested both and ultimately you're trading 1 second more of blinding capability for healing, and Alps will be easier to farm for since Golan you'd have to find a perfect role to be able to recal for a skill tier over armor.
  • I choose Sweet Dreams for the exotic weapon because though you shouldn't really be killing anything and focusing on CC, you may get rushed by a red/purple enemy and at least you have a weapon that can insta-kill them with a melee hit. Baker's Dozen as secondary, despite not having a dmg oriented build, it still can hit upwards of 400k per shot, if your CC is so on point that you find yourself with time to spare, definitely consider using it to help pad on some dmg with the DPS users.
  • obviously recalibrate for status effect on every piece of gear since that will increase your status effect durations, i choose repair skills for mod slots and secondary attributes.
  • Last point to make is, during a will eventually learn the different strongholds on legendary and know what to expect in each room, you will probably alter aspects of your build based on your team and stronghold. for instance blinder is great, but also consider riot foam, emp jammer pulse for warhounds and black tusk electronics, or even oxidizer to get those annoying healing stations hiding behind obstacles.
Using the Build:
im not sure what's going on in the demonstration video with the firing range, clearly its acting a bit weird, but enemies should be blinded for 20 seconds at least, and for some reason its blinding several targets and just acting weird, but essentially the demo on how to use the build itself is correct. you can see that orange Hard Wired icon refresh every 10 seconds, meaning if you put your hive down, it will refresh your other skill if its on cooldown. you can see how in this demonstration, you can basically have your healer hive always down, and just pick it up and drop it again when you need to reset your blinder cooldown, and by the time enemies are off blind, you are ready to blind them again all the while you have tardigrade and a healer hive making sure your DPS users are in the best shape to start melting enemies. I would highly suggest some practice, get used to the timing and understanding how the Hard Wired talent functions.
This is a fun role to play, it requires a good understanding of your build, its function, and is a true staple in the success of a Legendary run, if you can provide both healing and CC for the team, you will be invaluable to your teammates. Definitely look to have this build in your loadouts. I aim to post two more builds, the single target DPS, and Skill DPS, please be patient and hope this helps, enjoy!
Demo Video:
submitted by GrieverXVII to Division2 [link] [comments] Stable! Small CJE / APS update and new sounds Stable! Small CJE / APS update and new sounds
What is up, awesome people of the internet.We have been working our empennage’s off once again like someone strapped a Small Custom Jet Engine to it!
We are really pleased to introduce you all to the new Small Custom Jet engine, which has been created by the awesome Weng! :D. We also have Draba’s legendary APS overhaul, which has been a very hot topic we also have a new missile warhead! And other missile tweaks, not only that but tweaks to the shield generators, and projectors, its an extensive list which you will find in the patch notes section and the proposal post linked above. Our artistic Mattia has created a number of new sounds and updated a number of sounds. Of course, we cannot forget Gladyon and Nick with the bug squishing, and Joris getting things ship shape for the campaign overhaul, and if you have missed the discussion you can find it .
So before this little intro gets plane boring, let's get into some detail with all the new stuff and things.
Small Custom Jet Engine.If we create two CJE’s exactly the same however one would be the small variant, we should see a difference in force and fuel usage at around 1/9th of the large CJE.
The CJE’s have a number of parts exactly like the standard CJE, the major parts are currently 5 materials cheaper, while the addons like extra compressor, fuel injector and combustor are 2 materials cheaper than the standard CJE.
Large and to some extent small CJE addons have had a small change in the way they work. Prior to this update, the addons connect in a number of directions and when they connect, the model of the addon automatically rotates to line up with the main jet. This is what will be changing, they will only connect in one direction and must be manually rotated to fit on.
The caveat to this is that they will still provide their benefit even though the model is not visibly being attached and also showing us the warning in the tooltip, which will be sorted out in the next few updates.
In future add ons will not work if they are not properly attached and this of course means the sharing of addons between CJE’s will be removed
Both CJE’s have had their sounds changed which also changes in comparison to the force they are outputting.
We are looking forward to seeing all your builds using these little babies :D and if you cannot wait to build something to use them (unless you have been using the DevTest branch), then I have you awesome people covered :D I have also left it plain for you to colour in :P
This is by no means efficient or the best way to setup CJE’s and don't expect it to 1 shot a moray or live too long :P We won't be held responsible for the loss of life or being sacrificed by the White Flayers.
Seeing these missiles brings us to the next sweet addition to From The Depths, which is the Shaped charge head. It has the same drag as a thumper and uses the HE warheads placed directly behind it, blasting a stream of superheated armour-piercing copper into our target. So feel free to change the missiles in the little drone, they should be long enough to have some fun :D
While you are using the little drone above and if you add some munition warners or your own construct, you will be able to hear some new beeps and alarms when you ‘Q’ on the warner.
We have added alert noises for missile detection, torpedo detection with active sonar, shell detection, radar ping detection and sonar ping detection.
Now if you do want to sit there and listen to all the new alarms but don't want to see your construct full of holes, then we suggest you turn on God Mode! :D (or be boring and just hover the cursor over the options in the ‘warning sound settings’)Yes!, we now have the ability to make our constructs invulnerable in designer mode only.
Yellow / Gold is on and white is off :D
Our Crams have had a little bit of love as we now have tooltips showing damage and shell powefirepower at the highest rate of fire the cannon is capable of.
Michael has also been busy with the story missions and they are now accessible in the Fight menu, however they are still being worked on!
As always I pic something sweet you awesome people create. This was posted by Object2791 @Object2791 on our @FTD_Game twitter Boss Ship from Darius Gaiden
Patch notes:
: Added in a smaller 1x1x1 variant of the Custom Jet Engine.
: Flags are now moving using wind, vehicle and SubConstruct velocity, and they also are oriented correctly [REQ-34].
: The assault cannon is now displaying the build arrow [BUGS-1361].
: The name of the ammo controllers is now displayed in the list of controllers attached to a simple weapon [BUGS-1360].
: Loading a blueprint with the avatar in the chair is now working again [BUGS-1423].
: PAC charge time is now saved/loaded properly [BUGS-1417].
: Spinblocks mode not locked properly [BUGS-1390].
: Exhausts are now detected correctly even when the CPU is under heavy load [BUGS-1389].
: When the limit number of shells is reached, the oldest ones will be removed instead of the newest ones [BUGS-1382].
: Fragments shouldn't go through armor as often as before when the target is moving fast [BUGS-1172].
: Flags are now updated immediately when changed [BUGS-1344]
: Up to 4 fleet colors can now be saved, named and/or protected (*** : Game configuration panel of options menu now has an alternative (2019) Neter physics setting that we are experimenting with.
: Added missile launch sounds.
: Added missile reload sounds.
: Tidied up the missile burn sound.
: Fixed the sound manager so that fast firing cannons do not become inaudible.
: Replaced the simple laser sound.
: Updated jet SFX.
: Added a sound when rambot jumps.
: Added the #hashtag system for sounds.
: Added a button to the UI displaying how to get into the avatar inventory screen.
: Added alert noises for missile detection, torpedo detection (with active sonar), shell detection, radar ping detection and sonar ping detection.
: God mode for vehicles is now toggleable in the 'C' menu in designer- allowing easier testing of a craft or weapons without being blown up.
: Right click with the river tool now removes a neighbour-merge on one specific side- allowing you to make better rivers and mountain ranges using the river tool . : [FTD-118] ability to add custom scripts to all instances added.
: Added sliders in the game config for adjusting APS speed, missile speed and CRAM speed.
: I have removed the building control variant where G locks and unlocks the build marker orientation (when unlocked it automatically followed camera placement orientation) and tab would flip the build marker upside down when unlocked. This is a hang over from the initial style implemented 6 years ago where blocks were all 1x1x1 and their orientation was not that important. You can still tap G to orient the block in the direction of the camera, so you are not forced to use the rotation widget (tab).
: Changing the controller mode of a vehicle controller can now only be done by looking at the controller and pressing Q.
: Story missions have been removed whilst we work on fixing them up
: Dangerous waters has now been entirely removed from FtD
: [BUGS-1418] fix for saving vehicles in multiplayer obelisk assault map
: Fixed a bug with ailerons and universal control surfaces when placed on spinners / turrets.
: [BUGS-1425] Fixed an issue with the point at behaviour and the ship/tank manoeuvre combination where the vehicle would never 'idle' because it never met it's point at combat altitude.
: Fixed a bug where you can be left with two avatars if you restart designer whilst drop pod is falling
