Royal baby name odds as Meghan Markle and Prince Harry ...

coral odds royal baby name

coral odds royal baby name - win

Wings of Strife - Chapter 21


As the fanfic is taking place in war environment, it will get rather dark. That includes gore, violence, or other rather adult themes that will appear further in the story.

And again I've forgotten that reddit even exists... Sorry for that. AO3 link:
For the beginning click: here For the previous part click: here For the next part click: here

Chapter 21


The SeaWing princess picked up her richly decorated engraved halberd from the weapon rack and turned it around in her talons, examining the balance between the reinforced narwhal bone shaft and the heavy steel axe head, and nodded in appreciation of the skills of the SeaWing blacksmiths, feeling how easy the weapon was to handle, despite the weight. She still felt an odd tingling sensation in her left front talon, as she transferred the weight of her weapon to it, but at least it became usable literally overnight.
Hope I won’t be forced to use my weapon today. Perhaps the SkyWings will just surrender...
She looked at her ten SeaWing soldiers now awaiting for her order to dive into the nearby flowing stream and swim into the fray. They all stood in the smaller cave connected to the main cavern, but this one had an underground stream that was leading to the one of the tunnels of the Gold Creek. She could give the order to move out now, but she needed to wait for Delta’s return with her Jade of Waterbreathing. She glanced over her dragon’s faces and placed the reinforced butt of the halberd on the rocky ground. Most of her SeaWings were calm, knowing their ability to fight and survive any circumstance, and being used to trust her command.
Halibut, Spearfish, Wave and the rest, unflinching as usual… But what about the young one..?
She searched for the younger face of a ten year old green dragon who joined her unit fairly recently, his first battle being the one where they captured the SkyWing prince; and there he was, blankly staring at the ground, his legs slightly trembling, while his heavy spear was shaking, threatening to fall at the soldier beside him. Cobalt was glancing at him from time to time, she was visibly stopping herself from tangling her tail around his to comfort him.
Despite his harsh training that disciplined him to follow all orders under pressured circumstances, he seems to be rather shaken… Although that training might be the reason he is still breathing today.
“Are you alright, Nautilus?” Deluge asked softly, looking at him with care; he jumped nearly letting go of his spear, looking at her with terror, as he hurriedly came out of the line, nearly falling over. “What happened? You are barely standing.”
“Y-your majesty, I-” he managed to mumble, as he looked at the ground. “I apologise, but-”
The SeaWing princess placed her weapon on the rack and slowly paced towards him, as he watched her with terror, speechless. She laid her talon on his trembling uptight shoulder covered by the black plate.
“It’s alright, son, there’s no need to apologise,” she spoke softly, putting her large royal wing over his back, while he opened his mouth in surprise. “Sit down, relax and breathe, that’s an order.”
He nodded and sat down, drooping his snout, visibly embarrassed by the attention of the SeaWing princess.
He has to be surprised, being now treated decently after the harsh training and discipline that was forced upon him earlier… But all soldiers need to go through this in order to ensure that they will obey their orders given to them in the battle, remaining focused and calm during it, which further increases the odds of their survival. That’s likely the reason we are speaking now.
“I assume you just experienced your first battle, is that correct?” She asked him softly. He looked up to her and nodded. “So… It seems that war isn’t that glorious and adventurous as you expected?”
“N-no, your majesty,” he mumbled, looking down at his talons. “I- I killed a dragon… But.. That was it- a dragon… S-she wasn’t some kind of monstrosity… L-like it was described to us...”
Oh… His first kill… and first battle too. That’s why I hate war propaganda. It makes all those young dragons see this as some kind of adventure, or righteous fight against evil, while the truth is much more dirty and very often the complete opposite of the promised glory… But I guess queens need to somehow add some willing fresh meat into the grinder.
“But you survived the engagement, and returned to the camp,” Deluge said carefully.
“In the battle I didn’t care much about it, as it was just a choice between my own life and theirs… But later when I began thinking about it…” he said and looked at Deluge with tears in his eyes. “ How I killed without much of a thought… I was horrified by the monster that was inside me...”
Deluge nodded and waved her talon, signalling him to continue.
“I- I don’t think I could continue living like that, your m-majesty,” Nautilus said mournfully. “It- It is not natural… To kill someone like that. I- I feel sickened by thinking about it.”
“And in my opinion this is a natural and good response of a dragon who has feelings and empathy,” Deluge said, gently grabbing his chin to focus his attention on her. “You are not an evil dragon. And you haven’t done anything wrong or morally reprehensible, Nautilus. I absolutely hate killing as well, but sometimes… It just has to be done.”
“But-” he began but she interrupted him.
“Do you know why we are even in this war?” Deluge asked him. “Why am I even fighting if I despise killing and brutality of the war itself?”
Nautilus shook his head.
“Because I want to end it as soon as possible so the suffering of the innocent dragons all across the world will cease,” Deluge explained. “If I can avoid killing the dragons, trust me I will always go for such an option, as you saw with what I ordered to do with the surrendered SkyWings. I don’t despise those dragons, only their evil ruler, and that’s why I let them go back to their families with the exception of those who are too far gone, being complete fanatics that would gladly lick Scarlet’s or Burn talons, if they could.”
“B-but… Some of those soldiers that we faced in battle...” Nautilus mumbled. “They were just unwillingly drafted, possibly despising the war and Scarlet as much as you do, your majesty… And in the battle we were killing them...”
“And trust me, my soul weeps for every single dragon like that...” Deluge said looking down at the ground in sadness. “But sadly there’s just no way to avoid such casualties, if we want to ultimately end the suffering of the dragons. We will widow their wives or husbands and orphan a lot of dragonets, but our greater goal is achieving peace. The bright future. Something that will hopefully make us wiser beings, and allow us to fight against igniting conflicts such as these in the first place, by solving them peacefully.”
“War is horrible...” Nautilus said.
“Yes, it is,” Deluge nodded as he looked up to her, with his face streaked in tears. “Trust me, Nautilus, I am willing to go far in order to return peace to Pyrrhia and secure a bright future not only for us. But for the SkyWings, MudWings, SandWings and even IceWings. They are as much dragons as you, me and everyone around us. A living beings, wanting to create, feel and love. All me and every other SeaWing in here wants is to bring back the peace and harmony back to the world. Tell me Nautilus, don’t you want to do the same, even if sometimes we will need to get our talons dirty?”
“I will do everything to stop this war,” he said firmly, wiping the tears from his snout. “T-thank you, your majesty, for making me realise what we are truly fighting for.”
She nodded, as he returned to his place in the line with newfound resolve, as another dark blue SeaWing named Cobalt whispered some words back to him, twining her tail around his. He weakly smiled back at her, as she nodded in approval, embracing him with her wing.
Huh… That’s good. Having soldiers in the unit that have a really tight bond between them ensures that they will always fiercely protect each other.
She knew that she should discipline them for not standing in a tidy formation anymore, but it didn’t matter for now, as they were waiting for Delta’s return anyway.
Besides, should I really interrupt such an important moment for both of those dragons? They feel almost like my family to me; family that I am sworn to protect and not needlessly risk their lives.
She suddenly felt a stab of pain in her heart.
Sapphire. Silentskies. My real family. Why am I not back there with them, and instead I fight my sister’s war?
Princess Deluge sighed, missing touch of Silentskies’ dark, delicate scales. The smile of tiny Sapphire she saw only when she was welcoming her back home. The dwindling hope in her eyes when she realised for the next time that Deluge won’t stay long in the Kingdom of the Sea with her. The sorrow that always came when she was leaving her as if her mother would never come back. Deluge’s sight got blurry.
What I wouldn’t give to hug my little Sapphire again to tell her that I’m fine, and I will soon come back to her… Like always... I miss her… But then… I have a duty. To the entire Kingdom. To Coral, Blister and even Moorhen. I need to fight this war to defend what I value the most. Safety of my family. Evil dragons being finally punished for their crimes. Protecting the innocent lives. Like Snowflare… I will save you, poor baby. And after I do that I will create a family for you that you deserve, to make up for the loss of your sister. I won’t let Blister or Coral touch you, we can win this war with conventional means, without sacrificing your soul, little one. When I see you I just see a dragonet who needs to be loved, doesn’t matter to me whether you are animus or not. I don’t mind how you even look! You are so beautiful in your own way… Like… Like…
She looked down at the ground in sadness, when the realisation hit her, as she felt another strong stab of pain in her heart. She clutched her armored chest with her front talon.
Dusk. My baby.
A sudden flashback to her past she subconsciously tried to silence came back to her. Silentskies lifting up their second dragonet out of the egg. Blind. Silver tears behind his milky eyes. Missing hind legs. Ugly. Shivering from cold.
Doesn’t matter how hard I’d try to forget I still remember that relatively bright night, lit up by the two moons, one of which was full, when he reached out to me with his hopeful, loving and innocent little talons, possibly sensing my presence. Only to be met with my horrified expression, as I hugged sleeping Sapphire stronger, and turned around to distance myself from the one I initially failed to love. He didn’t have to see that; he had felt my rejection. Despite his father’s unconditional love, he was heartbroken by what I did to him. My baby’s heart couldn’t handle this. He began trembling and crying in Silentskies’ embrace as his dad desperately shouted for healers. Silentskies tried to push his claws gently onto his tiny chest to get his heart running again, while Dusk reached out to grab one of his fingers with his miniature talons, tears running down from his blind, milky eyes, almost accompanying the silver tears made out of scales. And then… My baby just stopped breathing and reacting to anything. He died... Because of me.
She looked away from her soldiers to hide the tears that began running down her cheeks and pretended to thoroughly examine her halberd. The SeaWing princess almost missed the noise of metal plates rattling to someone’s fast pace, as she put talon over her eyes.
“What happened, Deluge?” a familiar voice asked softly, as she felt someone’s wing being put over her own with care, in a protective way to shield her from danger. It was Delta’s wing. “Shall we go to the side for a moment?”
She nodded mildly, allowing Delta to lead her outside of the cave where her soldiers waited. She couldn’t show them her tears, especially not before the battle. How could they follow a whiny commander?
When she felt Delta’s wings stop pressuring her back she opened her eyes to see an armored green dragon watching her with great concern. They were standing in the dark tunnel that led to the cavern with her soldiers.
“Delta… We need to find Snowy as soon as possible,” she whispered sadly. “The poor baby… He needs me. And I need him too.”
“We will eventually save him, but what happened?” he demanded, looking into her eyes worriedly. “You were happy just a moment ago and when I returned to you; you looked like you were mourning something.”
“You don’t understand, Delta… I finally realised why I felt such a weird subliminal connection with him,” the SeaWing princess began with her voice cracking from emotion. “I- I think he might be my son… The way he acted, how he wanted to be with me as soon as we met… How horrified he was when I wanted to let him go...”
Delta looked at her, as if she was not in her right mind, he quickly however changed his expression to more compassionate and caring as he twined his armored tail around hers.
“I understand that you were through a lot, Deluge. But… He is a pure SkyWing,” he said carefully. “While your son was a hybrid that, uhh… unfortunately passed away in his egg.”
“No he did not. I.. I killed him. I failed to welcome him into this world, which caused him to die from sorrow,” she mumbled, as Delta’s eyes widened. “But I believe that Snowflare is the reincarnation of him. I- I still can make up for what I did to him.”
“But… Deluge...” he whispered in shock. “What-? How-?”
“You think I’m crazy. Maybe you’re right,” Deluge said, looking up to him, as he stared at her absolutely horrified. “But I feel such a strong bond to that dragonet… It’s hard to explain, but deep down I know it is true. It’s just a mother’s feeling. You won’t understand.”
“How could you lie to me all this time?” Delta asked her with a trembling voice. “I thought… I thought we hid no secrets to each other!”
“I know, but… I just couldn’t bear the thought of something so horrible happening to my baby, and all of that because of me,” Deluge explained, her eyes getting wet from tears again. “Could you imagine living with such a burden as a mother? I just… Had to distance myself from that event to soothe the pain that otherwise would have killed me. But now? When I have the chance to redeem myself… I- I can make this right.”
Delta’s chin was trembling as he looked at her wide eyed. But soon enough his expression changed into a softer, compassionate one. He slowly walked closer to her and embraced her with his front talons, as she leaned her snout on his armored shoulder, her tears dripping on it with metallic tapping. Deluge felt that was what she needed right now, as his snout gently touched hers.
Just like when I broke my leg when we were dragonets, and he was not only the first one to approach me in shock, but also to help me up and he even had enough courage to immobilise my leg while trying to calm me down, despite the fact that even touching me could incur my mother’s wrath on him...
“It’s alright, little sparkle. I understand,” He whispered to her ear. “I don’t know how I would react if I put myself in your scales… It’s just hard to even think about it… But about the SkyWing dragonet… If you really believe that this is true-”
“I do,” Deluge sobbed, burying her snout in his embrace.
“Then we will save him,” Delta whispered softly. “I understand that having such a massive emotional burden over you as well as recovering from injuries could be hard. You really need some rest, Deluge. Should I take over for this raid?”
“I believe you could, my friend, but...” Deluge began, wiping her tears with her front talon. “I have to do that. For Snowy. Every step I will make to save him needs to be made by me. I will make up for what I did to him in his previous life. His poor soul will finally find peace in my embrace.”
Should’ve gone to negotiate with the SkyWing rebels myself too… Carp is a capable dragon, but he didn’t receive half as good training in diplomacy such as I. But theoretically SkyWings should understand that, and maybe even have some understanding of our good intentions, we’ve spared their soldiers after all. I still ordered my soldiers to shred their wings… But it was for their own good, though not everyone may think like that... Moons, I hope I haven’t sent him to a certain death.
“I understand Deluge,” Delta responded calmly, slowly letting her go. “Whatever you decide I will be there to protect you. Speaking of protection, where’s your helmet? I told you to get one.”
“There’s no time Delta,” Deluge responded. “We need to start swimming fast if we want to finish before sunrise, besides we will be only facing surprised SkyWing taskmasters and supervisors, the kind of which only used their weapon to beat their half dead miners, maybe with a skeleton crew of guards. Besides have you got the Jade?”
Delta frowned and untied his own helmet from his neck, handing it to Deluge.
“Yes I got it. But speaking of safety we will still be in the mine. And SkyWings are not exactly known for safety in their mines that run on prisoners. Even one stray stone that could fall from one of those unstable ceilings can kill you,” Delta forced his helmet into her talons. “Take it, right now.”
“But what about you-” she began, reluctantly taking the helmet into her talons.
“I don’t want to hear any objections, my job is to protect you,” Delta said firmly, wrinkling his snout harshly. “And besides, your life is much more important than mine, and don’t even try to deny it, my princess.”
“Alright, I get it,” Deluge responded, forcing it back to Delta’s head as he nodded. “I will go get my helmet right now.”
“And that’s what I wanted to hear, Deluge,” he said, as she turned around to quickly head to the armory, Delta quickly caught up to run beside her. “After all you won’t save him if you risk your life like that. You scared me so much already when you nearly… passed away the last time...”
He looked at her lovingly, while she gently twined her tail around his to comfort him as they moved through the dark tunnels to reach the main cavern.
I always feel safe near you Delta. You always comforted me when I needed it… You are like a brother to me. Maybe even more than that. So much more… Shark can’t hold a candle to you.
submitted by GrumpyScrollwyrm to WingsOfFire [link] [comments]