: Fixed a number of bugs with the map editor height map editing screen.
: AICirclingTankCard, AICirclingShipCard, AICirclingPlaneCard,AICirclingHoverCard have been adjusted so that the IDs of the routines they make are actually unique. This change will cause some small issues for cards that have been placed so far (duplicate behaviours and maneouvres) but will fix other issues in the long term.
: [BUGS-791] Rudders now respond again to custom controls.
: [BUGS-1476] default pitch angle for altitude control is now 15 degrees in the AI plane cards.
: Lasers cavities now spawn with up to 30 seconds worth of pump energy.
: LAMS node cost down from 200 to 100.
: Laser cavity energy back from 100/400/4000 to 150/600/6000.
: Laser shields are now the equivalent of 100 smoke strength/shield strength, instead of 175. Final AP at STR 10 from ~24.9% to 30%
: Missile damage cut to 1/2 the previous value.
: Missile HP reduced by 25%.
: Missile body/thumper HP modifier back from 150% to 200%.
: Missile thump damage up by 25%.
: CIWS damage multiplier up from 8 to 10.
: L missile 50% HP bonus removed".
: Signal jammer maximum error added to remote guidance reduced from 15m to 10m.
: Prelock thrust now can't reduce thrust below 50% of the minimum setting for the propulsion component.
: Shaped charge head added, same drag as thumper. It fully uses the HE warheads directly behind it.
: Thrust-based detection range doubled.
: Multiple HE/EMP/flak warheads give a linear damage increase (also goes for HE behind HEAT/HESH).
: Smoke warhead smoke amount at 500mm up from 600 to 1000, has linear stacking.
: Velocities of shells with the same modules now match at different sizes(no more penalty for small ones).
: Kinetic damage down to ~¼.
: Kinetic AP up to 1.5-3 times the previous values.
: Kinetic damage scales linearly with shell length. More bodies with same propellant and rail draw = higher kinetic damage but less AP, lower speed, higher ammo cost and higher reloadtime.
: Hollow point AP now scales with speed/shell AP modifier.
: Explosive radius has the same scaling as missiles, DAMAGE^0.3 (slightly higher for low cal, lower for high cal). Missiles down from 0.34 to 0.3.
: Flak radius is now 3x the radius of a HE explosion with the same damage.
: Frag adjusted to match the missile HE-frag damage ratio.
: Frag damage changed to have the same scaling as everything else (total frag damage is proportional to MODULE_VOLUME^0.5).
: HESH now spalls in a single line perpendicular to the surface hit.
: HESH now spalls on hitting a non-structural block, like HEAT.
: HESH heads now give 80% of a full warhead's worth of special charge, and 20% plain HE.
: Effective spalling metric of armor can't get below 3 against HESH.
: heads now give 80% of a full warhead's worth of special charge, and 20% plain HE.
: now won't spawn more frags than 20. Above 20 frags damage is increased instead.
: pen metric is now linear with factor(range tightened).
: frag counts reduced.
: Autoloader clip modifier is now: 2 / (1 + UNIQUE_CLIP_DIRECTIONS).
: Autoloader clips don't have to have shells to provide the loading speed bonus.
: Autoloader complexity modifier removed.
: Autoloader length modifier removed.
: Casings only cost half as much ammo as other full-length parts.
: Casings only count at half length for intake and loader reload times.
: Intakes attached directly to the firing piece take twice as much time to reload.
: Loader and intake times ~doubled.
: Reload time multiplier at a given diameter: 2 + SHELL_LENGTH, where casings only count as half length.
: Smaller shells have an additional VOLUME^0.15 firerate penalty, to account for lower gauge/barrel overhead. They are still slightly stronger in smaller guns.
: Barrels have enough base cooling to sustain ~2 intakes with 5 gunpowder casing shells each.
: Additional barrels increase base cooling time. COOLDOWN = BASE_COOLDOWN * (1 + 0.2 * (BARREL_COUNT - 1)), so 6 barrels give only 3x total speed.
: Gauge coolers give a 50% additive bonus to cooling rate(each one can support 1 intake).
: Cooler bonus % is reduced with multiple barrels, total increase is the same as with 1 barrel.
: Cooler bonus % is reduced with higher calibers, to match their lower intake-loader ratios.
: Bore evacuators give a 15% additive bonus.
: Overclock setting removed.
: Barrel length requirement now ignores casings, to reach 0.3 inaccuracy: SHELL_LENGTH ^ 0.75 * 4.
: Inaccuracy is: 0.3° * (BARREL_LENGTH / LENGTH_FOR_0.3)^0.4. Roughly doubled base accuracy, and barrels lengths matter less.
: Additional barrels increase inaccuracy by 20/25/30/35/40%.
: Rails triple the shell's accuracy at the maximum possible draw(without casings). Scaling is linear, small charges are much weaker than before.
: Tracer's maximum accuracy bonus is 50%.
: Stabilizer fin now uses the same component modifier system as other parts, 0.2 inaccuracy multiplie0.95 speed multiplier.
: A 500mm gunpowder casing is 2000 recoil. 1 recoil = 1 kinetic energy = 1 rail draw.
: Barrels give enough recoil reduction capacity to fire a 5 GP shell at their caliber.
: Barrels recharge enough recoil reduction to sustain ~2 intakes with 4 GP shells at 0 recoil.
: Shots with recoil over 0 have increased inaccuracy. The penalty is 2x base inaccuracy with completely unmitigated 5 GP shells.
: Recoil absorbers give 800 capacity and 120 recharge/sec for each meter of length.
: Recoil force of a 5 propellant shell reduced to ~70% (won't push things around as hard).
: Absorbed recoil doesn't increase inaccuracy and only pushes the vehicle with half the force.
: Gunpowder and rails use a kinetic energy system: a single 500mm gunpowder module gives 2000 kinetic energy, 1 rail charge gives 1.
: Shell speed is roughly SQRT(KINETIC_ENERGY) / SHELL_MODULE_LENGTH, before volume scaling and shell speed modifier from different parts.
: Every shell has a maximum energy it can take from rails without being destroyed(scales with module count). At max draw shells reach ~1000-1500 m/s without rail casings.
: Rail casings increase the maximum usable rail energy without adding mass to the shell.
: Maximum rail draw is now a fixed number, instead of total battery energy %. Final rail draw is the minimum of this value and the shell's maximum possible energy.
: Magnet attaching fixtures and barrel magnets now provide 10000/5000 maximum rail capacity. Only fixtures having at least 1 magnet count.
: Rail charger energy/s up from 100 to 200.
: Rail charger overclock setting removed.
: Shield reflection chance now does not depend on projectile speed.
: Base reflection chance between 0-90° impact angle is 20-40% for STR 10, 5-10% for STR 1.
: Shield stacking limitations removed.,
: Projectiles roll a shield penetration value on being fired and use that for all shields(stacking only matters for different angles/strengths).
: Disrupt shield mode removed.
: Shield projector cost down from 300 to 200.
: Disruptor-tipped shells now pass through all shields, and cut their strength to X% of current value(debuffed strength is tracked separately, doesn't reduce power cost).
: Disruptor effect strength depends on the EMP payload of the shell.
: Disruptor head reduces all payloads in the shell to 50%.
: Disruptor head now has the standard fast head component speed modifier, and counts as an EMP warhead.
: Shields hit by disruptors regain their strength over time. The higher the power cost of the shield, the faster it stabilizes.
: Railgun charger cost up from 15 to 400.,
: Autoloader costs up from 20/volume to 200/250/275/300/350/400 for 1/2/3/4/6/8 meter ones.
: Clip costs up from 5/volume to 100/125/140/150/175/200 for 1/2/3/4/6/8 meter ones.
: Beltfed loader cost up from 35 to 400.
: Ammo input feeder cost up from 15 to 50.
: Gauge increase cost up from 15 to 20.
: Gauge splitter cost up from 15 to 50.
: Gauge cooler cost up from 20 to 50.
: Railgun magnet attachment fixture cost up from 15 to 50.
: Railgun barrel magnet cost up from 15 to 50.
: Hydraulic recoil absorber cost up from 10 to 80 material/meter.
: Firing piece cost up from 30 to 100.
: Heavy barrel weight down to 50%.
: Railgun chargers can now connect to each other (back-front).
: The back of a firing piece can now connect to autoloaders.
: The sides of gauge increase splitters can now connect to autoloaders.
: Gauge splitters are now coolers, and accept the same connections.
: 6 way connectors now connect to recoil absorbers.
: The module in the first slot determines the base AP/kinetic damage/speed/HP/accuracy modifiers of the shell.
: Modules behind the first slot average their modifiers, weighted by their length.
: Final modifiers are HEAD_BASE * MODULE_AVERAGE.
: AP cap renamed to heavy head, slower and has less AP but does more kinetic damage.
: Composite head is faster with higher AP and has a higher KINETIC * AP value than heavy head. Downside is its kinetic damage is lower, prone to AP overkil.
: Sabot head is even fastehigher AP than composite.
: HP increased to ~5 times the previous values.
: Fuse lengths are now capped at 100mm.
: Ammo costs of short parts are now proportionally lower.
: Pendepth fuse time after first surface slider now has 3 decimals.
: Pendepth fuse defaults are 5m depth, 0.01s time after first surface.
: APS clip explosions are now merging their HE, flak and powder damage into a single explosion, radius is FINAL_DAMAGE^0.3.
: APS clip explosion uses HE at 1/4 strength and flak/EMP at 1/2 strength.
: APS clip explosions of lower calibers are slightly weaker than higher calibers with the same amount of clips(clip volume, not count).
: APS autoloaders and clips now display how much explosive/emp/frag damage they do if destroyed
: CRAMs got tooltips showing damage and shell powefirepower(at the highest rate of fire the cannon is capable of).
: Laser combiners have a tooltip showing the estimated firepower of the multipurpose laser they are attached to. 1 laser firepower is 400 DPS at 50 AP (or 200 DPS at 100, ...).
: All craft show a firepower breakdown in their V menu, below volume stats. It only counts APS, missiles, CRAMs and lasers for now.
: Stone cost up from 2 to 3 materials for each cubic meter.
: The option to target AI mainframes and ammo was removed from the aimpoint selection card.
submitted by BaconsTV to FromTheDepths [link] [comments]

Raid Guide - Detailed and Corrected, w/strategy and a small build guide

(Scroll down to RAID GUIDE if you just want to see boss info/strategy) I’ve been seeing a lot of complaints about difficulty and a TON of misinformation about the raid and its mechanics. I also haven’t been seeing a lot of good info gathered in a single space, usually spread out across several threads. Last week my clan (Bananapants) worked with the clan Something Clever to take down the raid and it was a really fulfilling experience, so I was very surprised to see the negative reception to the raid. We are not pros with 500+ hours in the game running god tier items. We are all working adults with decent builds that we improved over the 16 hours it took us to clear the raid the first time. The raid is doable for much more than the 5% of the game’s population that has completed it thus far.
The goal of this guide is to provide as much detail into the mechanics and strategy as possible so that there is no misinformation within your raid group and so that everyone is on the same page. I also know that there are already video guides, but personally I prefer text guides as youtube guides tend to waste your time.

Thoughts on builds

First off, as for builds, I personally enjoy the personal discovery of it, so this is not coming from a “meta” perspective. I never did much research on what makes a good build and started out with a crit lmg build and tried new things until I figured out what worked the most. Unfortunately, what works the most seems to be just stacking as much damage as possible, which is rather boring, but that’s what works so that’s what I did.
My build was only decent, not great in any sense of the word, and I was still able to deal enough damage and take leading roles in the raid for the first 3 bosses. The 4th boss is such a hard dps check that our group was forced to stop and grind better gear before we could progress, so now my build is much better. Here is my current build (“To be replaced” means I recognize this isn’t good, but I haven’t found a better piece to fix it):