OBLIGATORY FILLER MATERIAL – Just take a hard left at Daeseong-dong…10

“Well, if that doesn’t throw the damper on things.” Dax remarks on our trip back down to the ground floor.
“Yeah. How rude. Up and deceasing your own self without bothering to tell anyone beforehand.” I noted.
“This is going to be a bloody balls-up. Trust me. This is going to be inordinately messy. A bog-standard botch job. A total dog’s dinner, just wait and see.” Cliffs adds.
“First, we have to contact IUPGS. Then what? Does Bulgaria have a consulate or embassy here? I wouldn’t think so…Then what?” I grieved. For once, I was rather low; both emotionally and on ideas.
“Let’s go back to the conference room and let everyone know. We’ll pull a brain session together. We should be able to sort out what needs to be done. The hotel already knows, so the state security forces also do as well. Be prepared for lengthy interrogation sessions, Gentlemen”, Cliff advised.
Back in the conference room, we relayed the sad information. All were taken aback and there were general notes of commiseration. However, since no one knew Iskren too well personally, it was more detached professionalism rather than overt weeping and wailing.
“Let us toast to our fallen comrade!” was accepted as both entirely appropriate and a damn good idea.
I got on the conference room phone and ordered up some more sandwiches, mixers, and bottles of booze. The moment was obviously structured that way, I reasoned.
We made our toasts to our fallen comrade and we had half a chalkboard filled with suggestions of what to do next.
The main consensus was: “Nothing.”
As in there was not much we could do. We were foreign nationals in a strangely foreign land. Our comrade was the sole member of his country, that is, Bulgaria, and the closest geographically we had aboard was Dr. Academician Ivan. No one wanted to loose Ivan on the DPRK security forces and have to deal with all that international fallout.
After some number of hours, after I suggested we all remain in the conference room as we’d (A.) be together, as in unity there is strength, (2.) we’d have each other’s backs when and if it came to interrogations, and, (iii.) this is where the free booze was.
Then there was a polite knock on the door.
I, as the den mother of this special education class, slowly got up and answered the knock.
It was a cadre of DPRK internal security forces, kitted out in their spiffy, tailor-made, and actually, quite smart-looking uniforms. Shoes and buttons polished to mirror-finishes, pants creases that could cut flesh, and enough polished brass to construct a spittoon.
“Hello? Yes?” I said through the semi-opened door.
“May we please come in? If the time is convenient.”, the head military type, very treacly asked.
“Of course”, I replied, “Please, do come in.”
Four of them entered as one. They did a quick-step, tight-march formation together and went to the head of the conference table.
“Good day, gentlemen. I am Colonel Hwangbo Dong-Hyeon of Internal State Security. First, we must offer condolences on the loss of your comrade. It must have come as a shock.” He intones.
There are mutters of “Thanks.” and “Damn right it was.”
“I have been entrusted to update you on the, ah, ‘situation’. First, Dr. Iskren Dragomirov Dinev, recently deceased, has been examined by the best medical practitioners in the country. He was obviously a foreign national and state guest, and we do not wish this to be a cause of suspicion or mistrust, especially during this auspicious Festival season.” He asserted.
We listened with rapt attention.
“I am authorized to tell you that it does not appear that the late Dr. Dinev expired of any untoward circumstances; or ‘foul play’, I believe is the western term. It has been ascertained that he expired due to wholly natural causes; namely massive myocardial infarction. Given his age, apparent health, and, ah, mass, this does seem a most reasonable explanation. This has been verified by no less than three DPRK medical professionals; one of which is the Emeritus teaching professor of Cardiology at Pyongyang Medical University. Again, you have our deepest condolences on the loss of your comrade.” He continued.
“I do remember Iskren complaining of gas pains the other night at the bar,” Joon agreed. “Thought nothing of it, given the change in all our diets.”
Colonel Hwangbo studied Joon like an entomologist examining a particularly fascinating new species of beetle.
“Which has been fine! Just rather rich compared to our usual food!” Joon hastily added.
Satisfied that Joon wasn’t making light of the ‘fine’ North Korean cuisine, Colonel Hwangbo continued, “As such, the Bulgarian Embassy here in Pyongyang has been contacted and apprised of the situation. They have taken over the case, as well as recovered the mortal remains and possessions of Dr. Dinev; all of which were conserved and authenticated by his Bulgarian national counterparts.”
“Ah, that’s good”, I said, “I’m pleased that there actually is a Bulgarian embassy here.”
“Ah. So.”, Col. Hwangbo continued, “Yes. They have already taken possession of Dr. Dinev’s mortal remains and possessions as I had noted, and will handle their repatriation to his country and family. As you can see, we have acted in the best of faith and with the utmost respect for your lately departed. Again, our condolences.”
There were some “Harrumphs”, and “Yeah, rights”, from the crowd, but since I was the team leader, it fell to me to handle this situation from here on out.
“Yes, indeed”, I replied, “We see that and do so deeply appreciate your efficiency and your keeping open the lines of communication. We have absolutely no room to complain. You, your team, your country, and your services have acted to the highest degree of professionalism and decorum. Let me extend, for the team, our heartiest appreciations in this most unfortunate matter.”
That seemed to please the Korean security forces. So much so they didn’t see the rolling eyes and smirks of grudging compliance from the crowd. I gave the evil-eye to several who were twittering quietly at my delivery of a load of over-the-top twaddle in the name of international goodwill.
“Thank you, Doctor…? Doctor…?”, he asked.
“Doctor Rocknocker.” I replied, “It’s spelled just as it sounds,”, I chuckled a knowing chuckle.
Colonel Hwangbo cracked a small smile for the first time since we met.
“As long as our orders of business are concluded, “ I inquired, “Might we offer you and your men a drink or sandwich or…”
“Cigar?” he suddenly brightened.
I smiled the sly, smirking smile of one of those used to the old duplicitous game of international diplomacy.
“Why”, I replied smilingly, “Of course.”
Col Hwangbo gratefully accepted a brace of fine Oscuro cigars. Probably more tobacco he’s seen in one place at one time since the last he rousted a snozzeled Western journalist or hammered European tourist with an overage of custom’s tobacco allowances.
His team eschewed cigars, but gladly accepted a pack each of pastel-colored Sobranie cocktail cigarettes.
It still slays me to see these battle-hardened, armed-to-the-teeth, unsmiling servants of the great state of Best Korea mincing about the courtyard smoking avocado, baby-blue, and peach-colored pastel cigarettes.
The Colonel and his team left after a couple of quick smokes, sandwiches, and surreptitious beers. I even enticed the Colonel into a couple of convivial vodka toasts when his team was otherwise occupied.
“Well, gang”, I said, closing the door, “Looks like that situation has been handled, most appropriately at that. We’ll miss ol’ Iskren, but at least he went fast and hopefully painlessly.”
I knew that last one was but a load of old dingo’s kidneys as I’ve had run-ins with cardiac disorders in the past and they are anything but painless. In any case, that was, as I noted, in the past. What was done is done. It was as it was. It is as it is.
“So, gentlemen”, I say, “Let us get back to work. Reality calls. Now, we’ve given you landlubbers the lowdown on our seismic pleasure cruise. Now we’d like to hear what you who had stayed onshore have come up with.”
Erlan, Graco, and Viv fill us in on the regional geology of Best Korea and lay out a plan to examine the sedimentary piles closest to the few paved roads in the north and east of the country.
We’ll be traveling by bus, as my request for four or five off-road vehicles was denied due to timing and lack of availability.
Yeah. Right. What a massive pile of bovine biogenic colluvium. A country with a military as huge as Best Korea’s and they can’t spare a few jeeps or Hummer reproductions?
Truth be told, they still don’t trust us and don’t want to let us out of their sight.
However, we did manage to snag some internal publications from the Central Geological Survey of Mineral Resources, which we figured as a major coup. Never before were Westerners allowed to even know of the existence of these materials, much less be able to research (read: slyly copy) them.
That ‘personal shaver’ I carried was actually a sneaky personal copier, a Vupoint ST470 Magic Wand Portable Scanner with all the external stickers peeled off, and any serial numbers abraded away.
Hey, they photograph us from every angle on the sly, listen in on our conversations, record our phone calls…hell, turnabout isn’t just fair play, it’s almost expected.
It’d be rude to refuse to play along.
Anyways, we learned that The Korean Peninsula (KP) occupies a junction area of three large tectonic domains that are the Paleo-Central Asian Orogenic Belt, Paleo-Tethyan Orogenic Belt, and the Western Pacific Orogenic Belt.
To summarize:
  1. The Archean Rangrim massif is divided into the Rangrim and Kwanmo submassifs, high-grade region and greenstone belt, respectively.
  2. Early Paleoproterozoic rocks underwent metamorphism up to granulite facies, which may be correlated to the Jiao-Liao-Ji mobile belt in the North China Craton (NCC).
  3. Proterozoic rift sequences in North Korea are similar to those in the NCC with rare late Paleoproterozoic strata and more Neoproterozoic strata.
  4. Mesozoic igneous rocks are extensively distributed in the KP.
  5. The main Paleozoic basin, the Phyongnam basin in NK, have a similar Paleozoic tectono-stratigraphy to the NCC.
Of most interest is item #5. The Phyongnam basin is the only sedimentary and depositional basin of mention in the north of the Korean peninsula; and therefore the center of our attention as it pertains to oil and gas.
The potential source rocks, and possible reservoirs, include the Paleozoic Late Ordovician Miru Series was identified as the Koksan Series and subsequently renamed. The 170-meter thick limestone and siltstone centered around the P'yongnam Basin have extensive crinoid, coral, and gastropod fossils. Paleogeography researchers have suggested that corals formed in the Miru Sea-a branch of the South Yangtze Sea. At the base of the Taedong Synthem is the P'yong'an Supergroup, which lies disconformably atop older Paleozoic rocks.
In the Pyongyang Coalfield it is divided into the 650-meter sandstone, shale, and conglomerate of the Nogam Formation, the 500-meter Kobangsan Formation, 350-meter coal-bearing Sadong Formation and 250-meter chert-bearing Hongjom Formation, all typically assigned to an Upper Permian shallow marine environment.
In the Mesozoic, north of Pyongyang, Precambrian basement rocks are unconformably overlain by a Jurassic limestone conglomerate ascending to layers of siltstone and mudstone. The Upper Jurassic Shinuiju Formation northwest of Shinuiju has sandstone, conglomerate, and mudstone up to two kilometers thick.
Offshore drilling in the West Korea Bay Basin indicates these rocks are the onshore extension of offshore units. It is subdivided into fluvial rocks and Upper Jurassic black shale, limestone, conglomerate and sandstone formed in a lake environment.
There are very few Cenozoic sediments are known in North Korea, likely as a result of erosion due to uplift of the peninsula. Submarine normal faults along the eastern coastline may have driven crustal tilting. The 350-meter thick Bongsan Coalfield in Hwanghae Province on the west coast preserves and coal-bearing layers dating to the Eocene.
Further to the north, in the West Korea Bay Basin Eocene and Oligocene sedimentary rocks up to three kilometers thick unconformably overlie Mesozoic rocks, formed in lakes and coal swamps during the Paleogene.
What this meant is that we’d need to travel mostly northeast and/or southwest. This was fortuitous as the paved roads in the country were created in structural valleys formed by the primary fault trends in the country. The main trans-tensional set trended NE:SW and the conjugate set trends approximately 900 to the main set at NW:SE.
The topography was heavily dissected by drainages and the terrain consists mostly of hills and mountains separated by deep, narrow valleys. The coastal plains are wide in the west and discontinuous in the east.
The plan was to take the bus north to Sunchon, then hang a right off towards Unsan and Yongha. There were outcrops between the last two towns and they appear to be upper Paleozoic to Lower Mesozoic clastics. Ideal oil and gas hunting grounds.
From there, we’d head north-northeast towards Yangwon. There appeared to be some fair to excellent outcrops of rocks that are as of yet, unidentified as to age. From there, we’d continue to follow the outcrop belts either to their termination at the basin’s edges or at international borders with China or Russia.
But, once we hit the field, time goes into relative warp. Put a bunch of geologists out on some relatively virgin outcrops and just stand back as they spend hour after hour after hour first looking for evidence of the formation’s provenance, it’s age and field relations. Then begin the heartfelt, stalwart, and sometimes vicious, arguments between all concerned about each and every one of those salient points.
We were all looking forward to it and wouldn’t have it any other way. It’s our intellectual and scientific equivalent of meat and potatoes.
We all agreed on a way forward and generated a document to deliver to those in charge of our logistics on this trip. There would be a total of 11 Western geoscientists, four guides, perhaps a couple of national geologists or geophysicists, and whatever cadre the shiny suit squad wanted to include.
There would also be a driver, his relief, and a couple of extra translators. Good thing it was a large bus, as it’s going to be a huge crew.
We needed to allow our handlers a full day to arrange room and board for us while in the field, as we had to be bivouacked somewhere outside our fine hotel. It needed to be secure, pass sanctuary muster, and be ‘controllable’, referring to both Western scientists and nosy locals.
One thing we found odd was the lack of concern for long-term logistics, not to mention the end of our self-ordained indentured servitude. When this trip and all the Western geoscientists were contacted, we were all assured of an opportunity to meet with the Supreme Leader, Kim Jong-Un once our trip was completed.
We were to personally deliver one hell of an international photo-op. A ‘hey look how progressive we are’ meeting and our findings in this wonderful and progressive country.
But lately, with what we thought was the fallout of the Festival washing out all the usual propaganda, we’ve heard nothing about Herr Comrade Leader Supremo, K1J1-Un. Nor had we heard one iota about our intended final meeting with him before we left for China.
Since there are “absolutely no” COVID-19 cases in Best Korea, it seemed, well, odd that Beijing was our only possible current exit port of call, and onward to our individual homes.
There were all flavors of rumors flying all throughout the basement bars and casinos of the hotel. One claimed that Kim was now receiving treatment at a villa in the Mount Myohyang resort north of the capital Pyongyang after cardiovascular surgery. That he was near death and that his sister, Kim Yo Jong, is already warming up in the North Korean political bullpen if her brother kacks it.
Others said Kim is believed to be staying at an unspecified location outside of Pyongyang, with some close confidants. It was said that Kim appeared to be normally engaged with state affairs and there has not been any unusual movement or emergency reaction from North Korea's governing party, military, or cabinet.
There was also one other that tries to cover up any conspiracy rumors by shouting over a raspy bullhorn: "Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain!”, “Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain!"; but most ignored that little crank.
We all thought that rather odd, but of fairly low concern. In the final analysis, it would have little impact on our studies and their outcome. In other words, it wouldn’t affect our pay one way or the other. We all felt like we’ve given more than what was called for on missions such as this.
And we still haven’t a clue as to when this will all come to an end.
However, we all agreed to the consultation, it would have been fun to meet with him and have our pictures taken with the Supreme Leader. Dr. Academician Ivan Ivanovich Khimik. was especially cheesed that he might miss the opportunity to make finger-vee bunny ears behind the Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces of the DPRK during one of our photo sessions.
We all agree if we do somehow find ourselves in the same room with Ivan and Kim Jong-Un, we’ll form a human shield around the latter. We want to get back home; as we’ve all heard the rumors of the horrors of ‘political realignment’ camps here in Best Korea.
So the meeting breaks up and I’m left with Dax to take the final inventory. Two loads of sandwiches gone, piles of used napkins, ketchup-y table linens, bacon rinds and chicken bones, drippy ends of ice cream cones, prune pits, peach pits, orange peel, gloppy glumps of cold oatmeal, pizza crusts, and withered greens, soggy beans and tangerines, crusts of black burned buttered toast, gristly bits of beefy roasts…