LMG Build

Item Talents Stats
Military M60 E4 Unhinged 32.9k dmg (~19k before all %dmg buffs)
Nemesis Used for holster talent N/A
Mask Hard Hitting 33% Damage to Elites + 1 Yellow
Backpack On The Ropes + Hard Hitting 13% Crit Chance + 2 Yellows
Chest Destructive (To be replaced) 16.5% Crit Chance + 3% All Wep Dmg + 7.5% Crit Dmg + 1 Yellow
Gloves Clutch 11% LMG Damage
Holster Precise (To be replaced) 14.5% Crit Chance
Knees Hard Hitting 7% Crit Chance
Gear Mods 3 Yellow + 2 Red 3% All Wep Dmg + 7.5% LMG Dmg
Scope C79 (Enables Nemesis Holstered Talent) 5% Damage to Elites
Magazine Non-disruptive Link 10% Crit Damage
Grip Small Laser Pointer (Demolitionist mod) 7% Crit Chance
Barrel Flash Hider 7.62 5% Crit Damage
Brand Sets 2 D&H, 1 Wyvern, 1 Petrov, 2 irrelevant 17% Crit Damage, 10% LMG Damage
This give me a total of 58% CHC, 58% CHD, 105% Headshot (with Nemesis), 26% All Wep Dmg (51% with OtR), 40% LMG Damage, and 68% DTE.
I hear a lot of people talk about “5/7/7” right now, so if you did the math you probably realized that my 10/0/7 is not very similar. First off, the 5 reds are usually to enable Optimist (3% wep damage per 10% of magazine depleted). As I am using an LMG, optimist takes a long time to really wind up, and I have the option of using Unhinged which is a flat 20% for the whole mag unconditionally, for very small cost of 25% handling. Second, the 7 blues are to enable Unstoppable Force (and to a lesser extent Patience). In my opinion, UF is not a good talent for the raid. It is good damage triggered on a kill, however, you rarely have the chance to make a kill for bonus damage when you need it in this raid. It’s better to have more unconditional damage than to hope you are able to proc a talent when the bosses are vulnerable, and in multiple cases, there is literally zero chance that you will be able to proc UF at all. Being able to ignore the red and blue limits really opens up the build to just stack as much stats as we can get, and with good enough yellow stats, I can actually equip some mods onto my skills with the help of batteries.
Finally, the lack of defense (a total of 175k armor and 37k health) feels negligible to me. The difference between dying in 2 seconds and dying in 2.5 seconds is not large enough for me to care. I use Chem Heal to stay topped off, and Defender Drone as an “oh shit” button or protection from guaranteed damage. In addition, when you are doing this much damage with a lmg (headshot criticals for 130k a bullet), the game changes a little, as you are now able to quickly stagger elites at raid level. With clutch and staggering enemies on headshots, I’m able to stay up longer than if I sacrifice damage for more defense.
A note on revive hive: It’s popular and effective, but currently inconsistent. Personally, I find 1/5 times it fails or gets destroyed, which is far too often. In addition, I don’t like using it with on the ropes, as you can’t just use it when you need damage, you have to save it until it gets used on its own. I prefer defender drone because it can keep you from going down in the first place and has a short cooldown which allows you to pop and destroy it if you want to proc otr for a dps phase. This is personal preference though, your second skill is whatever you like to use (but generally should be a second healing/defense skill).
Again, I’m not a pro, this is what fits my playstyle and what I’ve found, so you may have wildly different preferences. However, I can guarantee that this will get you through the raid easily.
Note: This spreadsheet is incredible for planning out your build. If you aren’t sure where you want to go or what all the possibilities are, using this will help a lot. Credit (and thanks) to spydr101 .


Format: Each boss will have the mechanics outlined, followed by a strategy section in detail, along with a video of the winning run of that strategy being used.


The first 3 bosses have aggro mechanics, which is an mmo term for which player the boss is targeting, which is represented by a red eye appearing in the center of the targeted person’s screen. “Having aggro” means the boss is targeting you. I see a lot of talk about/complain how random the aggro is. After testing and successfully kiting all 3 bosses I can tell you that aggro NOT random and controlling it is a major help in each fight. Aggro is dependent on 3 things: Distance from the boss, damage dealt to the boss, and mechanics specific to the boss itself. If you do not want to pull aggro, or you want to drop aggro, stop attacking the boss and move as far away as possible. It will swap very soon as long as there are others shooting at it. Having two players that know how to manage aggro will go a long way. More details will be in each boss’s strategy section.

Boss 1: Boomer


At the start of the fight, the room contains two miniguns in opposite corners each facing two pylons that can only be damaged by those miniguns. The pylons emit a blue zone that makes all enemies inside it completely immune to damage. After destroying all 4 pylons (and the resulting adds) The boss will spawn.
During the boss fight, an alarm will sound, and ISAC will alert you the pylons are reactivating. In the center of the room is a square set of cover, with a pillar on each corner of cover. On the inner side of the pillar is a laptop with a capital letter on the screen (A B C or D, these do not change position), and on the outer side a large tv screen that says “ONLINE”. Periodically, a loud alarm will sound and all the tv screens will show letters. The corresponding laptops must be activated in a short time, otherwise the pylons from the start of the fight will respawn. For each quarter of the boss's armor, an additional laptop will be activated (i.e. 100% hp 1 laptop, 75% 2 laptops, etc). Guides online may tell you to activate all laptops simultaneously due to the brief Streamhouse guide, this is incorrect. Only the laptops listed on the large TVs need to be interacted with, and if an incorrect laptop is used, it will cause the pylons to spawn.
During the boss fight, adds will spawn at a constant rate from the numbered gates, with the most adds spawning in or near the Admiral Hamburger and Donut Shack. The most dangerous are a medic that will spawn in the Admiral Hamburger and throw an emp grenade, and a sniper that will spawn near the Donut Shack and use a shock drone.
The boss himself will chase one player at a time and attempt to melee them with a large aoe in front of him. On the boss’s chest is a red pad with a small LED in the center. Periodically the LED will flash yellow, then turn green, and begin to start healing the boss. It is destructible, and generally, whoever breaks the pad will pull aggro. The boss also has a red backpack, which can only by damaged by the miniguns. When the backpack is broken, the boss will fall to his knees for a moment. This is the only time the boss can be shot to deal damage. After standing back up, he will throw a grenade at the minigun that downed him, disabling it for about 20 seconds. After about 5 minutes has passed in the fight, the boss will sprint to the nearest minigun and destroy it (there is currently a bug where some players in the group will still be able to mount the gun and fire it. It still does no damage, and no one else can see you shoot it). About 9 minutes into the fight, the boss will destroy the second gun, instantly wiping the raid. This is a strict time limit, there is nothing you can do to prevent this other than killing the boss.


First, boss aggro. The entire fight is dependent on the boss being kited in front of the miniguns so that his backpack can be shot, so managing aggro is more important in this fight than any other. Always kite him clockwise, running directly past him if necessary, so that his back is always facing a minigun. The key to holding aggro is his healing pad. At the start of the fight, his healing pad will be activated, allowing a player to shoot it to pull aggro. As long as ONE person shoots the healing pad consistently, and no one gets too close to the boss (melee range), the boss will never swap aggro. If multiple people damage the pad, even if only one person is getting the last hit, the boss will eventually swap aggro to the players manning the turrets. It’s very likely that a mistake will be made at some point, so make sure that the turret men understand the aggro mechanics as well and know when to swap positions with the kiter properly. If done correctly, the boss should NEVER swap aggro to someone other than the two turrets and the person who kites the boss at the start. Breaking the healing pad causes a small stun on the boss, so if you are kiting him, turning and shooting the pad is safe if you break it before he closes the gap. The pad can also be broken when it blinks yellow.
Next, the laptops. Letting the pylons respawn will make managing adds and aggro impossible, as the healing pad is also invulnerable inside the pylon zone. You only have about 10 seconds to activate the laptops, and they take about 5 seconds to activate, so you need at least one person per laptop. If the kiter gets too far ahead of the boss, there is a chance that he will take a shortcut across the middle and swap to the laptop people and in the worst-case interrupt them, so be careful.
Proper communication is very important, the kiter should announce they are about to bring the boss in front of a minigun to give time for that position to be ready. Know the names of the callouts, The turret across from Donut Shack is gate 41, and the opposite turret is 45. There should be a designated player or two paying attention, ready to call out which laptops need to be activated. Not designating roles and just ‘letting whoever gets to it, gets to it’ can result in no one making callouts, or even worse, everyone making callouts and talking over each other.
Station two people at each minigun, one to arm it when the boss comes by and one to protect them from adds, 2 people in the center for laptops, 1 person roaming to help where needed, and 1 person dedicated to kiting the boss/swapping positions with the person pulling aggro. Everyone except the kiter should be clearing adds at all times. There should be at least one person each focused on keeping Admiral Burger and Donut Shack cleared/suppressed. The emp grenade does a ton of damage per pulse but can and should be shot quickly. It’s helpful to save grenade launchers to rush the last 25% so you don’t have to deal with all 4 laptops coming up (think popping heroism/bloodlust in WoW or limit break in ffxiv)
Our first boomer kill with this strategy