“The hell with this”, I say, I grab the last nearly full bottle of vodka and hand Dax a bottle of Royal Navy dark Rum.
“Tally’s good”, I say, not really giving two tiny shits at this point. “At least, I think it is. Let’s make like horseshit and hit the trail.”
“I’m headed back to our floor and going to zone out in front of some old, looped BBC for the next few hours with a cold drink and hot cigar.” I proclaim.
“Oh, hell”, Dax says, “I agree. It’s been a weird couple of days. Let’s go.”
And so we do.
On the way, I leave the logistics concerns and itinerary for the upcoming field trips with the front desk clerk. I slip her 1000 won as its Festival! and I had a bulgy pocketful of same. She smiled and quietly said there’s be a surprise waiting for me in my room when I got there.
“Rock, you fucking old hound!”, Dax exclaimed as he punched me lightly on the shoulder. “Taking a dip in the hotel secretarial pool?”
“Dax, you surprise me”, I said in my defense, “I have been, and continue to be, happily married for the last 38 years to the most loving, most intelligent, most well-connected, and most accurate snap-shot with a Glock .380 Automatic I know of.”
“Well, me ol’ mucker”, Dax smiles slyly, “If one has been happily married for 38 years, one must have a little something on the side. Wink, wink. Nudge, nudge, ‘eh, Squire?”
“Oh, nothing like that”, I replied, while waiting the obligatory 30 minutes for the fucking elevator to arrive. “I couldn't break my word to Esme, and not because I don’t believe in a God that will send me to Hell without an electric fan or because it's not the right thing to do. I simply don't want to. A man is only as good as his word; and if he loses that, he loses too much. I couldn’t function without people thinking that I’m square and on the level. My business would crumble to dust. As would my marriage.”
“Yeah, there is that”, Dax agrees, “You say something is going to happen and God damn, it fucking happens. That’s what makes you honest and honestly scary.”
I stare intently at the annunciator that tells me the fucking elevator is stuck on 4 again.
“You’re not mob, are you?” Dax harshly whispers, snickeringly.
I turn to face Dax and smile wistfully.
Я с уважением отказываюсь отвечать, потому что я искренне верю, что мой ответ может обвинить меня”, I reply quietly.
“What the hell does that mean?” Dax demands.
“I respectfully decline to answer because I honestly believe my answer might tend to incriminate me”, I calmly reply.
“Oh, look. Bloody elevator’s finally here.” I note and stride aboard.
Dax gets caught up in the tsunami of the crowd and is carried bodily inside. It was so remorseless, he almost lost his grip on his bottle of Dark Rum.
Up on ‘our’ floor, I go to key open my room. Dax is just down the hall and looking around to see what special surprise might show up. I was too tired to wait so I just push in, and see all my field clothes fully laundered, pressed, and either folded or hanging.
Someone broke into my room during the day and committed a compound neatness.
“POUND! Pound! POUND!” Hmm, appears to be someone at my door.
“Yes, Dax?” I said.
“You too?” he fumed, “Everything, cleaned to within an inch if its life. They even polished my bloody field boots.”
“Oh, fuck”, I said and ran to find mine re-pristinized.
“FUCK! FUCK! FUCKITYFUCKFUCK!” I swore. They had polished my field boots and removed the fine years-of-work-to-acquire near-subsurface of the leather’s oil layer. They polished the water-proofing and conditioning out of the leather of our boots.
“OK. OK.”, I said, “Minor emergency. Cool out. I have the solution.”
I toss Dax a small can. It was brown, oily, and claimed to be “Neatsfoot oil”. It was the SPF- 500 of field leathers.
“Go ahead and oil them up with that”, I told Dax, “I’ve got another can, so don’t worry. Use what you need, don’t be shy, but if there’s any left, let me know. I’ll combine ours and offer it to anyone else in the team who had their boots steam-cleaned.”
So, a bit later, I’m sitting on my hotel room’s floor, on several sheets of newspaper, rubbing Neatsfoot Oil into my ancient, multinational size 16 EEE Vasque™ Tracker field boots.
Then there’s a knock at the door.
“It’s open. Enter carefully”, I say aloud.
It’s a bell clerk with a room service cart. On the cart are a bucket of ice, a bowl of sliced limes, I think, several gimlet glasses, some Best Korean ‘Air Koryo’ carbonated citrus drink, and a fresh bottle of “Kaesong” vodka.
“Compliments of the front desk”, the bellman says.
I stand up, tip him a few thousand won, and set a new record in mixology; a fresh brace of drinks in less than 7.3 seconds.
I offer the bellman the lighter one and he accepts with a wide smile.
I say “건배” (geonbae) literally means 'empty glass', which is similar to the expression 'bottom's up'. For you see, my Korean’s coming along a treat.
We clink glasses and send those drinks to the places that they’ll do the best.
The bellman smiles offloads the cart onto the table in my room, shakes my hand, and departs.
I finish my boots, my drink, and my cigar. After another drink or seven, I crater early. Dax was right; it had been a long, weird day.
The next day, Festival! is still going strong, but still no word on the whereabouts of El Líder Supremo. I find that odd, only slightly interesting, and since it will impact the day’s events zero, I file it away for maybe later use.
I go to the hotel pool around 0530 and there’s no one there. I’m able to get in a good 100 laps, unburdened with either small talk or by yammering kids blocking my lanes. I go early as I don’t wear gloves in the water, obviously. Statistically, there is less chance there will be others, adults and kids included, that would get freaked out by my gnarly left hand. I really don’t feel like recounting the old Russian Rig Accident story again.
After a brisk shower and double shower-scotch back in my room, I dress casually and wander down to the casino and bar level. It’s essentially breakfast time, but with the revelers not giving two hoots to AM vs. PM, it’s surprisingly busy. I find a perch up on Mahogany Ridge and order a classical breakfast cocktail of one liter of beer and 100 milliliters of chilled vodka.
I see Mr. Ho is manning the bar. I ask him to ring the massage parlor down the hall and see if Ms. Nang Bo-Hee is free sometime this morning.
He does and reports that she has an open hour and a half at 0900. Would I like it or any portion of that time?
“I’ll take the lot”, I said. “Tell them I’ll be there spot on 0900.”
“That’s great.”, Mr. Ho says, hanging up the phone, “Doctor Rock, they tell me that with the Festival discount and you taking the full 90 minutes, they can cut you a very special deal.”
“I’ll bet”, I replied, “Like what?”
“Oh, I cannot say for they did not tell me”, he smiled, “They will tell you when you arrive.”
“Marvelous”, I exhaled tiredly. “Another, Mr. Ho; make it a double, if you would please.”
The massage center here is run by a group not employed directly by the hotel. It’s a separate entity altogether. They run specials and have different discount programs that are not only not controlled nor advertised by the hotel, but they’re also not in any way beholden to the hotel, except for rent, I suppose and run it like their own little fiefdom.
Ms. Nang, my preferred masseuse, is a little, tiny Korean lassie about 5 feet tall and probably all of 90 pounds soaking wet. However, she is amazingly well trained and could probably put me in the hospital for a lengthy visit with her wiles and methods of flesh, bone, and muscle manipulation.
She offers a whole suite of different massage genres: Swedish, hot stone, aromatherapy, deep tissue, sport, trigger point, reflexology, shiatsu, Thai, and Rolfing.
Oh, fuck. I know Rolfing. I tried that nonsense back in grad school with an old east Indian lady that could have linebackered for the Minnesota Vikings. That shit fucking hurt. Today, it’d incapacitate me permanently. That’s a definite no-go.
I decide that it’s going to be the Hot Stone-treatment today. A geological-manipulation inquiry.
At 0900 I’m the only client at the massage ‘store’. It’s early, day two of the festival, and people are either sleeping off the previous night’s festivities or too wobbly to even think of partaking in a massage.
I’ve had several major back surgeries over the years, including one bilateral laminectomy about seven years ago that removed 7.5 kilos of overgrown bone and muscle from my lumbar region, so I’ve been very cautious about soliciting a massage. The masseuse has to know that area is strictly verboten and will do everything to avoid annoying that particular piece of bodily real-estate.
I’ve walked or limped out of massages before where the practitioner said they understood my reticence, but went ahead and kneaded and provoked that land of keloids and deep-body scar tissue.
However, based on past experience, Ms. Nang knows full well my reluctance as well as my desires. That’s the reason I’m returning. She’s very, very good; a consummate professional and has a never-ending series of jokes and observations while she’s pummeling you into submission.
Today, we retire to a private cubicle and she hands me a small robe or napkin, not sure which, of Korean manufacture.
She tells me to get au natural and to wear the robe while she prepares the tools of her trade.
OK, I’m not a small person; not by a long shot. This robe, however, is made for a sprite, not even for a small person.
She returns to our massage cubicle as I’m sitting there, at the end of the massage table, sipping my drink clad only in my dapper red-and-white checkered boxers.
“You need to be unclothed, Doctor. Use the robe. OK, sir Rock?” she says.
“Ms. Nang,”, I said, shaking my head, “It’s one or the other.” I show her how laughable the robe is as I can’t even get it over my upper arm. It’s not even as a tea towel when it comes to covering my expansive acres of exposed epidermis.
“I can close door.”, she says, “I’m used to it. I am professional. Does not bother me if it does not bother you.”
I lost all forms of bashfulness, timidity, or prudery long, long ago. After years and years of Russian banya, Swedish massage, Turkish baths, and surgery; well, if it don’t bother you, it don’t bother me.
“OK”, I say, using the robe as a small two-dimensional breechcloth. She tells me to ‘hop’ up on the massage table and lie down, facing the floor.
After chuckling about the fact that I haven’t hopped for decades, I wander over to the nicely padded and extremely clean massage table and lie down. She rearranges the ‘robe’ to cover my backside and tells me to relax. She’ll be right back with the stones.
I’ve never tried this type of massage before, but as a geologist, I must; if for nothing else, progress in the name of science.
Ms. Nang returns with a large parcel consisting of many sizes of steamed stones. They were river-washed and tumbled basalt from the looks of them, all wrapped in a large fuzzy towel.
Now she finds the large towels…
She selects them one by one and places them in ‘special, strategic’ spots on my exposed back. From the lower 2/3rds of the nape of the neck, down the spine, over the fundus mountains, and down the back of each leg.
It’s a warm, almost hot in some places, but not an uncomfortable feeling. She returns to adjust them, grind them in a bit in places, and flip them to extract all that igneous lithological thermal goodness.
I have to admit, at that point, it was feeling quite delightful. Relaxed; I had my drink and was being kneaded My dorsal musculature was being de-lithified by the application of hot rocks and expert point massage.
All was going quite well as Ms. Nang was building a huge tip in her ‘job well done’ bank.
Then the rocks had all attained room temperature. She excused herself to reload with another minor outcrop’s-worth and told me to flip over for round two of the process.
“In for a dime, in for a dollar”, I said, as I flipped over and use the robe as a laughable forward-facing breechcloth.
Ms. Nang mentioned that she was always fascinated by Westerners and their surplus of bodily fuzz. With my long, shoulder-length silver hair, full Grizzly Adams beard that drooped down to my sternum, and torso that picked up where my beard left off; she was quite unprepared to see the beached silver-gray panda that awaited upon her return.
“Dr. Rock!’, she exclaimed, “You are as a bear! So much hair. And silver color!”
“Yeah, sorry”, I replied, “Just the hand genetics dealt me. I guess it’s an adaptation for ethanol-fueled organisms that never feel cold.”
“I will soon return.” She titters excitedly and almost runs out of the room.
“Hmmm. I wonder what that’s all about?” I muse as I lie largely undraped in the massage cubicle.
Suddenly, the door bursts open and every female massage practitioner there herded into the room. They simply had to see the specimen upon which the delightful Ms. Nang was working.
OK, truth be told, I was a bit taken aback. Here I am lying on an elevated, and heavily padded, massage table. I’m ‘wearing’ only a crooked, worried grin and a sheet of a cotton washcloth that measures about 12x12 inches.
They Oohed! and Ahhhed!
I did feel like some form of an alien animal suddenly thrust out into public view. It was a bit disconcerting, but as usual, I just tried to deflect any unease with jokes and idiot remarks. At my age, not much is going to bother me, and this I found all the more laughable than troubling.
Suddenly, I was fielding their barrage of questions:
“You are American? All American men so…hairy?”
“Yes and no”, I replied. I also mentioned I hadn’t undertaken a study in that particular subject.
“Why you so big?” one tiny lass asked, eyes as big as dinner plates.
“Genetics”. I replied. “Just a corn-fed Baja Canadian doofus. We grow ‘em big back home.”
“Can we touch?” one particularly brave little lass asks.
“Touch what?” I asked. Look, I might be over 6 decades old, but there are still some areas reserved for my one and only betrothed.
I did tell Esme of this whole event later that evening during our nightly call. She laughed herself silly.
“Your beard! Oriental men never have such beard. We touch maybe?” she implored.
I was going to say “Go nuts”, but I decided that a simple “Sure” would be more fitting.
So they did. They were enthralled. They had never before, from what I was told, seen such a large silver-gray ZZ Top-style beard, especially here at the hotel. That part was weird enough, but when they started in on working their way south toward the equator, I had to say something to dissuade them.
“Where were you girls 45 years ago?” I laughed.
I don’t think they got the joke. They became somewhat bolder in their austral exploratory activities.
“OK! Time out! Ms. Nang! We have an appointment to keep”, I said as I shooed the rest of the lassies away, “We need to finish what we started.”
By the time that the third syllable of that last sentence came into being, I knew it wasn’t the right thing to say.
They all laughed and tittered as Ms. Nang ushered them out of the room. I could have sworn I heard the door lock behind them.
Ms. Nang reprieved her earlier stone placement therapy, with a couple of strategic detours.
She wasn’t that type of masseuse, and I wasn’t looking for that type of massage. She did, however, knead and pummel me mercilessly.
I’ve been bruised less from barroom brawls.
Finally, she announces that she’s finished. She’ll leave while I shower, as she used essential aromatic oils, and would await me out in the lobby.
After showering, I felt like a large bowl of pummeled Jello. I felt relaxed, and for the first time in weeks, my back was silent. My head was clear as a spring Sunday morn in Reykjavik.
The full 90 minutes, plus sideshow, was 4,500 won.
I paid the owner the required sum and handed Ms. Nang an additional 15,000 for a job well done. And for another anecdote that goes into the hopper.
I left the massage parlor feeling quite fine, thank you. I wandered over to the bar to see if I could augment and prolong this feeling of harmony with the universe. The mental picture even now of all those cooing Korean lassies in the massage room never fails to elicit a laugh and head shake.
A few hours later, I’m back in my room, tidying up my field notes and making certain all my paperwork was heavily encoded and up to date. It was, so I placed a number of expensive overseas calls to catch up with everyone on the outside.
I’m thinking of calling room service to have my mini-bar repaired when my room phone rings.
“Now who would be calling me at this hour?” I wondered.
It was the tour group leader. He informed me that the itinerary had been worked out and we’d be leaving tomorrow for the field at 0600. We were to arrive with all our luggage and be prepared to check out. We would spend at least a week in the field, if not two, depending on our results, and be bivouacking in different places in the interior of the country.
I thanked him for the information and said I’d inform the rest of the team. He told me that wouldn’t be necessary as they would come up to or floor, deliver the notice verbally, or by note if they were out of their rooms. If I wanted to later call each participant and ensure they were apprised of the situation, that would be most appreciated.
I assured him I would do so and that we’d be ready, to a man, at 0600 the next day.
I whip up 10 Post-it™ notes and stick one on each member’s door.
“Leaving for the field. Check out 0530. Wheels up 0600. Bring all luggage. Road trip!”
To be continued…
submitted by Rocknocker to Rocknocker [link] [comments]

Wings of Strife - Chapter 17

Seventeenth chapter of the Wings of Strife Fanfic!


As the fanfic is taking place in war environment, it will get rather dark. That includes gore, violence, or other rather adult themes that will appear further in the story. No dragon passionate hugging tho.

I tried to make Blister's character believable, but I'm not really sure if my attempt at her is good after all...
For the beginning click: here For the previous part click: here For the next part click: here

Chapter 17


The SeaWing princess glanced at Delta who looked as if he saw some sort of a ghost.
Hmm… Maybe I shouldn’t have brought him there straight after he woke up. Maybe I should’ve brought him to Vanilla instead but she’s still sleeping off all those sleepless days and nights she sacrificed for me and Delta…
However seeing that for a moment attention of both princesses were focused on him, he quickly walked to his place with Bloodfin, behind Deluge’s seat, which was just in fact a soft cushion, and looked at the SandWing princess visibly uneasily.
“You mentioned that you have a plan regarding our Sky Kingdom issue,” Blister spoke, her voice having a rather unsettling hiss to it. “And since I assume you have dragged me here for a reason, I’m all ears.”
“Well, I imagine that you remembered how we captured a certain SkyWing,” Deluge said and waved her talon at one of her guards, who was named Halibut, as he nodded and left the tent. “And in addition we heard about SkyWings having resistance movements against Scarlet in larger cities. They are quiet now, but if they had a royal face to represent their cause… We could stir up a lot of trouble if we support their efforts, weakening Sky Kingdom, as they will have an open rebellion to quell.”
Blister nodded in acknowledgement, while Halibut walked in with SkyWing prince who widened his eyes in shock, seeing SandWing princess.
“And here he is, I present to you Prince Thunderhead of the SkyWings, the oldest son of the Queen Scarlet,” Deluge said and pointed at the empty cushion near the table. “Come, sit, and don’t be afraid, Queen Blister won’t sting you unless you displease her.”
Even normally calm SandWing princess, couldn’t hide the pleasant surprise at sight of such an important personality.
“I see where this is going… You are planning to place him on the throne of the SkyWings, creating a vassal state that will swear fealty to us,” Blister said, visibly amused by SkyWing’s fear, as she stood up and walked towards him. “Shame that he’s not female, we could’ve ascended him to the throne straight after Scarlet’s death, but once the rebellion starts we will just need at least one, obedient girl from some noble house to bypass this issue. Oh, and all other princes and princesses will have to die to enforce his claim to the throne, but that could be easily arranged, after Sky Kingdom is in chaos. Good job, Deluge, that’s my kind of plan.”
“N-no! Y-you can’t-” prince began, horrified, as Deluge’s lieutenants silently watched the direction the conversation was taking, slightly disturbed. “Some of my brothers and sisters are just little dragonets!! They are innocent!”
“Oh, a shame isn’t it? But that’s the price we are paying for the good of your dragons,” Blister said to him, as she stood behind Thunderhead who was looking at her barb which she placed very close to his tail. “Your Kingdom’s future is in your talons. Would you really pass up an opportunity to stop the suffering of the SkyWings under your mother’s cruel rule? Would you truly be able to live with yourself when your dragons will continue to struggle, knowing that you could’ve done something to stop it, but you decided to do nothing instead?”
“I- I...” Thunderhead began, as he hunched over, gulping loudly.
“Once I was faced by such a horrible choice as well, young prince,” Blister said calmly this time, as she moved her tail away from his body and gently placed her talon on his shoulder, standing over him as he looked up to her, horribly stressed. “Do you know why me and my sisters couldn’t solve the issue of who becomes the next SandWing queen on our own?”
Thunderhead shook his head.
“Because me and my sisters would have to fight against each other in the battle to the death,” Blister answered, as she slowly paced, stopping on his right side, as she got her snout closer to his ear. “And that battle was rigged from the start. Everyone knows that Burn would’ve won. But I couldn’t let that happen. Burn is the most cruel and brutal dragoness I ever knew. She is a terrible sadist. Do you know that she had a collection of oddities? The oddities that even featured stuffed dragons or even their body parts? I still remember when she once met a SeaWing in Scorpion’s Den and invited him to our stronghold, several years before our mother’s death, just to cut off his webbed talons as she wanted them in her collection.”
Deluge slightly shuddered, wrinkling her snout in anger.
Burn and Scarlet… Both of them killing and maiming for their own amusement… That’s why Blister should become the next queen of the SandWings. She only kills when she has to, and is indeed a wise dragon, unlike her other sister, Blaze. Our alliance of SeaWings, SandWings, MudWings and eventually SkyWings could finally bring peace to Pyrrhia, spreading righteousness and eliminating the outdated and cruel practices still taking place in the Ice Kingdom and Sky Kingdom… Maybe even we will get rid of the lethal challenges for the throne… If something happened to Coral, as she has no dragonets yet, I’d have to become a queen… And what it could essentially mean in the end is that it would be possible for me to face my little Sapphire in deadly combat… Or my other possible daughters if we ever decided to have more dragonets with Silentskies… It’s terrifying to think about that small baby you once lift in your talons and give her your love and life, might in fact take your own, one day, tempted by power...
Deluge got distracted from her thoughts as the Blister spoke again.
“I tried to help him, by trying to stop her forcefully, but she just threw me out of her room, as his screams echoed through the halls… That was the day I realised that if I want the good of the dragons, I shouldn’t use my own brute force. That's a warrior’s game. Not mine. That’s why the war began.” SandWing princess continued, as she lifted the SkyWing figurine, previously placed over the city of Highvalley from the table, turning it around in her talon. “SandWings never deserved brutal ruler like Burn or dumb one like Blaze. That’s why I rallied my allies in high places that agreed both with me and my cause, since as you can imagine, having a powerful tribe such as SandWings ruled by an idiot, or psychotic brute can be in not the best interests of the others. Unfortunately Burn went to Scarlet and both of those brutes decided to ally with each other and Blaze probably used her good looks to get into Glacier’s good graces. Same story as mine goes for your SkyWings, but with a small difference. You don’t have to go out of your own way as much as I did, young prince. We are willing to support your efforts to save your tribe.”
Prince just looked at the SkyWing figurine as Blister used it to topple three others, standing over Scarlet’s palace, and then she put it down in their place and moved other figures representing the SeaWings, MudWings and SandWings moving to stand beside the new army in the capital.
“We care about the good of all dragons, young prince,” Deluge said to him. “We are the good guys here.”
SkyWing prince looked up to Blister, who had a friendly smile on her face.
“I… I don’t know...” he mumbled, and looked down at his own talons. “But… If we succeed, could you maybe try to convince my brothers and sisters to abandon their claim for the throne, and only if that won’t succeed to do the… thing in the most painless and quickest way possible?”
“We promise,” the SandWing princess responded. “But make no mistake, we do not intend to force anything on you, we can just let you go normally, and you will come back to your mother, to live under her claws again…”
Deluge’s lieutenants moved uneasily on their cushions.
But what is she talking about!? We cannot let him go!
“Just give me time… To think about this...” he said and covered his face with his wings.
“I’m leaving tomorrow, so if you could, please inform me about your decision beforehand,” Blister said and walked back to her own cushion, as she whispered to baffled Deluge. “We are done here, you can dismiss him.”
She wanted to oppose what she’s said, but decided to follow her command, waving her talon at Halibut who nodded and escorted the SkyWing prince out of her tent, who was looking at the ground with sadness.
“Why have you told him that, Blister?” Tempest asked, in confusion after they left. “It took us a lot of effort to seize him and now you just want to let him go!?”
“It is much easier for a lot of dragons to make a favourable decision, if they have an illusion of choice,” Blister said and looked at the SeaWing lieutenant with contempt. “Besides, haven't you noticed how he looks, how he acts? He is soft hearted and visibly cares about his SkyWings… And from that I just needed to tug at his vulnerable heartstrings. A lot of dragons like him deep down desire to be heroes, to do something good for their tribe. And besides I saw it in his eyes. He already made a decision, and will help us. Giving him time to think about it will only reaffirm this statement in his head.”
Damn, sometimes seeing how talented Blister is in manipulating other dragons is really unsettling...
“I have to say, I’m impressed, Blister,” Deluge nodded, while Tempest wrinkled her snout looking visibly uncomfortable, and Shore was staring at the figurines placed over Scarlet’s palace thoughtfully.
Tempest, brave and honourable, always preferring to face the enemy straight on the battlefield, and because of that this is the way of warfare she always despised, the indirect war, intrigues… She won’t become good friends with Blister, that’s for sure. At least Shore can work around this kind of idea.
“Since that matter is already dealt with,could you tell me what you are planning as our next move?” SandWing princess asked.
“We wanted to strike at the Highvalley and cripple SkyWing war efforts against IceWings and to make them concentrate their focus on defense, instead on the raids on our MudWing allies,” Shore responded. “Of course we are currently harassing their supply lines, but that’s not enough. We need to completely demolish their main node.”
“At the same time the garrison is too strong for the direct attack, we need the support of the MudWings, at least for the bombardment efforts to soften them up before the main assault,” Tempest added, as she looked up to Blister. “It is a highly fortified city, but they have one big weakness, which is the river from which we can strike, when the SkyWings would try to engage the bombarding MudWings.”
“How many SkyWings are guarding the place?” SandWing princess asked.
“We believe they have from one thousand to thirteen hundred soldiers currently stationed in the city,” Deluge said. “However, if we would threaten with the attacks on the less guarded settlements nearby, they might spread out their troops more. Especially nearby mines that deliver iron which is rather essential for them.”
“Yes… Misinformation and quick skirmishes might work when it comes to diverting their attention...” Blister noted. “Especially when we will get in contact with SkyWing rebels and support their efforts in taking control over some of SkyWing towns, those two actions combined might truly ruin Scarlet. Icewings breaking into her kingdom as well as rebellion, supported by us, I mean.”
“And we can use this turmoil to hopefully save that animus dragonet from Scarlet...” Deluge said, and looked into Blister’s dark eyes. “Even if anything goes as we expect it we can lose everything, if she manages to break him.”
“How do you know she hasn’t broken him yet?” Blister asked the SeaWing princess, her eyes glittered in an unsettling way.
“Because both you and Blaze are still alive,” Deluge noted grimly as Blister shuddered uncomfortably.
“But don’t worry, we will do everything in our power to not let that happen, Blister,” Deluge said, and placed her talon on SandWing’s shoulder gently, as she looked at it with visible displeasure. “We want you to become the next SandWing queen, and with you at our side, finally bring peace to Pyrrhia.”
And to save the poor baby… Can’t imagine how scared he must be, trapped alone in Scarlet’s grasp… Once we will save you, little Snowy, we will finally come back to the Sea Kingdom, and live happily ever after, together… I’m sure Sapphire will like you, and make up for the loss of your poor sister...
“Then we need to work fast. I will send my best spy to the Scarlet’s palace, to maybe catch some whispers about this dragonet’s whereabouts,” Blister said, squinting her eyes at the SeaWing princess as Deluge withdrew her talon. “We cannot leave such a powerful asset in the enemy's talons after all. We need him at our side and that way we will ensure our victory.”
“Of course I understand that we need to maximise our chances, but at the same time, he’s just a baby...” Deluge said. “We shouldn’t-”
“We absolutely should, Deluge,” Blister interrupted sternly. “Think how much good we can do if we will use his powers properly.”
“We can’t! Do you even realise how dangerous animus magic is!?” Tempest shouted suddenly. “We SeaWings are experienced by the tragedy caused by one crazed prince who massacred our royal family! We cannot-”
“And said animus was stopped by the random girl with a spear, please,” Blister snarled at Tempest who was staring at her angrily. “If we keep him under the constant surveillance, there’s no chance he’d be able to do anything like that.”
“But… He’s just a baby...” Deluge mumbled and looked down at the Scarlet’s palace on the map. “How could you even think about stealing his entire dragonethood for the war efforts… He deserves a family...”
“Deluge, I understand that you’re a mother and that you might have other perception of dragonets,” Blister now looked at the SeaWing princess, softening her expression. “But at the same time we cannot allow ourselves to pass up an opportunity like that. We can save a lot of lives by using that dragonet to kill just vital targets in other alliances, effectively ending the war just with his abilities.”