Boss 2: Weasel


Before the fight starts, in the spawn room the raid must be split in half, 4 on each side. In the center is a large plane separating the sides, with a console in the center of the plane holding 3 screens on each side. At the start, one side will have a green screen that says “WAITING”. Players must communicate so that on one side the green screen is interacted with, and within a couple seconds the corresponding screen on the opposite side is activated as well. If done incorrectly, all screens will turn red and say “ERROR” and reset after a few seconds. If done correctly, the screens will turn orange or purple depending on the side you are on, and a boss will spawn on both sides.
When the boss spawns, each side will fill with a different colored gas, either orange or purple. Orange gas will receive a stacking debuff that reduces armor, and Purple gas will receive a stacking debuff that reduces damage. If the stacks reach 20, they will max out, purple gas will receive the toxin debuff dealing direct health damage, and orange gas will receive the confusion debuff causing a blurry screen, disabling interacts, and messing with aim and movement. The consoles in the center will be active like how it was before the fight started, and activating them correctly will swap the gas colors, allowing the debuffs to reset and start stacking new ones.
The bosses jump down from the large viewing rooms above each side, along with a sniper add that usually stays in the viewing room but can jump down. The bosses are identical and have two attacks, a minigun similar to normal black tusk heavies, and a grenade launcher it uses only when you break line of sight with the boss (i.e. taking cover). Entering melee range with the boss will cause it to stop attacking and cause a flash bang, which does no damage but whites out the screen for anyone close to the boss. The boss can also use the jammer pulse ability, instantly destroying any deployed skills (hives, drones, etc) in range.
When one boss is killed, a third larger boss will spawn on that side, and the center of the plane will raise, effectively joining the two sides. Adds will start to spawn on both sides, and the gas will immediately shift to purple for the entire room and start rotating colors on a timer instead of the consoles. From this point on the gas will always stack to 20 before switching, causing the dangerous toxin and confusion debuffs to proc for several seconds. This is not preventable.
The third boss is identical to the first two, except for one extra ability. The boss will randomly (not aggro related) target a player, even downed players, and fire a sticky bomb at them showing a red circle around them and detonating shortly after. The sticky bomb is not dodgeable, and the damage is not preventable. When the boss is killed the gas will immediately vanish, leaving only the adds to be cleared to finish the fight.


The most important, and most difficult part of the fight is the gas swaps in the first half using the consoles. Proper communication makes or breaks the fight. Before starting the fight, settle on dedicated players to press the switches, and agree on how to communicate the switches. For my raid, the side with the green console would call out the correct console based on the plane (tail, center, nose), and ask if the other side was ready. When the other side responded with ready and was in position, the person with the green console would call out “Ready”, then press their console, then call out “Go” for the other side to activate. It is also critical that you start this console swap before the stacks reach 20, as the orange side cannot interact with the consoles while the confused debuff is active. We would start our callouts around 10 stacks. Again, this is the most important part of the fight, and doing it without mistakes should be the first priority, as the gas stacks can reach maximum with even just one ERROR message.
Aggro management in the first phase is important, as you only have 4 players to work with on each boss, and one needs to be able to use the consoles uninterrupted. The player who initiates the fight with the console will start with aggro and should immediately sprint to the other side of the room and use the large pillar in the nook to kite the boss. Aggro is a mixture of damage dealt and proximity, so as long one player remains closer to the boss than everyone else and does enough damage, aggro should never swap without intentionally doing so. The kiter should keep the pillar between them and the boss so that the grenades the boss fires simply hits the pillar and falls to the ground. The kiter can also run up to the boss, forcing it to pause attacks and flash. If the boss is close enough to the pillar, this can be triggered from the opposite side through the pillar.
Because the third boss spawns the instant one of the twins is killed, both twins should be killed at near the same time. This should be done during a gas swap, as the purple side will not be able to do meaningful damage to the boss at high stacks. In addition, the gas always sets to purple after killing a twin, so purple stacks should be as low as possible to reduce the amount of time the toxin debuff is active.
When the third boss spawns (and hopefully both twins are dead), all players should run to the same side. The adds during this phase are not very threatening, with most of them being purple and red bars. The snipers will stay up in the viewing rooms, so keeping to one side means dealing with only one sniper. Keep the sniper down, focus the boss during the orange gas, and clear as many adds as possible once the gas swaps, before the purple debuff makes damage meaningless. Make sure that everyone knows to run away from nearby players if they get stuck with the bomb.
Our first Weasel kill with this strategy

Boss 3: The Hounds


This encounter is only two large Warhound enemies, with no adds, named Buddy and Lucy. Buddy has a weak sniper shot, a strong sniper shot that inflicts bleed, an aoe heal, and his special ability is dropping about 9 seeker mines that can flash, stun, or deal high damage. These seeker mines can all be destroyed instantly if they are shot the moment they are deployed.
Lucy is the much more dangerous boss, with a weak sniper shot, a taser, a very strong sniper shot that inflicts bleed, a grenade/molotov launcher, proximity mines, and her special ability is a 360 minigun spin that will instantly kill anyone hit by it. The proximity mines will remain on the ground until triggered or shot, and the 360 spin will not hit you if you are in cover and blind fire.
When the fight is started by pressing the button in the back of the room, gates will open letting out the bosses, who will walk into the center and use their special abilities, then aggro normally. The casing around the light or “eye” on the front of each boss is considered a headshot zone.
The boss’ health bars have a white zone overlapping them that moves with both their health bars. As the boss’ health is reduced, the zone will shrink in size, increasing the precision needed to keep both health bars balanced. If either health bar leaves the zone, the zone will turn red and an alarm will sound, announcing “Maximum Overcharge.” Both bosses will sprint to the center of the room, activate their special abilities, and rapidly heal. If the boss’ health is equalized quickly, it will cancel this.
Each boss will periodically receive a red buff called “Overcharge.” There is a colored laptop on each side of the center that will remove Overcharge from the corresponding boss (Buddy is green, Lucy is red). THIS DOES NOT CANCEL MAXIMUM OVERCHARGE. “Maximum Overcharge” and “Overcharge” are different mechanics! Because it was listed in the brief Streamerhouse guide, every guide on this fight online will tell you that using the laptops will cancel maximum overcharge, preventing the bosses from running to the center and healing. THIS IS NOT TRUE. The only way to stop maximum overcharge is by quickly equalizing the boss’ health bars again. After some testing we couldn’t figure out for sure what the overcharge buff that is removed by the laptops does, so if anyone knows what it does with evidence please let me know. Using the laptops to remove overcharge will give aggro to the player who activated them.
EDIT: After some discussion in the comments and reviewing videos, The laptop overcharge buff most likely causes the bosses to take less damage and deal more damage. It's not enough to make the fight impossible, but it is certainly easier to win the fight if you remove the buffs.
If either boss somehow dies early, or six minutes and 30 seconds passes (a timer displayed on screens in the center) the bosses will permanently go into maximum overcharge, making the fight impossible.