“No! You can make him lose his soul!” Deluge protested, standing up angrily from her cushion. “I won’t let you do anything like that!”
“And you are who, his mother?” SandWing princess frowned, as she stood up as well, getting visibly furious. “Trust me, nobody in Sky Kingdom will ever miss him, they hate animus dragons. Besides, one worthless life of a nobody for victory is a really small price in my book.”
How can she even think like that!? Worthless life of nobody… Is she really that good of a queen if she thinks of her potential subjects like that..?
“Your life is worth as much as his. And this dragonet is mine. I actually adopted him and now I’m his mother,” Deluge snarled angrily, while Blister exposed her teeth and raised her tail barb, moving it dangerously close to the SeaWing princess, but she stood her ground, not even flinching. “Try it, I dare you.”
An odd silence fell, when both princesses maintained tense eye contact. Behind Deluge’s back she felt that both Delta and Bloodfin were getting visibly nervous, shifting from one leg to the other, glancing at Blister’s Duneclaws warily, who looked as if they were ready to strike.
I have one useless talon, but she’s still weaker than me, if I would...
“Your majesties, please, let’s not allow this little disagreement to evolve into something regretful,” Lieutenant Shore suddenly spoke conciliatorially. “We haven’t even found him yet, so let’s try not to kill each other over an argument about the dragon who is still in our enemy’s talons. And I’m sure that my princess just meant that we should just value the life of every dragon, and to not risk dragonet’s life just because we can.”
“Of course. I just didn’t know that he was yours. We will only use his power only if absolutely necessary,” Blister said slowly, squinting her eyes at Deluge. “Are you fine with that, my princess?
There will be no “absolutely necessary”… By the time the situation will start looking dire, we will be far away from the Blister’s reach. She won’t ever touch my little Snowflare. I won’t let any more queens traumatise him, if he would survive Scarlet… That poor baby deserves someone who will love him… He looks so much different from the dragons from his own tribe... Like my late son...
“That I can accept,” Deluge said and looked down at her own talons, thinking about Dusk who died in his egg.
“Good. And speaking about your upcoming attack on Highvalley… Make your first preparations and proceed with some quick skirmishes, while I will get your MudWings to support your assault on that city,” Blister spoke, still watching Deluge as if she could still attack her. “But at the same time you will contact the SkyWing rebels. We cannot let ourselves have a moment of inaction. We still have a war to win. And speaking of winning the war, show me that NightWing who was involved in your assassination plot. I’m sure I can get some additional information out of her.”
Two dragons approached the sleeping black dragonet. She was calmly snoring, resting after the injuries she suffered, her both front legs being broken and her entire body suffering rather severe chemical burns, mostly concentrated on her back and wings, very likely leaving her scarred there for the rest of her life. Vanilla, feeling terribly sorry for what she did to the mother of that poor dragonet decided to take her under her wings and care for her until she fully recovers, both physically and mentally and that was the reason why they both shared the same tent, placed in SeaWing princess’ secluded and quiet cavern. Deluge reached out with her tail to gently wake up the dragonet, but she carefully avoided touching her bandaged body to not cause her any more harm.
Poor dragonet. She didn’t even want to work as the assassin in the first place and now she lost her mom and got injured horribly...Theoretically I was supposed to be her and her mother’s target, but I honestly feel as if this dragonet is the biggest living victim of this situation...
“Hey, wake up little one,” Deluge said and gently nudged the NightWing dragonet with her tail. “We would like to ask you some questions.”
Blackout opened her eyes and yawned loudly, and looked at the SeaWing princess with confusion. She slowly sat up on her bed, carefully supporting herself with her wings to not strain her front legs placed on the slings.
“B-but I already told you everything I knew!” she exclaimed, and looked at the Blister with wide eyes. “You already destroyed the entrance from which we’ve entered, tested every single dragon for possible shapeshifters… I even already told you that this attack was ordered by the NightWing royalty too!”
“I know, Blackout,” Deluge spoke with a friendly tone. “But my friend, Queen Blister of the SandWings wishes to know a bit more about you and your masters.”
NightWing’s jaw dropped.
“I- I told you everything I knew I swear!” she shouted, as behind them, Vanilla moved on her bedding through her sleep. “P-please, I don’t know anything more!”
“We will see,” Blister hissed and squinted her eyes, slowly walking closer to her. “Now tell me, little dragonet, why do the NightWings want to prolong the war?”
“I don’t know, my mom was speaking with-” Blackout began, but before she could finish Blister swiftly stabbed her barbed tail into dragonet’s hind leg, as she widened her eyes and shrieked in pain and terror.
The RainWing quickly got up and ran to the dragonet and froze in place, seeing SandWing’s tail stabbed into dragonet’s leg.
“What- By the Moons why would you do that!?” Vanilla shouted at Blister, who just glanced at her with a look of pure disgust. RaInWing’s scales began turning their colour from her standard blue to pale green.
“I’m just having a conversation with that little assassin spawn,” SandWing hissed back as Deluge stood in place, shocked. Blister retracted her tail as the blood gushed out from the dragonet’s wound and she drew a small glass flask from her belt and shook it in front of horrified NightWing’s snout. “I have a small antidote here, as you can see. Without it you will be dead within ten minutes as I injected enough venom to kill you. So better start talking and be quick about it, but beware that if your answers will be a made up lies, I can get thirsty, and since I really like that cactus juice...”
To present the weight of her words she uncorked the flask and drank a hearty amount of the transparent liquid out of the flask and slightly shuddered, as both the dragonet and Vanilla looked at her with pure horror. Blackout started sobbing, while Vanilla hugged her.
“Shh, stay calm, little sunbeam, just answer those questions and it will be all over soon,” RainWing spoke softly, embracing the dragonet with her wing.
Blister got her snout uncomfortably close to Blackout, as she was whimpering in horror.
“Indeed it will be all over soon, but you can choose the way it will end, little sunbeam,” SandWing princess hissed and smiled beastly. “I believe in four minutes you will feel dryness in your mouth, and in six you will feel as if you had a severe fever. And if the convulsions will start shaking your body, you are already gone. So please tell me, why have you tried to hinder our war effort?”
“I- I really don’t know!” Blackout sobbed in horror. “I- I just followed my mom who- NO!!! PLEASE STOP!!!”
Deluge looked back at Blister who took another sip.
“I- I don’t want to die!” NightWing dragonet shrieked desperately, as Vanilla was hugging her. “P-please!!”
Suddenly another two dragons entered the tent, alarmed by Blackout’s sorrowful sobs.
“What is happening- NO!! Stop that!” Bloodfin shouted, as Delta tried to hold her in place. “We promised to not hurt her!!”
I- I need to stop this madness… She’s just a poor dragonet. If Blister kills her, my friends, both Vanilla and Bloodfin would be heartbroken… Vanilla because she feels an obligation to care for her after she accidentally killed her mother and Bloodfin because she has her own, private reasons… I can’t let Blister kill Blackout.
“Blister, with all due respect, but you shouldn’t-” SeaWing princess began.
“I need to do that to solve the issue of those assassins. You’re possibly the best commander we have and we just simply cannot lose you to some random dragon,” Blister responded, angrily staring at the crying NightWing. “Do you want to end the war, Deluge? Do you want the suffering of the innocents to end? Believe me, she’s far from innocent and is in fact the one who tried to sabotage our efforts!”
Of course I want the war to end… But at the same time it’s horrible to see Blister being so cruel. Of course, she considers Blackout to be her enemy, and rightfully so, however that NightWing dragonet wanted to confess and was so scared… Poor thing. But if this is really the cost of ending the war...
Deluge looked away from the dragonet. Vanilla was looking at Deluge, judging by her anxious expression, she was screaming internally at the SeaWing princess to intervene.
“So you don’t want to tell me why… Hmm...” Blister spoke. “Then please tell me where is the home of the NightWings? I believe that I should pay a little visit to your tribe… With my army.”
Bloodfin was trying to reach out with her claws to Blister, but Delta managed to hold her in place as she writhed angrily. Three SandWing Duneclaws entered the tent as well, warily glancing at Deluge’s royal guards.
“It- It’s so hot...” Blackout mumbled through her tears, Vanilla desperately strengthening her hug as she looked at SeaWing princess with a betrayed look on her snout. “I don’t know where it is… But… there was an entrance in the Sand Kingdom… Guarded… They won’t let you in...”
Her second phase. She’s really close to death…
“Vague. And in the middle of enemy territory. Are you trying to be clever you dumb little lizard?” Blister hissed angrily.
“It’s close to Burn’s stronghold too,” Blackout mumbled weakly. “W-we have a dangerous... Volcano there… On the island...”
“YOU MEANT MINE STRONGHOLD,” Blister snorted out with rage and hatred. “Are you really thinking that you are cunning, giving me the location of the place that I cannot reach? And do you really want me to believe that the entire NightWing Kingdom is located under my sister’s nose, on an island with a volcano, in the middle of the desert?”
“B-but it’s true,” Dragonet whimpered, as several more tears escaped her blue eyes. “I- I don’t know what more I should say...”
By the moons, I can’t let her die! What if Blister tried to do that to Snowy!? It’s literally the same thing, what am I even doing!?
“Oh, just shut up and don’t speak another word ever again,” Blister said and raised the vial again, with visible intent to drink it entirely as Blackout uttered a sorrowful screech.
But then unexpectedly Bloodfin managed to writhe out of Delta’s grasp as she rammed into SandWing princess, knocking her off her feet and intercepting the vial containing the antidote, but it slipped out of her talons, however Vanilla’s reflexes were on point. She lunged forward, preventing the bottle from shattering and she swiftly turned around, raising it to Blackout’s snout. Deluge never saw a dragon drinking so fast. But then she heard two loud thumps, as both of her guardians got pinned down to the ground by Blister’s Duneclaws. Delta, still weakened after the poisoning was just stopped by one dragon, while Bloodfin was being held under two SandWings, yet she still was growling angrily, trying to bite them.
“She attacked me! Slit her-” Blister began.
“NO! STOP!” Both Deluge and Delta instantly shouted, but the one of the Duneclaws already drew the dagger and held it to Bloodfin’s throat as she went completely still, widening her eyes in fear, feeling the cold metal on her soft underscales.
Oh, no what do I do now!? Damn, damn!
“That traitor raised her talon against me. So that’s why said talon should be cut off,” Blister snarled angrily. “Cut her throa-”
“Stop at once! I- I ordered her to take the vial from you!” Deluge exclaimed, thinking in desperation, while the SandWing soldier pressed the dagger stronger to Bloodfin’s throat and a small amount of blood started dripping down on the ground, as she squawked in fear. “She’s no traitor, but a loyal dragon, do her no harm!”
“You-? If I didn’t respect you so much, I’d start questioning your loyalty,” Blister hissed angrily, as she looked deeply into Deluge’s eyes. The SeaWing princess felt extremely uneasy looking into the empty dark void in Blister’s unreadable eyes but endured the staredown. “Let that ugly red-finned fish go. And another one too.”
SandWings stood up from Deluge’s bodyguards, and they instantly ran towards each other and hugged. Delta gently touched Bloodfin’s wound on her throat and looked at Blister with hatred.
“You have opposed me twice already,” SandWing queen hissed coldly. “Make no mistake, there won’t be a third time, my dear princess. I guess you can keep your dumb NightWing.”
“But why have you tried to kill that dragonet?” Deluge asked.
“What use does it give us to keep her alive? Do you want to let her go back to the NightWings who would see her as a traitor, or you just randomly decided to be a mother to that dragonet too?” Blister snorted out sarcastically. “Hmph, if you keep doing things like that your Sea Kingdom will be overflowing with all tribes...”
“Is it necessarily a bad thing?” Deluge asked her. “And besides you shouldn’t be cruel to dragonets… They have their entire lives before them, they can change a lot through it too. You cannot justify killing her because she did something she had no control over. She was forced to become an assassin.”
“Mark my words, Deluge,” Blister said and looked up to the SeaWing princess, visibly serious. “Your soft heart will doom you one day. We are leaving, Duneclaws.”
With those words SandWings left the tent quietly. Deluge looked around herself. Vanilla was comforting Blackout who was still extremely shaken and buried her snout in RainWing’s embrace. Delta and Bloodfin were hugging and whispered calm words to each other.
I’d do everything to protect my friends and innocent dragons… But at the same time, what if what Blister said has some truth to it? I hope I did the right thing… Of course I did! I saved the innocent dragon's life after all!
Deluge sat down and looked at Vanilla, who was stroking the sobbing NightWing’s head.
Sometimes Blister truly scares me… Would she really be that good Queen of the SandWings after all?
submitted by GrumpyScrollwyrm to WingsOfFire [link] [comments]

Wings of Strife - Chapter 14

Fourteenth chapter of the Wings of Strife Fanfic!


As the fanfic is taking place in war environment, it will get rather dark. That includes gore, violence, or other rather adult themes that will appear further in the story. No dragon passionate hugging tho.

I'm so sorry that I haven't posted in a loooooong while, but lately got addicted to playing some video games, but I'm back and even alive so here you go!
For the beginning click: here For the previous part click: here For the next part click: here

Chapter 14


The “princess’ NightWing” looked at the rough sea, as the large waves were flooding the sandy beach below the vine concealed small marble balcony he was currently standing on. He’s been going through a lot of stress lately, after two dragons who mattered the most got severely incapacitated.
First, my poor daughter gets into a random coma, next I get the message that my wife is nearly killed roughly at the same time as Sapphire gets her weird stroke that led to her state. There’s certainly some kind of magic involved… Even though I can’t prove it I just have a feeling something is not natural in play here… Those two events seem to be too much tied with each other to be a coincidence. Her pain appeared roughly at the same spots where Deluge got wounded too…
He sat down and scratched his head, looking down at the tropical trees that were bending under the wind that preceded the incoming storm.
I’m sure I’m missing something… I searched her rooms with Shrimp and Starsight, tested her for presence of magic, but nothing out of ordinary happened… What if someone from the outside cursed Deluge and my poor baby..? Queen Battlewinner has at least one animus under her command that I know of, so that wouldn’t be outside of the realm of possibility… But at the same time if she wanted to commit an animus into the matter, she could just order it to enchant some kind of weapon to track Deluge and kill her that way… It makes no sense...
“Brother?” a voice spoke from behind him. “You should come back inside, a harsh storm is approaching.”
Silentskies sighed and heeding Starsight’s advice came back into his study. It was not a huge room, however it contained all he needed - a small desk and several cabinets and scroll shelves where he stored his documents, blueprints, notes and several scrolls that he borrowed from the royal library that picked his interest. Now he placed a number of notes that contained plans he hatched with his sister about keeping Deluge safe, along with some others including dead leads that he disproved regarding Sapphire’s condition. Of course, she was fine now, but it remained unresolved. Silentskies hated unexplained occurrences, and as a former spy he believed that everything that happens has a cause, no matter whether it is a political intrigue or health of his beloved daughter. He couldn’t rely on simple coincidence or randomness, not when it came to his little Sapphire’s safety. He closed the door behind himself and sat down in front of his desk, that was being lit by the fireplace that Starsight just set on fire, on his right side.
“So, are they going to escort Deluge back here or not?” she asked him, as he threw a stack of papers into the fire.
“No. Too dangerous and it has too much risk in compromising their operation in Sky Kingdom.” Silentskies hissed angrily. “At least that was what Shark said.”
“So, besides what I proposed, what are our options?” she asked and looked at the remaining notes over his shoulder.
“Before she got wounded I sent her a letter straight after she left with a warning about the assassins, she just shrugged it off with: ‘Then let them come.’ In another letter that I sent I tried to reason with her by saying that since someone wants her out of the picture that might put me and most importantly Sapphire in danger. To this she responded with an official document signed by her that authorised me to manage the garrison of her island during her absence. Of course I already made first moves to make them more useful and vigilant, but...”
“NightWing assassins are still really dangerous, and if you’re hoping those SeaWings and SandWings to stop the more experienced ones, you will be really disappointed,” Starsight said, looking at the drawing of the layout of Deluge’s palace. She pointed at the main hall plans with her talon. “There, the left third corridor remains unprotected for the entire three minutes, enough for potential assassins to traverse here, behind the pillar, still remaining invisible.”
“I just brought those plans from watch captain. And as you can see, they are really flawed...” Silentskies said. “Can you outline the new routes for the guard patrols in order to make them cover much more space? I can’t think of a dragon who would be more qualified in countering assassins than you, a former one.”
“Sure, but how much dragons do we have at our disposal, what is their training and equipment?” Starsight asked him and sat down beside him.
“Fifty SeaWing royal guards and fifteen SandWing Duneclaws, courtesy of Queen Blister,” He said, but seeing the questioning look in his sister’s eyes he added: “Duneclaws are essentially the heavily armored honor guard.”
“Not that, but Queen Blister?” Starsight said, raising her brow. “Didn’t know that you think about her that way...”
“Oh, this… Well, let’s say that I got used to keeping my head on my shoulders, you know?” Silentskies responded. “Especially since walls have ears, so be wary of what you’re saying.”
Starsight hissed, but nodded in acknowledgement.
“Give me those plans and I will try to make use of those soldiers…” she said. “Maybe even prepare them to face NightWing assassins, if you let me. As for you, make some antidotes for the sentries. They will need them, since we actually use a lot of poisons when completing our assignments. You know, antidotes for paralysing Obsidian Snakeberry, lethal Corrupt Sanguinary, Dark Oleander or Suffocating Dragonbane.”
Silentskies whistled in surprise.
Nasty poisons. Corrupt Sanguinary - long and painful death caused by severe internal hemorrhage, almost splitting internal organs open, Dark Oleander - poison slowly lulling even strongest dragons to sleep from which they won’t wake up ever again, Suffocating Dragonbane - essence taken from a dangerous red flowers, attacking victim’s respiratory tract, making them unable to breathe and ultimately leading them to suffocate.
“Hmm… Moons... There’s nothing that can revert the damage from Corrupt Sanguinary… Nothing except magic and long hospitalisation. Horrible poison…” He said thoughtfully. “I’d have to employ the help of SeaWing alchemists, but that’s not a big deal, I worked with them earlier, giving them NightWing knowledge about alchemy, while they taught me theirs.”
“You- You sold our secrets to them..?” Starsight asked him, relenting.
“Sold is a bad word I’d say. I’d prefer that I got convinced by a certain SeaWing and she allowed me to see the better way of living, instead of clinging on to a drowning tribe,” Silentskies said, and looked into Starsight’s violet eyes harshly. “You’d be better off if you’d finally accept that.”
“But.. We are the NightWings...” she said, drooping her wings.
“Starsight. Population of our tribe is dwindling everyday and you know it. Barely any dragonets are getting hatched in our volcano, while numerous dragons die, to a toxic volcanic fumes, sudden lava outbursts or just starving to death,” Silentskies responded. “None of the other Kingdoms would even consider us as a force to be reckoned with anymore, maybe except RainWings who disbanded their last army ten years ago. Only chance of our survival is to migrate into other tribe’s territory with some kind of official agreement. Sometimes a little bit of humility is the best choice. Since I already have a somewhat established position here, I could act as Battlewinner’s ambassador, but after what she’s done to you...”
“Queen Battlewinner nor the NightWings wouldn’t ever agree to allow our tribe to live as some kind of lowlife refugees!” Starsight interrupted, hissing angrily.
“Ancient pride won’t feed the dragonets, nor make the volcano more habitable,” Silentskies said quietly. “Realistic approach to the situation is the only way the NightWing tribe could be saved. Battlewinner needs to stop living in delusion and shadows of the past. I already talked with princess Greatness about this, who agreed with me, but she can’t do anything as long as Battlewinner is the queen. But maybe with some support from the SeaWings we could change the NightWing queen to a more agreeable one, for the good of our tribe.”
“Is this the reason why have you married princess Deluge in the first place?” she asked him, looking into his eyes in disgust. “So your love both to her and your daughter is not true?”
“Three moons, no!” he shouted. “I mean… I planned to get into her good graces as soon as I arrived at the Sea Kingdom. When I saved her from the scavengers that was the opportunity I exploited. I carried her back to my small cave, took out a scavenger spear that was dug deep into her chest and began healing her. I already knew that she didn’t have any kind of prejudice against other tribes, so I revealed my true form to her after she woke up, after being unconscious from her severe injuries for two days. At the beginning I was considering keeping her as a hostage to enforce some kind of treaty on the SeaWings… But then… She was so genuine and grateful that I just couldn’t exploit her like that. During the process of me nursing her back to health we just fell in love with each other.”
“Have you told her about it though?” Starsight asked him, still maintaining her piercing gaze. “Your initial motive?”
“Well… Yes. It caused a big crysis in our relationship. She wanted me to leave and don’t show up ever again. She even dragged me into her speech in front of the SeaWing court and the queen, denying everything that happened between us. It was horrible and humiliating,” Silentskies responded in sadness. “But then… Something that reminded us about our love happened…”
I still remember that moment as if it happened yesterday… When she suddenly started staggering and nearly fell over, but I held her, gently laying her on the floor and… She began breathing heavily while clutching her underbelly.
“S-so… It’s possible for us to have dragonets..? I-I feel them wanting to go out… ” she whispered. “I-i’m so sorry for all that I said… And all that I didn’t... Don’t leave me, I-i’m scared…”
“Of course it is, silly… Never heard about hybrids? I will stay with you, don’t be afraid,” I responded. “I can’t leave you alone with our babies, right? Just stay calm, doctors are on the way...”
“But… They’re coming out n-now...” Deluge hissed through gritted teeth.
“What exactly?” Starsight asked, making him come back to reality.
“She laid our eggs… That event got us closer together and gave us strength to ignore everyone who was looking down at our relationship… Even our small squabbles didn’t matter anymore, not when her eggs turned out to be really small and looked rather sickly. All healers doubted their survival, but Deluge didn’t want to believe them and decided to always keep the eggs near her, providing them her own warmth for most of the time, rejecting the Royal Hatchery. She wanted to be aware of every change that can weigh on their survival, so she kept them close. She of course sometimes gave them to me as she was still actively training her soldiers as she: “couldn’t allow their martial prowess to decline”... And then several months later our one male and one female egg hatched,” Silentskies said quietly, twining tail around his back legs with a silent sound of scales rustling against the marble floor. “However it was not entirely a happy event as we expected. Sapphire… She didn’t have enough strength to breach her eggshell, being so tired after the effort that she straight up went to sleep in Deluge’s arms after we got her out. Our son in the meantime… He didn’t even put out any effort to get out. After we helped him we realised why.”
“You had a son..?” Starsight carefully said, placing her talon on his shoulder.
Silentskies stopped for a while, gulping loudly.
“He had no hind legs and was completely blind. He looked truly miserable when I picked him up. His scales were blue but… Not beautiful SeaWing blue, it was something like rotten or sickly blue. He was trembling from the cold. I tried to give him to Deluge to hold, but she looked… Horrified. She initially rejected him…” Silentskies sighed in sadness. “I tried to warm him up in my embrace, but I think that he felt what his mother thought of him and began to cry. Poor baby was so small that he and his sister could both fit in my talon.”
“What happened to him..?” Starsight asked with care. “I mean… If this pains you too much you don’t have to tell me.”
“It’s fine… His tiny, sensitive heart wasn’t able to endure Deluge’s reaction. He just mumbled: “Dwaddy..”, before he got a violent heart attack,” NightWing whispered sorrowfully. “Despite the efforts of me and SeaWing healers, he passed away shortly after, his tiny talons clutching my finger to the last second… Deluge tried to bring him back as well, hugging him and apologising desperately through her tears, but it was already too late. Our dragonet died on our talons, being alive for only several minutes. Imagine naming your little baby after his death... We named him Dusk...”
“By the moons, I’m so sorry,” Starsight gently embraced him with her starry right wing. “Parents should never put their dragonets to the eternal rest… It’s just wrong.”
“I already watched one of my babies die… It was the worst day of my life, but it made me love Sapphire so much more than I ever would if the world wouldn’t prove me the vulnerability of my dragonets… I even adopted Shrimp as my second dragonet, to fill the void in my heart reserved for my poor little son that we failed to welcome into this world... It was my way of accepting the loss of my baby, by always being here, for them,” Silentskies said and began crumpling a piece of paper in his talons. “Deluge at this point had a really hard time to cope with her loss though. Through her pain and guilt she started persuading herself and everyone around her that her son died in the egg, while often trying to escape me when confronted about it. She began avoiding me and Sapphire altogether when I tried to talk with her about it, living in her depressed state for nearly an entire year, trying to turn her attention away from her unresolved grief that she couldn’t come to terms with. When the Sea Kingdom got drawn into the war her escapism got even more worse, as she was leaving me and Sapphire alone for months, while we were both terribly worried for her at all times.”
“But she promised to come back as soon as this campaign will be at its end,” Starsight noted. “Maybe she finally overcame her own...”
“Do you think that was her first time she promised something like that? No, my dear,” Silentskies interrupted. “If she would come back to her health, she will go to another campaign as she already did multiple times.”
“But if she won’t be healthy anymore? There’s your chance if she, let’s say, lost her leg or something that’d make her incapable of fighting anymore. I think I can stage a horrible accident, even in my state...” Starsight said carefully, as her brother widened his eyes looking up to her. “Won’t be that difficult on sleeping dragoness.”
Cold chill ran down Silentskies’ spine as he noticed the cold calculation in her eyes. She was capable of harming Deluge like that. This thought disturbed him horribly. Where was the small Starsight with her beautiful eyes that looked like a night sky, innocent and young just as he remembered her?
Of course I know she’s an assassin now, but seeing her thinking like that… She changed so much since I last met her...
“Now I need you to look at the situation realistically, do you want her back or not?” Starsight continued. “But of course that’s just my opinion, to make her lose just one leg and keep the rest, instead of...”
“Sister, by the Moons, NO!!” Silentskies exclaimed with shock. “I will not let you maim my wife like that!”
“But theoretically...” she began.
“Starsight, if you’d mention harming my Deluge or Sapphire ever again, I will become really unpleasant.” Silentskies cut her out. “We… We will wait for the events to unfold when it comes to my wife. There’s still hope that Coral will send her back home, due to her condition. Now let’s focus on my little Sapphire.”
“Ah yes, your sweet little gemling that absolutely hates me,” Starsight snorted out. “Can’t she understand that I’m not trying to replace her non existent mother?”
“She’s just missing her mom, that’s all… Would you really blame her for that?” Silentskies asked. “It explains why she’s acting like that.”
“Grr… Fine. I wanted to be friendly to her, and she just started hissing at me...” Starsight said, slightly frowning. “But alright, what have you established when it comes to her?”
“Still nothing. I think she’s hiding something from me although I can’t quite put my finger on it. I believe there’s some magic involved somewhere, but I’m nearly certain she’s not an animus, so I think she possesses something magical… Or in fact something may be possessing her and that scares me...” Silentskies said, looking for a certain scroll in his small scroll holder placed on his desk. “That’s why I decided to contact the professionals. Here.”
He extended his talon holding a marked scroll. It was an old excerpt from the treaty documenting registered factions in Sky Kingdom, dating from hundreds of years before Scarlet’s reign. Starsight took the scroll from him and carefully unrolled it and relented in surprise.
“Order of the Unending Flame!? But… Moons..” she gasped, abruptly dropping the paper on the desk. “They’re fanatics! Please tell me that you haven’t tried to contact them yet, if they are still existing.”
“I’m desperate, Starsight. My trusted messenger located their contact which was oddly at the same meeting place that was listed on that document and gave her my letter about my suspicions about my daughter,” Silentskies said, laying his talon on her shoulder. “Maybe some of their methods throughout history were a little bit unorthodox, but for a good reason. They were dealing with animus scum after all, and if something magical has an influence on my poor baby’s state I want them to deal with it as soon as possible. They haven't responded yet though.”
“If you really believe that this is the best way...” Starsight said reluctantly.
The relatively quiet moment of unspoken thoughts was interrupted by SeaWing who busted out of the door, leading to the main hall of the palace. He was completely soaked, water dripping from his entire body, as he tried to catch breath with his sides trembling and foam emerging from his mouth. Starsight already had a dagger in her talon, but stood down seeing a dragon familiar to her.
“Friend… Deluge... ” he managed to speak through his heavy breaths before coughing took over him. Silentskies quickly walked to him and gently seated him on the cushion that was laying on the ground nearby. Starsight already poured the water from the jug that was placed nearby to the green goblet.
“You were after a long journey. Breathe and drink before you deliver your message, my friend,” Silentskies said calmly, as the SeaWing nodded thankfully, drinking the entire content of the goblet Starsight held. “Is everything alright? You haven’t been wounded?”
“No, I’m fine… But Princess Deluge...” A SeaWing messenger named Marlin spoke weakly. “Assassins...”
Silentskies’ eyes widened and met with frowning Starsight’s glance. He looked down at the SeaWing and slightly nudged him with his talon.
“Assasins what!?” he shouted a little bit louder and higher than he intended.
“Deluge got nearly assassinated… Killer got into her tent and was stopped by her RainWing healer...” Marlin managed to speak before Starsight gave him even more water to drink. He thankfully nodded again and proceeded to drink the entire content of it again, regaining his breath. “They were two NightWings, mother and daughter… They… They had an animus touched ring that allowed one of them to shapeshift into a mate of Delta… She was named Bloodfin if I recall correctly… They planned to replace her or something, as far as I know...”
NightWing’s eyes widened even further as he looked at Starsight who wrinkled her snout.
So Battlewinner already committed animus into taking out Deluge… Moons…
“Do you know more? How did they look, or if the assassins revealed anything?” Silentskies asked anxiously. “Names, affiliations, anything?”
“Only dragonet survived. The adult NightWing got killed by the RainWing who used her venom. I don’t think I’d look at the RainWings the same ever again...” Marlin said. “The dragonet tried to kill Bloodfin and was stopped by Delta, who in turn got poisoned. Healers were still fighting for his life and Vanilla was brewing something in a hurry before I left.”
“Hmph… But have you remembered any names?” Starsight asked him thoughtfully. “Oh, and believe me I’m no longer affiliated with them, so you can speak freely.”
“The dragonet… She was named Blackout,” SeaWing said, receiving even more water from the Starsight and this time not drinking it not entirely. “Poor thing. When they captured her she had two of her legs broken and was carried on a stretcher. They took her straight to the interrogation, but allowed the healers to patch her up during that. She revealed that she and her mother were dispatched among others to take out important commanders from the winning alliance… Which is our alliance. Their queen intended to prolong the war, moons know why. Since they failed she warned us that there will be more coming, but this time they may not strike her again directly. NightWing assassins are known for their ability to create chaos in their wake, so they may seek another way to derail our war efforts… That was what she said, before healers got too impatient and ordered everyone to leave.”
“You made us a great service, Marlin, now if that’s everything, please go to the second empty guest room, rest and later my servants will bring you some food,” Silenskies said calmly and dismissed the SeaWing who bowed gratefully and swiftly left the study.
“Battlewinner makes her first move...” Starsight said, sighing in sadness. “What he said was true. I remember Blackout. Poor girl, that was her first assignment… She was always so scared of the job that she was given by her birthright, being bred specifically for that.”
She sat down and gently touched her own belly.
“You won’t be forced to become an assassin, my baby,” She quietly spoke, stroking the place where her egg was present. “You will choose your own path, and I will do everything in my power to support you, wherever it will lead you.”
Silentskies gently placed his talon on her shoulder.
“I’m sure you will be a good mother to your dragonet,” He spoke softly. “How long until you will lay it?”
“SeaWing from the Dragonet Care said three weeks, give or take four days,” Starsight said and stood up again. “But let’s get back to our main topic. Marlin spoke the truth when it comes to the methods of our assassins. Only a mad or suicidal dragon would try to strike Deluge again, after the SeaWings at the camp are already on high alert, their vigilance possibly doubled or tripled… No. They will strike elsewhere.”
“Hm.. And since Deluge is going to be awakened very soon, and if she would be still capable of waging the war...” Silentskies said, as Starsight nodded. He already expected what she’d say next.
“They will strike where it will hurt her the most,” Starsight said grimly. “Which means at you, Sapphire and possibly even me, exploiting the opportunity.”
They both brushed their wings against each other, and sat down in front of the half transparent doors leading to the concealed balcony, twining their tails together. They worriedly looked outside. The storm already started swaying vines to and from, making them dance chaotically, almost reflecting both Starsight’s and even Silentskies’ uncertainty of the future events to come, both asking themselves the question that haven’t been spoken out loud. Would they remain or be tossed away by the storm?
submitted by GrumpyScrollwyrm to WingsOfFire [link] [comments]

[US to world] Tons of minis! Perfect for stocking stuffers! Lots of skincare, makeup, 30+ perfume vials, and some palettes. Mostly mid/low end

I’m going out of the country, so I won’t be able to ship Nov 18-Dec 4. I will have sporadic wifi access so can still reply from time to time; if we do decide on a sale during that time it’s totally fine if you want to wait until I get back to pay.