Due to the fact that buddy’s heal can affect lucy if she is nearby, and that buddy’s seeker mines will knock you out of cover during lucy’s 360, it is a good strategy to split the group. Because buddy’s heal will always affect himself, there should be more people on buddy’s side to put heavy dps on him when needed so his health stays within bounds. We put 3 people on lucy, and 5 on buddy, but you just need to find the split that works right for your raid’s dps. Buddy should be kited into the far blue corner near where he starts, and lucy should be kited into the far red corner where the bar is, this way the buddy group can’t be hit by lucy’s 360 and doesn’t have to worry about it, and buddy’s seeker mines will never target the lucy group.
Aggro is simple, again based on damage and proximity. If you want to drop aggro, stop shooting and run from the boss, and if you want to pull, start dpsing hard by aiming for the head, and move closer. The laptops are good for rotating aggro and keeping lucy from getting too close to any one player, which would let her land grenades instantly.
Again, proper communication is key. You should have a designated leader paying attention to the health bars calling out which boss needs to stop/start dps as well as calling out the buddy heal for heavy dps. Calling out the 360 and laptops is helpful too but not completely necessary if the bosses are split properly.
It should go without saying, but make sure that both bosses die near simultaneously. If one boss dies too soon, the other boss will start healing due to maximum overcharge and essentially wipe the fight.
Our first Hounds kill with this strategy

Boss 4: DDP-52 Razorback


The boss is a stationary metal box in the center of the arena, with numbered generators and SAM turrets at each corner. Adds constantly spawn near each SAM, usually a yellow grenadier and a yellow assault, sometimes they will be red bars. On a timer, a black tusk heavy will spawn at a random SAM turret, setting off an alarm. The first heavy spawns after 2 minutes, every heavy after spawns in 1:30 from the moment the last heavy died. If the heavy is not killed within 10 seconds of reaching the SAM, it will activate, instantly wiping the raid.
Damaging the boss is a multi-step process. First, the generators have a zone that charges while a player is standing in it. All 4 generators must be charged to 100% simultaneously. If a generator is charged for too long without the others, the generator will turn red and the boss will fire a high damage missile at the generator. Once they are all powered, the boss will open, revealing two vents and unleashing a horde of assault drones. 4 drones spawn in waves on each long side of the boss, with drones randomly spawning 1 or 2 at a time on the short sides. Note: these drones do NOT proc on-kill effects. The vents must be destroyed (a survivalist crossbow will one shot the vents), and a grenade thrown in the resulting hole on both sides, without anyone leaving their generators. Once both vents are grenaded, a tower will rise in the middle.
The short side near the 1 and 4 generators will have a wing on each side near the base of the tower, and the opposite side will have two panels in the center of the tower. When both destructibles on a single side are destroyed, a third panel will open up in the center of the tower that does boss health damage when shot. When the panel reaches 50% health (25% boss damage) the tower will instantly close, otherwise the tower closes on a timer. When the tower closes, two waves of rockets will be shot at every player. These rockets can simply be dodgerolled with good timing or outran by sprinting away from the boss. If one wing/panel is destroyed, it will not be reset when the tower closes. If both are destroyed (central boss damage panel opens) they will reset when the tower closes.
When the boss takes damage (seemingly a random amount), Warhounds will start spawning on a timer. When the boss reaches 50% hp (one side of the tower destroyed), heavies will start spawning at two SAM turrets instead of one. In addition, explosive suicide drones will be added to the dps phase of the boss, spawning from slots in the tower that open up.
When the boss reaches 0% hp, the tower will not close, adds stop spawning, and it will immediately start firing missiles randomly. The edges of the arena are safe from this. After a delay, SAM turrets will start activating randomly without a heavy, requiring their control panel to be shot. After destroying the panel on each SAM, the fight ends.
After the fight is over, a door in the back of the arena opens leading to a locked chest with extra drops.


First off, this boss is a massive increase in dps required. This fight is probably the most mechanically simple, just a series of large health bars you need to chew through very quickly. If you are having trouble with this fight, getting just a little extra damage to elites really helps here, as everything in this fight is affected by it.
2 players should be assigned to each generator, one for the circle, and one to clear adds. Because the vents are oneshot by a crossbow we also put one survivalist on each generator, but just shooting the vents works fine.
The most important part of the fight is managing the heavies appropriately. If you start charging the generators directly after killing a heavy, you will have just enough time to get back into position before the heavy spawns. Any delay, the heavy has a good chance of spawning during the dps phase, which is deadly. Because there is no time limit, if there is even a possibility of the heavies spawning early, just skip the dps phase and wait for another heavy spawn. This fight is much longer than the others, so take it slow, there is zero reason to rush the fight.
When the drones spawn, you can clear the waves of 4 instantly by firing a grenade launcher at them, before they spread out. With at least 40% damage to elites, the Jammer Pulse skill can oneshot all drones, making it very useful to have at least one player running it for when the drones get just too overwhelming.
Calling out Warhounds and immediately focusing them down is a priority. A warhound being up during a dps phase can wipe a raid on its own, especially the yellow bars, as they inflict a bleed after their heavy damage shot, usually sending a player straight to unconsciousness.
As much as I dislike testing players to see if they ‘qualify’ for a raid, each generator should be able to kill a heavy on their own if they aren’t distracted. There will be times that corners need help with their heavies, but if a corner just plain cannot kill a heavy by themselves, the final sequence destroying the SAMs will require a lot of luck, as the SAMs actually have more health than the heavies, and there is very little time to move between them to assist.
Our first Razorback kill with this strategy.

Final Thoughts

I hope the full detail of this guide helps you and your group to finish it for the first time. The first time is the hardest, afterwards it gets much easier. It took our group 16 hours over 5 days to beat it. Our second run? 1h and 50 minutes in a single session. In my opinion, the most important points to a good run are these in order of priority:
  1. Proper communication. Without designated communication roles during the first run, there will be mistakes and confusion. If you must, agree on leaders before hand to remove any sort of anxiety or indecision on taking charge of calls or assigning roles.
  2. Keeping a cool head. Flaming and Blaming will directly affect point one and reduce communication. If someone is being toxic, don’t tolerate them, either get a new player or don’t run the raid. A flamer will make the raid tense and unfun for everyone.
  3. Don’t give up. The raid gets much easier with practice. After you beat each boss the first time, when you go back to it, you’ll wonder why it gave you so much trouble in the first place. Muscle memory and familiarity with the quirks of each boss will really improve your ability in the raid.
  4. A decent build. In a perfect world, we’d be able to include everyone that wanted to try the raid. Because the only requirement in this raid is DPS, it is a high requirement. Players with zero synergy in their talents or attributes will not be able to contribute much, and just one player weaker will make the raid much harder, especially on your first try. However, note that I say a ‘decent’ build. Not a great build, not a good build, just a decent build is needed to beat this raid (at least on PC, sorry consoles). I think the raid requirements are very overblown in the community at the moment and can be overcome with the first 3 points.
  5. Make sure you are having fun. If it feels like a slog, or frustrating, and you are not having a moment of fun, it’s ok to accept you don’t like the raid, and to move onto things you do like. I enjoyed the raid from start to finish (although the struggle on boss 4 made me weary), but I am a masochist in gaming taking on any challenge I can. If you aren’t that kind of player, don’t feel bad about ‘missing out’ on the raid, and either take it slow or go back to what you know you like to play.
If you have any questions, or I need to make any corrections to this guide, please do not hesitate to let me know. I’ll keep this guide updated as much as needed, especially if they patch it like everyone is asking for.
Good luck out there Agents.
submitted by JustaFleshW0und to thedivision [link] [comments]

Rainbow Six: Siege Free Weekend Quickstart and Buyers Guide | November 2017


Hello prospective buyers & new players; welcome /Rainbow6! This post will help guide you in the right direction during the start of your Siege experience by providing you with useful information, answering common questions, and directing you to other helpful resources. The post is broken into two sections : "New Player's Guide" and "Buyer's Guide". If you have any questions be sure to ask in the comments below as others likely have the same questions, thanks!
If you're a player returning to the game and want an overview of changes, check out this wiki post
Here is the official ubisoft site with information about the free weekend, including a FAQ and launch time section

New Player's Guide

• Getting Started

Access the various parts of the menu by clicking "play" or the Arrow on the main menu
  1. Watch all three tutorials.
    The tutorial videos provide a quick overview of the important details of the game and provide you with 200 renown (the currency that you will need to unlock things in the game) for each that you watch. They are short, well made, and explain the basics of the gameplay
  2. Play through the first 5 or so situations.
    Focus on learning the controls and paying attention to the map layouts- these are the same maps as multiplayer. Do not stress if you cannot complete all three stars on each situation the first time through, you can always come back to them. The difficulty for these situations also does not matter, but normal is suggested so you can get use to the controls. You may wish to do more than 5 of the situations, but you likely should not do any less
  3. Buy your first operator.
    Take a few minutes to read through each operator's description and select one that you are interested in. Consider picking up both an Attacker and a Defender if you have the renown for it. See the "Operators Great for New Players" section below if you are looking for some good operators for beginners.
  4. Accept weekly challenges
    These are found by first clicking the daily challenges tab then clicking "more challenges" under the daily challenge pop up. Focus on weekly challenges that involve basic actions that you can passively complete and don't require specific operators. After you complete the challenge, open the challenge window back up and click "complete". You must do this to receive credit.
  5. Go to terrorist hunt and try out your operators
    Most of the terrorist hunts modes use only an attacker. You can change your terrorist hunt settings by going to Settings> Matching making preferences> Turn off whatever modes you don't want under terrorist hunt
  6. Buy attachments for your operators
    Depending on how much renown you have, buy a sight (Holographic or ACOG), a grip (vertical grip), and a barrel attachment (Flash hider for tap firing, Compensator for full auto fire, or Muzzle brake for semi-automatic guns). Do not buy the laser attachment yet, and do not buy skins or other cosmetics. You also most likely will not need to buy anything for your pistol (unless you're already swimming in renown). For Attackers, avoid shotguns and LMGs, they have limited uses for pushing objectives. For Defenders, consider the SMG option first, but use a shotgun if you really like the play style.
  7. Go into casual
    You're likely going to not do very well - that's completely okay. Siege has a pretty steep learning curve to it, especially during the first few matches. During your early matches focus on learning maps, getting use to your guns, and understanding the flow of the game. Use your drones often, don't forget defender cameras, communicate well, learn from your deaths, and don't sweat misplays.

• Operators Great for New Players

Play through some situations first as they are easy ways to gain renown try out operators' abilities. For new players, set-and-forget abilities or abilities that are less complicated are usually better, as well as guns with lower recoil.
  • Sledge
    • What makes them good: His sledge hammer ability is probably the easiest to use among the attackers, he has average damage guns with low recoil, and he has frags. Sledge has long been a top pick for new players with good reason, he is perfect for less experienced players.
    • Loadout: L85A2 Assault Rifle: Scope of preference, Vertical Grip, Flash Hider or Compensator (depending on if you burst fire or full-auto fire). SMG-11 sidearm, Fragmentation grenades
    • Quick Tips: His ability makes a very distinct sound so be wary of defenders being alerted to your point of entrance. Take time to drone out a room before sledging into it. A lot of new players get into the habit of over using his ability which makes him easier to counter and eliminate.
  • Thatcher
    • What makes them good: His ability is hard to mess up and very easy to understand while also nearly always being needed. Using it against reinforced walls that Bandit has electrified or Mute has jammed is pretty much all you need to do. Both his assault rifles are good.
    • Loadout: L85A2 Assault Rifle: Scope of preference, Vertical Grip, Flash Hider or Compensator (depending on if you burst fire or full-auto fire). Breaching charges are more useful for newer players than his claymores, as claymores take more map knowledge to use effectively
    • Quick Tips: Be very careful to not die before using the emp grenades to destroy Mute's Jammers/ Bandit's batteries and stick with either Hibana or Thermite so you can be sure to use your gadget in the right spot. Learning the trajectory and when it is safe to throw the EMP is key to mastering Thatcher.
  • Ash
    • What makes them good: Her ability is very easy to use (just aim it at a destructible surface) , both of her guns are strong, and she is a max speed operator making her well rounded and good for new players
    • Loadout: G36C Assault rifle- it's lower recoil is easier to manage for newer players, Compensator or flash hider, vertical grip, scope of preference. Flash Bangs or Breaching Charges is a situational pick, but flash bangs are generally more useful due to her already having breaching capabilities.
    • Quick Tips: Do not use her ability on outside facing barricades, as just shooting the barricades with her assault rifle will destroy them and preserve her ability. Ash does not have a "noob-tube". While her ability does some damage to operators, it is not anywhere close to an AOE instant death machine like they are in other games. Avoid trying to kill operators with it.
  • New players should avoid attackers such as Montagne and Thermite due to the relatively low strength OR high difficulty in use.
  • Rook
    • What makes them good: His ability is the easiest to use among the Defenders as well as almost always being useful. His MP5 is low recoil and easy to use and he has max armor. Long considered the best Defender for new players.
    • Loadout: MP5 submachine gun, vertical grip, flash hider, scope of preference. Deployable shield vs impact grenade is largely based on your team's composition. Pick the one the team lacks.
    • Quick Tips: Start every round by placing the armor immediately, preferably not next to a wall or object. Take a step back after placing his armor before putting it on, as it allows more defenders to access it at once.
  • Mute
    • What makes them good: His ability takes a little more finesse that other top picks for new players but overall he still is very easy to use while being a key defender. His SMG has low recoil.
    • Loadout: MP5K submachine gun. Scope of choice with flash hider or compensator. Nitro cell for equipment
    • Quick Tips: Learn which walls must be reinforced for the objective. Walls close to the objective and walls which face the outside of the building near the objective are usually the most important to jam. Jamming walls should take priority over stopping drones.
  • Doc
    • What makes them good: Similar to Rook, but his ability is often a little less useful for newer players. He features a play style similar to Rook with similar guns.
    • Loadout: MP5 submachine gun, vertical grip, flash hider or compensator, scope of preference. Barbed wire is generally considered to be better than deployable shields
    • Quick Tips: Keep an eye on friendlies health at all times, and heal friendlies which are knocked down or have taken damage. His ability can overheal people to above 100 health as well, which can be useful. Keep in mind that his ability can be self applied at any time to heal himself and also when he is downed to revive himself
  • New players should avoid defenders such as Tachanka, Pulse, and Castle; their abilities require outstanding map knowledge to use effectively.