Only swapping for these items at this tim, and may consider buying for good price:


feel free to ask for additional pics!
Lorac First three
  • Tease me truffles (swatched) - $8
  • Mega pro 1 (purchased with original launch & have receipt to verify upon request. Most shadows not touched. Cream has most use, and black has a small dip) - $40
  • Pro 1 (Pretty heavily used, several pans. See pic!) - $15
  • Pro matte (dips in latte, linen, bare almost entirely used) - $8
  • Sultry Starlet (BNIB) - $8
Empty palettes
  • Colourpop 4 pan - $2
  • ABH 4 pan - $1
  • Empty Makeup geek x Manny MUA palette (I deported this palette, so it’s slightly scuffed around the edges of some pans, but I thought someone might want it) - FWP
  • Striped medium z palette (some scruffs and dings) - $10


  • Estee Lauder 05 in the buff (new) - $8
  • Mac naked (used & sharpened a few times) - $8
  • Starlooks bare (new and wrapped) - $1
  • Laura Mercier naked (new) - $8
  • Smashbox always sharp in crimson (new) - $8
  • Tartiest mini lipliners in latergram and mood ring (new) - $4 each
Jeffree Star liquid lipsticks: All BNIB Summer collection
  • $10 each: nude beach, 714, queen bee, virginity, watermelon soda
  • $15: masochist
OCC electric grandma, radiate, authentic: Old packaging, all new - $5 each
Bite beauty:
  • Retsina luminous creme lipstick (BNIB) - $10
  • Mini amuse bouches in bellini (used 1x) and kale (new) - $4 each
  • Matte creme lip crayon in blanc (new) - $8
  • Matte creme lip crayon mini in pastille (BNIB) - $6
  • High pigment pencil mini in pomagranate (bullet may fall out of the tube, used 3x) - $2
Mac lipsticks:
  • Shanghai spice (used roughly 5x) - $10
  • Flat out fabulous (well loved) - $6
  • Strip poker, with the Osbourne packaging (swatched, no box) - $15
  • Goddess of the sea, with the alluring aquatics packaging (swatched, no box) - $17
  • Siren song, with the alluring aquatics packaging (BNIB) - $18
  • Patent polish in kittinish (new) - $8
Other mid end lipsticks: All new except UD rapture
  • Smashbox magenta matte - $6
  • Estee lauder lip flip shade transformer in turn down - $6
  • UD Rapture (from the revolution line?) (Used 1x) - $6
  • Tarte lipsurgence in flush - $6
Drugstore lip crayons: Ulta lip crayon in fashionista (new), Pop crayon in rose romance, Laqa lip lube in an unnamed purple color (used 2x) - $1 each
Balms: All new
  • Fresh sugar advanced therapy lip treatment mini - $6
  • Chapstick classic - FWP
  • Korres lip butter in guava - $5
Liquid lipsticks
  • $6 each for the minis - Buxom whipped in centerfold, KVD backstage bambi, UD amulet, Stila patina, Tarte’s birthday shade (no name?), Bare Minerals gen nude in swag (all new)
  • Too faced Melted full size in ruby (used 2x) - $7
  • Rimmel Show off lip lacquer in big bang (new) - $2
Mini lipsticks:
  • Buxom full bodied lipsticks in a pinky coral shade that I’m pretty sure is ‘mistress,’ but the label has rubbed off (used 3x) and swinger (used 2x) - $3 each
  • Urban Decay jilted (new, but has a lot of wax bloom) - FWP
  • Bare minerals marvelous moxie in Get Ready (new) - $4
  • Sephora rouge shine lipstick in Love Spell (new) - $3
  • MUFE artist rouge matte in M401 (new) - $4
  • Nudestix intense matte lip & cheek color in Belle (new) - $3
  • Grande lips plumper DS (new) - $2
  • Mac X Ellie Goulding lipgloss in Explosion (RIS, so not sure on usage, but thought someone might want it) - FWP
  • Buxom mini glosses/lip creams in White Russian, Kir Royale (new) - $5 each
  • Buxom Gloss in Dolly (new) - $10
  • Marc Jacobs, Pretty Thing (new) - $5
  • Bite Bellini DS(used 1x) - $3
  • Sephora gel gloss DS in Pin Up Pink (new) - $1
  • Hikari lipgloss full size in Merlot (new) - $1


Drugstore small palettes:
  • Wet & Wild trio for brown & hazel eyes (see usage) - $1
  • Milani runway eyes in Designer browns (see usage, and bottom shade broken) - $1
  • Coastal Scents Revealed 1 sampler (new) - FWP
Pigments, loose shadows, glitters: NYX on the go glitter in Royal Purple (used 2x), Bella Terra mineral shadow in Emotion (new), Bare Minerals loose shadow in Cultured Pearl (new, but labels have rubbed off from being in my purse), Ulta mineral shadow in snow (used 1x), Cailyn mineral eye polish in Orchid (new), L’Oreal Infalliable in Midnight Blue (used 2x), Maybelline color tattoo pure pigment in Potent Purple (new) - $1 each
Urban Decay shadows: Oz, sellout, bordello, psychedelic sister (All new except Oz, which was swatched) - $8 each
Pressed single shadows:
  • Mac Odd couple (dip in both sides; this is a large sized baked shadow) - $5
  • NYX Cryptonite (new, but clear plastic is falling off from the front window) - $1
  • Hard Candy High Maintenance duo (used 2x) - $1
  • Wet & Wild some blue shade (used 1x) - FWP
  • Lancome Purple Pumps (new) - $6
  • Revlon diamond luster shadow in Plum Galaxy (new) - $1

Eyes - Other

Mascara: Full sized & new
  • Too faced Better Than Sex - $15
  • Lorac Pro - $8
  • Tarte Lights Camera Lashes - $15
Mascara minis: All new, and $5 each unless otherwise stated
  • Pic 1 - Givenchy noir culture one mascara four facets in black satin, Lancôme definicils, Lancome Hypnose drama excessive black (x2), Marc Jacobs velvet noir, Bobbi brown eye opening mascara
  • Pic 2 - Buxom lash, Too Faced Better than Sex .17 and .13 oz ($4), Mac false lashes ($2), Mac extreme dimension ($2), Tarte lash paint, Tarte lights camera lashes, Urban Decay perversion
  • Pic 3 - Too Faced Better than Sex waterproof (.13oz) - $4
Liquid and cream eyeliners: All new except NYX
  • Stila stay all day intense black - $6
  • KVD ink liner in Trooper - $6
  • Benefit push up liner - $3
  • Nicka K shimmer eyeliner in Green - $2
  • NYX liquid crystal liner in Crystal Onyx (used 1x) - $1
  • Elizabeth Mott You’re so fine glitterati liner - $2
Pencil liners:
  • Dimitri James Skinn liner in Navy Seal (new) - $1
  • ME eyeliner in amethyst (new) - FWP
  • Urban Decay 24/7 in Binge (sharpened 1-2x) - $7
  • Bobbi Brown DS liner in Jet (new) - $4
  • Sephora collection DS contour eye pencils in Black and Flirting Game (new) - $3 each
  • MUFE DS liner in M-10 (black) (new) - $4
  • Urban Decay 24/7 liner in minx (new, but dried so that the liner has shrunk into the tube. Not sure if still usable) - FWP
Brows: Sephora brow wax sharpened 1x ($2); Benefit Gimme Brow Shade #5 (new, DS) ($4)
Shadow sticks: NYX jumbo eye crayon in Milk (used 1x) ($2); Laura Mercier Caviar stick DS in Rose Gold (new) ($4)

Single Shadow Pans

Please look up swatches! The bright blue paper coupled with bad lighting is REALLY distorting some colors
Mac See usage, most gently used. Some were pro pans and some depots, so not all have label, and some have a magnet over the label (let me know if you want to know what the back of a specific shade looks like). $5 each unless otherwise noted
  • Group 1 | Omega, ??? (a medium warm brown), Swiss Chocolate, Omega, Gesso, Shroom, Ricepaper, Phloof, Texture
  • Group 2 | Goldmine, Tempting, Suspicion, Smut, Beauty Sleep, Look at the Eyes, Aquadisiac, Vainglorious
Makeup Geek: Some are depots from their Vegas Lights or Manny MUA palette; these have names printed directly on the back, rather than on a stickelabel
  • 5 each - Mirage, Casino, Sin City (small dip, $4), Taupe Notch, Preppy, Aphrodite
ABH: $8 each
  • Bling (x2), Legend, Penny Metal, Amber, Bengal, Iridescent Purple
Misc Shadows
  • Pic 1 | Coastal Scents pumpkin pie, Morphe Blackberry - $1 each
  • Pic 2 | Kryolan M22, Saucebox Spectral
Z palette with deported UD and laura mercer shadows: RIS and I took out what I would use. Not sure what to ask for this, but I believe the UD shadows are from nakeds 1 and 2. Please make offer!


Becca mineral tint SPF 30: New, $10
Urban Decay Naked Skin BB in Medium: One new ($12) and one used 3x ($10).
  • Marcelle desert glow BB mini - $1 Everything else in this photo is no longer available
Powder Highlighters:
  • ABH Rivera and Peach nectar (swatched) - $25
  • Becca Prismatic Amethyst (New and no longer available, so asking retail+tax, i.e. what I paid)
  • Bobbi Brown DS shimmer brick in Bronze (new) - $10
  • Becca Moonstone DS (new) - $8
  • Tarte Exposed DS (new) - $7
Hourglass Luminous Light: Used 2-3x - $30
Cream and liquid highlighters:
  • Chella highlighter stick in Ivory Lace (used 2x) - $2
  • Kryolan cream highlight pot in Cashmere (used 1x) - $1
  • Bare Minerals Well Rested liquid highlighter (used 2x) - $5
  • Milk mini highlighter stick in Lit (new) - $5
  • Make Face DS gloss (new) - $2
  • Cover FX DS liquid drops in Moonlight (new) - $5
  • Nudestix DS all over face color in Illumi-naughty (new) - $4
  • Benefit Dandelion Shy Beam DS (new) - $2
  • Benefit Dandelion Dew liquid highlight DS (new) - $3
  • Benefit High Beam (full size, new) - $10
Face color:
  • Laura Gellar DS baked blush in Pink Grapefruit (new) - $5
  • Tarte DS Park Ave Princess contour stick (new) - $3
  • Mac bronzer in Golden, in the alluring aquatics packaging (used 3x) - $25
  • Tarte DS blush in Paaarty (new) - $5
  • Benefit DS blush in Dandelin (new) - $4
Blush Pans: Please look up swatches. Color is not showing up true at all due to baby blue background and bad lighting
  • Makeupgeek summer fling (used couple times; can’t tell from pic but it’s a peach color) - $5
  • Inglot #51 - $5
DS Primers: All new
  • $6 - Becca First Light priming filter
  • $5 each - Glamglow glowstarter, Cover FX illuminating primer, MUFE step 1
  • $4 each - Smashbox photofinisher (1 left), Too Faced primed & poreless, Benefit Porefessional
DS Powders: Both new
  • Laura Mercier translucent setting powder - $7
  • IT Cosmetics Bye Bye Pores pressed powder - $2
Benefit Porefessional License to blot stick DS: New, $3
DS Concealers and 1 foundation that got miscategorized: All new
  • KVD Lockit in L3 Warm - $4
  • Yaby Foundation in Buff - $1
  • Trestique concealer stick in Bisque - $1

Skin Minis

DS Sunscreen and Finishers
  • Tarte tarteguard SPF 30 (used 1x) - $2
  • Coola makeup setting spray (new) - $3
  • Josie Maran argan finishing balm (new) - $3
  • Drunk Elephant Umbra tinted sunscreen SPF 30 (new) - $4
  • Drunk Elephant Umbra sheer sunscreen SPF 30 (new) - $5
Mini Masks and Treatments: All new
  • Fresh rose face mask - $4
  • Dr. Brandt Microdermabrasion exfoliator - $4 each
  • Lancer the method: Polish - $5
  • Dr. Jart+ Vital Hydra Solution deep hydration sheet mask - $5
DS Toners and Serums: All new
  • Fresh black tea age delay toner - $4
  • Algenist recharging night pressed serum - $4
  • Boscia charcoal pore pudding - $5
  • Caudalie instant detox mask - $5
  • Caudalie vinoperfect radiance serum - $5
  • Josie Maran organ oil - $3
  • Julep luxe repair serum, full sized - $5
  • MUFE skin booster serum - $2
DS Potted Moisturizers: All new
  • Sunday Riley CEO and Tital enzyme water - $5 each
  • Drunk Elephant Lala Retro whipped cream - $6
  • IT Cosmetics confidence in a cream - $4
  • Ole Henrickson sheer transformation - $5
  • Belief true cream moisturizing bomb and aqua bomb (x2) - $5 each
Other DS Moisturizers and creams: All new
  • Ren evercalm global protection cream - $3
  • Caudalie vinosource moisturizer - $4
  • Clinique pep start hydroblur moisturizer - $1
  • Drunk Elephant B-Hydra hydration gel (.5 oz, large size) - $12
  • Kate Somerville goat milk moisturizing cream - $6
  • Dr. Jart water drop - $6
  • Clarins beauty flash balm - $3
  • Neutrogena hydro blur gel cream - $1
  • Caudalie vinosource moisturizing mattifying fluid - $2
DS Makeup Removers: All New
  • Caudalie micellar water (3.38oz, HUGE bottle) - $10
  • Josie Maran argan cleansing oil - $2
  • Boscia makeup breakup cool cleansing oil - $5
DS Face washes: All new
  • Epice purifying exfoliant - $2
  • Drunk elephant jelly cleanser 1oz ($7) and .5oz ($5)
  • Glamglow dualcleanse - $4
  • Suki exfoliate foaming cleanser - FWP

Hair Minis

Everything is new unless otherwise stated
Volume and Texture minis: $4 each
  • Proganix volume builder and root booster (may not be a DS, as this is pretty large, 5.1oz)
  • Serge Normant dream big volume spray
  • Caviar volume mist
  • Octavio la playa sea spray
  • Amika undone texture spray (used 1x)
  • EVA NYC up all night volume spray
Treatment minis: $4 each
  • Dry Bar bay breeze hydrating shot
  • Verb leave in mist for detangling, defraying, & conditioning, 2.1 oz and 1oz ($3)
  • Briogeo rosary milk restorative leave in conditioning spray
  • Caviar anti aging dry oil mist
  • Bumble & bumble leave in conditioner
  • Ouai treatment mask (x2)
  • n4 restore and repair oil - FWP
Styling minis: $4 each
  • Bumble & Bumble BB curl styling primer
  • Marc Anthony oil of Morocco argan oil hairspray
  • Living Proof nourishing styling cream
  • Kenra Blow dry spray - $2 each
  • Not Your Mothers deja vu style extender

Tools and Misc

Coastal Scents 6 eye brush set with pouch: New - $8
Beauty Blender items: All new
  • Mini beauty blender - $7
  • Blotterazi (one pad) - $5
  • Mini solid brush cleaner - $5
Nail Polish: All new
  • Julep polishes (all new) - Cynthia, Anisa, Queen Anne, Lexie, Courtney - $2 each
  • Other: Formula X “Astronomical”, Nails Inc matte top coat, Seche Vite quick dry top coat, Sally Hanson “Fuzz-sea”, Sally Hanson (don’t know the name, but it’s like a top coat with matte glitters) - $2 each for first 3, $1 each for last two

Perfume vials

In the past I’ve sold these for 50 cents each, sold a bunch in one large lot, and given them FWP to those who wanted to try specific ones. Feel free to ask/offer!
Pics in random groups of 10: 1, 2, 3, 4
And, again in random order:
  • Jo Malone wood sage & sea salt
  • Marc Jacobs daisy
  • Marc Jacobs daisy dream
  • Marc Jacobs decadence
  • Gucci made to measure x2
  • Versace bright crystal
  • Versace yellow diamond
  • Atlier orange sanguine
  • Atlier clementine california
  • Atlier sud magnolia
  • Acqui di Parma (something I can’t read) (x2)
  • Escada turquoise summer
  • Ralph Lauren tender romance
  • Nest black tulip
  • John Varvatos (just says eau de toilette)
  • Prada candy
  • Queen of Hungary mist/Bhudapest/Omorovicza (not sure which is brand and which is perfume name haha)
  • Giorgio Armani Si x2
  • Derek Crosby Lam rain day
  • Derek Crosby Lam ellpsis
  • Derek Crosby Lam silent st.
  • Chanel Gabrielle
  • Lacoste Eau de Lacoste
  • Lacoste Live pour homme
  • Hermes terre d’Hermes
  • Replica by the fire place
  • Dolce & Gabanna light blue
  • YSL black opium
  • Dior sauvage
  • Clean reserve amber saffron
  • Elizabeth & James nirvana rose
  • Bvlgari Omnia crystalline
  • Harvey Prince Sincerely
submitted by mutterings to makeupexchange [link] [comments]

[US to world] Back again :) Tartelette toasted BN, skincare, and as always, tons of minis. Mid-high end items.


Only swapping for these items at this time, and may consider buying for good price:


feel free to ask for additional pics!
Lorac First three
  • Tease me truffles (swatched) - $7
  • Pro 1 (Pretty heavily used, several pans. See pic!) - $15
  • Pro matte (dips in latte, linen, bare almost entirely used) - $8
  • Sultry Starlet (BNIB) - $7
Tartelette toasted (BNIB) - $32
Empty palettes
  • Colourpop 4 pan - $2
  • ABH 4 pan - $1


  • Estee Lauder 05 in the buff (new) - $7
  • Mac naked (used & sharpened a few times) - $7
  • Starlooks bare (new and wrapped) - $1
  • Laura Mercier naked (new) - $7
  • Smashbox always sharp in crimson (new) - $7
  • Tartiest mini lipliners in latergram and mood ring (new) - $3 each
Jeffree Star liquid lipsticks: All BNIB Summer collection
  • $10 each: nude beach, 714, queen bee, virginity, watermelon soda
  • $15: masochist
OCC electric grandma, radiate, authentic: Old packaging, all new - $3 each
Bite Beauty Lipsticks: Group 1 | Group 2 with palomino and radish | Group 3 with liner, primer, and sweet cream
  • Mauvember luminous creme lipstick (2016 version I believe) (used 2x) - $15
  • Retsina luminous creme lipstick (BNIB) - $10
  • Mini luminous creme lipstick in palomino (new) - $4
  • Mini amuse bouches in bellini (used 1x), radish (new), sweet cream (new) - $4 each
  • Matte creme lip crayon in blanc (new) - $8
  • Line and define lip primer (new) - $5
  • Mini matte creme lip crayon in pastille (BNIB) - $5
  • High pigment pencil mini in pomagranate (bullet may fall out of the tube, used 3x) - $2
  • The lip pencil in 04 - $3
Mac lipsticks:
  • Shanghai spice (used roughly 5x) - $10
  • Flat out fabulous (well loved) - $6
  • Strip poker, with the Osbourne packaging (swatched, no box) - $15
  • Goddess of the sea, with the alluring aquatics packaging (swatched, no box) - $17
  • Siren song, with the alluring aquatics packaging (BNIB) - $18
  • Patent polish in kittinish (new) - $6
Other mid end lipsticks: All new except UD rapture
  • Smashbox magenta matte - $5
  • Estee lauder lip flip shade transformer in turn down - $5
  • Tarte lipsurgence in flush - $5
Drugstore lip crayons: Ulta lip crayon in fashionista (new), Pop crayon in rose romance, Laqa lip lube in an unnamed purple color (used 2x) - $1 each
Milani lipstick in plumrose (used 3x) - $2
Balms: Chapstick classic - FWP
Liquid lipsticks
  • $6 each for the minis - Buxom whipped in centerfold, KVD backstage bambi, KVD Lovecraft, UD amulet, Stila patina, Tarte’s birthday shade (no name?), Bare Minerals gen nude in swag (all new)
  • Too faced Melted full size in ruby (used 2x) - $7
  • Rimmel Show off lip lacquer in big bang (new) - $2
Mini lipsticks:
  • Buxom full bodied lipsticks in a pinky coral shade that I’m pretty sure is ‘mistress,’ but the label has rubbed off (used 3x) and swinger (used 2x) - $3 each
  • Urban Decay jilted (new, but has a lot of wax bloom) - FWP
  • Bare minerals marvelous moxie in Get Ready (new) - $4
  • Sephora rouge shine lipstick in Love Spell (new) - $2
  • Sephora rouge creme lipstick in The Red (new) - $2
  • MUFE artist rouge matte in M401 (new) - $4
  • Grande lips plumper DS (new) - $2
  • Mac X Ellie Goulding lipgloss in Explosion (RIS, so not sure on usage, but thought someone might want it) - FWP
  • Buxom mini glosses/lip cream in Kir Royale (new) - $4
  • Buxom Gloss in Dolly (new) - $10
  • Marc Jacobs, Pretty Thing (new) - $5
  • Bite Bellini DS (used 1x) - $2
  • Sephora gel gloss DS in Pin Up Pink (new) - $1
  • Hikari lipgloss full size in Merlot (new) - $1
  • ABH lipgloss in Kristen mini (new) - $2


Drugstore small palettes:
  • Wet & Wild trio for brown & hazel eyes (see usage) - $1
  • Milani runway eyes in Designer browns (see usage, and bottom shade broken) - $1
Pigments, loose shadows, glitters: Bella Terra mineral shadow in Emotion (new), Bare Minerals loose shadow in Cultured Pearl (new, but labels have rubbed off from being in my purse), Ulta mineral shadow in snow (used 1x) - $1 each
Urban Decay shadows: Oz (swatched) - $8
Pressed single shadows:
  • Mac Odd couple (dip in both sides; this is a large sized baked shadow) - $5
  • NYX Cryptonite (new, but clear plastic is falling off from the front window) - $1
  • Hard Candy High Maintenance duo (used 2x) - $1
  • Wet & Wild some blue shade (used 1x) - FWP
  • Lancome Purple Pumps (new) - $5
  • Revlon diamond luster shadow in Plum Galaxy (new) - $1

Eyes - Other

Mascara: Full sized & new
  • Too faced Better Than Sex - $14
  • Lorac Pro - $7
  • Tarte Lights Camera Lashes - $14
Mascara minis: All new, and $5 each unless otherwise stated
  • Pic 1 - Givenchy noir culture one mascara four facets in black satin, Lancôme definicils, Lancome Hypnose drama excessive black (x2), Marc Jacobs velvet noir, Bobbi brown eye opening mascara
  • Pic 2 - Buxom lash, Mac false lashes ($2), Mac extreme dimension ($2), Tarte lash paint, Tarte lights camera lashes, Urban Decay perversion
  • Pic 3 - Too Faced Better than Sex waterproof (.13oz) - $4
Liquid and cream eyeliners: All new except NYX
  • Stila stay all day intense black - $6
  • KVD ink liner in trooper - $6
  • Nicka K shimmer eyeliner in Green - $1
  • Elizabeth Mott You’re so fine glitterati liner - $2
Pencil liners:
  • Dimitri James Skinn liner in Navy Seal (new) - $1
  • ME eyeliner in amethyst (new) - FWP
  • Urban Decay 24/7 in Binge (sharpened 1-2x) - $7
  • Sephora collection DS contour eye pencils in Black and Flirting Game (new) - $2 each
  • MUFE DS liner in M-10 (black) (new) - $4
  • Urban Decay 24/7 liner in minx (new, but dried so that the liner has shrunk into the tube. Not sure if still usable) - FWP
Brows: Sephora brow wax sharpened 1x ($2); Benefit Gimme Brow Shade #5 (new, DS) ($4)
Shadow sticks: NYX jumbo eye crayon in Milk (used 1x) ($2)

Single Shadow Pans

Please look up swatches! The bright blue paper coupled with bad lighting is REALLY distorting some colors
Mac See usage, most gently used. Some were pro pans and some depots, so not all have label, and some have a magnet over the label (let me know if you want to know what the back of a specific shade looks like). $5 each unless otherwise noted
  • Group 1 | Omega, ??? (a medium warm brown), Swiss Chocolate, Omega, Gesso, Ricepaper, Phloof, Texture
  • Group 2 | Goldmine, Tempting, Suspicion, Smut, Beauty Sleep, Look at the Eyes, Vainglorious
Makeup Geek: Some are depots from their Vegas Lights or Manny MUA palette; these have names printed directly on the back, rather than on a stickelabel
  • 5 each - Mirage, Casino, Sin City (small dip, $4), Taupe Notch, Preppy, Aphrodite
ABH: $8 each
  • Bling (x2), Legend, Penny Metal, Amber, Bengal, Iridescent Purple, Rose gold, Birkin


Becca mineral tint SPF 30: New, $8
Urban Decay Naked Skin BB in Medium: One new ($10) and one used 3x ($8).
  • Marcelle desert glow BB mini - $1
Powder Highlighters:
  • ABH Rivera and Peach nectar (swatched) - $24
  • Becca Prismatic Amethyst (New and no longer available, so asking retail+tax, i.e. what I paid)
  • Bobbi Brown DS shimmer brick in Bronze (new) - $10
  • Tarte Exposed DS (new) - $7
Hourglass Luminous Light: Used 2-3x - $30
Cream and liquid highlighters:
  • Chella highlighter stick in Ivory Lace (used 2x) - $2
  • Kryolan cream highlight pot in Cashmere (used 1x) - $1
  • Milk mini highlighter stick in Lit (new) - $5
  • Make Face DS gloss (new) - $2
  • Benefit Dandelion Shy Beam DS (new) - $2
  • Benefit Dandelion Dew liquid highlight DS (new) - $3
  • Benefit High Beam (full size, new) - $10
  • Mac strobe cream mini (new) - $3
Face color:
  • Laura Gellar DS baked blush in Pink Grapefruit (new) - $5
  • Mac bronzer in Golden, in the alluring aquatics packaging (used 3x) - $23
  • Tarte DS blush in Paaarty (new) - $5
  • Benefit DS blush in Dandelion (new) - $4
  • MUFE cheek color mini in b32 - $3
Blush Pans: Please look up swatches. Color is not showing up true at all due to baby blue background and bad lighting
  • Makeupgeek summer fling (used couple times; can’t tell from pic but it’s a peach color) - $5
  • Inglot #51 - $5
DS Primers: All new
  • $6 - Becca First Light priming filter
  • $5 each - Glamglow glowstarter, Cover FX illuminating primer, MUFE step 1
  • $4 each - Smashbox photofinisher (1 left)
DS Concealers and 1 foundation that got miscategorized: All new
  • KVD Lockit in L3 Warm - $4
  • Yaby Foundation in Buff - $1
  • Trestique concealer stick in Bisque - $1

Skin Minis

DS Sunscreen and Finishers
Mini Masks and Treatments: All new
Mini overnight treatments: All new
  • Kate somerville retinol firming eye cream - $4
  • Origins night-a-mins night cream - $4
  • Ole Henrickson invigorating night treatment - $4
DS Toners and Serums: All new
DS Potted Moisturizers: All new
  • Sunday Riley CEO and Tital enzyme water - $5 each
  • IT Cosmetics confidence in a cream - $4
  • Ole Henrickson sheer transformation - $4
  • Belief true cream aqua bomb (x2) - $4 each
Other DS Moisturizers and creams: All new
  • Ren evercalm global protection cream - $3
  • Caudalie vinosource moisturizer - $4
  • Drunk Elephant B-Hydra hydration gel (.5 oz, large size) - $12
  • Kate Somerville goat milk moisturizing cream - $4
  • Clarins beauty flash balm - $3
  • Caudalie vinosource moisturizing mattifying fluid - $2
DS Makeup Removers: All New
  • Caudalie micellar water (3.38oz, HUGE bottle) - $9
  • Boscia makeup breakup cool cleansing oil - $5
DS Face washes: All new
  • Epice purifying exfoliant - $2
  • Drunk elephant jelly cleanser 1oz ($7) and .5oz ($5)
  • Glamglow dualcleanse - $4
  • Suki exfoliate foaming cleanser - FWP

Hair Minis

Everything is new unless otherwise stated
Volume and Texture minis: $4 each
  • Proganix volume builder and root booster (may not be a DS, as this is pretty large, 5.1oz)
  • Serge Normant dream big volume spray
  • Caviar volume mist
  • Octavio la playa sea spray
  • Amika undone texture spray (used 1x)
  • Amika perk up dry shampoo
Treatment minis: $4 each
  • Dry Bar bay breeze hydrating shot
  • Verb leave in mist for detangling, defraying, & conditioning 1oz ($3)
  • Briogeo rosary milk restorative leave in conditioning spray
  • Bumble & bumble leave in conditioner
  • Ouai treatment mask (x2)
  • n4 restore and repair oil - FWP
  • Living Proof nightcap overnight treatment
Styling minis: $4 each
  • Marc Anthony oil of Morocco argan oil hairspray
  • Kenra Blow dry spray - $2 each

Tools and Misc

Coastal Scents 6 eye brush set with pouch: New - $8
Beauty Blender items: All new
  • Mini beauty blender - $6
  • Blotterazi (one pad) - $4
  • Mini solid brush cleaner - $4
Sephora VIB Rouge face brush (new) - $5
Nail Polish: All new
  • Julep polishes (all new) - Cynthia, Queen Anne, Lexie, Courtney - $2 each
  • Other: Formula X “Astronomical”, Nails Inc matte top coat, Seche Vite quick dry top coat, Sally Hanson “Fuzz-sea”, Sally Hanson (don’t know the name, but it’s like a top coat with matte glitters) - $2 each for first 3, $1 each for last two
#Perfume vials: All gone!
In the past I’ve sold these for 50 cents each, sold a bunch in one large lot, and given them FWP to those who wanted to try specific ones. Feel free to ask/offer!
Pics in random groups of 10: 1, 2, 3, 4
All gone!
* My Burberry Blush * Marc Jacobs daisy * Marc Jacobs daisy dream * Marc Jacobs decadence * Gucci made to measure * Versace bright crystal * Versace yellow diamond * Atlier orange sanguine * Atlier clementine california * Acqui di Parma (something I can’t read) (x2) * Escada turquoise summer * Ralph Lauren tender romance * Nest black tulip * John Varvatos (just says eau de toilette) * Prada candy * Queen of Hungary mist/Bhudapest/Omorovicza (not sure which is brand and which is perfume name haha) * Giorgio Armani Si (one eau de parfume and one eau de toilette) * Chanel Gabrielle * Lacoste Eau de Lacoste * Replica beach walk * Replica by the fireplace * Dolce & Gabanna light blue * Clean reserve amber saffron
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Royal baby: What will Prince William and Kate Middleton ...

What were the odds on the royal baby's name being Louis? We reveal all THE royal baby was finally named on April 27 - the darling prince is called Louis Arth... Royal baby name odds have narrowed Kate and Wills' likely options down to four The wait for the arrival of the new royal baby is over, but now the public is ... Royal baby name: What are the current favourite names? Latest bookmaker odds revealed.KATE Middleton is expecting her third child in April, with excitement b... (7 May 2019) When the Duke and Duchess of Sussex announced the birth of their baby boy on Monday, betting odds for the infant's name quickly changed. A repre... Brace yourselves people, because William and Kate's third baby Cambridge will be greeting his public imminently. This baby is unlikely to go on to be the Kin... Royal baby: What will Prince William and Kate Middleton name third baby? Bookies odds.KATE Middleton, the Duchess of Cambridge, and her husband Prince Willia... Speculation is mounting as to what will Prince Harry and Meghan Markle call the royal baby. Watch full video to know more. Odds say Prince William's and Duchess Kate's second child will likely be a girl and will likely be named Alice, Alexandra or Elizabeth. Follow Katherine Biek... Royal baby name: What are the current favourite names? Latest bookmaker odds revealed Mary remains the bookies’ favourite royal baby name, as excitement buil... Breaking News Royal baby odds - name and weight favourites for Kate's third childBreaking News Royal baby odds - name and weight favourites for Kate's th...

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