• Quick Tips

  • Avoided getting frustrated. Angry players make bad decisions. If you're mad, take a round to do a terrorist hunt mission
  • Stick with your team while learning the maps, especially if you're an attacker
  • Use your mic to communicate - be sure to use directions and locations (compass is at the bottom of the screen, as is what room you are currently in)
  • Learn all the operators names and abilities. Learn who has nitro cells and frag grenades. Here is a list of all the operators, their abilities, and important notes about them
  • Always use a headset/headphones- Operators are loud and easy to hear, knowing where they're coming from is important
  • The hostage is not invulnerable- the hostage will die if shot too many times or if explosives go off too close to (Be very careful with Fuze, grenades, nitros)
  • Do not reinforce between the two bombs on defense on the Bomb game mode- it actually makes it easier for attackers
  • Don't be afraid to ask people questions if you're confused. Casual is there to learn the game and most people will help.
  • Play with friends or a play group whenever possible. It helps with the frustration of dying and learning the game more quickly

Buyer's Guide

• Buyer's FAQ

How do seasons/operations work?
Siege introduces a new operation every few months (4 throughout 2017). The current season is Year 2 Season 3 : Blood Orchid. The next season is Year 2 Season 4: Operation white noise, set to debut on the technical test servers on November 20th. At the start of each season: a new map is introduced which is free for everyone immediately, ranks are reset (placement matches must be redone), and new operators are released. The operators are given to Year 2 pass holders on the day the operation launches for no additional cost. Non-pass holders will have to wait 1 week after the start of the season to be able to buy the Operators. New operators cost 25,000 Renown or 600 R6 to buy for those without the Year 2 Pass. White Noise will introduce a total of three new operators to Siege: two South Korean operators, and one Polish operator.
What is included in the Year two Pass?
Here's an image of what you will get in the Year 2 Pass
  • All 8 Year 2 Operators at no additional as they are launched (Mira, Jackal, Ela, Ying, and Lesion have already been released they will be available immediately upon buying the Year 2 Pass)
  • One week access to the new Operators as they are launched (Non-pass holders will half to wait 1 week from the start of a new season before they have to option to buy the Operators for 25,000 Renown or 600 R6 credits)
  • 600 R6 Credits
  • Carbon R6 Charm
  • 8 new headgears (as they are added)
  • 8 new uniforms (as they are added)
  • 5% renown gain bonus (expires Feb. 2018)
  • 10% Store discount (expires Feb. 2018)
  • 2 extra slots to hold daily missions (expires Feb. 2018) Here's the year two roadmap
Is the Year 2 Pass mandatory for a full Siege experience?
No, you can go without the Year 2 Pass and the game will still be wholly playable. The Pass allows owners to obtain new Operators without needing to spend renown (the currency awarded for completing actions in the game, mainly finishing matches). Non-pass-holders will be able to use renown to unlock them.
Most importantly, not having this pass will still allow you to be competitive in Siege. Passes just save owners from having to save up renown to buy new Operators.
How do I buy the maps/do maps come in the Year 2 pass
Maps are completely free to owners of every edition of Siege at the same time. You do not need to pay money for any maps.
Does the Year 2 Pass include Year 1 Operators? (the 8 that came out in 2016 )
No, the Year 2 Pass only covers Year 2 (2017)
How can I get all the Operators from the Year One Pass now that it is not widely available?
The year one operators are now all bundled in the "Y1 - 8 operator bundle" (also known as the legacy ops bundle) for 2400 R6 credits. You can find it at the bottom of the Operators tab in the main menu. Alternatively, you can purchase each non-base operator individually for 25,000 Renown or 600 R6 Credits.
Can I play with my friends if they have the Year 2 pass and I do not?
Yes, the Year 2 Pass does not affect matchmaking or grouping in any way.
Does it matter where I buy the game from(Steam, Uplay)? (PC)
No. For PC, all purchasers through Steam/Uplay will still all play against each other. You must install and run Uplay no matter where you buy the game from on PC.
Can I buy the Year 2 pass (or other DLC) from Steam if I own the game through UPlay? (PC)
No. If you own the game through Uplay, you cannot buy any DLC from Steam. Steam will not provide you with a key for the DLC.
Does the Year 2 pass transfer with my Uplay account if i change from [platform] to [a different platform]
No. No purchases, unlocks, cosmetics, experience, clearance level, or rank will transfer. You will start from a clean slate.
How is Siege's Playerbase/ Is it dying?
No, Siege has a robust player population. Siege's playbase has drastically grown since its December 2015 launch, with record numbers of players playing every day. Ubisoft has repeatedly shown that they are committed to the long term growth and health of Siege (especially with the Operation Health announcement), and Siege has even been nominated for "Best Ongoing Game" at The Game Awards 2017

• Information about the Game Editions

Starter edition

  • A cheaper version of Siege aimed at people shorter on cash than time
  • FAQ specifically for the starter edition
  • Only Available on PC
  • Always consider buying the standard over the starter (the grind in the starter edition is seriously no joke)
  • Buying the starter edition will remove your progress on Operator unlocks from any free weekend as the free weekend uses the Standard Edition

Standard Edition

  • The normal base game. This is the edition that all free weekend players are using

Gold Edition (Year Two)

  • Product Description Image
  • Includes the Standard Edition + the Year 2 Pass.
    • The base game + the first 5 operators from 2017, plus the next 3 at no additional cost

Complete Edition

  • Product description image
  • Includes the Standard Edition + the Year 2 Pass. + All 8 of the Year One Operators (Buck, Frost, Valkyrie, Blackbeard, Caveira, Capitao, Hibana and Echo)
Do any of the editions come with all the base operators (the operators that launched with the game)?
No edition of the game comes with the base operators already unlocked
Which version of the game do you suggest?
Of the 16,000 people polled in the latest subreddit survey, 63% said that they would suggest the standard edition for new players, 22% suggested the complete edition

Useful Resources

Looking for some suggestions on content creators to watch? Check out this megapost on the topic
Looking to get an over-view of the maps? check out R6maps:
Want to watch some competitive Siege? Check out the Proleague youtube channel (Proleague finals are this weekend as well)

Looking for people to group up and play with or maybe just talk about Siege and ask questions? Come join the official /Rainbow6 discord server!

There are dedicated channels for helping new players (training-ground), serious Siege talk (serious game discussion), looking-for-group-channels for each region and platform, as well as channels to stay up to date on Siege news.
submitted by LordKeren to Rainbow6 [link] [comments]

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